[ltk-user] Little patch

Federico Giraud giraud.federico at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 16:02:49 UTC 2007

Hi everybody,
first of all, sorry for my bad English.
I'm a student and I'm trying to use LTK.
I have noticed that tags don't work on
scroll-text widget. I've copied the
functions tag-configure and tag-bind from
the text widget to the scroll-text widget,
with little modifications.
These are the new functions:

(defmethod tag-configure ((txt scrolled-text) tag option value)
  (format-wish "~a tag configure ~a -~(~a~) {~(~a~)}" (widget-path
(textbox txt))
	       (if (stringp tag)
		   (format nil "~(~a~)" tag))
	       option value)

(defmethod tag-bind ((txt scrolled-text) tag event fun)
  "bind fun to event of the tag of the scrolled-text widget txt"
  (let ((name (create-name)))
    (add-callback name fun)
    (format-wish "~a tag bind ~a ~a {callback ~A}" (widget-path
(textbox txt)) tag event name)

I've also moved the generic functions for
tag-configure and tag-bind up, before
the new functions.

Now tags seem to work also on scroll-text
widget without warnings (with SBCL). I hope
I've helped you in some way.

Thanks to Peter for his work!

Federico Giraud

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