[log5-devel] feedback and question
Frank Schorr
franks-muc at web.de
Tue Apr 10 22:21:06 UTC 2007
this is a feed back of my first use of log5.
Previously I used log4CL with the daily rolling file appender pruducing a html file to be viewed
with the browser. With browser update (F5) it is easy to read continously changing logfiles.
This is what I am now doing with log5:
(defun prepare-log-file (path)
(with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
;;stolen from Log4CL and modified
(format s "<html><head> <title> Log5 Log Messages </title> <style type=\"text/css\">
<!-- body, table {font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: x-small;}
th {background: #336699; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: left;} -->
</style> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" topmargin=\"6\" leftmargin=\"6\"> <hr size=\"1\" noshade>
Log session start at ~a <br> <br>
<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#224466\" width=\"100%\">
<tr> <th>Time</th> <th>Category</th> <th>Message</th> <th>Context</th>"
(date-time-as-string (get-universal-time)))))
(defparameter *logfile* "C:/lisp/log/mylog.html")
(defoutput left "<tr><td>")
(defoutput middle "</td><td>")
(defoutput right "</td></td>")
(defoutput time (formatted-current-time))
(defoutput html-message (html-escape message))
(prepare-log-file *logfile*)
(start-sender 'mysender
(stream-sender :location *logfile*)
:category-spec (application pdf)
:output-spec (left time middle category middle html-message middle context right)))
The result is a nicely formatted table.
It appears that log5 is very flexible, contexts are a cool feature !
1. suggestion:
A push-context command in a source file adds the same context to the list when the file
is reloaded/recompiled. Wouldn't it be better to have something like push-new here ?
2. I wanted to give http://www.flogviewer.com/ a try for viewing the logfile since it has filters etc.
The problem I have is that individual log messages can include many line breaks generated by I don't know what.
This is not a problem when logging to a html file, but flogviewer expects one line per message.
I tried everthing mentionned in cltl2 relating to *print-right-margin*, *print-miser-width* etc to switch this
behaviour off, without success. I am not able to find out where the line breaks come from.
Could you give me a hint please ?
Best regards
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