<div dir="ltr">Hello,<div><br></div><div>After looking at the time-interval package, I determined that it did some things that I didn't need (like handling intervals denominated in months and years) and wasn't able to do some things I did need (like comparing intervals expressed in different units), so I have written local-time-duration, available at <a href="https://github.com/enaeher/local-time-duration">https://github.com/enaeher/local-time-duration</a>. There is room for optimization but it does what I need and may be useful to others.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I re-used the %defcomparator macro from local-time to implement things like duration>, duration<, etc., but had to modify it slightly since the original asserts that its arguments are timestamps. Would a patch to local-time so that %defcomparator can be passed an expected argument type be accepted? If so, I will prepare a pull request.</div>