[local-time-devel] some of my plans

Maciej Katafiasz mathrick at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 01:07:54 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 13:36, Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai at gmail.com> wrote:
> the &key offset naming is very much inconsistent among the functions.
> it's on my TODO to rename all of them to &key utc-timezone-offset and
> make sure that the offset is processed in seconds (unless already so),
> because that is the unit of the time scale. in case of disagreement,
> please do speak up!

Sounds reasonable. The API could use some consistency love overall,
but that requires time and work investment I don't think I'll be able
to afford anytime soon.

> as stefil is gaining acceptance in the lisp community, it's another
> TODO of mine to move the test suite to hu.dwim.stefil
> (http://dwim.hu/project/hu.dwim.stefil with a single alexandria
> dependency). again, speak up in case of disagreement!

No objections here, I use stefil myself.


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