[local-time-devel] [PATCH] Make local-time operate correctly with timezones

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 17:02:28 UTC 2009

> The assert idea is good, but it is not why +none-zone+ is there. It is
> because previously some of the code was called without any timezone or
> offset arguments and simply assumed zero offset, which happens to be
> +UTC-zone+, which was then used. This was really rather messy and
> introducing +none-zone+ was the easiest way to signify an explicit
> offset without disturbing the rest of the code too much. We're not too
> happy about +none-zone+ either, but doing away with it would require a
> lot more changes, quite possibly API-breaking ones.

couldn't (... &key (timezone nil timezone-provided?)) work, together
with an assert and a type check?

or am i way off?


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