[lmud-devel] Re: Lisp MUD development

Joe Corneli holtzermann17 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 17:22:35 UTC 2007

Thanks Heow --

I've been talking with Nick Thomas about his Monster Mountain
codebase, and making a few contributions there.  After kicking
what tires there are, they seem quite solid.  Monster Mountain
is a way to get people interacting with Lisp, but there isn't a
whole lot else there to interact with yet.  I'm currently working
on getting it hooked into a database that would contain code
and other "world objects".

The direction I'm interested in going is outlined here:


Monster Mountain is here:


I'd definitely be interested in hearing about other things going
on in the Lisp MUD world.

On 3/8/07, Heow Eide-Goodman <heow at alphageeksinc.com> wrote:
> Hey guys, talk about timing!
> Brandon just dropped me a line and is interested in raising discussions
> regarding CL mud hacking:
>   lmud-devel at common-lisp.net
> I personally see the problem more as a collaborative development effort
> rather than a glorified chat room.  :-)
> - Heow

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