[Lisppaste-cvs] CVS update: lisppaste2/README.lisp lisppaste2/variable.lisp lisppaste2/web-server.lisp

Brian Mastenbrook bmastenbrook at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 29 15:47:54 UTC 2004

Update of /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2
In directory common-lisp.net:/home/bmastenbrook/lisppaste2

Modified Files:
	README.lisp variable.lisp web-server.lisp 
Log Message:
Random bug fixes

Date: Mon Nov 29 16:47:53 2004
Author: bmastenbrook

Index: lisppaste2/README.lisp
diff -u lisppaste2/README.lisp:1.16 lisppaste2/README.lisp:1.17
--- lisppaste2/README.lisp:1.16	Sun Nov  7 22:01:43 2004
+++ lisppaste2/README.lisp	Mon Nov 29 16:47:52 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: README.lisp,v 1.16 2004/11/07 21:01:43 bmastenbrook Exp $
+;;;; $Id: README.lisp,v 1.17 2004/11/29 15:47:52 bmastenbrook Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2/README.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
                "#growl" "#chicken" "#quicksilver" "#svn" "#slate"
                "#squeak" "#wiki" "#nebula" "#imgames")
    :nickname "lisppaste"
-   :server "orwell.freenode.net"
+   :server "niven.freenode.net"
    :port 6667)
-   :channels '("#lisppaste" "#pearpc" "#fpc" "#hprog")
+   :channels '("#lisppaste" "#pearpc" "#fpc" "#hprog" "#concatenative" "#slate-users")
    :nickname "lisppaste2"))

Index: lisppaste2/variable.lisp
diff -u lisppaste2/variable.lisp:1.36 lisppaste2/variable.lisp:1.37
--- lisppaste2/variable.lisp:1.36	Sun Nov  7 22:01:43 2004
+++ lisppaste2/variable.lisp	Mon Nov 29 16:47:52 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: variable.lisp,v 1.36 2004/11/07 21:01:43 bmastenbrook Exp $
+;;;; $Id: variable.lisp,v 1.37 2004/11/29 15:47:52 bmastenbrook Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2/variable.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@
 (defparameter *email-redirect-url*
   (araneida:merge-url *paste-external-url* "email"))
+(defparameter *channel-select-url*
+  (araneida:merge-url *paste-external-url* "channels"))
 (defparameter *main-system-server-url* (araneida:merge-url *paste-external-url*

Index: lisppaste2/web-server.lisp
diff -u lisppaste2/web-server.lisp:1.69 lisppaste2/web-server.lisp:1.70
--- lisppaste2/web-server.lisp:1.69	Sun Nov  7 22:01:43 2004
+++ lisppaste2/web-server.lisp	Mon Nov 29 16:47:52 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: web-server.lisp,v 1.69 2004/11/07 21:01:43 bmastenbrook Exp $
+;;;; $Id: web-server.lisp,v 1.70 2004/11/29 15:47:52 bmastenbrook Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2/web-server.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
 (defclass email-redirect-handler (lisppaste-basic-handler) ())
+(defclass channel-select-handler (lisppaste-basic-handler) ())
 (defvar *referer-hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
 (defvar *referer-example-hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
@@ -83,33 +85,35 @@
                (incf (gethash "Google" *referer-hash* 0) count)))))
 (defmethod araneida:handle-request-response :around ((handler lisppaste-basic-handler) method request)
-  (progn #+nil with-open-file #+nil (*trace-output* (times-file-for-class handler)
+  (with-open-file (*trace-output* (times-file-for-class handler)
                                   :direction :output
                                   :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
-    (time
-     (progn
-       (let ((referer (car (araneida:request-header request :referer)))
-             (araneida::*default-url-defaults* (araneida:request-url request)))
-         (when (stringp referer)
-           (let ((url (araneida:parse-urlstring referer nil)))
-             (when url
-               (let ((real-host (araneida:url-host url))
-                     (split-host (split-sequence:split-sequence #\. (araneida:url-host url))))
-                 (if (or
-                      (and (eql (length split-host) 3)
-                           (string-equal (first split-host) "www")
-                           (string-equal (second split-host) "google"))
-                      (and (eql (length split-host) 4)
-                         (string-equal (first split-host) "www")
-                         (string-equal (second split-host) "google")
-                         (or
-                          (string-equal (third split-host) "co")
-                          (string-equal (third split-host) "com"))
-                         (eql (length (fourth split-host)) 2)))
-                     (setf real-host "Google"))
-                 (incf (gethash real-host *referer-hash* 0))
-                 (setf (gethash real-host *referer-example-hash*) url))))))
-       (call-next-method)))))
+    (unwind-protect
+         (time
+          (progn
+            (let ((referer (car (araneida:request-header request :referer)))
+                  (araneida::*default-url-defaults* (araneida:request-url request)))
+              (when (stringp referer)
+                (let ((url (araneida:parse-urlstring referer nil)))
+                  (when url
+                    (let ((real-host (araneida:url-host url))
+                          (split-host (split-sequence:split-sequence #\. (araneida:url-host url))))
+                      (if (or
+                           (and (eql (length split-host) 3)
+                                (string-equal (first split-host) "www")
+                                (string-equal (second split-host) "google"))
+                           (and (eql (length split-host) 4)
+                                (string-equal (first split-host) "www")
+                                (string-equal (second split-host) "google")
+                                (or
+                                 (string-equal (third split-host) "co")
+                                 (string-equal (third split-host) "com"))
+                                (eql (length (fourth split-host)) 2)))
+                          (setf real-host "Google"))
+                      (incf (gethash real-host *referer-hash* 0))
+                      (setf (gethash real-host *referer-example-hash*) url))))))
+            (call-next-method)))
+      (force-output *trace-output*))))
 (defun make-css ()
   (let ((colorize:*css-background-class* "paste"))
@@ -196,7 +200,7 @@
    (araneida:request-stream request)
-    *paste-site-name*
+    (format nil "~A pastebin" *paste-site-name*)
     `((table :width "100%" :border 0 :cellpadding 2)
       (tr (td ((div :class "small-header") "Recent pastes"))
        ((td :align right) ((div :class "small-header") "Make a new paste")))
@@ -271,14 +275,9 @@
                            (and (eql method :post)
                                 (araneida:body-param "channel"
                                                      (araneida:request-body request)))
+                           (substitute #\# #\/ (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) :test #'char=)
                            (and *no-channel-pastes*
-                                (or
-                                 (string-equal (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) "/none")
-                                 (string-equal (araneida:request-cookie request "CHANNEL") "None"))
-                           (substitute #\# #\/ (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) :test #'char=)
-                           (concatenate 'string "#"
-                                        (araneida:request-cookie request "CHANNEL"))
       ((and default-channel (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
@@ -414,6 +413,36 @@
                                                   append)) "Full")))))
+(defmethod araneida:handle-request-response ((handler channel-select-handler) method request)
+  (araneida:request-send-headers request :expires 0)
+  (format (araneida:request-stream request) "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">")
+  (araneida:html-stream
+   (araneida:request-stream request)
+   (lisppaste-wrap-page
+    "Select a channel"
+    `((table :width "100%" :border 0 :cellpadding 2)
+      ((tr :valign top :align left)
+       ((td :style "width: 5em;") " ")
+       (td
+        ((table :class "info-table")
+         ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (channel)
+                       `(tr
+                         ((th :align left)
+                          ((a :href ,(concatenate 'string
+                                                  (araneida:urlstring *new-paste-url*)
+                                                  "/"
+                                                  (subseq channel 1))) ,channel)
+                          )))
+                   (sort (copy-list (remove "None" *channels* :test #'string=)) #'string<))))
+       ((td :style "width: 5em;") " ")
+       (td
+        ((div :class "info-text")
+         ,(format nil "Lisppaste is available in a number of channels on the IRC network ~A. Select a channel from the list below and bookmark its URL to paste with direct notification to your channel." *irc-network-name*)
+         (p)
+         "Questions? Comments? Want lisppaste in your channel? " ((a :href ,(araneida:urlstring *email-redirect-url*)) "Email me") "."))
+       ((td :style "width: 5em;") " "))))))
 (defun encode-beginning-of-month (month year &key next-month)
   (if next-month
       (encode-beginning-of-month (if (eql month 12) 1 (1+ month))
@@ -809,13 +838,22 @@
     ,@(if (not annotate)
              ((th :align left :width "0%" :nowrap "nowrap") "Select a channel:")
-             (td ((select :name "channel")
-                  ,@(if (not *no-channel-pastes*)
-                        `(((option :value ""))))
-                  ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e)
-                                `((option :value ,e ,@(if (string-equal e default-channel)
-                                                          '(:selected "SELECTED")))
-                                  ,(encode-for-pre e))) *channels*))))))
+             (td ,@(if (or (string= default-channel "")
+                           (string= default-channel "None"))
+                       `(,(format nil "To paste to an IRC channel on the network ~A, select a channel from the "
+                                  *irc-network-name*)
+                         ((input :type "hidden" :name "channel" :value ,default-channel)))
+                       `(((select :name "channel")
+                          ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e)
+                                        `((option :value ,e ,@(if (string-equal e default-channel)
+                                                                  '(:selected "SELECTED")))
+                                          ,(encode-for-pre e)))
+                                    (list* default-channel (if *no-channel-pastes* '("None")))))
+                         (br)
+                         ,(format nil "To paste to a different IRC channel on the network ~A, select a channel from the "
+                                  *irc-network-name*)))
+              ((a :href ,(araneida:urlstring *channel-select-url*)) "channel list")
+                         "."))))
      ((th :align left :width "0%" :nowrap "nowrap") "Enter your username:")
      (td ((input :type text :name "username"
@@ -1042,9 +1080,10 @@
          (colorize-string (or
                            (araneida:body-param "colorize" (araneida:request-body request))
                            (and paste
-                                (when (eql (paste-colorization-mode paste) :none)
-                                  (setf (paste-colorization-mode paste) "")
-                                  nil)
+                                (if (eql (paste-colorization-mode paste) :none)
+                                    (progn (setf (paste-colorization-mode paste) "")
+                                          nil)
+                                    t)
                                 (> (length (paste-colorization-mode paste)) 0)
                                 (paste-colorization-mode paste))
@@ -1103,7 +1142,7 @@
              (araneida:request-stream request)
-              (format nil "Paste number ~A" paste-number)
+              (format nil "Paste number ~A: ~A" paste-number (encode-for-pre (paste-title paste)))
                 ((form :method post :action ,(araneida:urlstring *new-paste-url*))
@@ -1236,3 +1275,8 @@
  (araneida:http-listener-handler *paste-listener*)
  (make-instance 'email-redirect-handler)
  (araneida:urlstring *email-redirect-url*) t)
+ (araneida:http-listener-handler *paste-listener*)
+ (make-instance 'channel-select-handler)
+ (araneida:urlstring *channel-select-url*) t)

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