[Lisppaste-cvs] CVS update: lisppaste2/colorize.lisp lisppaste2/coloring-types.lisp

Brian Mastenbrook bmastenbrook at common-lisp.net
Fri Jun 11 14:34:34 UTC 2004

Update of /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2
In directory common-lisp.net:/home/bmastenbrook/lisppaste2

Modified Files:
	colorize.lisp coloring-types.lisp 
Log Message:
C/C++/Java support

Date: Fri Jun 11 07:34:34 2004
Author: bmastenbrook

Index: lisppaste2/colorize.lisp
diff -u lisppaste2/colorize.lisp:1.2 lisppaste2/colorize.lisp:1.3
--- lisppaste2/colorize.lisp:1.2	Thu Jun  3 07:17:04 2004
+++ lisppaste2/colorize.lisp	Fri Jun 11 07:34:34 2004
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
    (autodetect-function :initarg :autodetect-function :accessor coloring-type-autodetect-function
                         :initform (constantly nil))
    (parent-type :initarg :parent-type :accessor coloring-type-parent-type
-                :initform nil)))
+                :initform nil)
+   (visible :initarg :visible :accessor coloring-type-visible
+            :initform t)))
 (defun find-coloring-type (type)
   (if (typep type 'coloring-type)
@@ -28,13 +30,14 @@
    (find name *coloring-types*
          :key #'cdr
          :test #'(lambda (name type)
-                   (funcall (coloring-type-autodetect-function type) name)))))
+                   (and (coloring-type-visible type)
+                        (funcall (coloring-type-autodetect-function type) name))))))
 (defun coloring-types ()
-  (mapcar #'(lambda (type-pair)
-              (cons (car type-pair)
-                    (coloring-type-fancy-name (cdr type-pair))))
-          *coloring-types*))
+  (loop for type-pair in *coloring-types*
+        if (coloring-type-visible (cdr type-pair))
+        collect (cons (car type-pair)
+                      (coloring-type-fancy-name (cdr type-pair)))))
 (defun (setf find-coloring-type) (new-value type)
   (if new-value
@@ -115,7 +118,8 @@
 (defvar *formatter-local-variables*)
 (defmacro define-coloring-type (name fancy-name &key modes default-mode transitions formatters
-                                autodetect parent formatter-variables (formatter-after-hook '(constantly "")))
+                                autodetect parent formatter-variables (formatter-after-hook '(constantly ""))
+                                invisible)
   (with-gensyms (parent-type term type string current-mode position position-foobage mode-wait new-position advance)
     `(let ((,parent-type (or (find-coloring-type ,parent)
                              (and ,parent
@@ -129,6 +133,7 @@
               ,@(if autodetect
                     `(:autodetect-function ,autodetect))
               :parent-type ,parent-type
+              :visible (not ,invisible)
               :formatter-initial-values (lambda nil
                                           (list* ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e)
                                                                `(cons ',(car e) ,(second e)))
@@ -183,16 +188,17 @@
                                                                                             (values ,position-foobage ,advance)))))
+(defun full-transition-table (coloring-type-object)
+  (let ((parent (coloring-type-parent-type coloring-type-object)))
+    (if parent
+        (append (coloring-type-transition-functions coloring-type-object)
+                (full-transition-table parent))
+        (coloring-type-transition-functions coloring-type-object))))
 (defun scan-string (coloring-type string)
   (let* ((coloring-type-object (or (find-coloring-type coloring-type)
                                    (error "No such coloring type: ~S" coloring-type)))
-         (parent (coloring-type-parent-type coloring-type-object))
-         (transitions (append
-                       (coloring-type-transition-functions
-                        coloring-type-object)
-                       (if parent
-                           (coloring-type-transition-functions
-                            parent))))
+         (transitions (full-transition-table coloring-type-object))
          (result nil)
          (low-bound 0)
          (current-mode (coloring-type-default-mode coloring-type-object))

Index: lisppaste2/coloring-types.lisp
diff -u lisppaste2/coloring-types.lisp:1.5 lisppaste2/coloring-types.lisp:1.6
--- lisppaste2/coloring-types.lisp:1.5	Fri Jun  4 07:09:51 2004
+++ lisppaste2/coloring-types.lisp	Fri Jun 11 07:34:34 2004
@@ -230,3 +230,171 @@
             (format nil "<a href=\"~A\" class=\"symbol\">~A</a>"
                     result (call-parent-formatter))
+(defvar *c-open-parens* "([{")
+(defvar *c-close-parens* ")]}")
+(defvar *c-reserved-words*
+  '("auto"   "break"  "case"   "char"   "const"
+        "continue" "default" "do"     "double" "else"
+        "enum"   "extern" "float"  "for"    "goto"
+        "if"     "int"    "long"   "register" "return"
+        "short"  "signed" "sizeof" "static" "struct"
+        "switch" "typedef" "union"  "unsigned" "void"
+        "volatile" "while"  "__restrict" "_Bool"))
+(define-coloring-type :basic-c "Basic C"
+  :modes (:normal :comment :word-ish :paren-ish :string :char :single-escape :preprocessor)
+  :default-mode :normal
+  :invisible t
+  :transitions
+  ((:normal
+    ((scan-any "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789")
+     (set-mode :word-ish
+               :until (scan-any '(#\space #\return #\tab #\newline #\. #\/ #\- #\* #\+ #\{ #\} #\( #\) #\' #\" #\[ #\] #\< #\> #\#))
+               :advancing nil))
+    ((scan "/*")
+     (set-mode :comment
+               :until (scan "*/")))
+    ((or
+      (scan-any *c-open-parens*)
+      (scan-any *c-close-parens*))
+     (set-mode :paren-ish
+               :until (advance 1)
+               :advancing nil))
+    ((scan #\")
+     (set-mode :string
+               :until (scan #\")))
+    ((or (scan "'\\")
+         (scan #\'))
+     (set-mode :character
+               :until (advance 2))))
+   (:string
+    ((scan #\\)
+     (set-mode :single-escape
+               :until (advance 1)))))
+  :formatter-variables
+  ((paren-counter 0))
+  :formatter-after-hook (lambda nil
+                          (format nil "~{~A~}"
+                                  (loop for i from paren-counter downto 1
+                                        collect "</span></span>")))
+  :formatters
+  ((:normal
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      s))
+   (:comment
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (format nil "<span class=\"comment\">~A</span>"
+              s)))
+   (:string
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (format nil "<span class=\"string\">~A</span>"
+              s)))
+   (:character
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (format nil "<span class=\"character\">~A</span>"
+              s)))
+   (:single-escape
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (call-formatter (cdr type) s)))
+   (:paren-ish
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (let ((open nil)
+            (count 0))
+        (if (eql (length s) 1)
+            (progn
+              (when (member (elt s 0) (coerce *c-open-parens* 'list))
+                (setf open t)
+                (setf count (mod paren-counter 6))
+                (incf paren-counter))
+              (when (member (elt s 0) (coerce *c-close-parens* 'list))
+                (setf open nil)
+                (decf paren-counter)
+                (setf count (mod paren-counter 6)))
+              (if open
+                  (format nil "<span class=\"paren~A\">~A<span class=\"~A\">"
+                          (1+ count) s *css-background-class*)
+                  (format nil "</span>~A</span>"
+                          s)))
+            s))))
+   (:word-ish
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (if (member s *c-reserved-words* :test #'string=)
+          (format nil "<span class=\"symbol\">~A</span>" s)
+          s)))
+   ))
+(define-coloring-type :c "C"
+  :parent :basic-c
+  :transitions
+  ((:normal
+    ((scan #\#)
+     (set-mode :preprocessor
+               :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline))))))
+  :formatters
+  ((:preprocessor
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (format nil "<span class=\"special\">~A</span>" s)))))
+(defvar *c++-reserved-words*
+  '("asm"          "auto"      "bool"     "break"            "case"
+        "catch"        "char"      /*class*/   "const"            "const_cast"
+        "continue"     "default"   "delete"   "do"               "double"
+        "dynamic_cast" "else"      "enum"     "explicit"         "export"
+        "extern"       "false"     "float"    "for"              "friend"
+        "goto"         "if"        "inline"   "int"              "long"
+        "mutable"      "namespace" "new"      "operator"         "private"
+        "protected"    "public"    "register" "reinterpret_cast" "return"
+        "short"        "signed"    "sizeof"   "static"           "static_cast"
+        "struct"       "switch"    "template" "this"             "throw"
+        "true"         "try"       "typedef"  "typeid"           "typename"
+        "union"        "unsigned"  "using"    "virtual"          "void"
+        "volatile"     "wchar_t"   "while"))
+(define-coloring-type :c++ "C++"
+  :parent :c
+  :transitions
+  ((:normal
+    ((scan "//")
+     (set-mode :comment
+               :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline))))))
+  :formatters
+  ((:word-ish
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (if (member s *c++-reserved-words* :test #'string=)
+          (format nil "<span class=\"symbol\">~A</span>"
+                  s)
+          s)))))
+(defvar *java-reserved-words*
+  '("abstract"     "boolean"      "break"    "byte"         "case" 
+        "catch"        "char"         "class"   "const"        "continue" 
+        "default"      "do"           "double"   "else"         "extends" 
+        "final"        "finally"      "float"    "for"          "goto" 
+        "if"           "implements"   "import"   "instanceof"   "int" 
+        "interface"    "long"         "native"   "new"          "package" 
+        "private"      "protected"    "public"   "return"       "short" 
+        "static"       "strictfp"     "super"    "switch"       "synchronized" 
+        "this"         "throw"        "throws"   "transient"    "try" 
+        "void"         "volatile"     "while"))
+(define-coloring-type :java "Java"
+  :parent :c++
+  :formatters
+  ((:word-ish
+    (lambda (type s)
+      (declare (ignore type))
+      (if (member s *java-reserved-words* :test #'string=)
+          (format nil "<span class=\"symbol\">~A</span>"
+                  s)
+          s)))))

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