[Lisppaste-cvs] CVS update: lisppaste2/web-server.lisp lisppaste2/encode-for-pre.lisp

Brian Mastenbrook bmastenbrook at common-lisp.net
Tue Jun 8 15:20:40 UTC 2004

Update of /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2
In directory common-lisp.net:/home/bmastenbrook/lisppaste2

Modified Files:
	web-server.lisp encode-for-pre.lisp 
Log Message:
Fix line numbering, spacing. Add support for pastes with no channel.

Date: Tue Jun  8 08:20:40 2004
Author: bmastenbrook

Index: lisppaste2/web-server.lisp
diff -u lisppaste2/web-server.lisp:1.51 lisppaste2/web-server.lisp:1.52
--- lisppaste2/web-server.lisp:1.51	Fri Jun  4 14:23:23 2004
+++ lisppaste2/web-server.lisp	Tue Jun  8 08:20:40 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: web-server.lisp,v 1.51 2004/06/04 21:23:23 bmastenbrook Exp $
+;;;; $Id: web-server.lisp,v 1.52 2004/06/08 15:20:40 bmastenbrook Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2/web-server.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
              (body (h1 ((font :color "red") "Naughty boy!"))))))
 (defmethod araneida:handle-request-response ((handler new-paste-handler) method request)
   (let* ((annotate-string (araneida:body-param "annotate" (araneida:request-body request)))
          (annotate-number (if annotate-string (parse-integer annotate-string :junk-allowed t)))
@@ -69,15 +68,28 @@
              (or (and annotate (paste-channel annotate))
                  (find-if #'(lambda (e) (> (length e) 1))
+                           (and (eql method :post)
+                                (araneida:body-param "channel"
+                                                     (araneida:request-body request)))
+                           (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                (or
+                                 (string-equal (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) "/none")
+                                 (string-equal (araneida:request-cookie request "CHANNEL") "None"))
+                                "None")
                            (substitute #\# #\/ (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) :test #'char=)
                            (concatenate 'string "#"
                                         (araneida:request-cookie request "CHANNEL"))
-                           (and (eql method :post)
-                                (araneida:body-param "channel"
-                                                     (araneida:request-body request))))))))
+                           )))))
-      ((and default-channel (find default-channel *channels* :test #'string=))
-       (araneida:request-send-headers request :expires 0 :set-cookie (format nil "CHANNEL=~A; path=/" (subseq default-channel 1)))
+      ((and default-channel (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                     (string-equal default-channel "None"))
+                                (find default-channel *channels* :test #'string=)))
+       (araneida:request-send-headers request :expires 0 :set-cookie
+                                      (format nil "CHANNEL=~A; path=/"
+                                              (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                                       (string-equal default-channel "none")
+                                                       "None")
+                                                  (subseq default-channel 1))))
        (new-paste-form request :annotate annotate :default-channel default-channel))
      (t (araneida:request-send-headers request :expires 0)
@@ -180,6 +192,17 @@
         (td ((a :href ,(araneida:urlstring *rss-url*)) "Basic"))
         ((td :width 10))
         (td ((a :href ,(araneida:urlstring *rss-full-url*)) "Full")))
+       ,@(if *no-channel-pastes*
+             `((tr
+                ((th :align left) "None")
+                ((td :width 30))
+                (td ((a :href ,(concatenate 'string
+                                            (araneida:urlstring *rss-url*)
+                                            "?none")) "Basic"))
+                ((td :width 10))
+                (td ((a :href ,(concatenate 'string
+                                            (araneida:urlstring *rss-full-url*)
+                                            "?none")) "Full")))))
        ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (channel)
                        ((th :align left) ,channel)
@@ -300,8 +323,11 @@
       (let* ((discriminate-channel (or
                                     (araneida:body-param "channel" (araneida:request-body request))
                                     (if (not (string= channel ""))
-                                        (substitute #\# #\/ channel
-                                                    :test #'char=))))
+                                        (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                                 (string-equal channel "/none")
+                                                 "None")
+                                            (substitute #\# #\/ channel
+                                                        :test #'char=)))))
               (if (string-equal discriminate-channel "allchannels")
                   nil discriminate-channel))
@@ -362,12 +388,19 @@
                     ((a :href ,(concatenate 'string
                                             (araneida:urlstring *rss-url*)
                                             (if discriminate-channel
-                                                (substitute #\? #\# discriminate-channel) ""))) "Basic")
+                                                (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                                         (string-equal discriminate-channel "none")
+                                                         "?none")
+                                                    (substitute #\? #\# discriminate-channel)) ""))) "Basic")
                     " | "
                     ((a :href ,(concatenate 'string
                                             (araneida:urlstring *rss-full-url*)
                                             (if discriminate-channel
-                                                (substitute #\? #\# discriminate-channel) ""))) "Full"))
+                                                (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                                         (string-equal discriminate-channel "none")
+                                                         "?none")
+                                                    (substitute #\? #\# discriminate-channel))
+                                                ""))) "Full"))
                (tr ((td :align left)
                     "Page: ")
@@ -398,8 +431,11 @@
   (araneida:request-send-headers request :expires 0 :content-type "application/rss+xml")
   (format (araneida:request-stream request) "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>~C~C" #\Return #\Linefeed)
   (let ((discriminate-channel (if (not (string= (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) ""))
-                                  (substitute #\# #\? (araneida::request-unhandled-part request)
-                                              :test #'char=))))
+                                  (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                           (string-equal (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) "?none")
+                                           "None")
+                                      (substitute #\# #\? (araneida::request-unhandled-part request)
+                                                  :test #'char=)))))
      (araneida:request-stream request)
      `((|rss| :|version| "2.0")
@@ -458,8 +494,11 @@
       (h2 ,(if annotate "Enter your annotation" "Enter your paste"))
       ((font :color red) (h2 ,message))
       ((form :method post :action ,(araneida:urlstring *submit-paste-url*))
-       (p "Enter a username, title, and paste contents into the fields below.  The
-paste will be announced on the selected channel @ " ,(irc:server-name *connection*) ".")
+       (p "Enter a username, title, and paste contents into the fields below."
+          ,@(unless (and annotate
+                         *no-channel-pastes*
+                         (string-equal (paste-channel annotate) "None"))
+                    `("The paste will be announced on the selected channel @ " ,(irc:server-name *connection*) ".")))
        ,@(if annotate
              `((p "This paste will be used to annotate "
                  ((a :href ,(araneida:urlstring (araneida:merge-url *display-paste-url* (prin1-to-string (paste-number annotate))))) ,(concatenate 'string (paste-title annotate) ".")))
@@ -474,7 +513,7 @@
 		      (option :value "")
 		      ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e)
 				    `((option :value ,e ,@(if (string-equal e default-channel)
-							      '(:selected)))
+							      '(:selected "SELECTED")))
 				      ,(encode-for-pre e))) *channels*))))))
          (th "Enter your username:")
@@ -484,6 +523,16 @@
          (th "Enter a title:")
          (td ((input :type text :name "title"
                      :value ,(encode-for-pre default-title)))))
+        ,@(if (not annotate)
+              `((tr
+                 (th (i "(Optional) Colorize as: "))
+                 (td ((select :name "colorize")
+                      ((option :value "" :selected "SELECTED") "")
+                      ((option :value "None") "None")
+                      ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (pair)
+                                    `((option :value ,(cdr pair))
+                                      ,(cdr pair)))
+                                (colorize:coloring-types)))))))
          ((th :valign top) "Enter your paste:")
          (td ((textarea :rows 24 :cols 80 :name "text")
@@ -497,13 +546,18 @@
   (let* ((username (araneida:body-param "username" (araneida:request-body request)))
          (title (araneida:body-param "title" (araneida:request-body request)))
          (text (araneida:body-param "text" (araneida:request-body request)))
+         (colorize-as (araneida:body-param "colorize" (araneida:request-body request)))
          (annotate (araneida:body-param "annotate" (araneida:request-body request)))
          (annotate-number (if annotate (parse-integer annotate :junk-allowed t)))
          (annotate-paste (if annotate-number (find annotate-number *pastes* :key #'paste-number)))
          (channel (araneida:body-param "channel" (araneida:request-body request))))
     (if (> (length channel) 1)
 	(araneida:request-send-headers request :expires 0
-				       :set-cookie (format nil "CHANNEL=~A; path=/" (subseq channel 1)))
+				       :set-cookie (format nil "CHANNEL=~A; path=/"
+                                                           (or (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                                                                    (string-equal channel "none")
+                                                                    "None")
+                                                               (subseq channel 1))))
         (araneida:request-send-headers request :expires 0))
       ((> (length text) *paste-maximum-size*)
@@ -540,7 +594,8 @@
            :title title
            :contents text
            :universal-time (get-universal-time)
-           :channel channel)
+           :channel channel
+           :colorization-mode (coerce colorize-as 'string))
           (format (araneida:request-stream request) "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">")
            (araneida:request-stream request)
@@ -549,7 +604,10 @@
               (h2 "Pasted!")
-              (p ,(if annotate "Your annotation should be available at " "Your paste should be available at ") ((a :href ,url) ,url) ", and was also sent to " ,channel " @ " ,(irc:server-name *connection*))
+              (p ,(if annotate "Your annotation should be available at " "Your paste should be available at ") ((a :href ,url) ,url)
+               ,@(unless (and *no-channel-pastes*
+                              (string-equal channel "none"))
+                         `(", and was also sent to " ,channel " @ " ,(irc:server-name *connection*))) ".")
               (h3 "Don't paste more junk; annotate!")
 	      ((form :method post :action ,(araneida:urlstring *new-paste-url*))
 	       ((input :type hidden :name "annotate" :value ,(prin1-to-string paste-number)))
@@ -562,38 +620,51 @@
     (if (< l1 l2) nil
       (string= (subseq str (- l1 l2) l1) end))))
-(defun format-paste (paste this-url paste-number &optional annotation colorize-as)
-  `((table :width "100%" :cellpadding 2)
-    (tr ((td :align "left" :width "0%" :nowrap "nowrap")
-         ,(if annotation
-              `((a :name ,(prin1-to-string paste-number)) "Annotation number ")
-              "Paste number ") ,paste-number ": ")
-        ((td :align "left" :width "100%") (b ,(encode-for-pre (paste-title paste)))))
-    (tr ((td :align "left" :nowrap "nowrap") "Pasted by: ")
-        ((td :align "left" :width "100%") ,(encode-for-pre (paste-user paste))))
-    (tr (td)
-        ((td :align "left" :width "100%") ,(time-delta (paste-universal-time paste))))
-    ,@(if (or (not annotation) *meme-links*)
-          `((tr (td)
-                ((td :align "left" :width "100%")
-                 ,@(if (not annotation)
-                       `((,(encode-for-pre (paste-channel paste)) ,(if *meme-links*
-                                                                       " | " ""))))
-                 ,@(if *meme-links*
-                       `(((a :href ,(irc-log-link (paste-universal-time paste) (paste-channel paste))) "Context in IRC logs")))))))
-    (tr ((td :align "left" :valign "top" :nowrap "nowrap") "Paste contents:")
-        ,@(if this-url
-              `(((td :width "100%") ((a :href ,(concatenate 'string this-url "/raw")) "(raw source)")))))
-    (tr (td (p)))
-    (tr ((td :bgcolor "#F4F4F4" :colspan 2 :width "100%")
-         (tt
-          ,(if colorize-as
-               (colorize:format-scan colorize-as
-                                     (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
-                                                 (cons (car e)
-                                                       (encode-for-tt (cdr e))))
-                                             (colorize:scan-string colorize-as (paste-contents paste))))
-               (encode-for-tt (paste-contents paste))))))))
+(defun format-paste (paste this-url paste-number &optional annotation colorize-as line-numbers)
+  (let ((n 0))
+    (labels
+        ((line-number ()
+           (format nil "<span class=\"paste\">~A</span>"
+                   (encode-for-tt (format nil "~4D: " (incf n))
+                                  :first-char-nbsp t)))
+         (encode (str)
+           (encode-for-tt str
+                          :with-line-numbers
+                          (if line-numbers
+                              #'line-number))))
+      `((table :width "100%" :cellpadding 2)
+        (tr ((td :align "left" :width "0%" :nowrap "nowrap")
+             ,(if annotation
+                  `((a :name ,(prin1-to-string paste-number)) "Annotation number ")
+                  "Paste number ") ,paste-number ": ")
+         ((td :align "left" :width "100%") (b ,(encode-for-pre (paste-title paste)))))
+        (tr ((td :align "left" :nowrap "nowrap") "Pasted by: ")
+         ((td :align "left" :width "100%") ,(encode-for-pre (paste-user paste))))
+        (tr (td)
+         ((td :align "left" :width "100%") ,(time-delta (paste-universal-time paste))))
+        ,@(if (or (not annotation) *meme-links*)
+              `((tr (td)
+                 ((td :align "left" :width "100%")
+                  ,@(if (not annotation)
+                        `((,(encode-for-pre (paste-channel paste)) ,(if *meme-links*
+                                                                        " | " ""))))
+                  ,@(if *meme-links*
+                        `(((a :href ,(irc-log-link (paste-universal-time paste) (paste-channel paste))) "Context in IRC logs")))))))
+        (tr ((td :align "left" :valign "top" :nowrap "nowrap") "Paste contents:")
+         ,@(if this-url
+               `(((td :width "100%") ((a :href ,(concatenate 'string this-url "/raw")) "(raw source)")))))
+        (tr (td (p)))
+        (tr ((td :bgcolor "#F4F4F4" :colspan 2 :width "100%")
+             (tt
+              ,@(if line-numbers
+                    (list (line-number)))
+              ,(if colorize-as
+                   (colorize:format-scan colorize-as
+                                         (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
+                                                     (cons (car e)
+                                                           (encode (cdr e))))
+                                                 (colorize:scan-string colorize-as (paste-contents paste))))
+                   (encode (paste-contents paste))))))))))
 (defmethod araneida:handle-request-response ((handler display-paste-handler) method request)
   ; XXX request-unhandled-part will be exported in 0.81
@@ -604,13 +675,22 @@
          (paste (some #'(lambda (element)
                           (and (eql paste-number (paste-number element))
                                element)) *pastes*))
-         (colorize-string (araneida:body-param "colorize" (araneida:request-body request)))
+         (linenumbers (equalp (araneida:body-param "linenumbers" (araneida:request-body request))
+                                    "true"))
+         (colorize-string (or (and paste
+                                   (> (length (paste-colorization-mode paste)) 0)
+                                   (paste-colorization-mode paste))
+                              (araneida:body-param "colorize" (araneida:request-body request))))
          (colorize-as (or
                        (car (rassoc colorize-string (colorize:coloring-types) :test #'string-equal))
                        (if (and paste
                                 (not (string-equal colorize-string "None")))
                            (colorize:autodetect-coloring-type (paste-channel paste)))))
          (colorize:*css-background-class* "paste"))
+    (and paste
+         (format t "Serving paste number ~S to ~S.~%"
+                 (paste-number paste)
+                 (car (araneida:request-header request :x-forwarded-for))))
     (if paste
         (if raw
             (let ((p (position #\, (araneida::request-unhandled-part request) :test #'char=)))
@@ -641,7 +721,8 @@
-                ,(format-paste paste (araneida:urlstring (araneida:request-url request)) paste-number nil colorize-as)
+                ,(format-paste paste (araneida:urlstring (araneida:request-url request)) paste-number nil colorize-as
+                               linenumbers)
                 ,@(if (paste-annotations paste)
                        "Annotations for this paste: "
@@ -651,7 +732,7 @@
                                                ,(format-paste a
                                                               (format nil "~A,~A"
                                                                       (araneida:urlstring (araneida:request-url request))
-                                                                      (paste-number a)) (paste-number a) t colorize-as)))
+                                                                      (paste-number a)) (paste-number a) t colorize-as linenumbers)))
                                          (reverse (paste-annotations paste)))))
                      `((p) "This paste has no annotations."))
@@ -670,7 +751,11 @@
                                          '(:selected "SELECTED")))
                                   ,(cdr pair)))
-                 ((input :type submit :value "Colorize")))
+                 (br)
+                 ((input :type "checkbox" :name "linenumbers" :value "true"
+                         ,@(if linenumbers '(:checked "checked")))) " Show Line Numbers"
+                 (br)
+                 ((input :type submit :value "Format")))
                 ((form :method post :action ,(araneida:urlstring *new-paste-url*))
                  ((input :type hidden :name "annotate" :value ,(prin1-to-string (paste-number paste))))

Index: lisppaste2/encode-for-pre.lisp
diff -u lisppaste2/encode-for-pre.lisp:1.16 lisppaste2/encode-for-pre.lisp:1.17
--- lisppaste2/encode-for-pre.lisp:1.16	Thu Jun  3 13:19:40 2004
+++ lisppaste2/encode-for-pre.lisp	Tue Jun  8 08:20:40 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;;; $Id: encode-for-pre.lisp,v 1.16 2004/06/03 20:19:40 bmastenbrook Exp $
+;;;; $Id: encode-for-pre.lisp,v 1.17 2004/06/08 15:20:40 bmastenbrook Exp $
 ;;;; $Source: /project/lisppaste/cvsroot/lisppaste2/encode-for-pre.lisp,v $
 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   (:export :encode-for-pre :encode-for-tt :encode-for-http))
 (in-package :html-encode)
-(defun encode-for-tt (string)
+(defun encode-for-tt (string &key with-line-numbers first-char-nbsp)
   (let ((pos 0) (end (length string))
         (char nil))
     (flet ((next-char ()
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
       (with-output-to-string (out)
         (block nil
+             (unless first-char-nbsp
+               (next-char)
+               (go process-char))
              (when (eql char #\Space)
@@ -29,6 +32,8 @@
                ((nil) (return))
                 (write-string "<br>" out)
+                (if with-line-numbers
+                    (write-string (funcall with-line-numbers) out))
                 (go escape-spaces))
                 (write-string "&" out))

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