[lisplab-cvs] r178 - in trunk/src: linalg matrix

Jørn Inge Vestgården jivestgarden at common-lisp.net
Wed Sep 1 18:51:00 UTC 2010

Author: jivestgarden
Date: Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
New Revision: 178

Applied patches from Jan Moringen


Modified: trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-dge.lisp
--- trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-dge.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-dge.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; Lisplab, level3-generic.lisp
+;;; Lisplab, level3-linalg-dge.lisp
 ;;; Non-spcialized matrix methods.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Joern Inge Vestgaarden
@@ -150,22 +150,21 @@
       (LU-solve!-blas-real LU b2 0))))
 (defun minv!-blas-real (A)
-  (let ((LU (copy A))
-	(N (rows A)))
-    (destructuring-bind (LU p det) 
-	(LU-factor! LU (make-permutation-vector N))
-      (mfill A 0)
-      (dotimes (i N)
-	(setf (mref A i (vref p i)) 1)
-	(LU-solve!-blas-real LU A  (vref p i)))))
+  (let ((N (rows A)))
+    (if (= N 1)
+	(setf (mref A 0 0) (/ 1 (mref A 0 0)))
+	(let ((LU (copy A)))
+	  (destructuring-bind (LU p det)
+	      (LU-factor! LU (make-permutation-vector N))
+	    (declare (ignore det))
+	    (mfill A 0)
+	    (dotimes (i N)
+	      (setf (mref A i (vref p i)) 1)
+	      (LU-solve!-blas-real LU A  (vref p i)))))))
 (defmethod minv! ((A matrix-base-dge))
   (minv!-blas-real A))
 (defmethod minv ((A matrix-base-dge))
   (minv! (copy A)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-generic.lisp
--- trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-generic.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-generic.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; Lisplab, level3-generic.lisp
+;;; Lisplab, level3-linalg-generic.lisp
 ;;; Non-spcialized matrix methods.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Joern Inge Vestgaarden

Modified: trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-interface.lisp
--- trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-interface.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/linalg/level3-linalg-interface.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; Lisplab, level2-description.lisp
+;;; Lisplab, level3-linalg-interface.lisp
 ;;; Matrix generic functions.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Joern Inge Vestgaarden

Modified: trunk/src/matrix/level1-funmat.lisp
--- trunk/src/matrix/level1-funmat.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/matrix/level1-funmat.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -62,3 +62,17 @@
 (defmethod (setf vref) (value (f function-matrix) idx)
   (funcall (function-matrix-set-vref f) value f idx))

+;;; constructor
+(defmethod mcreate ((a function-matrix)
+		    &optional (value 0) (dim (dim a)))
+  "DOC"
+  (make-matrix-instance
+   (list (element-type-spec a)
+	 (structure-spec a)
+	 :any)
+   dim
+   value))

Modified: trunk/src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp
--- trunk/src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-;;; Implementation principles: 
-;;; - all operators in this film should spezialie for matrix-base and only 
-;;;   assume level0 and level1 generic function (mref, vref, size, dim, etc.) 
-;;; - The methods in this file should not assume anything about implementation of 
-;;;   the matrices. 
-;;; - The methds in this file should be as short and clean as possible. 
+;;; Implementation principles:
+;;; - all operators in this film should specialize for matrix-base and only
+;;;   assume level0 and level1 generic function (mref, vref, size, dim, etc.)
+;;; - The methods in this file should not assume anything about implementation of
+;;;   the matrices.
+;;; - The methods in this file should be as short and clean as possible.
 ;;; - Avoid optimizations (Exept: call other level2 functions, such as mmap, as much as possible.)
-(in-package :lisplab) 
+(in-package :lisplab)
 ;;; This is OK, but could be optimzied!
 (defmacro w/mat (a args &body body)

Modified: trunk/src/matrix/level2-interface.lisp
--- trunk/src/matrix/level2-interface.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/matrix/level2-interface.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -133,22 +133,22 @@
   (:documentation "Sums all matrix elements."))
 (defgeneric mmin (m)
-  (:documentation "Retuns the smalles matrix element and its vector index."))
+  (:documentation "Returns the smallest matrix element and its vector index."))
 (defgeneric mmax (m)
-  (:documentation "Retuns the largest matrix element and its vector index."))
+  (:documentation "Returns the largest matrix element and its vector index."))
 (defgeneric mabsmin (m)
-  (:documentation "Retuns the matrix element closest to zero and its vector index."))
+  (:documentation "Returns the matrix element closest to zero and its vector index."))
 (defgeneric mabsmax (m)
-  (:documentation "Retuns the matrix element with largest absolute value and its vector index."))
+  (:documentation "Returns the matrix element with largest absolute value and its vector index."))
 (defgeneric mminmax (m)
-  (:documentation "Retuns a list with (minumum maximum)"))
+  (:documentation "Returns a list with (minimum maximum)"))
 (defgeneric circ-shift (m shifts)
-  (:documentation "Shifts the matrix with periodic indecices"))
+  (:documentation "Shifts the matrix with periodic indices"))
 (defgeneric pad-shift (m shifts &optional value)
   (:documentation "Shifts the matrix and pads results"))
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@
 (defgeneric mreverse (m)
   (:documentation "Reverts elements of matrix or vector. Similar to cl:reverse"))
-;; Some vector functions 
+;; Some vector functions
 (defgeneric vcross (a b)
-  (:documentation "Cross product. Must be a vecotors of length 3"))
+  (:documentation "Cross product. Must be a vectors of length 3"))
 (defgeneric vdot (a b)
   (:documentation "Dot product of vectors"))

Modified: trunk/src/matrix/level2-matrix-dge.lisp
--- trunk/src/matrix/level2-matrix-dge.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/matrix/level2-matrix-dge.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
       (unless (zerop mod)
 	(return-from all-integer-elements-p nil))))
 (defmethod .expt ((a matrix-base-dge) (b matrix-base-dge))
   (cond ((>= (mmin a) 0d0)
 	 (let ((c (mcreate a)))
@@ -269,8 +269,8 @@
 (defmethod .expt ((a matrix-base-dge) (b real))
   "There is a lot of fuzz going on in here. The reason is because
-the important special cases of exponents -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 are a factor 10 faster 
-than the general case on SBCL. Furthermor, output can be complex for non-integer exponent." 
+the important special cases of exponents -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 are a factor 10 faster
+than the general case on SBCL. Furthermore, output can be complex for non-integer exponent."
   (multiple-value-bind (div mod) (truncate b)
     (if (= 0 mod)
 	(let ((c (mcreate a)))

Modified: trunk/src/matrix/level2-operator.lisp
--- trunk/src/matrix/level2-operator.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/matrix/level2-operator.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -85,15 +85,9 @@
 (defmacro defmethod-operator-matrix-matrix (name)
   (let ((a (gensym))
-	(b (gensym))
-	(out (gensym))
-	(type-a (gensym)))
+	(b (gensym)))
     `(defmethod ,name ((,a matrix-base) (,b matrix-base))
-       (let* ((,type-a (class-of ,a)) 
-	      ;; Let the default be the type of the first matrix. Not sure about this.
-	      ;; Maybe I should flag an error
-	      (,out (make-matrix-instance ,type-a (dim ,a) 0)))
-	 (mmap-operator #',name ,a ,b ,out)))))
+	 (mmap-operator #',name ,a ,b (mcreate ,a)))))
 (defmacro defmethod-operator-matrix-any (name)
   (let ((a (gensym))

Modified: trunk/src/matrix/level2-view.lisp
--- trunk/src/matrix/level2-view.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/matrix/level2-view.lisp	Wed Sep  1 14:50:59 2010
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 		 :mref #'(lambda (x i j) 
 			  (declare (ignore x i)) 
 			  (mref matrix row j))
-		 :set-mref #'(lambda (value x i j) 
-			      (declare (ignore x j)) 
-			      (setf (mref matrix row i) value))
-		 :vref #'(lambda (x i) 
-			  (declare (ignore x)) 
+		 :set-mref #'(lambda (value x i j)
+			      (declare (ignore x i))
+			      (setf (mref matrix row j) value))
+		 :vref #'(lambda (x i)
+			  (declare (ignore x))
 			  (mref matrix row i))
 		 :set-vref #'(lambda (value x i) 
 			      (declare (ignore x)) 
@@ -82,9 +82,7 @@
   (make-instance 'function-matrix 
 		 :rows (cols matrix)
 		 :cols (rows matrix)
-		 :size (size matrix)
-		 :element-type (element-type matrix)
-		 :mref #'(lambda (x i j) 
+		 :mref #'(lambda (x i j)
 			  (declare (ignore x))
 			  (mref matrix j i))
 		 :set-mref #'(lambda (value x i j) 

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