[lisplab-cvs] r186 - in trunk/src: fft matrix1 util vector1

Jørn Inge Vestgården jivestgarden at common-lisp.net
Sun Oct 24 08:49:57 UTC 2010

Author: jivestgarden
Date: Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
New Revision: 186

Cleaning + matrix slices


Modified: trunk/src/fft/level3-fft-zge.lisp
--- trunk/src/fft/level3-fft-zge.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/fft/level3-fft-zge.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -97,54 +97,6 @@
     (fft-radix-2-blas-complex-store! :r (vector-store x) (cols x) i (rows x)))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 (type-blas-store
-		  type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx)
-		 (complex double-float))
-		ref-blas-complex-store2))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 ((complex double-float) 
-		   type-blas-store 
-		   type-blas-idx
-		   type-blas-idx
-		   type-blas-idx
-		  )
-		 (complex double-float))
-		(setf ref-blas-complex-store2)))
-(declaim (inline ref-blas-complex-store2 (setf ref-blas-complex-store2)))
-(defun ref-blas-complex-store2 (store i start step)
-  "Accessor for the complex blas store"
-  (declare (type-blas-idx i start step)
-	   (type-blas-store store))
-  (let* ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-			 (* 2 (+ (truly-the type-blas-idx (* step i))
-				 start))))
-	 (val (complex (aref store idx)
-		       (aref store (1+ idx)))))
-    (declare (type type-blas-idx idx)
-	     (type (complex double-float) val))
-    val))
-(defun (setf ref-blas-complex-store2) (value store i start step)
-  (declare (type-blas-idx i start step)
-	   (type-blas-store store)
-	   ((complex double-float) value) )   
-  (let ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-			(* 2 
-			   (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-				      (+ 
-				       (truly-the type-blas-idx (* step i))
-				       start))))))
-    (declare (type-blas-idx idx))
-    (setf (aref store idx) (realpart value)
-	  (aref store (1+ idx)) (imagpart value))
-    value))
 (defun fft-radix-2-blas-complex-store! (direction x n start step)
   "Destrutive, radix 2 fast fourier transform. Direction is either :f for 
 forward or :r for reverse transform. Input must be a

Modified: trunk/src/matrix1/level1-classes.lisp
--- trunk/src/matrix1/level1-classes.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/matrix1/level1-classes.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -189,9 +189,7 @@
    (cols :initarg :cols
 	 :initform 0
 	 :reader cols
-	 :type type-blas-idx)
-   (size :reader size
-	 :type  type-blas-idx)))
+	 :type type-blas-idx)))
 (defclass structure-square (structure-base) 
   ((structure-class-name :allocation :class 

Modified: trunk/src/util/ext-store-operators.lisp
--- trunk/src/util/ext-store-operators.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/util/ext-store-operators.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 ;;; number only + and - (*, / and expt mix the real and complex parts)
 (declaim (inline double-float-simple-array-ref-ext))
 (declaim (ftype (function 
@@ -69,10 +70,7 @@
 (defun double-float-simple-array-ref-ext (a i off step)
   (declare (type type-blas-idx i off step)
 	   (type type-blas-store a))
-  (aref a (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-		     (+ off 
-			(truly-the type-blas-idx 
-				   (* i step))))))
+  (aref a (column-major-idx off i step)))
 (declaim (inline (setf double-float-simple-array-ref-ext)))
 (declaim (ftype (function 
@@ -87,10 +85,7 @@
   (declare (type type-blas-idx i off step)
 	   (type double-float value)
 	   (type type-blas-store a))
-  (setf (aref a (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-			   (+ off 
-			      (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-					 (* i step)))))
+  (setf (aref a (column-major-idx off i step))

Modified: trunk/src/util/level1-util.lisp
--- trunk/src/util/level1-util.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/util/level1-util.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -30,77 +30,6 @@
 (in-package :lisplab)
-;;; Things that are common both for real and complex stores
-(deftype type-blas-store ()
-  '(simple-array double-float (*)))
-#+(and :sbcl :x86) (deftype type-blas-idx ()
-		     '(MOD #x1FFFFFFF))
-#+(and :sbcl :x86-64) (deftype type-blas-idx ()
-#-:sbcl (deftype type-blas-idx ()
-			'fixnum)
-(declaim (inline column-major-idx))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 (type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx)
-		  type-blas-idx)
-		column-major-idx))
-(defun column-major-idx (i j rows)
-  (truly-the type-blas-idx (+ i (truly-the type-blas-idx (* j rows)))))
-(defun copy-matrix-stores (a b)
-  (let ((len (length a)))
-    (declare (type type-blas-store a b)
-	     (type type-blas-idx len))
-    (dotimes (i len)
-      (setf (aref b i) (aref a i))))
-  b)
-;;;; The real store
-(declaim (inline ref-blas-real-store (setf ref-blas-real-store)))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 (type-blas-store
-		  type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx)
-		 double-float)
-		ref-blas-real-store))
-(defun ref-blas-real-store (store row col rows)
-  "Matrix accessor for the real blas store"
-  (aref (truly-the type-blas-store store)
-	(truly-the type-blas-idx 
-		   (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
-				     (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
-				     rows))))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 (double-float
-		   type-blas-store 
-		   type-blas-idx
-		   type-blas-idx
-		   type-blas-idx
-		  )
-		 double-float)
-		(setf ref-blas-real-store)))
-(defun (setf ref-blas-real-store) (value store row col rows)
-  (setf (aref (truly-the type-blas-store store)
-	      (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-			 (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
-					   (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
-					   rows)))
-	value)
-  value)
 (defun allocate-real-store (size &optional (initial-element 0d0))
   ;; All matrix double and complex double constructors 
   ;; should call this one
@@ -153,71 +82,4 @@
 	   (setf (aref store i) rv)))
-(declaim (inline ref-blas-complex-store (setf ref-blas-complex-store)))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 (type-blas-store
-		  type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx
-		  type-blas-idx)
-		 (complex double-float))
-		ref-blas-complex-store))
-(defun ref-blas-complex-store (store row col rows)
-  "Matrix accessor for the complet blas store"
-  (let ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-			(* 2 (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
-					       (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
-					       rows)))))    
-    (declare (type-blas-idx idx))
-    (complex (aref store idx)
-	     (aref store (1+ idx)))))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 ((complex double-float) 
-		   type-blas-store 
-		   type-blas-idx
-		   type-blas-idx
-		   type-blas-idx
-		  )
-		 (complex double-float))
-		(setf ref-blas-complex-store)))
-(defun (setf ref-blas-complex-store) (value store row col rows)
-  (let ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
-			(* 2 (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
-					       (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
-					       rows)))))    
-    (declare (type-blas-idx idx))
-    (setf (aref store idx) (realpart value)
-	  (aref store (1+ idx)) (imagpart value))
-    value))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 (type-blas-store
-		  type-blas-idx)
-		 (complex double-float))
-		vref-blas-complex-store))
-(defun vref-blas-complex-store (store idx)
-  "Matrix accessor for the complex blas store"
-  (let ((idx2 (truly-the type-blas-idx (* 2 idx))))
-    (declare (type-blas-idx idx2)) 
-    (complex (aref store idx2)
-	     (aref store (1+ idx2)))))
-(declaim (ftype (function 
-		 ((complex double-float) 
-		   type-blas-store 
-		   type-blas-idx
-		  )
-		 (complex double-float))
-		(setf vref-blas-complex-store)))
-(defun (setf vref-blas-complex-store) (value store idx)
-  (let ((idx2 (truly-the type-blas-idx (* 2 idx))))
-    (declare (type-blas-idx idx2)) 
-    (setf (aref store idx2) (realpart value)
-	  (aref store (1+ idx2)) (imagpart value))
-    value))

Added: trunk/src/util/ref.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/util/ref.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+;;; Lisplab, ref.lisp
+;;; Array reference functions.
+;;; Note, most other files depends on this one !
+;;; Copyright (C) 2010 Joern Inge Vestgaarden
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; TODO: change name of this to something about blas store
+;;; This file contains manipulations of simple double-float arrays 
+;;; and should be called by the spesialized matrix methods. 
+;;; The purpose of this layer is that it can be used by 
+;;; many classes such as matrix-base-dge and matrix-base-ddi, etc. 
+;;; The content of this file must be highly optimized 
+;;; and should not depend anything exept Common Lisp itself.
+(in-package :lisplab)
+(declaim (inline column-major-idx))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 (type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx)
+		  type-blas-idx)
+		column-major-idx))
+(defun column-major-idx (i j rows)
+  (truly-the type-blas-idx (+ i (truly-the type-blas-idx (* j rows)))))
+(defun copy-matrix-stores (a b)
+  (let ((len (length a)))
+    (declare (type type-blas-store a b)
+	     (type type-blas-idx len))
+    (dotimes (i len)
+      (setf (aref b i) (aref a i))))
+  b)
+;;;; The real store
+(declaim (inline ref-blas-real-store (setf ref-blas-real-store)))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 (type-blas-store
+		  type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx)
+		 double-float)
+		ref-blas-real-store))
+(defun ref-blas-real-store (store row col rows)
+  "Matrix accessor for the real blas store"
+  (aref (truly-the type-blas-store store)
+	(truly-the type-blas-idx 
+		   (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
+				     (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
+				     rows))))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 (double-float
+		   type-blas-store 
+		   type-blas-idx
+		   type-blas-idx
+		   type-blas-idx
+		  )
+		 double-float)
+		(setf ref-blas-real-store)))
+(defun (setf ref-blas-real-store) (value store row col rows)
+  (setf (aref (truly-the type-blas-store store)
+	      (truly-the type-blas-idx 
+			 (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
+					   (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
+					   rows)))
+	value)
+  value)
+(declaim (inline ref-blas-complex-store (setf ref-blas-complex-store)))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 (type-blas-store
+		  type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx)
+		 (complex double-float))
+		ref-blas-complex-store))
+(defun ref-blas-complex-store (store row col rows)
+  "Matrix accessor for the complet blas store"
+  (let ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
+			(* 2 (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
+					       (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
+					       rows)))))    
+    (declare (type-blas-idx idx))
+    (complex (aref store idx)
+	     (aref store (1+ idx)))))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 ((complex double-float) 
+		   type-blas-store 
+		   type-blas-idx
+		   type-blas-idx
+		   type-blas-idx
+		  )
+		 (complex double-float))
+		(setf ref-blas-complex-store)))
+(defun (setf ref-blas-complex-store) (value store row col rows)
+  (let ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
+			(* 2 (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
+					       (truly-the type-blas-idx col)
+					       rows)))))    
+    (declare (type-blas-idx idx))
+    (setf (aref store idx) (realpart value)
+	  (aref store (1+ idx)) (imagpart value))
+    value))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 (type-blas-store
+		  type-blas-idx)
+		 (complex double-float))
+		vref-blas-complex-store))
+(defun vref-blas-complex-store (store idx)
+  "Matrix accessor for the complex blas store"
+  (let ((idx2 (truly-the type-blas-idx (* 2 idx))))
+    (declare (type-blas-idx idx2)) 
+    (complex (aref store idx2)
+	     (aref store (1+ idx2)))))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 ((complex double-float) 
+		   type-blas-store 
+		   type-blas-idx
+		  )
+		 (complex double-float))
+		(setf vref-blas-complex-store)))
+(defun (setf vref-blas-complex-store) (value store idx)
+  (let ((idx2 (truly-the type-blas-idx (* 2 idx))))
+    (declare (type-blas-idx idx2)) 
+    (setf (aref store idx2) (realpart value)
+	  (aref store (1+ idx2)) (imagpart value))
+    value))
+;;; Alternative references used by fft
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 (type-blas-store
+		  type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx
+		  type-blas-idx)
+		 (complex double-float))
+		ref-blas-complex-store2))
+(declaim (inline ref-blas-complex-store2))
+(defun ref-blas-complex-store2 (store i start step)
+  "Accessor for the complex blas store"
+  (declare (type-blas-idx i start step)
+	   (type-blas-store store))
+  (let* ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
+			 (* 2 (+ (truly-the type-blas-idx (* step i))
+				 start))))
+	 (val (complex (aref store idx)
+		       (aref store (1+ idx)))))
+    (declare (type type-blas-idx idx)
+	     (type (complex double-float) val))
+    val))
+(declaim (inline ref-blas-complex-store2 (setf ref-blas-complex-store2)))
+(declaim (ftype (function 
+		 ((complex double-float) 
+		   type-blas-store 
+		   type-blas-idx
+		   type-blas-idx
+		   type-blas-idx
+		  )
+		 (complex double-float))
+		(setf ref-blas-complex-store2)))
+(defun (setf ref-blas-complex-store2) (value store i start step)
+  (declare (type-blas-idx i start step)
+	   (type-blas-store store)
+	   ((complex double-float) value) )   
+  (let ((idx (truly-the type-blas-idx 
+			(* 2 
+			   (truly-the type-blas-idx 
+				      (+ 
+				       (truly-the type-blas-idx (* step i))
+				       start))))))
+    (declare (type-blas-idx idx))
+    (setf (aref store idx) (realpart value)
+	  (aref store (1+ idx)) (imagpart value))
+    value))

Added: trunk/src/util/type.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/util/type.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+;;; Lisplab, type.lisp
+;;; Type definition for double float arrays and vector index
+;;; Note, most other files depends on this one !
+;;; Copyright (C) 2010 Joern Inge Vestgaarden
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; TODO: change name of this to something about blas store
+;;; This file contains manipulations of simple double-float arrays 
+;;; and should be called by the spesialized matrix methods. 
+;;; The purpose of this layer is that it can be used by 
+;;; many classes such as matrix-base-dge and matrix-base-ddi, etc. 
+;;; The content of this file must be highly optimized 
+;;; and should not depend anything exept Common Lisp itself.
+(in-package :lisplab)
+;;; Things that are common both for real and complex stores
+(deftype type-blas-store ()
+  '(simple-array double-float (*)))
+#+(and :sbcl :x86) (deftype type-blas-idx ()
+		     '(MOD #x1FFFFFFF))
+#+(and :sbcl :x86-64) (deftype type-blas-idx ()
+#-:sbcl (deftype type-blas-idx ()
+			'fixnum)

Added: trunk/src/vector1/level1-matrix-slice.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/vector1/level1-matrix-slice.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+;;; Lisplab, level1-matrix-slice.lisp
+;;; Vectors that are slice of matrices, i.e. row or column vectors.
+;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Joern Inge Vestgaarden
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+(in-package :lisplab)
+(defclass matrix-slice-base (vector-base)
+  ((off :initarg :off :initform 0)
+   (step :initarg :step :initform 0)
+   (size :initarg :size :initform 0)))
+(defclass matrix-slice-any (matrix-slice-base)
+  ((store :initarg :store
+	  :initform nil
+	  :reader vector-store)))
+(defclass matrix-slice-dge (matrix-slice-base)
+  ((store :initarg :store
+	  :initform nil
+	  :reader type-blas-store)))
+;;; Untyped matrix slices
+(defmethod vref ((vector  matrix-slice-any) idx)
+  (with-slots (store off step size) vector
+    (aref store (column-major-idx off idx step))))
+(defmethod (setf vref) (value (vector matrix-slice-any) idx)
+  (with-slots (store off step size) vector
+    (setf (aref store (column-major-idx off idx step))
+	  value))
+  value)
+;;; Double float matrix slices
+(defmethod vref ((vector  matrix-slice-dge) idx)
+  (with-slots (store off step size) vector
+    (declare (type type-blas-store store))
+    (aref store (column-major-idx off idx step))))
+(defmethod (setf vref) (value (vector matrix-slice-dge) idx)
+  (with-slots (store off step size) vector
+    (declare (type type-blas-store store))
+    (setf (aref store (column-major-idx off idx step))
+	  value))
+  value)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/vector1/level1-vector.lisp
--- trunk/src/vector1/level1-vector.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/vector1/level1-vector.lisp	Sun Oct 24 04:49:56 2010
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
 (in-package :lisplab)
 (defclass vector-base ()
-  ((size :initform 0 :initarg size :accessor size)))
+  ((size :initarg :size 
+	 :initform 0 
+	 :reader size
+	 :type type-blas-idx)))
 (defclass vector-any (vector-base element-base)
   ((store :initarg :store

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