[lisplab-cvs] r96 - doc/manual src/io src/linalg src/test

Jørn Inge Vestgården jivestgarden at common-lisp.net
Sat Sep 26 18:26:50 UTC 2009

Author: jivestgarden
Date: Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
New Revision: 96

fixed dlmread and dlmwrite


Modified: doc/manual/lisplab.texi
--- doc/manual/lisplab.texi	(original)
+++ doc/manual/lisplab.texi	Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
 while @code{dmat} is a macro. Similarly, there are 
 @code{znew}, @code{zcol}, @code{zrow}, and @code{zmat}
 for double float matrices and 
- at code{new}, @code{col}, @code{row}, and @code{mat}
+ at code{mnew}, @code{mcol}, @code{mrow}, and @code{mmat}
 for any matrices. The latter take matrix class as first argument. 
 Often you want to create a matrix of the same type as a input 

Modified: lisplab.asd
--- lisplab.asd	(original)
+++ lisplab.asd	Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
       (:file "level1-classes")
       (:file "level1-constructors")
       (:file "level1-matrix")
+      (:file "level1-sparse")
       (:file "level1-array")
       (:file "level2-interface")
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@
    (:module :src/io
     :depends-on (:src/matrix)
-    (
+    ((:file "level3-io-interface")
      (:file "level3-io")))

Modified: package.lisp
--- package.lisp	(original)
+++ package.lisp	Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
@@ -140,11 +140,10 @@
    ;; Matrix level 2 constructors
-   "FUNMAT"
-   "FMAT"
-   "MAT"
-   "COL"
-   "ROW"
+   "MNEW"
+   "MMAT"
+   "MCOL"
+   "MROW"
@@ -156,15 +155,17 @@
+   "FUNMAT"
+   "FMAT"
    ;; Matrix level 2 methods
    ".EVERY"; to level0 or change name?
    ".SOME" ; to level0 or change name?	  
-   "MNEW" 

Added: src/io/level3-io-interface.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ src/io/level3-io-interface.lisp	Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;;; Lisplab, level3-io.lisp
+;;; Input output operations
+;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Joern Inge Vestgaarden
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+(in-package :lisplab)
+(defgeneric dlmwrite (matrix file-or-stream &key dlm printer)
+  (:documentation "Write matrix to ASCII-delimited file or stream"))
+(defgeneric dlmread (class in)
+  (:documentation "Reads a delimited anscii test file and returns a matrix. 
+Currently only space delimited."))

Modified: src/io/level3-io.lisp
--- src/io/level3-io.lisp	(original)
+++ src/io/level3-io.lisp	Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
@@ -25,56 +25,65 @@
 (in-package :lisplab)
-(defun dlmwrite (a &optional (out t)
+(defmethod dlmwrite ((a matrix-base) 
+		     (stream stream)
 		     (dlm " ")
-		     (fmt "~S"))
-  "Write matrix as a delimited anscii test file."
-  (let* ((out (if (eq out t) *standard-output* out)))
-    (flet ((printit (out)
-	     (if (scalar? a)
-		 (prin1 a out)
-		 (progn
-		   (format out "~&")
-		   (dotimes (i (rows a))
-		     (dotimes (j (cols a))
-		       (format out fmt (mref a i j))
-		       (when (< j (1- (cols a)))
-			 (princ dlm out)))
-		     (when (< i (1- (rows a)))
-		       (princ #\Newline out))))))) 
-      (if (streamp out)
-	  (printit out)
-	  (with-open-file (out out :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-	    (printit out))))))
+		     (printer #'prin1))
+  (dotimes (i (rows a))
+    (format stream "~&")
+    (dotimes (j (cols a))
+      (funcall printer (mref a i j) stream)
+      (when (< j (1- (cols a)))
+	(princ dlm stream)))))
-(defun dlmread (class &optional (in t))
-  "Reads a delimited anscii test file and returns a matrix. Currently only space delimited."
+(defmethod dlmwrite ((a matrix-base) 
+		     (name pathname)
+		     &key 
+		     (dlm " ")
+		     (printer #'prin1))
+  (with-open-file (stream name :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+    (dlmwrite a stream :dlm dlm :printer printer)))
+(defmethod dlmwrite ((a matrix-base) 
+		     (name string)
+		     &key 
+		     (dlm " ")
+		     (printer #'prin1))
+  (dlmwrite a (pathname name) :dlm dlm :printer printer))
+(defun dlmread-list (in)
+  "Helper function that reads a delimited file as a list of lists."
   ;; TODO: Fixit. Non-space formated matrices
-  (let* ((in (if (eq in t) *standard-input* in))
-	 (end (gensym))
+  (let* ((end (gensym))
 	 (rows nil))
-    (labels ((line (in) (let ((line (read-line in nil end nil)))
-			  (if (eq line end)
-			      end
-			      (if (eql (char line 0) #\#)
-				  (line in) 
-				  line))))
-	     (element (in) (read in nil end nil))
-	     (getit (in)
-	       (do ((line (line in) (line in)))
-		   ((eq line end))
-		 (let ((s (make-string-input-stream line))
-		       (cols nil))
-		   (do ((elm (element s) (element s)))
-		       ((eq elm end))
-		     (push elm cols))
-		   (push (reverse cols) rows)))))
-      (if (streamp in)
-	  (getit in)
-	  (with-open-file (in in :direction :input)
-	    (getit in))))
-    (convert (reverse rows) class)))
+    (labels ((line () (let ((line (read-line in nil end nil)))
+			(if (eq line end)
+			    end
+			    (if (eql (char line 0) #\#)
+				  (line) 
+				  line)))))
+      (do ((line (line) (line)))
+	  ((eq line end))
+	(let ((s (make-string-input-stream line))
+	      (cols nil))
+	(flet ((element () (read s nil end nil)))
+	  (do ((elm (element) (element)))
+	      ((eq elm end))
+	    (push elm cols))
+	  (push (nreverse cols) rows))))
+      (nreverse rows))))
+(defmethod dlmread (class (in stream))
+  (convert (dlmread-list in)
+	   class))
+(defmethod dlmread (class (name pathname))
+  (with-open-file (in name :direction :input)
+    (dlmread class in))) 
+(defmethod dlmread (class (name string))
+  (dlmread class (pathname name))) 
 (defun pgmwrite (m filename 
@@ -109,7 +118,7 @@
 		(verbose nil)
 		(max (mmax m))
 		(min (mmin m)))
-  "Writes matrix as postsrcipt bitmap. Port of a2ps.c by Eric Weeks."
+  "Writes matrix as postscript bitmap. Port of a2ps.c by Eric Weeks."
   ;; TODO: clean up and some more lispifying.
   ;; TODO: more testing.
   ;; TOOD: change name to epswrite.
@@ -168,3 +177,57 @@
 	(format out "~%"))
       (format out "showpage~%"))))
+;;;; Trash
+#+nil (defun dlmwrite (a &optional (out t)
+		 &key 
+		 (dlm " ")
+		 (fmt "~S"))
+  "Write matrix as a delimited anscii test file."
+  (let* ((out (if (eq out t) *standard-output* out)))
+    (flet ((printit (out)
+	     (if (scalar? a)
+		 (prin1 a out)
+		 (progn
+		   (format out "~&")
+		   (dotimes (i (rows a))
+		     (dotimes (j (cols a))
+		       (format out fmt (mref a i j))
+		       (when (< j (1- (cols a)))
+			 (princ dlm out)))
+		     (when (< i (1- (rows a)))
+		       (princ #\Newline out))))))) 
+      (if (streamp out)
+	  (printit out)
+	  (with-open-file (out out :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+	    (printit out))))))
+#+nil (defun dlmread (class &optional (in t))
+  "Reads a delimited anscii test file and returns a matrix. Currently only space delimited."
+  ;; TODO: Fixit. Non-space formated matrices
+  (let* ((in (if (eq in t) *standard-input* in))
+	 (end (gensym))
+	 (rows nil))
+    (labels ((line (in) (let ((line (read-line in nil end nil)))
+			  (if (eq line end)
+			      end
+			      (if (eql (char line 0) #\#)
+				  (line in) 
+				  line))))
+	     (element (in) (read in nil end nil))
+	     (getit (in)
+	       (do ((line (line in) (line in)))
+		   ((eq line end))
+		 (let ((s (make-string-input-stream line))
+		       (cols nil))
+		   (do ((elm (element s) (element s)))
+		       ((eq elm end))
+		     (push elm cols))
+		   (push (reverse cols) rows)))))
+      (if (streamp in)
+	  (getit in)
+	  (with-open-file (in in :direction :input)
+	    (getit in))))
+    (convert (reverse rows) class)))

Modified: src/linalg/level3-linalg-generic.lisp
--- src/linalg/level3-linalg-generic.lisp	(original)
+++ src/linalg/level3-linalg-generic.lisp	Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
 				 (.* (mref a i k) (mref b k j)))))))
+(defmethod m/ ((a matrix-base) (b matrix-base))
+  (m* a (minv b)))
 (defmethod minv ((a matrix-base))
   (minv! (copy a)))

Modified: src/test/test-methods.lisp
--- src/test/test-methods.lisp	(original)
+++ src/test/test-methods.lisp	Sat Sep 26 14:26:49 2009
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	 (c %i)
 	 (x (dmat (1 2) (3 4)))
 	 (y (zmat (1 2) (3 4)))
-	 (w (mat 'matrix-ge (1 2) (3 4)))
+	 (w (mmat 'matrix-ge (1 2) (3 4)))
 	 (args (list a b c x y w)))
     (mapc (lambda (fun) 
 	    (mapc (lambda (x)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 	  (b (zmat (1 2) (3 5)))
 	  (c (dmat (1 2 -1) (3 4 9) (1 1 1)))
 	  (d (zmat (1 2 2.1) (3 5 %i) (-%i %i -%i)))
-	  (x (mat 'matrix-ge (1 2 2.1) (3 5 %i) (-%i %i -%i)))
+	  (x (mmat 'matrix-ge (1 2 2.1) (3 5 %i) (-%i %i -%i)))
 	  (args (list a b c d x)))
      (mapc (lambda (x) (simple-non-nil-check #'mtp (list x))) args)
      (mapc (lambda (x) (simple-non-nil-check #'mct (list x))) args)

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