[lisplab-cvs] r27 - in src: matlisp matrix

Jørn Inge Vestgården jivestgarden at common-lisp.net
Wed May 20 20:05:58 UTC 2009

Author: jivestgarden
Date: Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
New Revision: 27

refactored. Almost finished


Modified: src/matlisp/geev.lisp
--- src/matlisp/geev.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matlisp/geev.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
 	 (xxx (allocate-real-store 1))
 	 (wr (allocate-real-store n))
 	 (wi (allocate-real-store n))
-	 (vl (if vl-mat (store vl-mat) xxx))
-	 (vr (if vr-mat (store vr-mat) xxx))
+	 (vl (if vl-mat (matrix-store vl-mat) xxx))
+	 (vr (if vr-mat (matrix-store vr-mat) xxx))
 	 (lwork (dgeev-workspace-size n (if vl-mat t nil) (if vr-mat t nil) ))
 	 (work (allocate-real-store lwork)))
     (multiple-value-bind (a wr wi vl vr work info)

Modified: src/matrix/level1-classes.lisp
--- src/matrix/level1-classes.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level1-classes.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 ;;; Lisplab, level1-classes.lisp
 ;;; Level1, matrix classes
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Joern Inge Vestgaarden
@@ -18,8 +17,40 @@
 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; The class structure is inspired by the stream example
+;;; in Object-Oriented programming in Common Lisp, by Sonja E. Keene. 
 (in-package :lisplab) 
+;; A scheme for matrix creations
+(defvar *matrix-class-to-description* (make-hash-table))
+(defvar *matrix-description-to-class* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(defun add-matrix-class (class element-type structure implementation)
+  (setf (gethash (list element-type structure implementation)
+		 *matrix-description-to-class*)
+	class
+	(gethash class 
+		 *matrix-class-to-description* )
+	(list  element-type structure implementation)))
+(defun find-matrix-class (description)
+  (let* ((entry (gethash description
+		*matrix-description-to-class*)))	 
+    (unless entry
+      (error "No matrix of structure ~A." description))
+    entry))
+(defun find-matrix-description (class)
+   (let* ((entry (gethash class
+			  *matrix-class-to-description*)))
+    (unless entry
+      (error "No matrix description of class ~A." class))
+    entry))
 (defclass matrix-base () ())
 ;;; The matrix element tells the element type of the matrix
@@ -172,5 +203,20 @@
+;;; Adding all the matrix descriptions
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-base-dge :d :ge :base)
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-lisp-dge :d :ge :lisp)
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-blas-dge :d :ge :blas)
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-dge :d :ge :any)
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-base-zge :z :ge :base)
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-lisp-zge :z :ge :lisp)
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-blas-zge :z :ge :blas)
+(add-matrix-class 'matrix-zge :z :ge :any)
+;;; TODO the other types need also conventions

Modified: src/matrix/level1-constructors.lisp
--- src/matrix/level1-constructors.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level1-constructors.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; TODO: should be level2 not level1
 (in-package :lisplab)
 #+nil (export '(mat new col row))

Modified: src/matrix/level1-generic.lisp
--- src/matrix/level1-generic.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level1-generic.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -24,49 +24,4 @@
 (in-package :lisplab)
-#-todo-remove(defmethod new (class dim &optional (element-type t) (value 0))
-  ;;; TODO get rid of this default that calls the new constructor
-  (mnew class value (car dim) (cadr dim)))
-#+todo-remove(defmethod convert (obj type)
-  (if (not (or (vector? obj) (matrix? obj)))
-      (coerce obj type)
-      (let ((new (new type (dim obj) (element-type obj))))
-	(ecase (rank obj)
-	  (1 (dotimes (i (size obj))
-	       (setf (vref new i) (vref obj i))))
-	  (2 (dotimes (i (rows obj))
-	       (dotimes (j (cols obj))
-		 (setf (mref new i j) (mref obj i j))))))
-	new)))
-#+todo-remove(defmethod copy (a)
-  (typecase a 
-    (list (copy-list a))
-    (sequence (copy-seq a))
-    (t (let ((b (create a)))
-	 (dotimes (i (size a))
-	   (setf (vref b i) (vref a i)))
-	 b))))
-#-todo-remove(defmethod create (a &optional value dim)
-  (unless dim (setf dim (dim a)))
-  (unless (consp dim) (setf dim (list dim 1)))
-  (if value
-    (new (class-name (class-of a)) dim (element-type a) value)
-    (new (class-name (class-of a)) dim)))
-;;; This is OK, but could be optimzied!
-(defmacro w/mat (a args &body body)
-  (let ((a2 (gensym))
-	(x (first args))
-	(i (second args))
-	(j (third args)))
-  `(let ((,a2 ,a))
-     (dotimes (,i (rows ,a2))
-       (dotimes (,j (cols ,a2))
-	 (let ((,x (mref ,a2 ,i ,j)))
-	   (setf (mref ,a2 ,i ,j)
-		 , at body))))
-     ,a2)))

Modified: src/matrix/level1-interface.lisp
--- src/matrix/level1-interface.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level1-interface.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -21,12 +21,11 @@
 (in-package :lisplab)
 (export '(*lisplab-print-size*
-	  vector? matrix? 
-	  new mnew 
-	  create mcreate
+	  vector? matrix?
+	  make-matrix-instance 
 	  ref mref vref 
-	  dim element-type create
-	  size rank rows cols ))
+	  dim element-type 
+	  size rank rows cols))
 (defvar *lisplab-print-size* 10 "Suggested number of rows and columns printed to standard output. Not all matrices, such as ordinary lisp arrays, will care about the value.")
@@ -36,11 +35,8 @@
 (defgeneric matrix? (x)
   (:documentation "A matrix is a object whose elements are accesible with mref."))
-(defgeneric new (class dim &optional element-type value) 
-  (:documentation "Deprecated. Use mnew in stead. Creates a new matrix filled with numeric arguments."))
-(defgeneric mnew (class value rows &optional cols)
-  (:documentation "General matrix constructor. Creates a new matrix filled with numeric arguments."))
+(defgeneric make-matrix-instance (type dim value)
+  (:documentation "Creates a new matrix instance"))
 (defgeneric ref (matrix &rest subscripts)
   (:documentation "A general accessor."))
@@ -68,18 +64,6 @@
 (defgeneric (setf element-type) (value matrix))
-(defgeneric create (a &optional value dim)
-  (:documentation "Deprecated. Use mcreate in stead. Creates a new matrix of the same type and with the same value as the other,
-but with all elements set to value."))
-(defgeneric mcreate (a &optional value dim)
-  (:documentation "Creates a new matrix of the same type and with the same value as the other,
-but with all elements set to value."))
-(defgeneric mmcreate (a b &optional value dim)
-  (:documentation "Creates a new matrix. The new matrix has a type derived from a and b, 
-and all elements set to value."))
 (defgeneric size (matrix)
   (:documentation "Gives the number of elements in the object."))

Modified: src/matrix/level1-matrix.lisp
--- src/matrix/level1-matrix.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level1-matrix.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -18,40 +18,9 @@
 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(in-package :lisplab)
-;;; This is OK, but could be optimzied!
-(defmacro w/mat (a args &body body)
-  (let ((a2 (gensym))
-	(x (first args))
-	(i (second args))
-	(j (third args)))
-  `(let ((,a2 ,a))
-     (dotimes (,i (rows ,a2))
-       (dotimes (,j (cols ,a2))
-	 (let ((,x (mref ,a2 ,i ,j)))
-	   (setf (mref ,a2 ,i ,j)
-		 , at body))))
-     ,a2)))
-;;; Generic methods and functions
-(defun convert-list-to-matrix (list type)
-  (let* ((rows (length list))
-	 (cols (length (car list)))
-	 (m (mnew type 0 rows cols)))
-    (fill-matrix-with-list m list))) 
-(defun convert-matrix-to-matrix (m0 type)
-  (let* ((rows (rows m0))
-	 (cols (cols m0))
-	 (m (mnew type 0 rows cols)))
-    (dotimes (i rows)
-      (dotimes (j cols)
-	(setf (mref m i j) (mref m0 i j))))
-    m))
+;;; TODO: clean up
+(in-package :lisplab)
 (defmethod scalar? ((x matrix-base)) nil)
@@ -82,35 +51,20 @@
       (when (< rows (rows matrix))
 	(format stream "...~%")))))
-(defmethod mcreate ((a matrix-base) &optional (value 0) dim)
-  (unless dim
-    (setf dim (dim a)))
-  (make-matrix-instance (class-of a) dim value)) 
-(defmethod mmcreate ((a matrix-base) (b matrix-base) &optional (value 0) dim)
-  ;; TODO make real implmentaiton of this
-  (unless dim
-    (setf dim (dim a)))
-  (if (or (equal '(complex double-float) (element-type a))
-	  (equal '(complex double-float) (element-type b)))
-      (make-matrix-instance 'matrix-zge dim value)     
-      (make-matrix-instance 'matrix-dge dim value)))
+;;;; General cration 
+(defmethod make-matrix-instance ((type symbol) dim value)
+  (make-instance type :rows (car dim) :cols (cadr dim) :value value))
+(defmethod make-matrix-instance ((type standard-class) dim value)
+  (make-instance type :rows (car dim) :cols (cadr dim) :value value))
+(defmethod make-matrix-instance ((description list) dim value)
+  (make-matrix-instance (find-matrix-class description) dim value))
 ;;; Spcialized for blas-dge
-(defmethod convert ((x cons) (type (eql 'matrix-dge)))
-  (convert-list-to-matrix x type))
-(defmethod convert ((x matrix-base) (type (eql 'matrix-dge)))
-  (convert-matrix-to-matrix x type))
-(defmethod mnew ((class (eql 'matrix-dge)) value rows &optional (cols 1))
-  (make-matrix-instance class (list rows cols) value))
 (defmethod mref ((matrix matrix-base-dge) row col)
   (aref (the type-blas-store (matrix-store matrix))
 	(truly-the type-blas-idx (column-major-idx (truly-the type-blas-idx row) 
@@ -132,18 +86,8 @@
 	(the double-float (coerce value 'double-float))))
 ;;; Spcialized for blas-zge
-(defmethod convert ((x cons) (type (eql 'matrix-zge)))
-  (convert-list-to-matrix x type))
-(defmethod convert ((x matrix-base) (type (eql 'matrix-zge)))
-  (convert-matrix-to-matrix x type))
-(defmethod mnew ((class (eql 'matrix-zge)) value rows &optional (cols 1))
-  (make-matrix-instance class (list rows cols) value))
 (defmethod mref ((matrix matrix-base-zge) row col)
   (ref-blas-complex-store (matrix-store matrix) 
 			  (column-major-idx row col (rows matrix))

Modified: src/matrix/level1-util.lisp
--- src/matrix/level1-util.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level1-util.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -20,15 +20,6 @@
 (in-package :lisplab)
-(defun make-matrix-instance (class dim value)
-  (unless (consp dim) (setf dim (list dim 1)))
-  (let ((rows (car dim))
-	(cols (if (cdr dim) (cadr dim) 1)))
-    (make-instance class
-		   :value value
-		   :rows rows
-		   :cols cols)))
 (defun fill-matrix-with-list (m x)  
   (let* ((rows (rows m))
 	 (cols (cols m)))

Modified: src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp
--- src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -21,6 +21,156 @@
 (in-package :lisplab) 
+;;; This is OK, but could be optimzied!
+(defmacro w/mat (a args &body body)
+  (let ((a2 (gensym))
+	(x (first args))
+	(i (second args))
+	(j (third args)))
+  `(let ((,a2 ,a))
+     (dotimes (,i (rows ,a2))
+       (dotimes (,j (cols ,a2))
+	 (let ((,x (mref ,a2 ,i ,j)))
+	   (setf (mref ,a2 ,i ,j)
+		 , at body))))
+     ,a2)))
+#-todo-remove(defmethod new (class dim &optional (element-type t) (value 0))
+  ;;; TODO get rid of this default that calls the new constructor
+  (mnew class value (car dim) (cadr dim)))
+#+todo-remove(defmethod convert (obj type)
+  (if (not (or (vector? obj) (matrix? obj)))
+      (coerce obj type)
+      (let ((new (new type (dim obj) (element-type obj))))
+	(ecase (rank obj)
+	  (1 (dotimes (i (size obj))
+	       (setf (vref new i) (vref obj i))))
+	  (2 (dotimes (i (rows obj))
+	       (dotimes (j (cols obj))
+		 (setf (mref new i j) (mref obj i j))))))
+	new)))
+#+todo-remove(defmethod copy (a)
+  (typecase a 
+    (list (copy-list a))
+    (sequence (copy-seq a))
+    (t (let ((b (create a)))
+	 (dotimes (i (size a))
+	   (setf (vref b i) (vref a i)))
+	 b))))
+#-todo-remove (defmethod create (a &optional value dim)
+  (mcreate a value dim))
+;; Helper function.       
+(defun convert-list-to-matrix (list type)
+  (let* ((rows (length list))
+	 (cols (length (car list)))
+	 (m (make-matrix-instance type (list rows cols) 0)))
+    (fill-matrix-with-list m list))) 
+;; Helper function.
+(defun convert-matrix-to-matrix (m0 type)
+  (let* ((rows (rows m0))
+	 (cols (cols m0))
+	 (m (make-matrix-instance type (dim m0) 0)))
+    (dotimes (i rows)
+      (dotimes (j cols)
+	(setf (mref m i j) (mref m0 i j))))
+    m))
+(defmethod mcreate ((a matrix-base) &optional (value 0) dim)
+  (unless dim
+    (setf dim (dim a)))
+  (make-matrix-instance (class-of a) dim value)) 
+(defmethod mmcreate ((a matrix-base) (b matrix-base) &optional (value 0) dim)
+  ;; TODO make real implmentaiton of this based on descriptions
+  (unless dim
+    (setf dim (dim a)))
+  (if (or (equal '(complex double-float) (element-type a))
+	  (equal '(complex double-float) (element-type b)))
+      (make-matrix-instance 'matrix-zge dim value)     
+      (make-matrix-instance 'matrix-dge dim value)))
+;;; TODO move to dge code
+#+todo-remove(defmethod convert ((x cons) (type (eql 'matrix-dge)))
+  (convert-list-to-matrix x type))
+#+todo-remove(defmethod convert ((x matrix-base) (type (eql 'matrix-dge)))
+  (convert-matrix-to-matrix x type))
+#+todo-remove(defmethod mnew ((class (eql 'matrix-dge)) value rows &optional (cols 1))
+  (make-matrix-instance class (list rows cols) value))
+;;; TODO move to zge code
+#+todo-remove(defmethod convert ((x cons) (type (eql 'matrix-zge)))
+  (convert-list-to-matrix x type))
+#+todo-remove(defmethod convert ((x matrix-base) (type (eql 'matrix-zge)))
+  (convert-matrix-to-matrix x type))
+#+todo-remove(defmethod mnew ((class (eql 'matrix-zge)) value rows &optional (cols 1))
+  (make-matrix-instance class (list rows cols) value))
+;; Should this be specialized to subclasses of matrix-base?
+;; This question also holds for other methds in this file
+(defmethod convert (x type)
+  (print "hei")
+  (let ((y (make-matrix-instance type (dim x) 0)))
+    ;; Note that I cannot use vref, since some matrix implmentations 
+    ;; have different ordering.
+    (dotimes (i (rows x))
+      (dotimes (j (cols x))
+	(setf (mref y i j) (mref x i j))))
+    y))
+(defmethod convert ((x cons) type)
+  ;; TODO some better way ... some more general guessing routine 
+  ;; like guess-best-element-type
+  (if (consp (car x))
+      (let* ((cols (length (car x)))
+	     (rows (length x))
+	     (m (make-matrix-instance type (list rows cols) 0)))
+	(do ((xx x (cdr xx))
+	     (i 0 (1+ i)))
+	    ((= i rows))
+	  (do ((yy (car xx) (cdr yy))
+	       (j 0 (1+ j)))
+	      ((= j cols))
+	    (setf (mref m i j) (car yy))))
+	m)
+      ;; else make a row vector
+      (convert (list x) type))) 
+(defmethod mmap (type f a &rest args)  
+  (let ((b (new type (dim a) )))
+    (cond ((not args)
+	   (dotimes (i (size a))
+	     (setf (vref b i) (funcall f (vref a i)))))
+	  ((not (cdr args))
+	   (let ((c (car args)))
+	     (dotimes (i (size a))
+	       (setf (vref b i) (funcall f (vref a i) (vref c i))))))
+	  (t (dotimes (i (size a))
+	       (setf (vref b i) (apply f (vref a i) 
+				       (mapcar (lambda (x) 
+						 (vref x i)) 
+					       args))))))
+    b))
+(defmethod .map (f a &rest args)
+  (apply #'mmap (class-name (class-of a)) f a args))
 (defmethod square-matrix? (x)
   (and (matrix? x) (= (rows x) (cols x))))
@@ -76,44 +226,10 @@
     (setf (vref a i) val))
-(defmethod mmap (type f a &rest args)  
-  (let ((b (new type (dim a) )))
-    (cond ((not args)
-	   (dotimes (i (size a))
-	     (setf (vref b i) (funcall f (vref a i)))))
-	  ((not (cdr args))
-	   (let ((c (car args)))
-	     (dotimes (i (size a))
-	       (setf (vref b i) (funcall f (vref a i) (vref c i))))))
-	  (t (dotimes (i (size a))
-	       (setf (vref b i) (apply f (vref a i) 
-				       (mapcar (lambda (x) 
-						 (vref x i)) 
-					       args))))))
-    b))
-(defmethod .map (f a &rest args)
-  (apply #'mmap (class-name (class-of a)) f a args))
-(defmethod convert ((x cons) type)
-  ;; TODO some better way ... some more general guessing routine 
-  ;; like guess-best-element-type
-  (if (consp (car x))
-      (let* ((cols (length (car x)))
-	     (rows (length x))
-	     (m (new type (list rows cols))))
-	(do ((xx x (cdr xx))
-	     (i 0 (1+ i)))
-	    ((= i rows))
-	  (do ((yy (car xx) (cdr yy))
-	       (j 0 (1+ j)))
-	      ((= j cols))
-	    (setf (mref m i j) (car yy))))
-	m)
-      ;; else make a row vector
-      (convert (list x) type))) 
 (defmethod circ-shift (A shift)
+  ;; TODO move to level3
   (let ((B (create A))	 
 	(rows (rows A))
 	(cols (cols A))
@@ -126,6 +242,7 @@
 (defmethod pad-shift (A shift &optional (value 0))
+  ;; TODO move to level3
   (let ((B (create A value))
 	(rows (rows A))
 	(cols (cols A))

Modified: src/matrix/level2-interface.lisp
--- src/matrix/level2-interface.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level2-interface.lisp	Wed May 20 16:05:54 2009
@@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
 (in-package :lisplab) 
-(export '(square-matrix? 
+(export '(	 
+	  new mnew 
+	  create mcreate
+	  square-matrix? 
 	  .map mmap fill!	   
 	  dlmwrite dlmread 
@@ -37,6 +40,25 @@
+(defgeneric new (class dim &optional element-type value) 
+  (:documentation "Deprecated. Use mnew in stead. Creates a new matrix filled with numeric arguments."))
+(defgeneric mnew (class value rows &optional cols)
+  (:documentation "General matrix constructor. Creates a new matrix filled with numeric arguments."))
+(defgeneric create (a &optional value dim)
+  (:documentation "Deprecated. Use mcreate in stead. Creates a new matrix of the same type and with the same value as the other,
+but with all elements set to value."))
+(defgeneric mcreate (a &optional value dim)
+  (:documentation "Creates a new matrix of the same type and with the same value as the other,
+but with all elements set to value."))
+(defgeneric mmcreate (a b &optional value dim)
+  (:documentation "Creates a new matrix. The new matrix has a type derived from a and b, 
+and all elements set to value."))
 (defgeneric square-matrix? (x)
   (:documentation "True when the matrix is square, obviously."))

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