[lisplab-cvs] r18 - src/matrix system

Jørn Inge Vestgården jivestgarden at common-lisp.net
Mon May 11 19:04:12 UTC 2009

Author: jivestgarden
Date: Mon May 11 15:04:11 2009
New Revision: 18

added operator defaults for arrays


Added: src/matrix/level2-array-functions.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ src/matrix/level2-array-functions.lisp	Mon May 11 15:04:11 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+;;; Lisplab, level2-array-functions.lisp
+;;; Level2, algbra functions on arrays
+;;; TOOD: Make fast methods also for integers.
+;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Joern Inge Vestgaarden
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+(in-package :lisplab) 
+(defmacro define-array-binary-operator (new old)
+  (let ((a (gensym))
+	(b (gensym))
+	(c (gensym))
+	(i (gensym)))
+    `(progn
+       ;; two array
+       (defmethod ,new ((,a array) (,b array))
+	 (if (and (eql (element-type ,a) 'double-float)
+		  (subtypep (type-of ,a) 'simple-array)
+		  (eql (element-type ,b) 'double-float)
+		  (subtypep (type-of ,b) 'simple-array))
+	     (let ((,c (copy ,a)))
+	       (declare ((simple-array double-float) ,b ,c))
+	       (dotimes (,i (min (size ,c) (size ,a)))
+		 (setf (row-major-aref ,c ,i) 
+		       (,old (row-major-aref ,c ,i) (row-major-aref ,b ,i))))
+	       ,c)
+	     (let ((,c (create ,a t)))
+	       (dotimes (,i (min (size ,c) (size ,a)))
+		 (setf (vref ,c ,i)
+		       (,new (vref ,c ,i) (vref ,b ,i))))
+	       ,c)))
+       ;; array and number
+       (defmethod ,new ((,a array) (,b number))
+	 (if (and (eql (element-type ,a) 'double-float)
+		  (subtypep (type-of ,a) 'simple-array)
+		  (realp ,b))
+	     (let ((,b (coerce ,b 'double-float))
+		   (,c (copy ,a)))
+	       (declare ((simple-array double-float) ,c))
+	       (dotimes (,i (size ,c))
+		 (setf (row-major-aref ,c ,i) 
+		       (,old (row-major-aref ,c ,i) ,b)))
+	       ,c)
+	     (let ((,c (create ,a t)))
+	       (dotimes (,i (size ,c))
+		 (setf (vref ,c ,i)
+		       (,new (vref ,c ,i) ,b)))
+	       ,c)))
+       ;; number and array
+       (defmethod ,new ((,a number) (,b array))
+	 (if (and (eql (element-type ,b) 'double-float)
+		  (subtypep (type-of ,b) 'simple-array)
+		  (realp ,a))
+	     (let ((,b (coerce ,a 'double-float))
+		   (,c (copy ,b)))
+	       (declare ((simple-array double-float) ,c))
+	       (dotimes (,i (size ,c))
+		 (setf (row-major-aref ,c ,i)
+		       (,old ,b (row-major-aref ,c ,i))))
+	       ,c)
+	     (let ((,c (create ,b t)))
+	       (dotimes (,i (size ,c))
+		 (setf (vref ,c ,i)
+		       (,new ,b (vref ,c ,i))))
+	       ,c))))))
+(define-array-binary-operator .add +)
+(define-array-binary-operator .sub -)
+(define-array-binary-operator .mul *)
+(define-array-binary-operator .div /)
+(define-array-binary-operator .expt expt)
+#+nil (defun combine-types (a b)
+  (typecase a   
+    (double-float
+     (typecase b
+       ((complex double-float) '(complex double-float))
+       (complex 'complex)
+       (t 'double-float)))
+    ((complex double-float)
+     (typecase b
+       ((complex double-float) '(complex double-float))
+       (complex 'complex)
+       (t '(complex double-float))))
+    (t t)))
+(defmethod .add ((a array) (b array))
+  (if (and (eql (element-type a) 'double-float)
+	   (subtypep (type-of a) 'simple-array)
+	   (eql (element-type b) 'double-float)
+	   (subtypep (type-of b) 'simple-array))
+      (let ((c (copy a)))
+	(declare ((simple-array double-float) b c))
+	(dotimes (i (min (size c) (size a)))
+	  (setf (row-major-aref c i) 
+		(+ (row-major-aref c i) (row-major-aref a i))))
+	c)
+      (let ((c (create a t)))
+	(dotimes (i (min (size c) (size a)))
+	  (setf (vref c i)
+		(.+ (vref c i) (vref a i))))
+	c)))
+(defmethod .add ((a array) (b number))
+  (if (and (eql (element-type a) 'double-float)
+	   (subtypep (type-of a) 'simple-array)
+	   (realp b))
+      (let ((b (coerce b 'double-float))
+	    (c (copy a)))
+	(declare ((simple-array double-float) c))
+	(dotimes (i (size c))
+	  (setf (row-major-aref c i) 
+		(+ (row-major-aref c i) b)))
+	c)
+      (let ((c (create a t)))
+	(dotimes (i (size c))
+	  (setf (vref c i)
+		(.+ (vref c i) b)))
+	c)))
+(defmethod .add ((a number) (b array))
+  (if (and (eql (element-type b) 'double-float)
+	   (subtypep (type-of b) 'simple-array)
+	   (realp a))
+      (let ((b (coerce a 'double-float))
+	    (c (copy b)))
+	(declare ((simple-array double-float) c))
+	(dotimes (i (size c))
+	  (setf (row-major-aref c i)
+		(+ b (row-major-aref c i))))
+	c)
+      (let ((c (create a t)))
+	(dotimes (i (min (size c) (size a)))
+	  (setf (vref c i)
+		(.+ b (vref c i))))
+	c)))
+(defmethod .add ((a array) (b number))
+  (if (and (eql (element-type a) 'double-float)	   
+	   (subtypep (type-of a) 'simple-array)
+	   (realp 
+	   (subtypep (type-of b) 'simple-array))
+      (let ((c (copy a)))
+	(declare ((simple-array double-float) a c))
+	(dotimes (i (min (size c) (size a)))
+	  (incf (row-major-aref c i) (row-major-aref a i))))
+      (let ((c (copy a)))
+	(dotimes (i (min (size c) (size a)))
+	  (setf (vref c i)
+		(.+ (vref c i) (vref a i))))
+	c)))
+(defmethod .= (a b &optional (acc LEAST-POSITIVE-NORMALIZED-DOUBLE-FLOAT ))
+  (cond ((scalar? b)
+	 (dotimes (i (size a))
+	   (when (>= (abs (- (vref a i) b)) acc)
+	     (return-from .= nil)))
+	 t)
+	((scalar? a)
+	 (dotimes (i (size b))
+	   (when (>= (abs (- a (vref b i))) acc)
+	     (return-from .= nil)))
+	 t)
+	((= (size a) (size b))
+	 (dotimes (i (size a))
+	   (when (>= (abs (- (vref a i) (vref b i))) acc)
+	     (return-from .= nil)))
+	 t)
+	(t nil)))
+(defmacro def-bin-bool-op-default (op)
+  "Makes a non-specialized binary method with op which applies op on all elements 
+and returns true if it holds for all elements, nil otherwise."
+  (let ((a (gensym))
+	(b (gensym))
+	(i (gensym)))
+    `(defmethod ,op (,a ,b)
+       (cond ((scalar? ,b)
+	      (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
+		(unless (,op (vref ,a ,i) ,b)
+		  (return-from ,op nil)))
+	      t)
+	     ((scalar? ,a)
+	      (dotimes (,i (size ,b))
+		(unless(,op ,a (vref ,b ,i))
+		  (return-from ,op nil)))
+	      t)
+	     ((= (size ,a) (size ,b))
+	      (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
+		(unless (,op (vref ,a ,i) (vref ,b ,i))
+		  (return-from ,op nil)))
+	      t)
+	     (t nil)))))
+(def-bin-bool-op-default .<)
+(def-bin-bool-op-default .<=)
+(def-bin-bool-op-default .>)
+(def-bin-bool-op-default .>=)
+(defmacro def-function-default (fun)
+  (let ((a (gensym))
+	(b (gensym))
+	(i (gensym)))
+    `(defmethod ,fun (,a)
+       (let ((,b (copy ,a)))
+	 (dotimes (,i (size ,b))
+	   (setf (vref ,b ,i) (,fun (vref ,b ,i))))
+	 ,b))))
+(def-function-default .imagpart)
+(def-function-default .realpart)
+(def-function-default .abs)
+(defmacro def-bin-op-default (new)
+  (let ((i (gensym "i"))
+	(a (gensym "a"))
+	(b (gensym "b")))
+    `(defmethod ,new (,a ,b)
+      (cond ((scalar? ,a)
+	     (let ((,b (copy ,b)))
+	       (dotimes (,i (size ,b))
+		 (setf (vref ,b ,i) (,new ,a (vref ,b ,i))))
+	       ,b))
+	    ((scalar? ,b)
+	     (let ((,a (copy ,a)))
+	       (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
+		 (setf (vref ,a ,i) (,new (vref ,a ,i) ,b)))
+	       ,a))
+	    (t 
+	     (let ((,a (copy ,a)))
+	       (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
+		 (setf (vref ,a ,i) (,new (vref ,a ,i) (vref ,b ,i))))
+	       ,a))))))
+(def-bin-op-default .add)
+(def-bin-op-default .mul)
+(def-bin-op-default .sub)
+(def-bin-op-default .div)
+(def-bin-op-default .expt)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp
--- src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp	(original)
+++ src/matrix/level2-generic.lisp	Mon May 11 15:04:11 2009
@@ -29,72 +29,6 @@
       (setf (mref a i i) (vref v i)))
-(defmethod .= (a b &optional (acc LEAST-POSITIVE-NORMALIZED-DOUBLE-FLOAT ))
-  (cond ((scalar? b)
-	 (dotimes (i (size a))
-	   (when (>= (abs (- (vref a i) b)) acc)
-	     (return-from .= nil)))
-	 t)
-	((scalar? a)
-	 (dotimes (i (size b))
-	   (when (>= (abs (- a (vref b i))) acc)
-	     (return-from .= nil)))
-	 t)
-	((= (size a) (size b))
-	 (dotimes (i (size a))
-	   (when (>= (abs (- (vref a i) (vref b i))) acc)
-	     (return-from .= nil)))
-	 t)
-	(t nil)))
-(defmacro def-bin-bool-op-default (op)
-  "Makes a non-specialized binary method with op which applies op on all elements 
-and returns true if it holds for all elements, nil otherwise."
-  (let ((a (gensym))
-	(b (gensym))
-	(i (gensym)))
-    `(defmethod ,op (,a ,b)
-       (cond ((scalar? ,b)
-	      (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
-		(unless (,op (vref ,a ,i) ,b)
-		  (return-from ,op nil)))
-	      t)
-	     ((scalar? ,a)
-	      (dotimes (,i (size ,b))
-		(unless(,op ,a (vref ,b ,i))
-		  (return-from ,op nil)))
-	      t)
-	     ((= (size ,a) (size ,b))
-	      (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
-		(unless (,op (vref ,a ,i) (vref ,b ,i))
-		  (return-from ,op nil)))
-	      t)
-	     (t nil)))))
-(def-bin-bool-op-default .<)
-(def-bin-bool-op-default .<=)
-(def-bin-bool-op-default .>)
-(def-bin-bool-op-default .>=)
-(defmacro def-function-default (fun)
-  (let ((a (gensym))
-	(b (gensym))
-	(i (gensym)))
-    `(defmethod ,fun (,a)
-       (let ((,b (copy ,a)))
-	 (dotimes (,i (size ,b))
-	   (setf (vref ,b ,i) (,fun (vref ,b ,i))))
-	 ,b))))
-(def-function-default .imagpart)
-(def-function-default .realpart)
-(def-function-default .abs)
 (defmethod msum (m)
   "Sums all elements of m."
   (let ((sum 0))
@@ -140,37 +74,6 @@
     (setf (vref a i) val))
-(defmacro def-bin-op-default (new)
-  (let ((i (gensym "i"))
-	(a (gensym "a"))
-	(b (gensym "b")))
-    `(defmethod ,new (,a ,b)
-      (cond ((scalar? ,a)
-	     (let ((,b (copy ,b)))
-	       (dotimes (,i (size ,b))
-		 (setf (vref ,b ,i) (,new ,a (vref ,b ,i))))
-	       ,b))
-	    ((scalar? ,b)
-	     (let ((,a (copy ,a)))
-	       (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
-		 (setf (vref ,a ,i) (,new (vref ,a ,i) ,b)))
-	       ,a))
-	    (t 
-	     (let ((,a (copy ,a)))
-	       (dotimes (,i (size ,a))
-		 (setf (vref ,a ,i) (,new (vref ,a ,i) (vref ,b ,i))))
-	       ,a))))))
-(def-bin-op-default .add)
-(def-bin-op-default .mul)
-(def-bin-op-default .sub)
-(def-bin-op-default .div)
-(def-bin-op-default .expt)
 (defmethod mmap (type f a &rest args)  
   (let ((b (new type (dim a) )))
     (cond ((not args)

Modified: system/lisplab.asd
--- system/lisplab.asd	(original)
+++ system/lisplab.asd	Mon May 11 15:04:11 2009
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
      (:file "level1-funmat")
      (:file "level2-interface")
+     (:file "level2-array-functions")
      (:file "level2-generic")
      (:file "level2-funmat")
      (:file "level2-blas")

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