I didn't achieve as much as I'd like within the 7-day time limit, but here is my entry. It's called XIOBREAK, and like some of the other entries I've heard about, it's a Breakout clone. My spin on the genre involves changing colors and sounds. When blocks break, small particles of light and sound are randomly triggered to create changing "synaesthesia bursts" sort of like in the Sega game Rez. The animations and music also change depending on one of three distinct visual themes: "plasma", "psi", and "chi". The chi theme features a vocal sample of my friend Ari Charbonneau, processed and re-triggered to create a chorus of distant voices. A decent PC is recommended. There is a bug that prevents you from winning, so if you break all the blocks (or get bored with the theme) press escape and the colors/theme will be changed.<br>
<br>Keyboard and joystick control are provided. If you use a joystick, just mash around till you figure it out, otherwise follow the onscreen keyboard instructions.<br><br>After the compo is over I'd like to add things to XIOBREAK and fix its many bugs, but I'll leave it untouched in its 7-day state for now, so that others can complete their entries.<br>
<br>Libraries used: <br> LISPBUILDER-SDL<br> XE2 Game Engine <a href="http://dto.github.com/notebook/xe2-reference.html">http://dto.github.com/notebook/xe2-reference.html</a><br><br>Applications used:<br> GNU Emacs<br>
Audacity<br> Milkytracker<br> Hexter<br><br><br>Binaries for Linux are at <a href="http://github.com/dto/xe2/downloads">http://github.com/dto/xe2/downloads</a><br><br>Building from scratch instructions: <a href="http://github.com/dto/xe2/blob/master/INSTALL">http://github.com/dto/xe2/blob/master/INSTALL</a><br>
<br>Windows and Mac binaries coming soon. <br>