[lisp-game-dev] Lisp games on Android!

Simon Ortiz o.simon at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 00:22:45 UTC 2011

I'm thinking that using cl-opengl, rather than making another OpenGL
wrapper, is definitively a good idea. The more standard, the better,

Although I wonder if cl-opengl can be used as is. Android and iOS use
OpenGL ES, which is a subset of the normal OpenGL.

I'll try to adapt cl-opengl into cl-opengles1 on the weekend. Let's
see how far I can go.

I'll let you know.

Simón Ortiz B., M.Sc., Ing. en Computación
Linux Registered User #388735

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 23:08, Simon Ortiz <o.simon at gmail.com> wrote:
> @Joop: thanks! I'll read into CC0 :)
> @Elliot: whether or not to use cl-OpenGL is an undecided matter. Right
> now, just for testing, I wrote a pair of function wrappers. If you
> would like to add cl-OpenGL to the project, you are more than welcome!
> Thanks for your replies!
> --
> Simón Ortiz B., M.Sc., Ing. en Computación
> Linux Registered User #388735
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 02:06, Elliott Slaughter
> <elliottslaughter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> When you talk about making a wrapper around OpenGL, are you using cl-opengl?
>> I already use cl-opengl in my game engine, so if you did that would
>> encourage me to think about supporting Android. Otherwise (if you are
>> writing your own wrapper) I would probably be discouraged from attempting to
>> port my engine.
>> Thanks.
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Simon Ortiz <o.simon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> dear Lispers and dear game-devs,
>>> I'm working on a project to make games on Lisp for smartphones.
>>> I'm writing to let you all know of this project. If someone is
>>> interested, please let me know, so we can advance the project faster
>>> and make better code.
>>> The project works using ECL, which has being ported to Android and iOS
>>> thanks to the work of Ram Krishnan and Sylvain Ageneau. Right now, you
>>> can start ECL on these devices, load and execute any Lisp code. As an
>>> example, which is included in the project, you can run a Swank server
>>> on the devices, and connect to it from Slime.
>>> I'm starting from those projects and I'm attempting to make the
>>> connections necessary for making games. My first target is Android.
>>> Right now, Lisp can communicate with OpenGL (but there are some
>>> crashes...), and Java can communicate touch events to Lisp.
>>> The first goal is to be able to draw OpenGL primitives (without
>>> crashing), draw textures, and output sound. The second goal is to
>>> build the same connections for iOS. The third goal, for the remote
>>> future, is to have internet connections. And the fourth goal, for an
>>> even farther future, is to read gyroscopes data and GPS data.
>>> This project is not aiming at making a Lisp game engine. That is left
>>> as an exercise for the developer. But with all the connections there,
>>> making your game/engine should be easier.
>>> Also, since this project is aiming at releasing games through the App
>>> Store, it cannot contain any GPL software. All my work is on the
>>> public domain (as in "yes, you can go, use it, make money, and never
>>> tell me"). ECL is released under the LGPL license, so there should be
>>> no problems if you fulfill your responsibilities.
>>> If you want to check the (still crashing) project go to:
>>> https://github.com/o-simon/ecl-smartphones
>>> If you want to collaborate, please send me an email. I'll give you
>>> write access to the repository.
>>> I hope to hear from you soon.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> --
>>> Simón Ortiz B., M.Sc., Ing. en Computación
>>> Linux Registered User #388735
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> lisp-game-dev mailing list
>>> lisp-game-dev at common-lisp.net
>>> http://lists.common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lisp-game-dev
>> --
>> Elliott Slaughter
>> "Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict
>> the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay

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