[lisp-game-dev] [ILGE2010] Robotime

Quentin Stievenart acieroid at awesom.eu
Wed Aug 11 08:03:48 UTC 2010

Robotime is a robot-like game, you can find more infos here[1], with a
screenshot and some kind of post-mortem. There's also a Mercurial
repository here[2]. 

If you have troubles when trying to launch it, you might set
*resources-dir* to the complete path to robotime/resources/ in
graphic.lisp (I didn't have this problem, but some people did). 

Every informations about dependencies etc. can be found in the first


[1] http://awesom.eu/~acieroid/ilge/robotime.html
[2] http://hg.awesom.eu/robotime/

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