[Linedit-cvs] CVS update: src/complete.lisp src/linedit.asd src/main.lisp src/packages.lisp src/sbcl-repl.lisp src/smart-terminal.lisp src/terminal.lisp src/version.lisp-expr

Nikodemus Siivola nsiivola at common-lisp.net
Fri Mar 5 18:21:37 UTC 2004

Update of /project/linedit/cvsroot/src
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2121

Modified Files:
	complete.lisp linedit.asd main.lisp packages.lisp 
	sbcl-repl.lisp smart-terminal.lisp terminal.lisp 
Log Message:
 * Fix #\, handling in input.
 * Don't intern read symbols before passing them to the system.
 * Better directory completion (via Osicat).
 * Fixed AGAIN: editor confusion after completion.

Date: Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
Author: nsiivola

Index: src/complete.lisp
diff -u src/complete.lisp:1.2 src/complete.lisp:1.3
--- src/complete.lisp:1.2	Sun Sep 28 07:37:43 2003
+++ src/complete.lisp	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -21,34 +21,42 @@
 (in-package :linedit)
+(defun pathname-directory-pathname (pathname)
+  (make-pathname :name nil :type nil
+		 :defaults pathname))
+(defun underlying-directory-p (pathname)
+  (case (file-kind pathname)
+    (:directory t)
+    (:symbolic-link (file-kind (merge-pathnames (read-link pathname) pathname)))))
 ;; This version of directory-complete isn't nice to symlinks, and
 ;; should be replaced by something backed by foreign glue.
 (defun directory-complete (string)
   (declare (simple-string string))
-  (let ((namefun (case (car (pathname-directory string))
-		   (:absolute #'namestring)
-		   (t #'enough-namestring)))
-	(common nil)
-	(max 0)
-	(hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-    (dolist (path (directory (concat string "*")))
-      (let* ((candidate (funcall namefun path))
-	     (diff (mismatch string candidate)))
-	(unless (or (not diff)
-		    (< diff (length string)))
-	  (setf common (if common
-			   (subseq candidate 0 (mismatch common candidate))
-			   candidate)
-		max (max max (length candidate))
-		(gethash candidate hash) candidate))))
+  (let* ((common nil)
+	 (all nil)
+	 (max 0)
+	 (dir (pathname-directory-pathname string)))
+    (unless (underlying-directory-p dir)
+      (return-from directory-complete (values nil 0)))
+    (with-directory-iterator (next dir)
+      (loop for entry = (next)
+	    while entry
+	    do (let* ((full (namestring (merge-pathnames entry)))
+		      (diff (mismatch string full)))
+		 (dbg "~& completed: ~A, diff: ~A~%" full diff)
+		 (unless (< diff (length string))
+		   (dbg "~& common ~A mismatch ~A~&" common (mismatch common full))
+		   (setf common (if common
+				    (subseq common 0 (mismatch common full))
+				    full)
+			 max (max max (length full))
+			 all (cons full all))))))
+    (dbg "~&common: ~A~%" common)
     (if (or (null common)
 	    (<= (length common) (length string)))
-	(let (list)
-	  (maphash (lambda (key val)
-		     (declare (ignore val))
-		     (push key list))
-		   hash)
-	  (values list max))
+	(values all max)
 	(values (list common) (length common)))))
 (defun lisp-complete (string editor)

Index: src/linedit.asd
diff -u src/linedit.asd:1.25 src/linedit.asd:1.26
--- src/linedit.asd:1.25	Fri Mar  5 04:34:00 2004
+++ src/linedit.asd	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
     (error 'operation-error :component c :operation o)))
 (defsystem :linedit
-    :version "0.15.7"
-    :depends-on (:uffi :terminfo)
+    :version "0.15.8"
+    :depends-on (:uffi :terminfo :osicat)
   (;; Common
    (:file "packages")

Index: src/main.lisp
diff -u src/main.lisp:1.10 src/main.lisp:1.11
--- src/main.lisp:1.10	Mon Nov 24 17:56:38 2003
+++ src/main.lisp	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -44,19 +44,24 @@
 	    (table (copy-readtable)))
 	;; FIXME: It would be nice to provide an interace of some sort that
 	;; the user could use to alter the crucial reader macros in custom readtables.
+	(set-macro-character #\: #'colon-reader nil table)
+	(set-macro-character #\, (constantly (values)) nil table)
 	(set-macro-character #\; #'semicolon-reader nil table)
 	(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\. (constantly (values)) table)
 	(do ((str (apply #'linedit :prompt prompt1 args)
 		  (concat str
 			  (string #\newline)
 			  (apply #'linedit :prompt prompt2 args))))
-	    ((let ((form (handler-case (let ((*readtable* table))
+	    ((let ((form (handler-case (let ((*readtable* table)
+					     (*package* (make-package "LINEDIT-SCRATCH")))
 					 ;; KLUDGE: This is needed to handle input that starts
 					 ;; with an empty line. (At least in the presense of
 					 ;; ACLREPL).
-					 (if (find-if-not 'whitespacep str)
-					     (read-from-string str)
-					     (error 'end-of-file)))
+					 (unwind-protect
+					      (if (find-if-not 'whitespacep str)
+						  (read-from-string str)
+						  (error 'end-of-file))
+					   (delete-package *package*)))
 			   (end-of-file () 
 	       (unless (eq eof-marker form)
@@ -67,3 +72,7 @@
   (loop for char = (read-char stream)
 	until (eql char #\newline))
+(defun colon-reader (stream char)
+  (declare (ignore char))
+  (read stream t nil t))

Index: src/packages.lisp
diff -u src/packages.lisp:1.15 src/packages.lisp:1.16
--- src/packages.lisp:1.15	Thu Mar  4 08:52:53 2004
+++ src/packages.lisp	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 (defpackage :linedit
-  (:use :cl)
+  (:use :cl :osicat)

Index: src/sbcl-repl.lisp
diff -u src/sbcl-repl.lisp:1.6 src/sbcl-repl.lisp:1.7
--- src/sbcl-repl.lisp:1.6	Thu Nov 20 12:29:55 2003
+++ src/sbcl-repl.lisp	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 					    :initial-element #\Space))
 		   (end-of-file (e)
 		     (if eof-quits
-			 (and (fresh-line) (sb-ext:quit))
+			 (and (fresh-line) (eof-handler))
 			 ;; Hackins, I know.
 	(setf sb-int:*repl-prompt-fun* (constantly ""))
@@ -85,4 +85,24 @@
 			(write-line "#<end-of-file>")
\ No newline at end of file
+(defun eof-handler ()
+  (format *terminal-io* "Really quit SBCL? (y or n) ")
+  (finish-output *terminal-io*)
+  (handler-case
+      (loop
+       (let ((result (linedit)))
+         (cond
+           ((string= result "") nil)
+           ((char-equal (elt result 0) #\y)
+            (fresh-line)
+            (sb-ext:quit))
+           ((char-equal (elt result 0) #\n)
+            (return-from eof-handler "#.''end-of-file"))
+           (t nil))
+         (format *terminal-io* 
+		 "Please type \"y\" for yes or \"n\" for no.~%Really quit SBCL? (y or n) ")
+         (finish-output *terminal-io*)))
+    (end-of-file ()
+      (fresh-line)
+      (sb-ext:quit))))

Index: src/smart-terminal.lisp
diff -u src/smart-terminal.lisp:1.16 src/smart-terminal.lisp:1.17
--- src/smart-terminal.lisp:1.16	Thu Mar  4 11:47:09 2004
+++ src/smart-terminal.lisp	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@
 (in-package :linedit)
 (defclass smart-terminal (terminal)
-  ((old-row :initform 1 :accessor old-row)
-   (old-col :initform 0 :accessor old-col)
-   (old-point :initform 0 :accessor old-point)
+  ((old-point :initform 0 :accessor old-point)
    (old-string :initform "" :accessor old-string)
    (old-markup :initform 0 :accessor old-markup)))
@@ -78,13 +76,18 @@
   (let* ((*terminal-io* *standard-output*)
 	 (columns (backend-columns backend))
 	 (old-markup (old-markup backend))
-	 (old-col (old-col backend))
-	 (old-row (old-row backend))
 	 (old-point (old-point backend))
+	 (old-col (find-col old-point columns))
+	 (old-row (find-row old-point columns))
 	 (old (old-string backend))
 	 (new (concat prompt line))
 	 (end (length new))
 	 (rows (find-row end columns)))
+    (when (dirty-p backend)
+      (setf old-markup 0
+	    old-point 0
+	    old-col 0
+	    old-row 1))
     (multiple-value-bind (marked-line markup)
 	(if markup
 	    (dwim-mark-parens line point 
@@ -115,9 +118,8 @@
 	   :vertical (- rows point-row)
 	   :current-col (find-col end columns))
 	  ;; Save state
-	  (setf (old-row backend) point-row
-		(old-col backend) point-col
-		(old-string backend) new
+	  (setf	(old-string backend) new
 		(old-markup backend) markup
-		(old-point backend) point)))
+		(old-point backend) point
+		(dirty-p backend) nil)))
     (force-output *terminal-io*)))

Index: src/terminal.lisp
diff -u src/terminal.lisp:1.6 src/terminal.lisp:1.7
--- src/terminal.lisp:1.6	Thu Mar  4 08:52:53 2004
+++ src/terminal.lisp	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
 (in-package :linedit)
 (defclass terminal (backend)
-  ((translations :initform *terminal-translations*)))
+  ((translations :initform *terminal-translations*)
+   (dirty-p :initform t :accessor dirty-p)))
 (uffi:def-function ("linedit_terminal_columns" c-terminal-columns)
     ((default :int))
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
   (newline backend))
 (defmethod newline ((backend terminal))
-  (setf (get-start backend) 0)
+  (setf (dirty-p backend) t)
   (write-char #\newline)
   (write-char #\return)

Index: src/version.lisp-expr
diff -u src/version.lisp-expr:1.10 src/version.lisp-expr:1.11
--- src/version.lisp-expr:1.10	Fri Mar  5 04:34:00 2004
+++ src/version.lisp-expr	Fri Mar  5 13:21:36 2004
@@ -1 +1 @@

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