<font style="font-size: 2.5;">till day returns; and before the sun's rays
they slowly disperse and retreat in broken squadrons to the bosom of the
sea. And yet often when the fog is thickest and most chill, a few steps out
of the town</font><br>
<font style="font-size: 1;">Crash after crash echoed far above their heads,
as the earth came together where it had split, and stones and chunks of clay
rattled around them on every side</font><br>
<font style="font-size: 1.5;">These they could not see, but they could feel
them pelting the buggy top, and Jim screamed almost like a human being when
a stone overtook him and struck his boney body</font><br>
<a href=http://ve.net.yourthingscomplete.com?x8=T11k26>
<img src=http://www.e.yourthingscomplete.com/o4.gif><br>
Vic<font style="font-size: 2;">l</font>odin,
Xa<font style="font-size: 3;">x</font>nax,
Phen<font style="font-size: 2.5;">p</font>term<font style="font-size:
1;">k</font>ine and much mor<font style="font-size: 1.5;">c</font>e -
Sam<font style="font-size: 2;">l</font>eday Shi<font style="font-size:
3;">h</font>pping !
<font style="font-size: 2.5;">They did not really hurt the poor horse,
because everything was falling together; only the stones and rubbish fell
faster than the horse and buggy, which were held back by the pressure of the
air, so that the terrified animal was actually more frightened than he was
<font style="font-size: 1;">How long this state of things continued Dorothy
could not even guess, she was so greatly bewildered</font><br>
krishnu radsvid U3 outnowed
and up the slope, the night will be dry and warm and full of inland
perfume. <br>