[lgtk-cvs] CVS update: lgtk/src/dynaslot.lisp lgtk/src/gtklisp.lisp lgtk/src/gtknexus.lisp lgtk/src/gtkpackage.lisp lgtk/src/port.lisp

Mario Mommer mmommer at common-lisp.net
Thu Dec 11 10:48:00 UTC 2003

Update of /project/lgtk/cvsroot/lgtk/src
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv31311/lgtk/src

Modified Files:
	dynaslot.lisp gtklisp.lisp gtknexus.lisp gtkpackage.lisp 
Log Message:
Merged back the sbcl-port branch

Date: Thu Dec 11 05:48:00 2003
Author: mmommer

Index: lgtk/src/dynaslot.lisp
diff -u lgtk/src/dynaslot.lisp:1.3 lgtk/src/dynaslot.lisp:1.4
--- lgtk/src/dynaslot.lisp:1.3	Mon Nov 10 16:44:07 2003
+++ lgtk/src/dynaslot.lisp	Thu Dec 11 05:48:00 2003
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (defpackage #:dynaslot
   (:export #:begin-slot-declarations #:generate-alien-accessors
 	   #:add-alien-slots #:peek #:poke)
-  (:use :defbinding :nexus :common-lisp))
+  (:use :defbinding :nexus :common-lisp :clnexus-port))
 (in-package :dynaslot)
@@ -116,22 +116,6 @@
 				    (car req) (caddr req) off))
 			       offsl reqs))))))))
-(defmacro peek (base off type)
-  `(alien:deref
-     (alien:sap-alien
-      (system:int-sap
-       (+ ,off
-	  (system:sap-int (alien:alien-sap ,base))))
-      (* ,type))))
-(defmacro poke (base off type value)
-  `(setf (alien:deref
-	  (alien:sap-alien
-	   (system:int-sap
-	    (+ ,off
-	       (system:sap-int (alien:alien-sap ,base))))
-	   (* ,type))) ,value))
 ;; This is how this should be used.

Index: lgtk/src/gtklisp.lisp
diff -u lgtk/src/gtklisp.lisp:1.4 lgtk/src/gtklisp.lisp:1.5
--- lgtk/src/gtklisp.lisp:1.4	Mon Nov 10 15:44:47 2003
+++ lgtk/src/gtklisp.lisp	Thu Dec 11 05:48:00 2003
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@
   (defun gtk-init ()
     (when (not *gtk-init*)
       (let ((i 0))
-	(gtk-aliens::|gtk_init| i (system:int-sap 0)))
+	(gtk-aliens::|gtk_init| i 
+		     (voidptr 0)))
       (setf *gtk-init* t)))
@@ -173,8 +174,8 @@
 			 (funcall *sigint-handler* a b c)))))
 	  (setf *sigint-handler*
-		(system:enable-interrupt unix:SIGINT #'my-handler))
+		(swap-unix-sigint-handler #'my-handler))
 	  (let ((*in-main* t))
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@
 	    (throw 'common-lisp::top-level-catcher nil)))
       ;; When unwinding
-      (system:enable-interrupt unix:SIGINT *sigint-handler*)
+      (swap-unix-sigint-handler *sigint-handler*)
       (setf *sigint-handler* nil))))
 ;; So far, so good.
@@ -205,12 +206,16 @@
 (defun schedule-visual-gc ()
   (when (not (or *visual-gc-scheduled* *main-active*))
     (setf *visual-gc-scheduled* t)
+    #+cmu
      #'(lambda ()
 	 (sleep 1)
 	 (unless *main-active*
-	 (setf *visual-gc-scheduled* nil)))))
+	 (setf *visual-gc-scheduled* nil)))
+    ;; Need to provide SBCL alternative here. -dd
+    #+sbcl 
+    t))
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
   (run-after-gc #'schedule-visual-gc))

Index: lgtk/src/gtknexus.lisp
diff -u lgtk/src/gtknexus.lisp:1.4 lgtk/src/gtknexus.lisp:1.5
--- lgtk/src/gtknexus.lisp:1.4	Sun Nov  9 12:32:46 2003
+++ lgtk/src/gtknexus.lisp	Thu Dec 11 05:48:00 2003
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 (defmacro def-callback-type (name marker decoy)
   `(defresource ,name
      (callback-resource :marker ,marker
-			:trampoline (callback ,decoy))))
+			:trampoline (c-fun-ptr ,decoy))))
 (defun getanumber ()
   (format t "Enter a number to be returned to the toolkit, e.g 42~%")
@@ -197,15 +197,14 @@
 ;; Trampolines
-(defcallback gtk-standard-decoy (c-call:void (w (* t)) (cookie c-call:int))
+(def-c-callable gtk-standard-decoy (:void (w (* t)) (cookie :int))
   (%standard-handler w cookie))
-(defcallback gtk-destroy-decoy (c-call:void (w (* t)) (cookie c-call:int))
+(def-c-callable gtk-destroy-decoy (:void (w (* t)) (cookie :int))
   (%destroy-handler w cookie))
-(defcallback gtk-evhandling-decoy (c-call:int
-				   (w (* t)) (ev (* t)) (cookie c-call:int))
+(def-c-callable gtk-evhandling-decoy (:int (w (* t)) (ev (* t)) (cookie :int))
   (%event-handler w ev cookie))
-(defcallback %gtk-itc-handler (c-call:int (id c-call:int))
+(def-c-callable %gtk-itc-handler (:int (id :int))
   (%itc-handler id))

Index: lgtk/src/gtkpackage.lisp
diff -u lgtk/src/gtkpackage.lisp:1.2 lgtk/src/gtkpackage.lisp:1.3
--- lgtk/src/gtkpackage.lisp:1.2	Wed Nov  5 16:20:41 2003
+++ lgtk/src/gtkpackage.lisp	Thu Dec 11 05:48:00 2003
@@ -49,5 +49,5 @@
 	   ;; enums. Only export those which can be combined via | in
 	   ;; C. See file enums.lisp for details.
-  (:use common-lisp nexus widget-nexus callback enums defbinding clnexus-port
+  (:use common-lisp nexus widget-nexus enums defbinding clnexus-port

Index: lgtk/src/port.lisp
diff -u lgtk/src/port.lisp:1.3 lgtk/src/port.lisp:1.4
--- lgtk/src/port.lisp:1.3	Wed Oct 29 12:20:45 2003
+++ lgtk/src/port.lisp	Thu Dec 11 05:48:00 2003
@@ -7,11 +7,13 @@
 ;; Portablility package.
 (defpackage #:clnexus-port
-  (:export #:alien-address #:finalize
-	   #:make-weak-pointer #:weak-pointer-value
-	   #:*weak-pointer-type* #:run-after-gc #:def-alien-routine
-	   #:port-alien-type)
-  (:use common-lisp))
+  (:export #:alien-address #:finalize #:make-weak-pointer
+	   #:weak-pointer-value #:*weak-pointer-type* #:run-after-gc
+	   #:def-alien-routine #:port-alien-type #:def-c-callable #:c-fun-ptr
+	   #:swap-unix-sigint-handler #:voidptr #:peek #:poke)
+  #+cmu (:use common-lisp ext system alien c-call callback)
+  #+sbcl (:use common-lisp sb-ext sb-sys sb-alien callback)
+  (:shadow def-alien-routine finalize make-weak-pointer weak-pointer-value))
 (in-package #:clnexus-port)
@@ -25,24 +27,25 @@
 ;;; Alien magic
 ;; basic C types
 (defparameter *c-types*
-  '((:char c-call:char)
-    (:short c-call:short)
-    (:ushort c-call:unsigned-short)
-    (:int c-call:int)
-    (:uint c-call:unsigned-int)
-    (:long c-call:long)
-    (:ulong c-call:unsigned-long)
-    (:double c-call:double)
-    (:float c-call:float)
+  '((:char char)
+    (:short short)
+    (:ushort unsigned-short)
+    (:int int)
+    (:uint unsigned-int)
+    (:long long)
+    (:ulong unsigned-long)
+    (:double double)
+    (:float float)
-    (:c-string c-call:c-string)
+    (:c-string c-string)
-    (:void c-call:void)
+    (:void void)
     (:voidptr (* t))
     (* *)
-    (t t)))
+    (t t))
+  "Maps `port' C type specifiers from the :KEYWORDS package to symbols
+from the the C-CALL (CMUCL) or SB-ALIEN (SBCL) packages.")
 (defun port-alien-type (key)
   (let ((it (cond ((atom key) (cadr (assoc key *c-types*)))
@@ -52,23 +55,87 @@
 ;; Get the actual pointer number
 (defun alien-address (it)
-  #+cmu (system:sap-int (alien:alien-sap it)))
+  (sap-int (alien-sap it)))
 (defmacro def-alien-routine (&rest stuff)
-  #+cmu `(alien:def-alien-routine , at stuff))
+  #+cmu `(alien:def-alien-routine , at stuff)
+  #+sbcl `(define-alien-routine , at stuff))
 ;;; GC magic
-#+cmu (defvar *weak-pointer-type* 'ext:weak-pointer)
+(defvar *weak-pointer-type* 'weak-pointer)
 (defun finalize (fun obj)
-  #+cmu (ext:finalize fun obj))
+  #+cmu (ext:finalize fun obj)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:finalize fun obj))
 (defun make-weak-pointer (obj)
-  #+cmu (ext:make-weak-pointer obj))
+  #+cmu (ext:make-weak-pointer obj)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:make-weak-pointer obj))
 (defun weak-pointer-value (obj)
-  #+cmu (ext:weak-pointer-value obj))
+  #+cmu (ext:weak-pointer-value obj)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:weak-pointer-value obj))
 (defun run-after-gc (fun)
-  (pushnew fun ext:*after-gc-hooks*))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (pushnew fun *after-gc-hooks*))
+(defun voidptr (int)
+  (int-sap int))
+(defun swap-unix-sigint-handler (new-one)
+  #+cmu (system:enable-interrupt unix:SIGINT new-one)
+  #+sbcl (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:SIGINT new-one))
+;;; Aaaah BASIC! Those where the days.....
+(defmacro peek (base off type)
+  `(alien:deref
+     (alien:sap-alien
+      (system:int-sap
+       (+ ,off
+	  (system:sap-int (alien:alien-sap ,base))))
+      (* ,type))))
+(defmacro peek (base off type)
+  `(sb-alien:deref
+     (sb-alien:sap-alien
+      (sb-sys:int-sap
+       (+ ,off
+	  (sb-sys:sap-int (sb-alien:alien-sap ,base))))
+      (* ,type))))
+(defmacro poke (base off type value)
+  `(setf (alien:deref
+	  (alien:sap-alien
+	   (system:int-sap
+	    (+ ,off
+	       (system:sap-int (alien:alien-sap ,base))))
+	   (* ,type))) ,value))
+(defmacro poke (base off type value)
+  `(setf (sb-alien:deref
+	  (sb-alien:sap-alien
+	   (sb-sys:int-sap
+	    (+ ,off
+	       (sb-sys:sap-int (sb-alien:alien-sap ,base))))
+	   (* ,type))) ,value))
+;; The callback interface will get non-portable among sbcl and cmucl.
+(defmacro def-c-callable (name (return-type &rest arg-specs) &rest body)
+  "Defines a callback using the `port' C type specifiers. Uses
+PORT-ALIEN-TYPE to convert the syntax to the implementation-dependant
+alien type specifiers."
+  `(defcallback ,name 
+    ,(list* (port-alien-type return-type)
+	    (mapcar (lambda (arg-spec)
+		      (destructuring-bind (name type) arg-spec
+			(list name (port-alien-type type))))
+		    arg-specs))
+    , at body))
+(defmacro c-fun-ptr (it)
+  `(callback ,it))

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