Can anyone give me an example that generates a chunked verb phrase?<br><br>I'm having difficulty understanding the verb tags.<br><br>Consider the following string which is actually in the pdf in the docs "Show me all the coats for winter.<br>
<br>In Section 7.1 of the pdf, this should be chunked such that<br>(VX Show VX) (NX me NX) (NX all the coats NX) (PX for winter PX)<br><br>But running tag generates:<br><br>(tag "Show me all the coats for winter")<br>
"show/NNP me/PRP all/DT the/DT coats/NNS for/IN winter./NN "<br><br>and running chunk generates:<br>(chunk "Show me all the coats for winter.")<br>(#<PHRASE:NX "show "> #<PHRASE:VX "show "> #<PHRASE:ADVP "show "><br>
#<PHRASE:NX "the coats "> #<PHRASE:VX "the coats "><br> #<PHRASE:ADVP "the coats "> #<PHRASE:NX "winter. "> #<PHRASE:VX "winter. "><br> #<PHRASE:ADVP "winter. ">)<br>
<br>The tag show no verbs whatsoever, the chunk has show as noun, verb and adverb phrases.<br><br>If I tag the string "The dog ate his food"<br><br>(tag "The dog ate his food")<br>"The/DT dog/NN ate/VBD his/PRP$ food/NN <br>
<br>"ate" is clearly labeled as a verb, but when I chunk the same string<br><br>(chunk "The dog ate his food")<br>(#<PHRASE:NX "the dog "> #<PHRASE:VX "the dog "> #<PHRASE:ADVP "the dog "><br>
#<PHRASE:NX "his food "> #<PHRASE:VX "his food "> #<PHRASE:ADVP "his food ">)<br><br>the word "ate" disappears completely and "the dog" and "his food" are NX, VX and ADVP.<br>
<br>Clearly I'm misunderstanding something. Can someone shed a little light on my ignorance?<br><br>Larry<br>