[l-math-announce] L-MATH 0.3.2

Rudy Neeser rudy.neeser at gmail.com
Thu May 20 22:14:14 UTC 2010

I am pleased to announce release 0.3.2 of L-MATH, a Common Lisp library
for simple linear algebra in geometric applications. Vector and matrix
classes are available, as are linear interpolation functions and
various operations related to creating rotation matrices using
pre-specified frames. The 0.3 series marks the library's initial
release, of which 0.3.2 is a maintenance release.

This release fixes an initialisation error in the VECTOR and MATRIX
classes, in which their private data arrays were not initialised on
CLISP. A ChangeLog for this release is available at:


The project's homepage is available at:


L-MATH is licensed under the GPLv3 (or later version) with the
Classpath exception.

You can read more about the library and how to use it here:


The source files are available for download here:


The GPG detached signature is available from:


You can verify the download using the following command:

  gpg --verify l-math_0.3.2.tar.gz.asc

The public key can be obtained like so:

  gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 63513948

Here is the MD5 checksum:

  d6712448ad341c3199e76de483606c20 l-math_0.3.2.tar.gz

L-MATH can also be installed using ASDF-INSTALL like so:

  (require 'asdf-install)
  (asdf-install:install 'l-math)

Rudolph Neeser
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