[kpax-devel] kpax on windows + Lisp in a box

Eyal Raab eyal.raab at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 13:44:57 UTC 2007


Hi, I'm new to lisp and I'm trying to do the following:
I'm trying to install kpax on windows using lisp in a box with CLisp 2.33 (
the installer from the website ).

Is it possible?

If it is, can someone help me with the following error message:

"Starting a standard socket named "s-http-server" on port 2001 using handler
  S-HTTP-SERVER::CONNECTION-HANDLER> not yet ported to this lisp system
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]"

The code that currently generated this error is:

(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/asdf.lisp")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/s-utils/s-utils.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/s-base64/s-base64.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/s-utils/s-utils.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/s-sysdeps/s-sysdeps.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/cl-who-0.6.3/cl-who.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/kpax/kpax.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/kpax/kpax-core.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/kpax/kpax-s-http-server.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/kpax/kpax-paserve.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/kpax/kpax-mod-lisp.asd")
(load "c:/progra~1/LispBox/packages/kpax/kpax-examples.asd")
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :kpax)

(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :kpax-examples)
(in-package :kpax-user)
(start-kpax :server-class 's-http-server)
(start-web-app :helloworld1)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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