[kpax-devel] Re: small additon to my mail form yesterday

Sven Van Caekenberghe scaekenberghe at common-lisp.net
Mon Jun 19 11:59:02 UTC 2006

On 19 Jun 2006, at 10:09, Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

> I've overseen forms2.lisp. The validators are there, I've not seen  
> them.
> Sorry
> Friedrich

Yes, Friedrich, you raised so many points in your mail that I was  
still contemplating my reply !

Indeed there are some higher level facilities in KPAX, built on top  
of, but independent of, the basic layer (which in itself is not that  
well defined, except maybe in my head ;-). There is support for HTML  
generation, automagic web forms with validation, menu bars, table  
formatting , full localization, uploading with multipart encoding,  
argument translations, ... In some of the examples, there is even  
more: lisp server pages, a wiki, alternative authorization, ...

But there is not enough documentation, nor is everything polished  

Rest assured that we used KPAX for varioius production projects for  
several years, so most things that we (and most people) need, are there!

May the source be with you ;-)


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