[iterate-devel] Bad superiority example

Eivind Midtgård eivind at autosim.no
Sun Apr 11 13:32:18 UTC 2010

The document at http://common-lisp.net/project/iterate/ uses this as an example of the superiority of iterate over loop: 

Finding the longest list in a list of lists:

(iterate (for elt in list-of-lists)
         (finding elt maximizing (length elt)))

whereas the example of how it can be done in loop is long and contorted. But loop can do 

(loop for elt in list-of-lists
      maximizing (length elt))

The example in 3.2 Named blocks may be better as a selling point:

(iter outer (for i below (array-dimension ar 0))
             (iter (for j below (array-dimension ar 1))
                   (in outer (collect (aref ar i j)))))

showing that the outer loop can easily collect data produced in the inner loop.


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