[iterate-devel] making sbcl depend on iterate

Chris Dean ctdean at sokitomi.com
Sat Mar 17 07:46:26 UTC 2007

"Patrick X" <dabittweiler at gmail.com> writes:
> hello i can't since to get the iterate to work via slime
> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'iterate)  ;is how i normally load the package
> i tried putting the depends-on function from the site in .emacs but
> it didn't work.  I can I make sbcl depends on iterate everytime it
> is fire up.

You need to put this in your sbcl startup code, not your .emacs file.
Maybe someone more sbcl aware can tell you exactly how to configure

> reading the iterate manual i still confuse on how to open files with iterate
> (iterate:iter (for line in-file #p"/var/log/messages")
>                 (do (print line)))
> this is how i thought I should use it.

To read each line in a file use:

  (iter (for line in-file #p"/var/log/messages" :using 'read-line)
        (print line))

Chris Dean

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