[iterate-devel] how to generate pdf from tex?

Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com
Tue Feb 1 17:35:33 UTC 2005


I've been able to generate a .pdf from a .tex in a non-straight-forward way, so I'm wondering how it should actually be done.

1. using pdf or latex (dvi output), TeX will complain about the missing iter-man.ind file.
o Where does it come from?
o is there an easy substitute (instead of using null.tex/sty)?

I used iter-man.idx instead, but this was not understood by the pdftex driver

2. pdftex
pdftex iter-man -> error about \documentstyle

pdfvirtex &pdfcslatex iter-man
(I found the dir with the pdfcslatex.fmt and other .fmt in my Suse 8.1 distribution in /var/lib/..., but no pdflatex.fmt)
works, after adding symlink of pdftex.cfg into the current directory

The table of content did not generate clickable entries, nor bookmarks. I thought this was the big advantage of using pdftex?

dvipdf iter-man.dvi generated a .pdf (smaller in size), this uses dvips internally, and a %pdf-1.3 header, while pdftex generates %pdf-1.4
Both appear with similar quality on screen, is that normal?

I included that .pdf from pdfcslatex in the distribution I can send on request (see previous e-mail of mine, from today).

	Jorg Hohle.

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