[iterate-devel] Macroexpansion, bindings and information flow

Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com
Thu Nov 25 09:51:28 UTC 2004

[augment-environment etc.]

FWIW, the thread "Re: constantp values always available at macro expansion" in comp.lang.lisp these days (11 Nov 2004) discusses possible future CLRFI standardization and Franz' future open source environment-access API

Duane Rettig writes:"
Message-ID: <ZJadnf74lMdIog7cRVn-rA at speakeasy.net>
It might be premature - there are still mundane issues to decide that
the spec and implementations require (e.g. notably, CLOS/PCL and their
walker), and I'd not want to drag other vendors into yet) but I would
be more than happy to discuss any issues that you might have at the
interface level, or take suggestions if you want to get into those
details.  Start with the docs
Might be a good place to start) and send me some email."

	Jorg Hohle

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