AW: [iterate-devel] Macroexpansion, bindings and information flow (Iterate package)

Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at
Wed Nov 17 13:51:07 UTC 2004


Andreas Fuchs wrote:
>I did the non-sensible thing instead and hacked together a more or
>less macrolet/flet/labels-aware code walker that uses custom lexical
I saw that you use a custom implementation of augment-environment.

Before you go further into this, you may investigate the following:

Many years ago (1995), Barry Margolin wrote in comp.lang.lisp about augment-environment (and the accompanying functions present in CLtL2 but not in ANSI-CL):
"It was removed.  There were some problems with the design of the
environment-related functions"

You may wish to investigate what the deficiencies are.
I can't judge if despite deficiencies, it may be enough for the purpose of Iterate.

But it may still be better than nothing (or error out and refuse to expand).
For similar reasons, I'm thinking about how to allow cl:locally (from trivial to complex).

	Jorg Hohle.

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