[isidorus-cvs] r1035 - in trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets: base view
lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Tue Nov 22 21:11:08 UTC 2011
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Tue Nov 22 13:11:07 2011
New Revision: 1035
gdl-frontend: Widgets: refactoring of GdlVisibleObject => implemented the class GdlVisbleObjectTmService for processing all GDL and TMCL constraints
Modified: trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/GdlVisibleObject.java
--- trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/GdlVisibleObject.java Tue Nov 22 06:56:14 2011 (r1034)
+++ trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/GdlVisibleObject.java Tue Nov 22 13:11:07 2011 (r1035)
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Reifiable;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.ReifiableStub;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Role;
-import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.ScopedStub;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Topic;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.TopicMap;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.TopicMapsTypes;
@@ -76,11 +75,12 @@
public abstract class GdlVisibleObject extends Composite implements GdlDescriptor, HasClickHandlers, HasMouseOutHandlers, HasMouseOverHandlers, HasFocusHandlers, HasMouseDownHandlers, HasMouseUpHandlers, HasBlurHandlers{
private GdlVisibleObject gdlParent = null;
+ private GdlVisibleObjectCssService cssService = null;
+ private GdlVisibleObjectTmService tmService = null;
protected AbsolutePanel mainPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
protected Panel containerPanel = null;
protected Topic tmRepresentative = null;
protected TopicMap tm = null;
- protected GdlVisibleObjectCssService cssService = null;
protected ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> activeCssNamesAndStyles = new ArrayList<Pair<String,String>>();
protected ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> focusCssNamesAndStyles = new ArrayList<Pair<String,String>>();
protected ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> hoverCssNamesAndStyles = new ArrayList<Pair<String,String>>();
@@ -89,32 +89,6 @@
protected ArrayList<Pair<Topic, Integer>> actionButtonsAndPositions = null;
protected ArrayList<GdlInfo> infoElements = new ArrayList<GdlInfo>();
protected Construct receivedData = null;
- protected Topic valueGroupTopic = null;
- protected boolean valueGroupTopicSet = false;
- protected Topic constraintTopic = null;
- protected boolean constraintTopicSet = false;
- protected Topic rootConstraintTopic = null;
- protected boolean rootConstraintTopicSet = false;
- protected Topic defaultTmValueTopic = null;
- protected boolean defaultTmValueTopicSet = false;
- protected Topic defaultLiteralValueTopic = null;
- protected boolean defaultLiteralValueTopicSet = false;
- protected ArrayList<Topic> tmValueTopics = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- protected boolean tmValueTopicsSet = false;
- protected ArrayList<Topic> literalValueTopics = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- protected boolean literalValueTopicsSet = false;
- protected ArrayList<Topic> preferredScopes = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- protected boolean prefferedScopesSet = false;
- protected Topic displayByConstraint = null;
- protected boolean displayByConstraintSet = false;
- protected ArrayList<String> literals = new ArrayList<String>();
- protected boolean literalsSet = false;
- protected int cardMin = 0;
- protected boolean cardMinSet = false;
- protected int cardMax = 0;
- protected boolean cardMaxSet = false;
- protected ArrayList<Topic> rawTmValues = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- protected boolean rawTmValuesSet = false;
// some constructors
@@ -133,6 +107,7 @@
if(!(receivedData instanceof Topic) && !(receivedData instanceof Association) && !(receivedData instanceof Name) && !(receivedData instanceof Variant) && !(receivedData instanceof Occurrence) && !(receivedData instanceof Role) && receivedData != null) throw new ExecutionException("receivedData must be either a Topic, Association, Topic-Name, Name-Variant, Topic-Occurrence or Association-Role, but is: " + receivedData.getClass());
this.receivedData = receivedData;
+ this.tmService = new GdlVisibleObjectTmService(this);
this.cssService = new GdlVisibleObjectCssService(this);
@@ -1610,118 +1585,61 @@
public int getCardMin() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.cardMinSet){
- return this.cardMin;
- } else {
- this.cardMaxSet = true;
- return TmHelper.getCardMin(this.getRootConstraint());
- }
+ return this.tmService.getCardMin();
public int getCardMax() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.cardMaxSet){
- return this.cardMax;
- } else {
- this.cardMaxSet = true;
- return TmHelper.getCardMax(this.getRootConstraint());
- }
+ return this.tmService.getCardMax();
// returns the topic instance of gdlt:Value-Group that is bound to this
// visible element, or null if it is unbound
public Topic getValueGroup() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.valueGroupTopicSet){
- return this.valueGroupTopic;
- } else {
- this.valueGroupTopic = TmHelper.getValueGroupOf(this.tmRepresentative);
- this.valueGroupTopicSet = true;
- return this.valueGroupTopic;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getValueGroup();
// returns the direct (first) constraint that is bound to the value-group
// of this element - or null if it is unbound
public Topic getConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.constraintTopicSet){
- return this.constraintTopic;
- } else {
- this.constraintTopic = TmHelper.getConstraintOfValueGroup(this.getValueGroup());
- this.constraintTopicSet = true;
- return this.constraintTopic;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getConstraint();
// returns the root (last) constraint that is bound to the value-group
// of this element - or null if it is unbound
public Topic getRootConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.rootConstraintTopicSet){
- return this.rootConstraintTopic;
- } else {
- this.rootConstraintTopic = TmHelper.getRootConstraintOfValueGroup(this.getValueGroup(), this.getConstraint());
- this.rootConstraintTopicSet = true;
- return this.rootConstraintTopic;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getRootConstraint();
// returns the topic that represents the default topic maps value of
// the value-group that is bound to this element - null if it is unbound
public Topic getDefaultTmValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.defaultTmValueTopicSet){
- return this.defaultTmValueTopic;
- } else {
- this.defaultTmValueTopic = TmHelper.getDefaultTmValue(this.getValueGroup());
- this.defaultTmValueTopicSet = true;
- return this.defaultTmValueTopic;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getDefaultTmValue();
// returns the topic that represents the default literal value of the
// value-group that is bound to this element - or null if it is unbound
public Topic getDefaultLiteralValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.defaultLiteralValueTopicSet){
- return this.defaultLiteralValueTopic;
- } else {
- this.defaultLiteralValueTopic = TmHelper.getDefaultLiteralValue(this.getValueGroup());
- this.defaultLiteralValueTopicSet = true;
- return this.defaultLiteralValueTopic;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getDefaultLiteralValue();
// returns the topic that represents the default value of
// the value-group that is bound to this element - null if it is unbound
public Topic getDefaultValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.getDefaultLiteralValue() != null && this.getDefaultTmValue() != null) throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getValueGroup()) + " must be bound to maximal one " + PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlDefaultValue + ", but is: 2");
- else if(this.getDefaultLiteralValue() != null) return this.getDefaultLiteralValue();
- else return this.getDefaultTmValue();
+ return this.tmService.getDefaultValue();
// returns true if the default value is fixed
// otherwise the return value is false
public boolean fixedDefaultValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException{
- Topic defVal = this.getDefaultValue();
- if(defVal == null) return false;
- TopicMap tm = defVal.getTopicMap();
- Occurrence fixedOcc = TmHelper.getSingleOccurrence(defVal, TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(PSIs.GDL.OccurrenceType.gdlFixed, tm));
- if(fixedOcc != null){
- try{
- return Boolean.valueOf(fixedOcc.getValue().toLowerCase());
- }catch(Exception e){
- throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the occurrence of type " + PSIs.GDL.OccurrenceType.gdlFixed + " bound to the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(defVal) + " must be set to either true or false, but is: " + fixedOcc.getValue());
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
+ return this.tmService.fixedDefaultValue();
@@ -1729,65 +1647,41 @@
// that are valid and declared for the value-group of this element - or
// an empty ArrayList
public ArrayList<Topic> getTmValues() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.tmValueTopicsSet){
- return this.tmValueTopics;
- } else {
- this.tmValueTopics = TmHelper.getTmValues(this.getValueGroup());
- this.tmValueTopicsSet = true;
- return this.tmValueTopics;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getTmValues();
// returns all topics that represents literal values for this value-group - or
// an empty ArrayList
public ArrayList<Topic> getLiteralValues() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.literalValueTopicsSet){
- return this.literalValueTopics;
- } else {
- this.literalValueTopics = TmHelper.getLiteralValues(this.getValueGroup());
- this.literalValueTopicsSet = true;
- return this.literalValueTopics;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getLiteralValues();
// returns an ArrayList of strings that are set to a value group as literal values
public ArrayList<String> getLiterals() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.literalsSet){
- return this.literals;
- } else {
- this.literalsSet = true;
- this.literals = TmHelper.getLiterals(this.getValueGroup());
- return this.literals;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getLiterals();
// returns the valid topic maps value for the constraint bound
// to the value-group that is bound to this element - or an empty ArrayList
public ArrayList<Topic> getTmValuesForConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, ExecutionException {
- return TmHelper.getTmValuesForConstraint(this.getConstraint(), this.getValueGroup());
+ return this.tmService.getTmValuesForConstraint();
// returns the regular expression that is set for the constraint bound to the
// value-group of this element
public String getLiteralValueForConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- return TmHelper.getLiteralValueForConstraint(this.getConstraint());
+ return this.tmService.getLiteralValueForConstraint();
// returns the display-by schema that is defined for the value-group that
// is bound to this element
public Topic getDisplayByOfValueGroup() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.displayByConstraintSet){
- return this.displayByConstraint;
- } else {
- this.displayByConstraintSet = true;
- this.displayByConstraint = TmHelper.getDisplayByTopicOf(this.getValueGroup());
- return this.displayByConstraint;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getDisplayByOfValueGroup();
@@ -1801,13 +1695,7 @@
// returns the preferred scope that is bound to the value-group of
// this element - or an empty ArrayList
public ArrayList<Topic> getPreferredScopeOfValueGroup() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
- if(this.prefferedScopesSet){
- return this.preferredScopes;
- } else {
- this.prefferedScopesSet = true;
- this.preferredScopes = TmHelper.getPrefferedScopesForTopicOf(this.getValueGroup());
- return this.preferredScopes;
- }
+ return this.tmService.getPreferredScopeOfValueGroup();
@@ -1828,448 +1716,22 @@
// returns the strings of the control that are entered/selected
// returns the strings of the control that are entered/selected
public abstract ArrayList<String> getSelectedValues();
- // validates names, occurrences and identifiers for the passed value
- private void validateLiteralValue(String selectedValue) throws InvalidContentException, InvalidGdlSchemaException{
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectIdentifierConstraint) || TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectLocatorConstraint) || TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclItemIdentifierConstraint)){
- Pattern pattern = new Pattern(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()));
- if(!pattern.matches(selectedValue)) throw new InvalidContentException("The value \"" + selectedValue + "\" does not satisfy the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " with the regular expression: " + TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()));
- } else {
- ArrayList<Pattern> validLiteralValues = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
- for (String literal : this.getLiterals()) validLiteralValues.add(new Pattern(literal));
- if(validLiteralValues.size() == 0) validLiteralValues.add(new Pattern(this.getLiteralValueForConstraint()));
- int i = 0;
- for( ; i != validLiteralValues.size(); ++i) if(validLiteralValues.get(i).matches(selectedValue)) break;
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicNameConstraint)){
- if(i == validLiteralValues.size()) throw new InvalidContentException("the user data " + selectedValue + " for the topic-name " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint())) + " does not satisfy any of the constraints: " + Utils.arrayToString(validLiteralValues));
- } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicOccurrenceConstraint)){
- if(i == validLiteralValues.size()) throw new InvalidContentException("the user data " + selectedValue + " for the topic-occurrence " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint())) + " does not satisfy any of the constraints: " + Utils.arrayToString(validLiteralValues));
- }
- }
- }
- // validates the the tm values of a constraint
- private void validateTmValue(Topic selectedPlayer) throws InvalidContentException, InvalidGdlSchemaException, ExecutionException {
- if(this.getRawTmValues().size() != 0 && !this.getRawTmValues().contains(selectedPlayer)){
- throw new InvalidContentException("the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(selectedPlayer) + " does not satisfy the contraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " and the topic values: " + Utils.topicArrayToString(this.getRawTmValues()));
- } else {
- if(!this.getTmValuesForConstraint().contains(selectedPlayer)){
- throw new InvalidContentException("the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(selectedPlayer) + " does not satisfy the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " and topic values: " + Utils.topicArrayToString(this.getTmValuesForConstraint()));
- }
- }
- }
- // returns the actual topics that are set as possible tm-values
- private ArrayList<Topic> getRawTmValues() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException{
- if(this.rawTmValuesSet){
- return this.rawTmValues;
- } else {
- this.rawTmValuesSet = true;
- ArrayList<Topic> tmValues = this.getTmValues();
- for (Topic tmValue : tmValues) this.rawTmValues = Utils.union(this.rawTmValues, TmHelper.getValuesForTmValue(tmValue));
- return this.rawTmValues;
- }
- }
- // returns all locators contained in the passed locators array, which match the
- // passed regular expression value
- private ArrayList<Locator> filterLocators(String pattern, JsArray<Locator> locators){
- ArrayList<Locator> result = new ArrayList<Locator>();
- if(locators == null || locators.length() == 0) return result;
- Pattern patternObject = new Pattern(pattern == null ? ".*" : pattern);
- for(int i = 0; i != locators.length(); ++i){
- if(patternObject.matches(locators.get(i).getReference())) result.add(locators.get(i));
- }
- return result;
- }
- // handles the getContent call for subject identifiers and subject locators
- private void getTopicIdentifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- JsArray<Locator> identifiers = null;
- ArrayList<Locator> filteredIdentifiers = null;
- boolean isPsiConstraint = false;
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectIdentifierConstraint)){
- isPsiConstraint = true;
- identifiers = carrier.getSubjectIdentifiers();
- filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
- } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectLocatorConstraint)){
- identifiers = carrier.getSubjectLocators();
- filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
- } else {
- throw new ExecutionException("Only the constraints " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectIdentifierConstraint + " and " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectLocatorConstraint + " are supported by the function getTopicIdentifierContent");
- }
- Locator changedIdentifier = null;
- if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
- if(isPsiConstraint) carrier.removeSubjectIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- else carrier.removeSubjectLocator(changedIdentifier);
- }
- changedIdentifier = carrier.getTopicMap().createLocator(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- if(isPsiConstraint) carrier.addSubjectIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- else carrier.addSubjectLocator(changedIdentifier);
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
- }
- // handles the getContent call for item identifiers
- private void getItemIdentifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(this.receivedData instanceof Reifiable) || !(this.receivedData instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Reifiable, but is: " + receivedData.getClass());
- // get type
- Topic constrainedTopicType = TmHelper.getConstrainedTopicType(this.getConstraint());
- int typeIdx = -1;
- JsArray<Topic> types = null;
- if((carrier instanceof Topic)){
- types = ((Topic)carrier).getTypes();
- if(types.length() != 0){
- for(typeIdx = 0; typeIdx != types.length(); ++typeIdx) if(types.get(typeIdx).equals(constrainedTopicType)) break;
- }
- }
- JsArray<Locator> identifiers = null;
- ArrayList<Locator> filteredIdentifiers = null;
- if((carrier instanceof Topic) && types != null && typeIdx != types.length()){
- identifiers = ((Topic)carrier).getItemIdentifiers();
- filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
- Locator changedIdentifier = null;
- if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
- ((Topic)carrier).removeItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- }
- changedIdentifier = ((Topic)carrier).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- ((Topic)carrier).addItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
- } else {
- // search for the topic type
- Reifiable ref = null;
- // search for the characteristics type
- if(carrier instanceof Topic){
- JsArray<Name> names = ((Topic)carrier).getNames(constrainedTopicType);
- if(names.length() != 0){
- ref = names.get(0);
- } else {
- JsArray<Occurrence> occs = ((Topic)carrier).getOccurrences(constrainedTopicType);
- if(occs.length() != 0) ref = occs.get(0);
- }
- } else if(carrier instanceof Association){
- JsArray<Role> roles = ((Association)carrier).getRoles(constrainedTopicType);
- if(roles.length() != 0) ref = roles.get(0);
- }
- if(ref == null) return;
- // search for item-identifiers of the found topic type or characteristics
- identifiers = ((ReifiableStub)ref).getItemIdentifiers();
- filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
- Locator changedIdentifier = null;
- if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
- ((ReifiableStub)carrier).removeItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- }
- changedIdentifier = ((ReifiableStub)carrier).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- ((ReifiableStub)carrier).addItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
- }
- }
- // handles the getContent call for item identifiers of variant-names
- private void getVariantIdentifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- ArrayList<Variant> possibleVariants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint(carrier, this.getRootConstraint());
- if(possibleVariants.size() != 0){
- Variant variant = possibleVariants.get(0);
- JsArray<Locator> identifiers = null;
- ArrayList<Locator> filteredIdentifiers = null;
- identifiers = variant.getItemIdentifiers();
- filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
- Locator changedIdentifier = null;
- if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
- variant.removeItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- }
- changedIdentifier = variant.getTopicMap().createLocator(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- variant.addItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
- }
- }
- // handles the getContent call for item identifiers of variant-names
- private void getVariantReifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- ArrayList<Variant> possibleVariants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint(carrier, this.getRootConstraint());
- if(possibleVariants.size() != 0){
- Variant variant = possibleVariants.get(0);
- Topic reifier = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
- if(reifier != null && !variant.getReifier().equals(reifier)) variant.setReifier(reifier);
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(variant, TopicMapsTypes.Variant));
- }
- }
- // handles the getContent call for occurrence and name values
- private void getTopicCharacteristicContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- Topic characteristicType = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
- boolean isOccConstraint = true;
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicOccurrenceConstraint)){
- isOccConstraint = true;
- } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicNameConstraint)){
- isOccConstraint = false;
- } else {
- throw new ExecutionException("the function getTopicCharacteristicContent can operate only on constraints of the type " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicOccurrenceConstraint + " or " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicNameConstraint + ", but is called with " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()));
- }
- JsArray<Name> names = null;
- JsArray<Occurrence> occurrences = null;
- if(isOccConstraint) occurrences = carrier.getOccurrences(characteristicType);
- else names = carrier.getNames(characteristicType);
- Construct changedConstruct = null;
- if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ // handles the getContent call for a Datatye value
+ private void getDatatypeContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + receivedData.getClass());
- if(isOccConstraint){
- if(occurrences.length() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedConstruct = occurrences.get(selectedValueIndex);
- ((Occurrence)changedConstruct).setValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- }else {
- changedConstruct = carrier.createOccurrence(characteristicType, this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), null);
- }
- } else {
- if(names.length() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedConstruct = names.get(selectedValueIndex);
- ((Name)changedConstruct).setValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- }else {
- changedConstruct = carrier.createName(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), characteristicType, null);
- }
- }
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedConstruct, isOccConstraint ? TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence : TopicMapsTypes.Name));
+ ArrayList<Variant> variants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint((Topic)this.receivedData, this.getRootConstraint());
+ Topic occType = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getRootConstraint());
+ ArrayList<Occurrence> occs = Utils.jsArrayToArrayList(((Topic)this.receivedData).getOccurrences(occType));
+ this.tmService.getDatatypeContent(contents, validate, carrier, selectedValueIndex, variants, occs);
- // handles the getContent call for subject identifiers and subject locators
private void getVariantNameContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(this.receivedData instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + receivedData.getClass());
ArrayList<Variant> variants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint((Topic)this.receivedData, this.getConstraint());
- Variant changedVariant = null;
- if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- if(variants.size() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedVariant = variants.get(selectedValueIndex);
- changedVariant.setValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- }else {
- Topic nameType = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
- JsArray<Name> names = carrier.getNames(nameType);
- Name owner = names.get(0);
- Topic scope = TmHelper.getConstrainedScopeTopic(this.getConstraint());
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- JsArray<Topic> scopes = (JsArray<Topic>) JsArray.createArray();
- scopes.push(scope);
- changedVariant = owner.createVariant(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), scopes);
- }
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedVariant, TopicMapsTypes.Variant));
- }
- // handles the getContent call for role players
- private void getRolePlayerContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Association carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(carrier instanceof Association)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to an Association, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- if(!TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicRoleConstraint))throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a root constraint of the type " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicRoleConstraint + ", but is: " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getRootConstraint()));
- Pair<Topic, Topic> roleAndPlayerType = TmHelper.getConstrainedRoleAndPlayerTypeOfConstraint(this.getRootConstraint());
- Topic roleType = roleAndPlayerType.getFirst();
- Topic playerType = roleAndPlayerType.getSecond();
- JsArray<Role> typedRoles = carrier.getRoles(roleType);
- ArrayList<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>();
- for(int i = 0; i != typedRoles.length(); ++i)
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(typedRoles.get(i).getPlayer(), playerType)) roles.add(typedRoles.get(i));
- Role changedRole = null;
- Topic player = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
- if(validate) this.validateTmValue(player);
- if(roles.size() > selectedValueIndex){
- changedRole = roles.get(selectedValueIndex);
- changedRole.setPlayer(player);
- } else {
- changedRole = carrier.createRole(roleType, player);
- }
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedRole, TopicMapsTypes.Role));
- }
- // handles the getContent call for scope topics of variant-names
- private void getVariantNameScopeContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- ArrayList<Variant> possibleVariants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint(carrier, this.getRootConstraint());
- if(possibleVariants.size() != 0){
- Variant variant = possibleVariants.get(0);
- JsArray<Topic> scopes = variant.getScope();
- if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
- if(scopes.length() > selectedValueIndex){
- Topic oldScope = scopes.get(selectedValueIndex);
- Topic newScope = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
- if(!oldScope.equals(newScope)){
- variant.removeTheme(oldScope);
- variant.addTheme(newScope);
- }
- }
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(variant, TopicMapsTypes.Variant));
- }
- }
- // handles the getContent call for scope topics
- private void getScopeContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- Topic type = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
- JsArray<Topic> scopes = null;
- Construct owner = null;
- TopicMapsTypes ownerType = null;
- if(carrier instanceof Topic){
- JsArray<Name> names = ((Topic)carrier).getNames(type);
- if(names.length() != 0){
- scopes = names.get(0).getScope();
- owner = names.get(0);
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Name;
- }
- if(scopes == null){
- JsArray<Occurrence> occs = ((Topic)carrier).getOccurrences(type);
- if(occs.length() != 0){
- scopes = occs.get(0).getScope();
- owner = occs.get(0);
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence;
- }
- }
- } else if(carrier instanceof Association){
- if(((Association)carrier).getType().equals(type)){
- scopes = ((Association)carrier).getScope();
- owner = carrier;
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Association;
- }
- } else {
- throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a topic or association, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- }
- Topic newScope = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
- Topic oldScope = null;
- if(scopes.length() > selectedValueIndex){
- oldScope = scopes.get(selectedValueIndex);
- if(!newScope.equals(oldScope)){
- ((ScopedStub)owner).removeTheme(oldScope);
- ((ScopedStub)owner).addTheme(newScope);
- }
- } else {
- ((ScopedStub)owner).addTheme(newScope);
- }
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(owner, ownerType));
- }
- // handles the getContent call for a reifier topic
- private void getReifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- Topic type = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
- Construct owner = null;
- TopicMapsTypes ownerType = null;
- if(carrier instanceof Topic){
- JsArray<Name> names = ((Topic)carrier).getNames(type);
- if(names.length() != 0){
- owner = names.get(0);
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Name;
- } else {
- JsArray<Occurrence> occs = ((Topic)carrier).getOccurrences(type);
- if(occs.length() != 0){
- owner = occs.get(0);
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence;
- }
- }
- } else if(carrier instanceof Association){
- if(((Association)carrier).getType().equals(type)){
- owner = carrier;
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Association;
- } else {
- JsArray<Role> roles = ((Association)carrier).getRoles(type);
- if(roles.length() != 0){
- owner = roles.get(0);
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Role;
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a topic or association, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
- }
- Topic newReifier = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
- if(!newReifier.equals(((ReifiableStub)owner).getReifier())) ((ReifiableStub)owner).setReifier(newReifier);
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(owner, ownerType));
- }
- // handles the getContent call for a Datatye value
- // handles the getContent call for scope topics
- private void getDatatypeContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
- if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + receivedData.getClass());
- Construct owner = null;
- TopicMapsTypes ownerType = null;
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclVariantNameConstraint)){
- ArrayList<Variant> variants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint((Topic)this.receivedData, this.getRootConstraint());
- if(variants.size() != 0){
- owner = variants.get(0);
- variants.get(0).setValue(variants.get(0).getValue(), variants.get(0).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex)));
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Variant;
- }
- } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclOccurrenceConstraint)){
- Topic occType = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getRootConstraint());
- JsArray<Occurrence> occs = ((Topic)this.receivedData).getOccurrences(occType);
- if(occs.length() != 0){
- owner = occs.get(0);
- occs.get(0).setValue(occs.get(0).getValue(), occs.get(0).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex)));
- ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence;
- }
- } else {
- throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a constraint of the type " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclVariantNameConstraint + " or " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclOccurrenceConstraint + ", but is bound to: " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getRootConstraint()));
- }
- contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(owner, ownerType));
+ this.tmService.getVariantNameContent(contents, validate, carrier, selectedValueIndex, variants);
@@ -2325,33 +1787,33 @@
for (int idx = 0; idx != this.getSelectedValues().size(); ++idx){
if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclItemIdentifierConstraint)){
- this.getItemIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getItemIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectIdentifierConstraint)){
- this.getTopicIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getTopicIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectLocatorConstraint)){
- this.getTopicIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getTopicIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicNameConstraint)){
- this.getTopicCharacteristicContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getTopicCharacteristicContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclVariantNameConstraint)){
this.getVariantNameContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclScopeConstraint)){
- this.getScopeContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getScopeContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclReifierConstraint)){
- this.getReifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getReifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlDatatype)){
this.getDatatypeContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlType)){
this.getTypeContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlVariantNameScope)){
- this.getVariantNameScopeContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getVariantNameScopeContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlVariantNameReifier)){
- this.getVariantReifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getVariantReifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlVariantNameIdentifiers)){
- this.getVariantIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getVariantIdentifierContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicOccurrenceConstraint)){
- this.getTopicCharacteristicContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getTopicCharacteristicContent(result, validate, (Topic)localCarrier, idx);
} else if (TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlRolePlayer)){
- this.getRolePlayerContent(result, validate, (Association)localCarrier, idx);
+ this.tmService.getRolePlayerContent(result, validate, (Association)localCarrier, idx);
} else {
throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " is not supported");
Added: trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/GdlVisibleObjectTmService.java
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/GdlVisibleObjectTmService.java Tue Nov 22 13:11:07 2011 (r1035)
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+package us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.base;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArray;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Association;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Construct;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Locator;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Name;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Occurrence;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Reifiable;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.ReifiableStub;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Role;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.ScopedStub;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Topic;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.TopicMap;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.TopicMapsTypes;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Variant;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.environment.ExecutionException;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.environment.InvalidContentException;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.environment.InvalidGdlSchemaException;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.environment.Pair;
+import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.environment.Pattern;
+public class GdlVisibleObjectTmService {
+ private GdlVisibleObject owner = null;
+ private Topic valueGroupTopic = null;
+ private boolean valueGroupTopicSet = false;
+ private Topic tmRepresentative = null;
+ private Topic constraintTopic = null;
+ private boolean constraintTopicSet = false;
+ private Topic rootConstraintTopic = null;
+ private boolean rootConstraintTopicSet = false;
+ private Topic defaultTmValueTopic = null;
+ private boolean defaultTmValueTopicSet = false;
+ private Topic defaultLiteralValueTopic = null;
+ private boolean defaultLiteralValueTopicSet = false;
+ private ArrayList<Topic> tmValueTopics = new ArrayList<Topic>();
+ private boolean tmValueTopicsSet = false;
+ private ArrayList<Topic> literalValueTopics = new ArrayList<Topic>();
+ private boolean literalValueTopicsSet = false;
+ private ArrayList<String> literals = new ArrayList<String>();
+ private boolean literalsSet = false;
+ private int cardMin = 0;
+ private boolean cardMinSet = false;
+ private int cardMax = 0;
+ private boolean cardMaxSet = false;
+ private Topic displayByConstraint = null;
+ private boolean displayByConstraintSet = false;
+ private ArrayList<Topic> preferredScopes = new ArrayList<Topic>();
+ private boolean prefferedScopesSet = false;
+ private ArrayList<Topic> rawTmValues = new ArrayList<Topic>();
+ private boolean rawTmValuesSet = false;
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private GdlVisibleObjectTmService() {}
+ public GdlVisibleObjectTmService(GdlVisibleObject owner) throws ExecutionException {
+ if(owner == null) throw new ExecutionException("owner must not be null");
+ this.owner = owner;
+ this.tmRepresentative = this.owner.getTmRepresentative();
+ }
+ // returns the topic instance of gdlt:Value-Group that is bound to this
+ // visible element, or null if it is unbound
+ public Topic getValueGroup() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.valueGroupTopicSet){
+ return this.valueGroupTopic;
+ } else {
+ this.valueGroupTopic = TmHelper.getValueGroupOf(this.tmRepresentative);
+ this.valueGroupTopicSet = true;
+ return this.valueGroupTopic;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns the direct (first) constraint that is bound to the value-group
+ // of this element - or null if it is unbound
+ public Topic getConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.constraintTopicSet){
+ return this.constraintTopic;
+ } else {
+ this.constraintTopic = TmHelper.getConstraintOfValueGroup(this.getValueGroup());
+ this.constraintTopicSet = true;
+ return this.constraintTopic;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns the root (last) constraint that is bound to the value-group
+ // of this element - or null if it is unbound
+ public Topic getRootConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.rootConstraintTopicSet){
+ return this.rootConstraintTopic;
+ } else {
+ this.rootConstraintTopic = TmHelper.getRootConstraintOfValueGroup(this.getValueGroup(), this.getConstraint());
+ this.rootConstraintTopicSet = true;
+ return this.rootConstraintTopic;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns the topic that represents the default topic maps value of
+ // the value-group that is bound to this element - null if it is unbound
+ public Topic getDefaultTmValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.defaultTmValueTopicSet){
+ return this.defaultTmValueTopic;
+ } else {
+ this.defaultTmValueTopic = TmHelper.getDefaultTmValue(this.getValueGroup());
+ this.defaultTmValueTopicSet = true;
+ return this.defaultTmValueTopic;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns the topic that represents the default literal value of the
+ // value-group that is bound to this element - or null if it is unbound
+ public Topic getDefaultLiteralValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.defaultLiteralValueTopicSet){
+ return this.defaultLiteralValueTopic;
+ } else {
+ this.defaultLiteralValueTopic = TmHelper.getDefaultLiteralValue(this.getValueGroup());
+ this.defaultLiteralValueTopicSet = true;
+ return this.defaultLiteralValueTopic;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns the topic that represents the default value of
+ // the value-group that is bound to this element - null if it is unbound
+ public Topic getDefaultValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.getDefaultLiteralValue() != null && this.getDefaultTmValue() != null) throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getValueGroup()) + " must be bound to maximal one " + PSIs.GDL.TopicType.gdlDefaultValue + ", but is: 2");
+ else if(this.getDefaultLiteralValue() != null) return this.getDefaultLiteralValue();
+ else return this.getDefaultTmValue();
+ }
+ // returns true if the default value is fixed
+ // otherwise the return value is false
+ public boolean fixedDefaultValue() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException{
+ Topic defVal = this.getDefaultValue();
+ if(defVal == null) return false;
+ TopicMap tm = defVal.getTopicMap();
+ Occurrence fixedOcc = TmHelper.getSingleOccurrence(defVal, TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(PSIs.GDL.OccurrenceType.gdlFixed, tm));
+ if(fixedOcc != null){
+ try{
+ return Boolean.valueOf(fixedOcc.getValue().toLowerCase());
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the occurrence of type " + PSIs.GDL.OccurrenceType.gdlFixed + " bound to the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(defVal) + " must be set to either true or false, but is: " + fixedOcc.getValue());
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns all topic maps values represented by topics of the type gdlt:Tm-Value
+ // that are valid and declared for the value-group of this element - or
+ // an empty ArrayList
+ public ArrayList<Topic> getTmValues() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.tmValueTopicsSet){
+ return this.tmValueTopics;
+ } else {
+ this.tmValueTopics = TmHelper.getTmValues(this.getValueGroup());
+ this.tmValueTopicsSet = true;
+ return this.tmValueTopics;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns all topics that represents literal values for this value-group - or
+ // an empty ArrayList
+ public ArrayList<Topic> getLiteralValues() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.literalValueTopicsSet){
+ return this.literalValueTopics;
+ } else {
+ this.literalValueTopics = TmHelper.getLiteralValues(this.getValueGroup());
+ this.literalValueTopicsSet = true;
+ return this.literalValueTopics;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns an ArrayList of strings that are set to a value group as literal values
+ public ArrayList<String> getLiterals() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.literalsSet){
+ return this.literals;
+ } else {
+ this.literalsSet = true;
+ this.literals = TmHelper.getLiterals(this.getValueGroup());
+ return this.literals;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getCardMin() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.cardMinSet){
+ return this.cardMin;
+ } else {
+ this.cardMaxSet = true;
+ return TmHelper.getCardMin(this.getRootConstraint());
+ }
+ }
+ public int getCardMax() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.cardMaxSet){
+ return this.cardMax;
+ } else {
+ this.cardMaxSet = true;
+ return TmHelper.getCardMax(this.getRootConstraint());
+ }
+ }
+ // returns the valid topic maps value for the constraint bound
+ // to the value-group that is bound to this element - or an empty ArrayList
+ public ArrayList<Topic> getTmValuesForConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, ExecutionException {
+ return TmHelper.getTmValuesForConstraint(this.getConstraint(), this.getValueGroup());
+ }
+ // returns the regular expression that is set for the constraint bound to the
+ // value-group of this element
+ public String getLiteralValueForConstraint() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ return TmHelper.getLiteralValueForConstraint(this.getConstraint());
+ }
+ // returns the display-by schema that is defined for the value-group that
+ // is bound to this element
+ public Topic getDisplayByOfValueGroup() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.displayByConstraintSet){
+ return this.displayByConstraint;
+ } else {
+ this.displayByConstraintSet = true;
+ this.displayByConstraint = TmHelper.getDisplayByTopicOf(this.getValueGroup());
+ return this.displayByConstraint;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns all locators contained in the passed locators array, which match the
+ // passed regular expression value
+ public ArrayList<Locator> filterLocators(String pattern, JsArray<Locator> locators){
+ ArrayList<Locator> result = new ArrayList<Locator>();
+ if(locators == null || locators.length() == 0) return result;
+ Pattern patternObject = new Pattern(pattern == null ? ".*" : pattern);
+ for(int i = 0; i != locators.length(); ++i){
+ if(patternObject.matches(locators.get(i).getReference())) result.add(locators.get(i));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // returns the preferred scope that is bound to the value-group of
+ // this element - or an empty ArrayList
+ public ArrayList<Topic> getPreferredScopeOfValueGroup() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException {
+ if(this.prefferedScopesSet){
+ return this.preferredScopes;
+ } else {
+ this.prefferedScopesSet = true;
+ this.preferredScopes = TmHelper.getPrefferedScopesForTopicOf(this.getValueGroup());
+ return this.preferredScopes;
+ }
+ }
+ // validates names, occurrences and identifiers for the passed value
+ public void validateLiteralValue(String selectedValue) throws InvalidContentException, InvalidGdlSchemaException{
+ if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectIdentifierConstraint) || TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectLocatorConstraint) || TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclItemIdentifierConstraint)){
+ Pattern pattern = new Pattern(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()));
+ if(!pattern.matches(selectedValue)) throw new InvalidContentException("The value \"" + selectedValue + "\" does not satisfy the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " with the regular expression: " + TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()));
+ } else {
+ ArrayList<Pattern> validLiteralValues = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
+ for (String literal : this.getLiterals()) validLiteralValues.add(new Pattern(literal));
+ if(validLiteralValues.size() == 0) validLiteralValues.add(new Pattern(this.getLiteralValueForConstraint()));
+ int i = 0;
+ for( ; i != validLiteralValues.size(); ++i) if(validLiteralValues.get(i).matches(selectedValue)) break;
+ if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicNameConstraint)){
+ if(i == validLiteralValues.size()) throw new InvalidContentException("the user data " + selectedValue + " for the topic-name " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint())) + " does not satisfy any of the constraints: " + Utils.arrayToString(validLiteralValues));
+ } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicOccurrenceConstraint)){
+ if(i == validLiteralValues.size()) throw new InvalidContentException("the user data " + selectedValue + " for the topic-occurrence " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint())) + " does not satisfy any of the constraints: " + Utils.arrayToString(validLiteralValues));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // validates the the tm values of a constraint
+ public void validateTmValue(Topic selectedTopic) throws InvalidContentException, InvalidGdlSchemaException, ExecutionException {
+ if(this.getRawTmValues().size() != 0 && !this.getRawTmValues().contains(selectedTopic)){
+ throw new InvalidContentException("the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(selectedTopic) + " does not satisfy the contraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " and the topic values: " + Utils.topicArrayToString(this.getRawTmValues()));
+ } else {
+ if(!this.getTmValuesForConstraint().contains(selectedTopic)){
+ throw new InvalidContentException("the topic " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(selectedTopic) + " does not satisfy the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " and topic values: " + Utils.topicArrayToString(this.getTmValuesForConstraint()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // returns the actual topics that are set as possible tm-values
+ public ArrayList<Topic> getRawTmValues() throws InvalidGdlSchemaException{
+ if(this.rawTmValuesSet){
+ return this.rawTmValues;
+ } else {
+ this.rawTmValuesSet = true;
+ ArrayList<Topic> tmValues = this.getTmValues();
+ for (Topic tmValue : tmValues) this.rawTmValues = Utils.union(this.rawTmValues, TmHelper.getValuesForTmValue(tmValue));
+ return this.rawTmValues;
+ }
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for subject identifiers and subject locators
+ public void getTopicIdentifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ JsArray<Locator> identifiers = null;
+ ArrayList<Locator> filteredIdentifiers = null;
+ boolean isPsiConstraint = false;
+ if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectIdentifierConstraint)){
+ isPsiConstraint = true;
+ identifiers = carrier.getSubjectIdentifiers();
+ filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
+ } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectLocatorConstraint)){
+ identifiers = carrier.getSubjectLocators();
+ filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
+ } else {
+ throw new ExecutionException("Only the constraints " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectIdentifierConstraint + " and " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclSubjectLocatorConstraint + " are supported by the function getTopicIdentifierContent");
+ }
+ Locator changedIdentifier = null;
+ if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ if(isPsiConstraint) carrier.removeSubjectIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ else carrier.removeSubjectLocator(changedIdentifier);
+ }
+ changedIdentifier = carrier.getTopicMap().createLocator(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(isPsiConstraint) carrier.addSubjectIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ else carrier.addSubjectLocator(changedIdentifier);
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for item identifiers
+ public void getItemIdentifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ // get type
+ Topic constrainedTopicType = TmHelper.getConstrainedTopicType(this.getConstraint());
+ int typeIdx = -1;
+ JsArray<Topic> types = null;
+ if((carrier instanceof Topic)){
+ types = ((Topic)carrier).getTypes();
+ if(types.length() != 0){
+ for(typeIdx = 0; typeIdx != types.length(); ++typeIdx) if(types.get(typeIdx).equals(constrainedTopicType)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ JsArray<Locator> identifiers = null;
+ ArrayList<Locator> filteredIdentifiers = null;
+ if((carrier instanceof Topic) && types != null && typeIdx != types.length()){
+ identifiers = ((Topic)carrier).getItemIdentifiers();
+ filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
+ Locator changedIdentifier = null;
+ if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ ((Topic)carrier).removeItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ }
+ changedIdentifier = ((Topic)carrier).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ ((Topic)carrier).addItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
+ } else {
+ // search for the topic type
+ Reifiable ref = null;
+ // search for the characteristics type
+ if(carrier instanceof Topic){
+ JsArray<Name> names = ((Topic)carrier).getNames(constrainedTopicType);
+ if(names.length() != 0){
+ ref = names.get(0);
+ } else {
+ JsArray<Occurrence> occs = ((Topic)carrier).getOccurrences(constrainedTopicType);
+ if(occs.length() != 0) ref = occs.get(0);
+ }
+ } else if(carrier instanceof Association){
+ JsArray<Role> roles = ((Association)carrier).getRoles(constrainedTopicType);
+ if(roles.length() != 0) ref = roles.get(0);
+ }
+ if(ref == null) return;
+ // search for item-identifiers of the found topic type or characteristics
+ identifiers = ((ReifiableStub)ref).getItemIdentifiers();
+ filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
+ Locator changedIdentifier = null;
+ if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ ((ReifiableStub)carrier).removeItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ }
+ changedIdentifier = ((ReifiableStub)carrier).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ ((ReifiableStub)carrier).addItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
+ }
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for item identifiers of variant-names
+ public void getVariantIdentifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ ArrayList<Variant> possibleVariants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint(carrier, this.getRootConstraint());
+ if(possibleVariants.size() != 0){
+ Variant variant = possibleVariants.get(0);
+ JsArray<Locator> identifiers = null;
+ ArrayList<Locator> filteredIdentifiers = null;
+ identifiers = variant.getItemIdentifiers();
+ filteredIdentifiers = this.filterLocators(TmHelper.getRegExp(this.getConstraint()), identifiers);
+ Locator changedIdentifier = null;
+ if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(filteredIdentifiers.size() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedIdentifier = filteredIdentifiers.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ variant.removeItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ }
+ changedIdentifier = variant.getTopicMap().createLocator(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ variant.addItemIdentifier(changedIdentifier);
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedIdentifier, TopicMapsTypes.Locator));
+ }
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for item identifiers of variant-names
+ public void getVariantReifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ ArrayList<Variant> possibleVariants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint(carrier, this.getRootConstraint());
+ if(possibleVariants.size() != 0){
+ Variant variant = possibleVariants.get(0);
+ Topic reifier = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
+ if(reifier != null && !variant.getReifier().equals(reifier)) variant.setReifier(reifier);
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(variant, TopicMapsTypes.Variant));
+ }
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for occurrence and name values
+ public void getTopicCharacteristicContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ Topic characteristicType = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
+ boolean isOccConstraint = true;
+ if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicOccurrenceConstraint)){
+ isOccConstraint = true;
+ } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicNameConstraint)){
+ isOccConstraint = false;
+ } else {
+ throw new ExecutionException("the function getTopicCharacteristicContent can operate only on constraints of the type " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicOccurrenceConstraint + " or " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicNameConstraint + ", but is called with " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()));
+ }
+ JsArray<Name> names = null;
+ JsArray<Occurrence> occurrences = null;
+ if(isOccConstraint) occurrences = carrier.getOccurrences(characteristicType);
+ else names = carrier.getNames(characteristicType);
+ Construct changedConstruct = null;
+ if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(isOccConstraint){
+ if(occurrences.length() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedConstruct = occurrences.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ ((Occurrence)changedConstruct).setValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ }else {
+ changedConstruct = carrier.createOccurrence(characteristicType, this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), null);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(names.length() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedConstruct = names.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ ((Name)changedConstruct).setValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ }else {
+ changedConstruct = carrier.createName(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), characteristicType, null);
+ }
+ }
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedConstruct, isOccConstraint ? TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence : TopicMapsTypes.Name));
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for subject identifiers and subject locators
+ public void getVariantNameContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex, ArrayList<Variant> variants) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(variants == null) return;
+ Variant changedVariant = null;
+ if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(variants.size() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedVariant = variants.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ changedVariant.setValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ }else {
+ Topic nameType = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
+ JsArray<Name> names = carrier.getNames(nameType);
+ Name owner = names.get(0);
+ Topic scope = TmHelper.getConstrainedScopeTopic(this.getConstraint());
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ JsArray<Topic> scopes = (JsArray<Topic>) JsArray.createArray();
+ scopes.push(scope);
+ changedVariant = owner.createVariant(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), scopes);
+ }
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedVariant, TopicMapsTypes.Variant));
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for role players
+ public void getRolePlayerContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Association carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(!(carrier instanceof Association)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to an Association, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ if(!TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicRoleConstraint))throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a root constraint of the type " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclTopicRoleConstraint + ", but is: " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getRootConstraint()));
+ Pair<Topic, Topic> roleAndPlayerType = TmHelper.getConstrainedRoleAndPlayerTypeOfConstraint(this.getRootConstraint());
+ Topic roleType = roleAndPlayerType.getFirst();
+ Topic playerType = roleAndPlayerType.getSecond();
+ JsArray<Role> typedRoles = carrier.getRoles(roleType);
+ ArrayList<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>();
+ for(int i = 0; i != typedRoles.length(); ++i)
+ if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(typedRoles.get(i).getPlayer(), playerType)) roles.add(typedRoles.get(i));
+ Role changedRole = null;
+ Topic player = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
+ if(validate) this.validateTmValue(player);
+ if(roles.size() > selectedValueIndex){
+ changedRole = roles.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ changedRole.setPlayer(player);
+ } else {
+ changedRole = carrier.createRole(roleType, player);
+ }
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(changedRole, TopicMapsTypes.Role));
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for scope topics of variant-names
+ public void getVariantNameScopeContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Topic carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ if(!(carrier instanceof Topic)) throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a Topic, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ ArrayList<Variant> possibleVariants = TmHelper.getVariantsForConstraint(carrier, this.getRootConstraint());
+ if(possibleVariants.size() != 0){
+ Variant variant = possibleVariants.get(0);
+ JsArray<Topic> scopes = variant.getScope();
+ if(validate) this.validateLiteralValue(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex));
+ if(scopes.length() > selectedValueIndex){
+ Topic oldScope = scopes.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ Topic newScope = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
+ if(!oldScope.equals(newScope)){
+ variant.removeTheme(oldScope);
+ variant.addTheme(newScope);
+ }
+ }
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(variant, TopicMapsTypes.Variant));
+ }
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for scope topics
+ public void getScopeContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ Topic type = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
+ JsArray<Topic> scopes = null;
+ Construct owner = null;
+ TopicMapsTypes ownerType = null;
+ if(carrier instanceof Topic){
+ JsArray<Name> names = ((Topic)carrier).getNames(type);
+ if(names.length() != 0){
+ scopes = names.get(0).getScope();
+ owner = names.get(0);
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Name;
+ }
+ if(scopes == null){
+ JsArray<Occurrence> occs = ((Topic)carrier).getOccurrences(type);
+ if(occs.length() != 0){
+ scopes = occs.get(0).getScope();
+ owner = occs.get(0);
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(carrier instanceof Association){
+ if(((Association)carrier).getType().equals(type)){
+ scopes = ((Association)carrier).getScope();
+ owner = carrier;
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Association;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a topic or association, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ }
+ Topic newScope = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
+ Topic oldScope = null;
+ if(scopes.length() > selectedValueIndex){
+ oldScope = scopes.get(selectedValueIndex);
+ if(!newScope.equals(oldScope)){
+ ((ScopedStub)owner).removeTheme(oldScope);
+ ((ScopedStub)owner).addTheme(newScope);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ((ScopedStub)owner).addTheme(newScope);
+ }
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(owner, ownerType));
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for a reifier topic
+ public void getReifierContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ Topic type = TmHelper.getConstrainedStatement(this.getConstraint());
+ Construct owner = null;
+ TopicMapsTypes ownerType = null;
+ if(carrier instanceof Topic){
+ JsArray<Name> names = ((Topic)carrier).getNames(type);
+ if(names.length() != 0){
+ owner = names.get(0);
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Name;
+ } else {
+ JsArray<Occurrence> occs = ((Topic)carrier).getOccurrences(type);
+ if(occs.length() != 0){
+ owner = occs.get(0);
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(carrier instanceof Association){
+ if(((Association)carrier).getType().equals(type)){
+ owner = carrier;
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Association;
+ } else {
+ JsArray<Role> roles = ((Association)carrier).getRoles(type);
+ if(roles.length() != 0){
+ owner = roles.get(0);
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Role;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new ExecutionException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a topic or association, but is: " + carrier.getClass());
+ }
+ Topic newReifier = TmHelper.getTopicFromStringRepresentation(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex), this.getValueGroup());
+ if(!newReifier.equals(((ReifiableStub)owner).getReifier())) ((ReifiableStub)owner).setReifier(newReifier);
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(owner, ownerType));
+ }
+ // handles the getContent call for a Datatye value
+ public void getDatatypeContent(ArrayList<Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>> contents, boolean validate, Construct carrier, int selectedValueIndex, ArrayList<Variant> variants, ArrayList<Occurrence> occurrences) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, InvalidContentException, ExecutionException{
+ Construct owner = null;
+ TopicMapsTypes ownerType = null;
+ if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclVariantNameConstraint)){
+ if(variants.size() != 0){
+ owner = variants.get(0);
+ variants.get(0).setValue(variants.get(0).getValue(), variants.get(0).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex)));
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Variant;
+ }
+ } else if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(this.getRootConstraint(), PSIs.TMCL.tmclOccurrenceConstraint)){
+ if(occurrences.size() != 0){
+ owner = occurrences.get(0);
+ occurrences.get(0).setValue(occurrences.get(0).getValue(), occurrences.get(0).getTopicMap().createLocator(this.owner.getSelectedValues().get(selectedValueIndex)));
+ ownerType = TopicMapsTypes.Occurrence;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the constraint " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getConstraint()) + " must be bound to a constraint of the type " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclVariantNameConstraint + " or " + PSIs.TMCL.tmclOccurrenceConstraint + ", but is bound to: " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(this.getRootConstraint()));
+ }
+ contents.add(new Pair<Object, TopicMapsTypes>(owner, ownerType));
+ }
Modified: trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/Utils.java
--- trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/Utils.java Tue Nov 22 06:56:14 2011 (r1034)
+++ trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/Utils.java Tue Nov 22 13:11:07 2011 (r1035)
@@ -124,6 +124,15 @@
+ public static <T extends JavaScriptObject> ArrayList<T> jsArrayToArrayList(JsArray<T> input){
+ ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
+ if(input != null) for(int i = 0; i != input.length(); ++i) result.add(input.get(i));
+ return result;
+ }
// returns a list that contains a union of both lists
public static <T> ArrayList<T> intersection(ArrayList<T> fst, ArrayList<T> snd){
ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
Modified: trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/view/GdlAssociationView.java
--- trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/view/GdlAssociationView.java Tue Nov 22 06:56:14 2011 (r1034)
+++ trunk/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/view/GdlAssociationView.java Tue Nov 22 13:11:07 2011 (r1035)
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Association;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Construct;
-import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Occurrence;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Role;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.Topic;
-import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.TopicMap;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.TopicMaps.TopicMapsModel.TopicMapsTypes;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.base.ButtonableObject;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.base.GdlHiddenValue;
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