[isidorus-cvs] r610 - in branches/gdl-frontend/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets: base environment
lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Jul 13 15:18:43 UTC 2011
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Jul 13 08:18:43 2011
New Revision: 610
gdl-frontend: Widgets: fixed some methods that instatiate GdlDefaultEditorTopicView from a Gdl Schema topic map
Modified: branches/gdl-frontend/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/TmHelper.java
--- branches/gdl-frontend/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/TmHelper.java Wed Jul 13 07:45:55 2011 (r609)
+++ branches/gdl-frontend/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/base/TmHelper.java Wed Jul 13 08:18:43 2011 (r610)
@@ -74,6 +74,21 @@
+ // a helper method to return an identifier string and a TopicIdentifierTypes instance
+ // of the topic contained in a Pair object
+ public static Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes> getAnyIdenditfierOfTopic(Topic topic){
+ if(topic.getSubjectIdentifiers().length() != 0){
+ return new Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes>(topic.getSubjectIdentifiers().get(0).getReference(), TopicIdentifierTypes.SubjectIdentifier);
+ }else if(topic.getSubjectLocators().length() != 0) {
+ return new Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes>(topic.getSubjectLocators().get(0).getReference(), TopicIdentifierTypes.SubjectLocator);
+ }if(topic.getItemIdentifiers().length() != 0){
+ return new Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes>(topic.getItemIdentifiers().get(0).getReference(), TopicIdentifierTypes.ItemIdentifier);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
// returns all instances of the topic type
public static ArrayList<Topic> getInstanceOf(Topic type, boolean multipleTypesAllowed){
ArrayList<Topic> result = new ArrayList<Topic>();
@@ -179,6 +194,18 @@
return result;
+ // returns the other player of an association with two roles and the correct values
+ public static ArrayList<Topic> getOtherPlayerOfBinaryAssociation(Topic thisTopic, Topic thisRoleType, Topic assocType, ArrayList<Topic> scope, Topic otherPlayerType, Topic otherRoleType){
+ ArrayList<Topic> allPlayers = getOtherPlayerOfBinaryAssociation(thisTopic, thisRoleType, assocType, scope, otherRoleType);
+ if(otherRoleType == null) return allPlayers;
+ ArrayList<Topic> result = new ArrayList<Topic>();
+ for (Topic player : allPlayers) if(isInstanceOf(player, otherPlayerType)) result.add(player);
+ return result;
+ }
// returns true if the instance topic is an instance of the topic bound to typeSubectIdentifier
Modified: branches/gdl-frontend/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/environment/GdlInstantiator.java
--- branches/gdl-frontend/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/environment/GdlInstantiator.java Wed Jul 13 07:45:55 2011 (r609)
+++ branches/gdl-frontend/src/anaToMia/GDL_Widgets/src/us/isidor/gdl/anaToMia/Widgets/environment/GdlInstantiator.java Wed Jul 13 08:18:43 2011 (r610)
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.view.GdlCreatorAssociationView;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.view.GdlDefaultCreatorTopicView;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.view.GdlDefaultEditorTopicView;
-import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.view.GdlDefaultTopicView;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.view.GdlEditorAssociationView;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.view.GdlSpecialCreatorTopicView;
import us.isidor.gdl.anaToMia.Widgets.view.GdlSpecialEditorTopicView;
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@
for (Topic top : views)
bindings += ", " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(top);
bindings = bindings.substring(2);
- throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the combination fo topics requested (" + values + ") must be bound exactly once to a " + GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultCreatorTopicView + " but is bound to " + bindings);
+ throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the combination of topics requested (" + values + ") must be bound exactly once to a " + GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultCreatorTopicView + " but is bound to " + bindings);
return new GdlDefaultCreatorTopicView(views.get(0));
@@ -186,118 +185,59 @@
- public static GdlDefaultEditorTopicView instantiateDefaultEditorTopicView(Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes> requestedTopic, TopicMap schemaTm){
+ public static GdlDefaultEditorTopicView instantiateDefaultEditorTopicView(Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes> requestedTopic, TopicMap schemaTm) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, ExecutionException{
if(requestedTopic == null || schemaTm == null) return null;
- // TODO: search for a direct TM-Instance-Value binding if no one is found, search the types and call GdlDefaultCreatorTopicView
+ // request the topic that is passed by the user
+ Topic requestedTop = TmHelper.getTopicByAnyIdentifier(requestedTopic, schemaTm);
+ if(requestedTop == null) throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the topic " + requestedTopic.getFirst() + " was not found!");
- // 1. get the requested topic
- // 2. get types of requested topic
- // 3. get tm-values that are assiciated with exalty those topics that are requested => assert the tm-value type
- // 4. search for a tm-instance-value binding
- // 5. search the a default-creator-topic-view bound to the found tm-values
- // 6. return the view or throw an error if no view or more than one view was found
+ // get all tm-instance-value topics bound to the requested topic
+ Topic tmConstruct = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.RoleType.gdlTmConstruct, schemaTm);
+ Topic tmBinding = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.AssociationType.gdlTmBinding, schemaTm);
+ Topic descriptor = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.RoleType.gdlDescriptor, schemaTm);
+ ArrayList<Topic> tmInstanceValues = TmHelper.getOtherPlayerOfBinaryAssociation(requestedTop, tmConstruct, tmBinding, null, descriptor);
- // TODO: implement
- return null;
- }
- // returns a DefaultTopicView instance that represents the entry point of this topic map for one of
- // instanceTopic of typeTopics, i.e. one of the must be null or empty
- public static GdlDefaultTopicView instantiateDefaultEditorOrCreatorView(Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes> instanceTopic, ArrayList<Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes>> typeTopics, TopicMap tm) throws InvalidGdlSchemaException, ExecutionException{
- if(tm == null) return null;
- if(instanceTopic != null && (typeTopics != null && typeTopics.size() != 0)){
- String values = instanceTopic.getFirst();
- for (Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes> pair : typeTopics) if(values.length() != 0)values += ", " + pair.getFirst();
- throw new ExecutionException("only one of topic is allowed to be set as the base topic for a " + GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlView + " but found: " + values);
+ // get all views bound to the found tm-instance-values
+ Topic defaultEditorTopicView = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultEditorTopicView, schemaTm);
+ Topic tmValue = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.RoleType.gdlTmValue, schemaTm);
+ Topic topicViewBinding = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.AssociationType.gdlTopicViewBinding, schemaTm);
+ ArrayList<Topic> views = new ArrayList<Topic>();
+ for (Topic tmInstanceValue : tmInstanceValues) {
+ ArrayList<Topic> tmpViews = TmHelper.getOtherPlayerOfBinaryAssociation(tmInstanceValue, tmValue, topicViewBinding, null, defaultEditorTopicView, descriptor);
+ for (Topic tmpView : tmpViews) if(!views.contains(tmpView))views.add(tmpView);
- Topic defaultCreatorTopicView = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultCreatorTopicView, tm);
- Topic defaultEditorTopicView = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultEditorTopicView, tm);
- if(defaultCreatorTopicView == null && defaultEditorTopicView == null){
- throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the requested GDL schema does not have an entry point defined, either an instance of " + GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultCreatorTopicView + " or " + GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultEditorTopicView + " is necessary");
+ if(views.size() == 1){
+ return new GdlDefaultEditorTopicView(views.get(0));
+ }else if(views.size() > 1){
+ String bindings = "";
+ for (Topic top : views)
+ bindings += ", " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(top);
+ bindings = bindings.substring(2);
+ throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the topic " + requestedTopic.getFirst() + " requested for editing must be bound to exaclty one " + GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultEditorTopicView + ", but is bound to " + bindings);
}else {
- // all topics (types) that have to be displayed by a view
- ArrayList<Topic> topsToDisplay = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- if(instanceTopic != null){
- topsToDisplay.add(TmHelper.getTopicByAnyIdentifier(instanceTopic, tm));
- }else{
- for (Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes> pair : typeTopics) {
- topsToDisplay.add(TmHelper.getTopicByAnyIdentifier(pair, tm));
- }
- }
- // get the TM-Value instance that is bound to the topic (type) and the view instance
- ArrayList<Topic> tmValues = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- Topic descriptor = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.RoleType.gdlDescriptor, tm);
- Topic tmBinding = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.AssociationType.gdlTmBinding, tm);
- Topic tmValue = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.RoleType.gdlTmValue, tm);
- Topic TmValue = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlTmValue, tm);
- Topic tmConstruct = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.RoleType.gdlTmConstruct, tm);
- for (Topic topic : topsToDisplay) {
- ArrayList<Topic> potentialTmValues = TmHelper.getOtherPlayerOfBinaryAssociation(topic, tmConstruct, tmBinding, null, descriptor);
- for (Topic potentialTmValue : potentialTmValues)
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(potentialTmValue, TmValue)) tmValues.add(potentialTmValue);
- }
- // get only the tm-value that binds all topics to be displayed to the current view
- ArrayList<Topic> invalidTmValues = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- Topic topictype = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.TMCL.topictype, tm);
- for (Topic value : tmValues) {
- for (Topic topToDisplay : topsToDisplay) {
- ArrayList<Pair<Topic, Topic>> roles = new ArrayList<Pair<Topic,Topic>>();
- roles.add(new Pair<Topic, Topic>(topictype, tmConstruct));
- if(TmHelper.hasAssociation(topToDisplay, tmConstruct, tmBinding, value, descriptor) ||
- TmHelper.getAssociationsOfTopic(value, descriptor, tmBinding, null, roles).size() != topsToDisplay.size()){
- invalidTmValues.add(value);
- }
- }
- }
- for (Topic invalid : invalidTmValues)tmValues.remove(invalid);
- // get all default topic views that are bound to the existent tm-values
- ArrayList<Topic> defaultTopicViews = new ArrayList<Topic>();
- Topic defaultTopicView = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultTopicView, tm);
- Topic topicViewBinding = TmHelper.getTopicByPsi(GdlPsis.AssociationType.gdlTopicViewBinding, tm);
- for (Topic validTmValue : tmValues) {
- ArrayList<Topic> views = TmHelper.getOtherPlayerOfBinaryAssociation(validTmValue, tmValue, topicViewBinding, null, descriptor);
- for (Topic view : views) if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(view, defaultTopicView)) defaultTopicViews.add(view);
- }
+ ArrayList<Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes>> typesOfRequestedTopic = new ArrayList<Pair<String,TopicIdentifierTypes>>();
+ for(int i = 0; i != requestedTop.getTypes().length(); ++i)
+ typesOfRequestedTopic.add(TmHelper.getAnyIdenditfierOfTopic(requestedTop.getTypes().get(i)));
+ views = getViewTopics(typesOfRequestedTopic, defaultEditorTopicView, schemaTm);
- // return default-topic-view
- if(defaultTopicViews.size() > 2){
+ if(views.size() != 1){
String values = "";
- for (Topic topic : topsToDisplay)values += ", " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(topic);
- if(values.length() >= 2) values = values.substring(2);
- throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("only one default editor or creator topic view can be bound to a topic, but found " + values);
- } else if(defaultTopicViews.size() == 1){
- return (GdlDefaultTopicView)instantiate(defaultTopicViews.get(0));
- } else if(defaultTopicViews.size() == 2){ // one creator and one editor view
- Topic creatorView = null;
- Topic editorView = null;
- if(TmHelper.isInstanceOf(defaultTopicViews.get(0), GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultCreatorTopicView)){
- creatorView = defaultTopicViews.get(0);
- editorView = defaultTopicViews.get(1);
- }else {
- creatorView = defaultTopicViews.get(1);
- editorView = defaultTopicViews.get(0);
- }
- if(instanceTopic != null)return new GdlDefaultEditorTopicView(editorView);
- else return new GdlDefaultCreatorTopicView(creatorView);
- } else {
- return null;
+ for (Pair<String, TopicIdentifierTypes> pair : typesOfRequestedTopic)
+ values += ", " + pair.getFirst();
+ values = values.substring(2);
+ String bindings = "";
+ for (Topic top : views)
+ bindings += ", " + TmHelper.getAnyIdOfTopic(top);
+ bindings = bindings.substring(2);
+ throw new InvalidGdlSchemaException("the combination of topic types (" + values + ") for the requested topic " + requestedTopic.getFirst() + " must be bound exactly once to a " + GdlPsis.TopicType.gdlDefaultEditorTopicView + " but is bound to " + bindings);
+ return new GdlDefaultEditorTopicView(views.get(0));
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