[isidorus-cvs] r386 - in trunk/src: . TM-SPARQL model

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 1 17:55:25 UTC 2011

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Tue Feb  1 12:55:25 2011
New Revision: 386

TM-SPARQL: added som function/methods that handles predicates for requesting: topicProperties, scopes, reifiers and values


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	Tue Feb  1 12:55:25 2011
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 (in-package :TM-SPARQL)
 (defvar *empty-label* "_empty_label_symbol" "A label symobl for empyt prefix labels")
@@ -453,9 +455,11 @@
     (declare (Integer revision))
     (set-tm-constructs construct :revision revision)
     (when (not (iri-not-found-p construct)) ;there is only a result if all IRIs were found
-      (let ((results (or (filter-by-given-subject construct :revision revision)
-			 (filter-by-given-predicate construct :revision revision)
-			 (filter-by-given-object construct :revision revision))))
+      (let ((results (append
+		      (or (filter-by-given-subject construct :revision revision)
+			  (filter-by-given-predicate construct :revision revision)
+			  (filter-by-given-object construct :revision revision))
+		      (filter-by-special-uris construct :revision revision))))
 	(map 'list #'(lambda(result)
 		       (push (getf result :subject) (subject-result construct))
 		       (push (getf result :predicate) (predicate-result construct))
@@ -491,13 +495,9 @@
 				    :revision revision))))))
-(defun filter-by-characteristic-value (literal-value literal-datatype
-				       &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
-  "Returns a triple where the passed value is a charvalue in a occurrence
-   or name. The subject is the owner topic and the predicate is the
-   characteristic's type."
-  (declare (Integer revision)
-	   (String literal-datatype))
+(defun return-characteristics (literal-value literal-datatype)
+  "Returns all characteristica that own the specified value."
+  (declare (String literal-datatype))
   (let ((chars
 	 (cond ((string= literal-datatype *xml-string*)
 		(remove-if #'(lambda(elem)
@@ -506,30 +506,53 @@
 			     'OccurrenceC 'charvalue literal-value)
+			     'VariantC 'charvalue literal-value)
+			    (elephant:get-instances-by-value
 			     'NameC 'charvalue literal-value))))
 	       ((and (string= literal-datatype *xml-boolean*)
 		(remove-if #'(lambda(elem)
 			       (string/= (charvalue elem) "true"))
-			   (elephant:get-instances-by-value
-			    'OccurrenceC 'charvalue "true")))
+			   (append (elephant:get-instances-by-value
+				    'VariantC 'charvalue "true")
+				   (elephant:get-instances-by-value
+				    'OccurrenceC 'charvalue "true"))))
 	       ((and (string= literal-datatype *xml-boolean*)
 		     (not literal-value))
 		(remove-if #'(lambda(elem)
 			       (string/= (charvalue elem) "false"))
-			   (elephant:get-instances-by-value
-			    'OccurrenceC 'charvalue "false")))
+			   (append (elephant:get-instances-by-value
+				    'VariantC 'charvalue "true")
+				   (elephant:get-instances-by-value
+				    'OccurrenceC 'charvalue "false"))))
 	       ((or (string= literal-datatype *xml-double*)
 		    (string= literal-datatype *xml-decimal*)
 		    (string= literal-datatype *xml-integer*))
-		(let ((occs
-		       (remove-if #'(lambda(occ)
-				      (string/= (datatype occ) literal-datatype))
-				  (elephant:get-instances-by-value
-				   'OccurrenceC 'datatype literal-datatype))))
-		  (remove-if #'(lambda(occ)
-				 (not (literal= (charvalue occ) literal-value)))
-			     occs))))))
+		(let ((constructs
+		       (remove-if #'(lambda(con)
+				      (string/= (datatype con) literal-datatype))
+				  (append
+				   (elephant:get-instances-by-value
+				    'VariantC 'datatype literal-datatype)
+				   (elephant:get-instances-by-value
+				    'OccurrenceC 'datatype literal-datatype)))))
+		  (remove-if #'(lambda(con)
+				 (not (literal= (charvalue con) literal-value)))
+			     constructs))))))
+    ;;elephant returns names, occurences, and variants if any string
+    ;;value matches, so all duplicates have to be removed
+    (remove-duplicates chars)))
+(defun filter-by-characteristic-value (literal-value literal-datatype
+				       &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Returns a triple where the passed value is a charvalue in a occurrence
+   or name. The subject is the owner topic and the predicate is the
+   characteristic's type.
+   (Variants are not considered because they are not typed, so they cannot
+   be referenced via a predicate)."
+  (declare (Integer revision)
+	   (String literal-datatype))
      (map 'list #'(lambda(char)
 		    (let ((subj (when-do top (parent char :revision revision)
@@ -540,13 +563,10 @@
 			(list :subject (embrace-uri subj)
 			      :predicate (embrace-uri pred)
 			      :object (charvalue char)
-			      :literal-datatyp literal-datatype))))
-	  ;;elephant returns names, occurences, and variants if any string
-	  ;;value matches, so all duplicates have to be removed, additionaly
-	  ;;variants have to be remove completely
-	  (remove-if #'(lambda(obj)
-			 (typep obj 'VariantC))
-		     (remove-duplicates chars))))))
+			      :literal-datatype literal-datatype))))
+	  (remove-if #'(lambda(char)
+			 (typep char 'VariantC))
+		     (return-characteristics literal-value literal-datatype)))))
 (defgeneric filter-by-otherplayer (construct &key revision)
@@ -824,21 +844,37 @@
       (funcall operator value-1 value-2))))
-(defun filter-occ-by-value (occurrence literal-value literal-datatype)
-  "A helper that compares the occurrence's charvalue with the passed
+(defun filter-datatypable-by-value (construct literal-value literal-datatype)
+  "A helper that compares the datatypable's charvalue with the passed
    literal value."
-  (declare (OccurrenceC occurrence)
+  (declare (d::DatatypableC construct)
 	   (type (or Null String) literal-value literal-datatype))
   (when (or (not literal-datatype)
-	    (string= (datatype occurrence) literal-datatype))
+	    (string= (datatype construct) literal-datatype))
     (if (not literal-value)
-	occurrence
+	construct
-	    (let ((occ-value (cast-literal (charvalue occurrence)
-					   (datatype occurrence))))
+	    (let ((occ-value (cast-literal (charvalue construct)
+					   (datatype construct))))
 	      (when (literal= occ-value literal-value)
-		occurrence))
+		construct))
 	  (condition () nil)))))	      
+(defun filter-variant-by-value (variant literal-value literal-datatype)
+  "A helper that compares the occurrence's variant's with the passed
+   literal value."
+  (declare (VariantC variant)
+	   (type (or Null String) literal-value literal-datatype))
+  (filter-datatypable-by-value variant literal-value literal-datatype))
+(defun filter-occ-by-value (occurrence literal-value literal-datatype)
+  "A helper that compares the occurrence's charvalue with the passed
+   literal value."
+  (declare (OccurrenceC occurrence)
+	   (type (or Null String) literal-value literal-datatype))
+  (filter-datatypable-by-value occurrence literal-value literal-datatype))
 (defgeneric filter-occurrences(construct type-top literal-value

Added: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_special_uris.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_special_uris.lisp	Tue Feb  1 12:55:25 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+;;+  Isidorus
+;;+  (c) 2008-2010 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Georgieff
+;;+  Isidorus is freely distributable under the LLGPL license.
+;;+  You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LLGPL-LICENSE.txt and
+;;+  trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt.
+(in-package :TM-SPARQL)
+;TODO: create a macro for "filter-for-scopes", "filter-for-reifier", ...
+;TODO: filter-by-special-uris
+;TODO: change (embrace-uri String) to (embrace-construct TopicMapsConstructC)
+;        that creates a blank node when there is no identifier available
+;         => change also any-id, so if there is no identifier a blank node
+;            have to be returned
+;         => change all when-do statements that call any-id
+(defgeneric filter-by-special-uris (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns lists representing triples that handles special
+                   predicate uris defined in tmsparql.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) &key (revision d:*TM-REVISION*))
+    (let ((pred (predicate construct)))
+      (if (variable-p pred)
+	  (filter-for-special-uris construct :revision revision)
+	  (cond ((has-identifier (value pred) *tms-reifier*)
+		 (filter-for-reifier construct :revision revision))
+		((has-identifier (value pred) *tms-scope*)
+		 (filter-for-special-uris construct :revision revision))
+		((has-identifier (value pred) *tms-value*)
+		 (filter-for-values construct :revision revision))
+		((has-identifier (value pred) *tms-topicProperty*)
+		 (filter-for-topicProperties construct :revision revision))
+		((has-identifier (value pred) *tms-role*)
+		 nil) ;TODO: implement
+		)))))
+(defgeneric filter-for-special-uris (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns a list of triples representing the subject
+                   and its objects correponding to the defined
+                   special-uris, e.g. <subj> var <obj>.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    ;;TODO: implement
+    ;; *tms-reifier*
+    ;; *tms-scope*
+    ;; *tms-value* => only when there is <occ|var|nam> ? <LITERAL>, otherwise the predicate is the type of the characteristic
+    ;; *tms-topicProperty*
+    ))
+(defgeneric filter-for-topicProperties (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns a list of triples where the subject represents
+                   a topic and the object represents a name or occurrence.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    ;TODO: implement
+    ))
+(defgeneric filter-for-values (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns a list of triples that represent a
+                   subject and its literal value as object.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) &key revision)
+    (declare (ignorable revision))
+    (when (or (literal-p (object construct))
+	      (variable-p (object construct)))
+      (let* ((subj (subject construct))
+	     (pred (predicate construct))
+	     (obj (object construct))
+	     (literal-datatype (literal-datatype obj))
+	     (subj-uri (unless (variable-p subj)
+			 (when-do id (any-id (value subj) :revision revision)
+				  (embrace-uri (uri id)))))
+	     (pred-uri (unless (variable-p pred)
+			 (when-do id (any-id (value pred) :revision revision)
+				  (embrace-uri (uri id))))))
+	(cond ((and (not (variable-p subj))
+		    (not (variable-p obj)))
+	       (when (or (and (typep subj 'NameC)
+			      (string= literal-datatype *xml-string*)
+			      (string= (charvalue subj) obj))
+			 (filter-datatypable-by-value subj obj literal-datatype))
+		 (list (list :subject subj-uri
+			     :predicate pred-uri
+			     :object obj
+			     :literal-datatype literal-datatype))))
+	      ((not (variable-p subj))
+	       (list (list :subject subj-uri
+			   :predicate pred-uri
+			   :object (charvalue subj)
+			   :literal-datatype (datatype subj))))
+	      ((not (variable-p obj))
+	       (loop for char in (return-characteristics obj literal-datatype)
+		  collect (list :subject (when-do id (any-id char :revision revision)
+						  (embrace-uri id))
+				:predicate pred-uri
+				:object (charvalue char)
+				:literal-datatype (datatype char))))
+	      (t ;only pred is given
+	       (let ((chars (append (get-all-names revision)
+				    (get-all-occurrences revision)
+				    (get-all-variants revision))))
+		 (loop for char in chars
+		    collect (list :subject (when-do id (any-id char :revision revision)
+						    (embrace-uri id))
+				  :predicate pred-uri
+				  :object (charvalue char)
+				  :literal-datatype (datatype char))))))))))
+(defgeneric filter-for-scopes (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns a list of triples that represent a subject as the
+                   scoped item and the object as the scope-topic.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    (unless (literal-p (object construct))
+      (let* ((subj (subject construct))
+	     (pred (predicate construct))
+	     (obj (object construct))
+	     (subj-uri (unless (variable-p subj)
+			 (when-do id (any-id (value subj) :revision revision)
+				  (embrace-uri (uri id)))))
+	     (pred-uri (unless (variable-p pred)
+			 (when-do id (any-id (value pred) :revision revision)
+				  (embrace-uri (uri id)))))
+	     (obj-uri (unless (variable-p obj)
+			(when-do id (any-id (value obj) :revision revision)
+				 (embrace-uri (uri id))))))
+	(cond ((and (not (variable-p subj))
+		    (not (variable-p obj)))
+	       (when (find obj (themes subj :revision revision))
+		 (list (list :subject subj-uri
+			     :predicate pred-uri
+			     :object obj-uri))))
+	      ((not (variable-p subj))
+	       (loop for scope in (themes subj :revision revision)
+		  collect (list :subject subj-uri
+				:predicate pred-uri
+				:object (when-do id (any-id scope :revision revision)
+						 (embrace-uri (uri id))))))
+	      ((not (variable-p obj))
+	       (let ((scoped-constructs
+		      (used-as-theme (value obj) :revision revision)))
+		 (loop for construct in scoped-constructs
+		    collect (list :subject (when-do id (any-id construct :revision revision)
+						    (embrace-uri (uri id)))
+				  :predicate pred-uri
+				  :object obj-uri))))
+	      (t ;only pred is given
+	       (let ((scoped-constructs
+		      (remove-null
+		       (map 'list #'(lambda(construct)
+				      (when (themes construct :revision revision)
+					construct))
+			    (append (get-all-associations revision)
+				    (get-all-occurrences revision)
+				    (get-all-names revision)
+				    (get-all-variants))))))
+		 (loop for construct in scoped-constructs
+		    append (loop for scope in (themes construct :revision revision)
+			      collect
+				(list :subject (when-do id (any-id construct
+								   :revision revision)
+							(embrace-uri id))
+				      :predicate pred-uri
+				      :object (when-do id (any-id construct
+								  :revision revision)
+						       (embrace-uri id))))))))))))
+(defgeneric filter-for-reifier (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns a list with one triple representing a reifier
+                   and the corresponding reified construct.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    (unless (literal-p (object construct))
+      (let* ((subj (subject construct))
+	     (pred (predicate construct))
+	     (obj (object construct))
+	     (subj-uri (unless (variable-p subj)
+			 (when-do id (any-id (value subj) :revision revision)
+				  (embrace-uri (uri id)))))
+	     (pred-uri (unless (variable-p pred)
+			 (when-do id (any-id (value pred) :revision revision)
+				  (embrace-uri (uri id)))))
+	     (obj-uri (unless (variable-p obj)
+			(when-do id (any-id (value obj) :revision revision)
+				 (embrace-uri (uri id))))))
+	(cond ((and (not (variable-p subj))
+		    (not (variable-p obj)))
+	       (when (eql (reifier (value subj) :revision revision)
+			  (value obj))
+		 (list (list :subject subj-uri
+			     :predicate pred-uri
+			     :object obj-uri))))
+	      ((not (variable-p subj))
+	       (let ((reifier-top
+		      (reifier (value subj) :revision revision)))
+		 (when reifier-top
+		   (list :subject subj-uri
+			 :predicate pred-uri
+			 :object (when-do id (any-id reifier-top :revision revision)
+					  (embrace-uri (uri id)))))))
+	      ((not (variable-p obj))
+	       (let ((reified-cons
+		      (reified-construct (value obj) :revision revision)))
+		 (when reified-cons
+		   (list (list :subject
+			       (when-do id (any-id reified-cons :revision revision)
+					(embrace-uri (uri id)))
+			       :predicate pred-uri
+			       :object obj-uri)))))
+	      (t ; only pred is given
+	       (let ((topics
+		      (remove-null
+		       (map 'list #'(lambda(top)
+				      (when (reified-construct top :revision revision)
+					top))
+			    (get-all-topics revision)))))
+		 (loop for top in topics
+		    collect (list :subject
+				  (when-do id (any-id (reified-construct
+						       top :revision revision))
+					   (embrace-uri (uri id)))
+				  :predicate pred-uri
+				  :object (when-do id (any-id top :revision revision)
+						   (embrace-uri (uri id))))))))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Tue Feb  1 12:55:25 2011
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
 			:components ((:file "sparql_constants")
 				     (:file "sparql"
 					    :depends-on ("sparql_constants"))
+				     (:file "sparql_special_uris"
+					    :depends-on ("sparql"))
 				     (:file "filter_wrappers"
 					    :depends-on ("sparql"))
 				     (:file "sparql_filter"

Modified: trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Tue Feb  1 12:55:25 2011
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 	   ;;methods, functions and macros
+	   :has-identifier
@@ -153,6 +154,9 @@
+	   :get-all-occurrences
+	   :get-all-names
+	   :get-all-variants
@@ -684,6 +688,18 @@
 		  :function-symbol function-symbol))
+(defgeneric has-identifier (construct uri &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns an identifier if there is any identifier bound
+                   to the passed construct with the specified uri.")
+  (:method ((construct TopicMapConstructC) (uri String)
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    (let ((all-ids
+	   (get-all-identifiers-of-construct construct :revision revision)))
+      (find-if #'(lambda(idc)
+		   (string= (uri idc) uri))
+	       all-ids))))
 (defgeneric get-most-recent-versioned-assoc (construct slot-symbol)
   (:documentation "Returns the most recent VersionedAssociationC
@@ -747,6 +763,18 @@
   (get-db-instances-by-class 'AssociationC :revision revision))
+(defun get-all-occurrences (&optional (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  (get-db-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC :revision revision))
+(defun get-all-names (&optional (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  (get-db-instances-by-class 'NameC :revision revision))
+(defun get-all-variants (&optional (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  (get-db-instances-by-class 'VariantC :revision revision))
 (defun get-all-tms (&optional (revision *TM-REVISION*))
   (get-db-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC :revision revision))
@@ -980,7 +1008,7 @@
 (defgeneric check-for-duplicate-identifiers (construct &key revision)
   (:documentation "Check for possibly duplicate identifiers and signal an
-  duplicate-identifier-error is such duplicates are found"))
+                   duplicate-identifier-error is such duplicates are found"))
 (defgeneric get-all-identifiers-of-construct (construct &key revision)

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