[isidorus-cvs] r425 - in trunk/src: TM-SPARQL base-tools unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Apr 7 19:19:16 UTC 2011

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Apr  7 15:19:16 2011
New Revision: 425

TM-SPARQL: fixed a bug in the function in-literal-string-p


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp	Thu Apr  7 15:19:16 2011
@@ -187,10 +187,11 @@
 (defun filter-functions::str(x)
-  (if (stringp x)
-      (if (and (base-tools:string-starts-with x "<")
-	       (base-tools:string-ends-with x ">")
-	       (base-tools:absolute-uri-p (subseq x 1 (1- (length x)))))
-	  (subseq x 1 (1- (length x)))
-	  x)
-      (write-to-string x)))
\ No newline at end of file
+  ;(if (stringp x) ;TODO: remove
+  ;(if (and (base-tools:string-starts-with x "<")
+  ;(base-tools:string-ends-with x ">")
+  ;(base-tools:absolute-uri-p (subseq x 1 (1- (length x)))))
+  ;(subseq x 1 (1- (length x)))
+  ;x)
+  ;(write-to-string x)))
+  (write-to-string x))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	Thu Apr  7 15:19:16 2011
@@ -368,38 +368,6 @@
 				(elt (getf results :result) idx)))))))))
-;(defun to-lisp-code (variable-values filter)
-;  "Concatenates all variable names and elements with the filter expression
-;   in a let statement and returns a string representing the corresponding
-;   lisp code."
-;  (declare (List variable-values))
-;  (let ((result "")
-;	(cleanup-str ""))
-;    (dolist (var-elem variable-values)
-;      (push-string
-;       (concat "(defvar ?" (getf var-elem :variable-name) " "
-;	       (write-to-string (getf var-elem :variable-value)) ")")
-;       result)
-;      (push-string
-;       (concat "(defvar $" (getf var-elem :variable-name) " "
-;	       (write-to-string (getf var-elem :variable-value)) ")")
-;       result))
-;    (push-string "(let* ((true t)(false nil)" result)
-;    (push-string (concat "(result " filter "))") result)
-;    (push-string "(declare (Ignorable true false " result)
-;    (push-string "))" result)
-;    (dolist (var-elem variable-values)
-;      (push-string (concat "(makunbound '?" (getf var-elem :variable-name) ")")
-;		   cleanup-str)
-;      (push-string (concat "(makunbound '$" (getf var-elem :variable-name) ")")
-;		   cleanup-str))
-;    (push-string "(in-package :cl-user)" cleanup-str)
-;    (push-string cleanup-str result)
-;    (push-string "result)" result)
-;    (concat "(handler-case (progn " result ") (condition () (progn " cleanup-str
-;	    "nil)))")))
 (defun to-lisp-code (variable-values filter)
   "Concatenates all variable names and elements with the filter expression
    in a let statement and returns a string representing the corresponding
@@ -1409,22 +1377,24 @@
 		     &key (back-as-string-when-unsupported nil))
   "A helper function that casts the passed string value of the literal
    corresponding to the passed literal-type."
-  (declare (String literal-value literal-type)
+  (declare (String literal-value)
+	   (type (or String null) literal-type)
 	   (Boolean back-as-string-when-unsupported))
-  (cond ((string= literal-type *xml-string*)
-	 literal-value)
-	((string= literal-type *xml-boolean*)
-	 (cast-literal-to-boolean literal-value))
-	((string= literal-type *xml-integer*)
-	 (cast-literal-to-integer literal-value))
-	((string= literal-type *xml-double*)
-	 (cast-literal-to-double literal-value))
-	((string= literal-type *xml-decimal*)
-	 (cast-literal-to-decimal literal-value))
-	(t ; return the value as a string
-	 (if back-as-string-when-unsupported
-	     literal-value
-	     (concat "\"\"\"" literal-value "\"\"\"^^" literal-type)))))
+  (let ((local-literal-type (if literal-type literal-type *xml-string*)))
+    (cond ((string= local-literal-type *xml-string*)
+	   literal-value)
+	  ((string= local-literal-type *xml-boolean*)
+	   (cast-literal-to-boolean literal-value))
+	  ((string= local-literal-type *xml-integer*)
+	   (cast-literal-to-integer literal-value))
+	  ((string= local-literal-type *xml-double*)
+	   (cast-literal-to-double literal-value))
+	  ((string= local-literal-type *xml-decimal*)
+	   (cast-literal-to-decimal literal-value))
+	  (t ; return the value as a string
+	   (if back-as-string-when-unsupported
+	       literal-value
+	       (concat "\"\"\"" literal-value "\"\"\"^^" local-literal-type))))))
 (defun cast-literal-to-decimal (literal-value)

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	Thu Apr  7 15:19:16 2011
@@ -350,12 +350,24 @@
 	      (+ inner-value (1+ (length (name-after-paranthesis
 					  (subseq left-string inner-value))))))))
-	  (let* ((cleaned-str (trim-whitespace-right left-string))
-		 (bracket-scope (reverse-bracket-scope cleaned-str)))
-	    (when bracket-scope
-	      (- (- (length left-string)
-		    (- (length left-string) (length cleaned-str)))
-		 (length bracket-scope)))))
+	  (let ((value
+		 (let* ((cleaned-str (trim-whitespace-right left-string))
+			(bracket-scope (reverse-bracket-scope cleaned-str)))
+		   (when bracket-scope
+		     (- (- (length left-string)
+			   (- (length left-string) (length cleaned-str)))
+			(length bracket-scope))))))
+	    (when value ;search a functionname: FUN(...)
+	      (let* ((str-before (subseq left-string 0 value))
+		     (c-str-before (trim-whitespace-right str-before)))
+		(if (string-ends-with-one-of c-str-before *supported-functions*)
+		    (loop for fun-name in *supported-functions*
+		       when (string-ends-with c-str-before fun-name)
+		       return (- value
+				 (+ (- (length str-before)
+				       (length c-str-before))
+				    (length fun-name))))
+		    value)))))
 	 (start-idx (or first-bracket paranthesis-pair-idx 0)))
     (subseq left-string start-idx)))

Modified: trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	Thu Apr  7 15:19:16 2011
@@ -352,12 +352,8 @@
 		  (search-first (list "\"" "'") (subseq main-string 0 first-pos)
 				:from-end from-end))
-		  (if from-end
+		  (if from-end		      
 		      (subseq main-string 0 literal-start)
 		      (let* ((sub-str (subseq main-string literal-start))
 			     (literal-result (get-literal sub-str)))
 			(getf literal-result :next-string)))))
@@ -441,31 +437,25 @@
   (let ((result nil))
     (dotimes (idx (length filter-string) result)
       (let* ((current-str (subseq filter-string idx))
-	     (delimiter (cond ((string-starts-with current-str "'''")
-			       "'''")
-			      ((string-starts-with current-str "'")
-			       "'")
-			      ((string-starts-with current-str "\"\"\"")
-			       "\"\"\"")
-			      ((string-starts-with current-str "\"")
-			       "\""))))
+	     (delimiter (get-literal-quotation current-str)))
 	(when delimiter
 	  (let* ((end-pos
 		  (let ((result
-			 (search-first (list delimiter) 
-				       (subseq current-str (length delimiter)))))
-		    (when result
+			 (find-literal-end (subseq current-str (length delimiter))
+				    delimiter)))
+		  (when result
 		      (+ (length delimiter) result))))
 		 (quoted-str (when end-pos
 			       (subseq current-str (length delimiter) end-pos)))
 		 (start-pos idx))
-	    (incf idx (+ (* 2 (length delimiter)) (length quoted-str)))
-	    (if (and (>= pos start-pos)
-		     (<= pos (+ start-pos end-pos)))
-		(progn
-		  (setf result t)
-		  (setf idx (length filter-string)))
-		(incf idx (+ (* 2 (length delimiter)) (length quoted-str))))))))))
+	    (when quoted-str
+	      (incf idx (+ (* 2 (length delimiter)) (length quoted-str)))
+	      (if (and (>= pos start-pos)
+		       (< pos (+ start-pos end-pos)))
+		  (progn
+		    (setf result t)
+		    (setf idx (length filter-string)))
+		  (incf idx (+ (* 2 (length delimiter)) (length quoted-str)))))))))))
 (defun search-first-unclosed-paranthesis (str &key (ignore-literals t))

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	Thu Apr  7 15:19:16 2011
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@
 	      "BASE <http://some.where/psis/poem/>
                SELECT $subject ?predicate WHERE{
                 ?subject $predicate <zauberlehrling> .
-                FILTER (STR(?predicate) = 'http://some.where/base-psis/written')}")
+                FILTER (STR(?predicate) = '\"<http://some.where/base-psis/written>\"')}")
 	     (query-2 "SELECT ?object ?subject WHERE{
                         <http://some.where/psis/author/goethe> ?predicate ?object .
                         FILTER (isLITERAL(?object) &&
@@ -2408,7 +2408,9 @@
                    FILTER isLITERAL(?obj1) && !isLITERAL(?pred1) && ?obj1 = 'von Goethe' || ?obj1 = 82
                    FILTER ?pred1 = $pred1 && $obj1 = $obj1 && ?pred1 != ?obj1
 		   FILTER ?obj1 >= 82 || ?obj1 = 'von Goethe'
-                   FILTER BOUND(?obj1) && !BOUND(?obj2) && BOUND(?pred1)"
+                   FILTER BOUND(?obj1) && !BOUND(?obj2) && BOUND(?pred1)
+		   FILTER (DATATYPE(?obj1) = '" *xml-string* "' || DATATYPE(?obj1) = '" *xml-integer* "') && !(DATATYPE(?obj1) = '" *xml-double* "')
+                   FILTER STR(?obj1) = '82' || ?obj1='von Goethe'"
 	   (r-1 (tm-sparql:result (make-instance 'TM-SPARQL:SPARQL-Query :query q-1))))
       ;(is-true (= (length r-1) 2))

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