[isidorus-cvs] r419 - in trunk/src: TM-SPARQL base-tools unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Apr 6 15:02:36 UTC 2011

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Apr  6 11:02:36 2011
New Revision: 419

TM-SPARQL: sparql filters now support constants of the form 'string-value'^^datatype and 'string'@lang


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp	Wed Apr  6 11:02:36 2011
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
     (cond (type-suffix type-suffix)
 	  ((integerp x) constants::*xml-integer*)
 	  ((floatp x) constants::*xml-decimal*)
-	  ((numberp x) constants::*xml-double*)
+	  ((typep x 'double-float) constants::*xml-double*)
 	  ((stringp x) constants::*xml-string*)
 	  (t (type-of x)))))

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	Wed Apr  6 11:02:36 2011
@@ -426,20 +426,17 @@
 	      (cast-variable-values construct filter-variable-values))
 	(dolist (filter (filters construct))
 	  (dolist (var-elem filter-variable-values)
-	    ;(format t "~a~%==>~a~%~%" (to-lisp-code var-elem filter)
-	    ;(eval (read-from-string (to-lisp-code var-elem filter)))) ;TODO: remove
+	    ;(format t "~%~%>>~a<<~%~%" (to-lisp-code var-elem filter)); TODO: remove
 	    (when (eval (read-from-string (to-lisp-code var-elem filter)))
 	      (map 'list #'(lambda(list-elem)
 			     (push list-elem true-values))
-	;(format t "tv: -->~a<--~%" true-values) ;TODO: remove
 	(let ((values-to-remove
 	       (return-false-values filter-variable-values
 				    (remove-duplicates true-values
 						       :test #'variable-list=))))
-	  ;(format t "vr: -->~a<--~%" values-to-remove) ;TODO: remove
 	  (dolist (to-del values-to-remove)
 	    (delete-rows-by-value construct (getf to-del :variable-name)
 				  (getf to-del :variable-value))))))

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	Wed Apr  6 11:02:36 2011
@@ -106,8 +106,10 @@
 	    (subseq query-string 0 (- (length query-string)
 				      (length next-query))))
+	   (filter-string-casted-constants
+	    (cast-literal-constants construct filter-string))
-	    (set-unary-operators construct filter-string))
+	    (set-unary-operators construct filter-string-casted-constants))
 	    (set-or-and-operators construct filter-string-unary-ops
@@ -119,10 +121,57 @@
 	    (set-functions construct filter-string-compare-ops)))
       (add-filter construct
-		   construct filter-string-functions original-filter-string))
+		   construct filter-string-functions filter-string))
       (parse-group construct next-query))))
+(defgeneric cast-literal-constants (construct filter-string)
+  (:documentation "Casts all constants of the form 'string-value'^^datatype to an
+                   object of the specified type. If the specified type is not
+                   supported the return value is the string-value without a
+                   type specifier.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (filter-string String))
+    (let ((first-pos (search-first (list "'" "\"") filter-string)))
+      (if (not first-pos)
+	  filter-string
+	  (let* ((delimiters
+		  (append (white-space) *supported-brackets* (list "}")))
+		 (result (get-literal (subseq filter-string first-pos)))
+		 (literal-value (getf result :literal))
+		 (next-string (getf result :next-string))
+		 (lang
+		  (when (string-starts-with next-string "@")
+		    (let ((end-pos (search-first delimiters next-string)))
+		      (when end-pos
+			(subseq next-string 0 end-pos)))))
+		 (type
+		  (when (string-starts-with next-string "^^")
+		    (let ((end-pos
+			   (let ((pos (search-first delimiters next-string)))
+			     (if pos
+				 pos
+				 (length next-string)))))
+		      (when end-pos
+			(subseq next-string 2 end-pos)))))
+		 (modified-literal-value
+		  (if type
+		      (if (> (length literal-value) 0)
+			  (string-trim (list (elt literal-value 0)) literal-value)
+			  literal-value)
+		      literal-value)))
+	    (concat (subseq filter-string 0 first-pos)
+		    (if type
+			(write-to-string
+			 (cast-literal modified-literal-value type
+				       :back-as-string-when-unsupported t))
+			modified-literal-value)
+		    (cast-literal-constants
+		     construct
+		     (subseq next-string (cond (lang (length lang))
+					       (type (+ 2 (length type)))
+					       (t 0))))))))))
 (defgeneric scan-filter-for-deprecated-calls (construct filter-string
   (:documentation "Returns the passed filter-string where all functions
@@ -695,7 +744,7 @@
   (declare (String filter-string)
 	   (Integer idx))
   (let* ((string-after (subseq filter-string (1+ idx)))
-	 (cleaned-str (cut-comment string-after)))
+	 (cleaned-str (trim-whitespace-left string-after)))
     (cond ((string-starts-with cleaned-str "(")
 	   (let ((result (bracket-scope cleaned-str)))
 	     (list :next-query (string-after cleaned-str result)
@@ -741,14 +790,14 @@
    that is the scope of the function, i.e. the function name and all its
    variable including the closing )."
   (declare (String str))
-  (let* ((cleaned-str (cut-comment str))
+  (let* ((cleaned-str (trim-whitespace-left str))
 	  (remove-null (map 'list #'(lambda(fun)
 				      (when (string-starts-with cleaned-str fun)
 					(string-after str fun)))
 	 (fun-suffix (when after-fun
-		       (cut-comment (first after-fun)))))
+		       (trim-whitespace-left (first after-fun)))))
     (when fun-suffix
       (let* ((args (bracket-scope fun-suffix))
 	     (fun-name (string-until cleaned-str args)))
@@ -864,11 +913,6 @@
 		   (setf idx (- (1- (length query-string))
 				(length (getf result :next-string))))
 		   (push-string (getf result :literal) filter-string)))
-		((string= "#" current-char)
-		 (let ((comment-string
-			(string-until (subseq query-string idx)
-				      (string #\newline))))
-		   (setf idx (+ idx (length comment-string)))))
 		((and (string= current-char (string #\newline))
 		      (= 0 open-brackets))
 		 (setf result

Modified: trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	Wed Apr  6 11:02:36 2011
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
   "Returns the end of the literal corresponding to the passed delimiter
    string. The query-string must start after the opening literal delimiter.
    The return value is an int that represents the start index of closing
-   delimiter. delimiter must be either \", ', or '''.
+   delimiter. delimiter must be either \", ', \"\"\", or '''.
    If the returns value is nil, there is no closing delimiter."
   (declare (String query-string delimiter)
 	   (Integer overall-pos))
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 (defun get-literal-quotation (str)
   "Returns ', ''', \" or \"\"\" when the string starts with a literal delimiter."
   (cond ((string-starts-with str "'''")
-	 "'")
+	 "'''")
 	((string-starts-with str "\"\"\"")
 	((string-starts-with str "'")

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	Wed Apr  6 11:02:36 2011
@@ -1546,9 +1546,9 @@
     (with-revision 0
       (let* ((query-1
 	      "BASE <http://some.where/psis/poem/>
-              SELECT $subject ?predicate WHERE{
-               ?subject $predicate <zauberlehrling> .
-               FILTER (STR(?predicate) = 'http://some.where/base-psis/written')}")
+               SELECT $subject ?predicate WHERE{
+                ?subject $predicate <zauberlehrling> .
+                FILTER (STR(?predicate) = 'http://some.where/base-psis/written')}")
 	     (query-2 "SELECT ?object ?subject WHERE{
                         <http://some.where/psis/author/goethe> ?predicate ?object .
                         FILTER (isLITERAL(?object) &&
@@ -2364,8 +2364,8 @@
     (let* ((q-1 (concat
                    <http://some.where/tmsparql/author/goethe> ?pred1 ?obj1.
-                   FILTER ?obj1 = 'von Goethe' || ?obj1 = 82
-                   #FILTER ?obj1 = 'von Goethe' || ?obj1 = '82'^^" *xml-integer* "
+                   #FILTER ?obj1 = 'von Goethe' || ?obj1 = 82
+                   FILTER ?obj1 = 'von Goethe'^^" *xml-string* " || ?obj1 = '82'^^" *xml-integer* "
 		   #FILTER (?obj1 = 'von Goethe' || 82 = ?obj1)
                    #FILTER (?obj1 = 'von Goethe') || (82 = ?obj1)
 		   #FILTER ((?obj1 = 'von Goethe') || (82 = ?obj1))"
@@ -2373,17 +2373,6 @@
 	   (r-1 (tm-sparql:result (make-instance 'TM-SPARQL:SPARQL-Query :query q-1))))
-      ;(map 'list #'(lambda(triple)
-      ;(format t "~a - ~a - ~a[~a]~%"
-      ;(tm-sparql::subject-result triple)
-      ;(tm-sparql::predicate-result triple)
-      ;(tm-sparql::object-result triple)
-      ;(tm-sparql::object-datatype triple)))
-      ;(tm-sparql::select-group (make-instance 'TM-SPARQL:SPARQL-Query :query q-1)))
       (is-true (= (length r-1) 2))
       (map 'list #'(lambda(item)
@@ -2395,7 +2384,6 @@
       (format t "~a~%" r-1))))
-;TODO: cast literal-values when called in filters
 ;TODO: test complex filters
 (defun run-sparql-tests ()

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