[isidorus-cvs] r316 - in branches/new-datamodel/src: model unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Mon Sep 27 20:26:49 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Mon Sep 27 16:26:49 2010
New Revision: 316

new-datamodel: adapted the unit-test exporter-test:test-fragments-xtm1.0-versions to the new data model; fixed a bug when creating FragmentC objects-> topics referenced by variants of the main topic are also added as topic stubs


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp	Mon Sep 27 16:26:49 2010
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
    (themes characteristic :revision revision)
    (when (instance-of characteristic :revision revision)
      (list (instance-of characteristic :revision revision)))
+   (when (and (typep characteristic 'NameC)
+	      (variants characteristic :revision revision))
+     (remove-if #'null
+		(loop for var in (variants characteristic :revision revision)
+		   append (find-referenced-topics var :revision revision))))
    (when  (and (typep characteristic 'OccurrenceC)
               (> (length (charvalue characteristic)) 0)
               (eq #\# (elt (charvalue characteristic) 0)))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Mon Sep 27 16:26:49 2010
@@ -1140,15 +1140,16 @@
 	      ((and current-version-info
 		    (= (end-revision current-version-info) 0))
 	       (setf (end-revision current-version-info) start-revision)
-	       (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
-			      :start-revision start-revision
-			      :end-revision end-revision
-			      :versioned-construct construct))
+	       (let ((vi (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
+					:start-revision start-revision
+					:end-revision end-revision)))
+		 (elephant:add-association vi 'versioned-construct construct)))
-	       (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
-			      :start-revision start-revision
-			      :end-revision end-revision
-			      :versioned-construct construct))))))))
+	       (let ((vi (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
+					:start-revision start-revision
+					:end-revision end-revision)))
+		 (elephant:add-association vi 'versioned-construct construct)))))))))
 (defmethod marked-as-deleted-p ((construct VersionedConstructC))
@@ -4222,7 +4223,7 @@
 	  (move-referenced-constructs newer-tm older-tm :revision revision)
 	  (dolist (top-or-assoc (append (topics newer-tm) (associations newer-tm)))
-	    (add-to-tm top-or-assoc top-or-assoc))
+	    (add-to-tm older-tm top-or-assoc))
 	  (add-to-version-history older-tm :start-revision revision)
 	  (mark-as-deleted newer-tm :revision revision)
 	  (when (exist-in-version-history-p newer-tm)

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm1.0_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm1.0_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm1.0_test.lisp	Mon Sep 27 16:26:49 2010
@@ -390,12 +390,10 @@
 		    when (string= (uri item) psi)
 		    return (identified-construct item)))
 	   (t100-start-revision (d::start-revision (first (d::versions t100)))))
       (d:get-fragments t100-start-revision)
       (let ((t100-fragment (loop for item in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'FragmentC)
 			      when (eq (topic item) t100)
 			      return item)))
 	(with-open-file (stream *out-xtm1.0-file* :direction :output)
 	  (write-string (export-xtm-fragment t100-fragment :xtm-format '1.0) stream))))
@@ -443,7 +441,9 @@
   (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
     (handler-case (delete-file *out-xtm1.0-file*)(error () )) ;deletes file - if exist
     (export-xtm *out-xtm1.0-file* :revision fixtures::revision1 :xtm-format '1.0)
-    (let ((document (dom:document-element (cxml:parse-file *out-xtm1.0-file* (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+    (let ((document
+	   (dom:document-element
+	    (cxml:parse-file *out-xtm1.0-file* (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
 	  (t100-occurrences-resourceData (list "The ISO 19115 standard ..." "2003-01-01"))) ;local value->no type
       (check-document-structure document 47 7 :ns-uri *xtm1.0-ns*)
       (loop for topic across (xpath-child-elems-by-qname document *xtm1.0-ns* "topic")
@@ -1121,18 +1121,17 @@
     (let ((new-t100
 	   (loop for item in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:PersistentIdC)
 	      when (string= (uri item) new-t100-psi)
-	      return (identified-construct item))))
+	      return (identified-construct item :revision fixtures::revision3))))
       (d:get-fragments fixtures::revision3)
       (let ((fragment (loop for item in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:FragmentC)
 			 when (eq (topic item) new-t100)
 			 return item)))
 	(with-open-file (stream *out-xtm1.0-file* :direction :output)
 	  (write-string (export-xtm-fragment fragment :xtm-format '1.0) stream))))
     (let ((document
 	    (cxml:parse-file *out-xtm1.0-file* (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))
-      (check-document-structure document 6 0 :ns-uri *xtm1.0-ns*)
+      (check-document-structure document 9 1 :ns-uri *xtm1.0-ns*)
       (loop for topic across (xpath-child-elems-by-qname document *xtm1.0-ns* "topic")
 	 do (loop for subjectIndicatorRef across (xpath-child-elems-by-qname
@@ -1145,6 +1144,12 @@
 		       (check-topic-id topic))
 		      ((string= href core-display-psi)
 		       (check-topic-id topic))
+		      ((string= href constants:*type-instance-psi*)
+		       (check-topic-id topic))
+		      ((string= href constants:*type-psi*)
+		       (check-topic-id topic))
+		      ((string= href constants:*instance-psi*)
+		       (check-topic-id topic))
 		      ((string= href t50a-psi)
 		       (check-topic-id topic))
 		      ((string= href t3-psi)
@@ -1154,28 +1159,35 @@
 		      ((string= href new-t100-psi)
 		       (check-topic-id topic)
 		       (check-single-instanceOf document topic t3-psi :xtm-format '1.0)
-		       (loop for occurrence across (xpath-child-elems-by-qname topic *xtm1.0-ns* "occurrence")
+		       (loop for occurrence across (xpath-child-elems-by-qname
+						    topic *xtm1.0-ns* "occurrence")
 			  do (let ((resourceRef
 				    (let ((resourceRef-nodes
-					   (xpath-child-elems-by-qname occurrence *xtm1.0-ns* "resourceRef")))
+					   (xpath-child-elems-by-qname
+					    occurrence *xtm1.0-ns* "resourceRef")))
 				      (is (= (length resourceRef-nodes) 1))
-				      (dom:get-attribute-ns (elt resourceRef-nodes 0) *xtm1.0-xlink* "href")))
+				      (dom:get-attribute-ns (elt resourceRef-nodes 0)
+							    *xtm1.0-xlink* "href")))
 				    (let ((instanceOf-nodes
-					   (xpath-child-elems-by-qname occurrence *xtm1.0-ns* "instanceOf")))
+					   (xpath-child-elems-by-qname
+					    occurrence *xtm1.0-ns* "instanceOf")))
 				      (is (= (length instanceOf-nodes) 1))
 				      (let ((topicRef-nodes
-					      (elt instanceOf-nodes 0) *xtm1.0-ns* "topicRef")))
+					      (elt instanceOf-nodes 0) *xtm1.0-ns*
+					      "topicRef")))
 					(is (= (length topicRef-nodes) 1))
 					  (elt topicRef-nodes 0) *xtm1.0-xlink* "href"))))))
-				 ((string= resourceRef (first new-t100-occurrence-resourceRef-merge-2))
+				 ((string= resourceRef
+					   (first new-t100-occurrence-resourceRef-merge-2))
 				  (is (string= instanceOf t55-psi)))
-				 ((string= resourceRef (second new-t100-occurrence-resourceRef-merge-2))
+				 ((string= resourceRef
+					   (second new-t100-occurrence-resourceRef-merge-2))
 				  (is (string= instanceOf t55-psi)))

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