[isidorus-cvs] r326 - in trunk: docs src src/json src/rest_interface src/unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Oct 13 22:27:39 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Oct 13 18:27:38 2010
New Revision: 326

added a mark-as-deleted handler to the RESTful interface, so PSIs, ItemIdentifiers, SubjectLocators, Topics, Names, Variants, Occurrences, Associations and Roles can be deleted by this backend-handler; added the corresponding unit-tests


Modified: trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt
--- trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/xtm_json.txt	Wed Oct 13 18:27:38 2010
@@ -449,29 +449,70 @@
 //+  *Part 4: Object notation for marking objects as deleted
-//+    type: the type of the deleted object, e.g. Topic for TopicC
-//+    topics: a list of PSIs, where every single PSI represents a topic that
-//+            has to be deleted
-//+    associations: a list of associations that have to be deleted
-//+    parent-topic: a single PSI of the name's, occurrence's or variant's owner
-//+                  topic
-//+    parent-name: the parent name of the variants that have to be deleted
-//+                 (in this case the parent-topic is the topic of the name)
-//+    names: a list of the deletable names
-//+    variants: a list of deletable names
-//+    occurrences: a list of the deletable occurrences
-//+    parent-association: the parent association of the deletable roles
-//+    roles: a list of the deltable roles
+//+    *Topic
+//+    *PSI
+//+    *ItemIdentifier
+//+    *SubjectLocator
+//+    *Name
+//+    *Variant
+//+    *Occurrence
+//+    *Association
+//+    *Role
-  "type":<"Topic" | "Occurrence" | "Name" | "Association" | "Role" | "Variant" >,
-  "topics": [<psi-top-1>, <psi-top-2>, <...>],
-  "associations": [<association-1>, <association-2>, <...>],
-  "parentTopic": "topic-psi",
-  "parentName": <name>,
-  "names": [<name-1>, <name-2>, <...>],
-  "variants": [<variant-1>, <variant-2>, <...>],
-  "occurrences": [<occurrence-1>, <occurrence-2>, <...>],
-  "parentAssociation": <association>,
-  "roles": [<role-1>, <role-2>, <...>]
+  \"type\":\"Topic\",
+  \"delete\":<topic>  //only the topic's identifiers are evaluated
+  \"type\":\"PSI\",
+  \"delete\":\"PSI-value\"
+  \"type\":\"ItemIdentity\",
+  \"delete\":\"ItemIdentity-value\"
+  \"type\":SubjectLocator\",
+  \"delete\":\"SubjectLocator-value\"
+  \"type\":\"Name\",
+  \"parent\":<Topic>, // the topic-identifiers are enough
+  \"delete\":<Name>
+  \"type\":\"Variant\",
+  \"parent\":<Name>, // the full name that is needed for TMDM equality
+  \"parentOfParent\":<Topic>, // the topic-identifiers are enough
+  \"delete\"
+  \"type\":\"Occurrence\", // the full occurrence that is neede for full TMDM equality
+  \"parent\":<Topic>, // the topic-identifiers are enough
+  \"delete\":<Occurrence>
+{  \"type\":\"Association\",
+   \"delete\":<Association> // the full association that is neede for full TMDM equality
+  \"type\":\"Role\",
+  \"parent\":<Association>, // the full association that is neede for full TMDM equality
+  \"delete\":<Role> // the full role that is neede for full TMDM equality

Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Wed Oct 13 18:27:38 2010
@@ -165,10 +165,12 @@
 					    :depends-on ("json_tmcl_constants"))
 				     (:file "json_importer")
 				     (:file "json_tmcl_validation"
-					    :depends-on ("json_tmcl_constants" "json_exporter" ))
+					    :depends-on ("json_tmcl_constants" "json_exporter" "json_importer"))
 				     (:file "json_tmcl_constants")
 				     (:file "json_tmcl"
-					    :depends-on ("json_tmcl_validation" "json_importer")))
+					    :depends-on ("json_tmcl_validation" "json_importer"))
+				     (:file "json_delete_interface"
+					    :depends-on ("json_importer")))
 	                :depends-on ("model"
 	       (:module "ajax"

Added: trunk/src/json/json_delete_interface.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/json/json_delete_interface.lisp	Wed Oct 13 18:27:38 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+;;+  Isidorus
+;;+  (c) 2008-2009 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Giessmann
+;;+  Isidorus is freely distributable under the LGPL license.
+;;+  You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt.
+(defpackage :json-delete-interface
+  (:use :cl :datamodel :json-importer)
+  (:export :mark-as-deleted-from-json))
+(in-package :json-delete-interface)
+(defun mark-as-deleted-from-json (json-data &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Marks an object that is specified by the given JSON data as deleted."
+  (declare (string json-data) (integer revision))
+  (let ((json-list (json:decode-json-from-string json-data)))
+    (let ((type nil)
+	  (parent nil)
+	  (parent-of-parent nil)
+	  (delete nil))
+      (loop for json-entry in json-list
+	 do (let ((st (car json-entry))
+		  (nd (cdr json-entry)))
+	      (cond ((eql st :type)
+		     (setf type nd))
+		    ((eql st :delete)
+		     (setf delete nd))
+		    ((eql st :parent)
+		     (setf parent nd))
+		    ((eql st :parent-of-parent)
+		     (setf parent-of-parent nd)))))
+      (cond ((string= type "Topic")
+	     (delete-topic-from-json delete :revision revision))
+	    ((string= type "PSI")
+	     (delete-identifier-from-json delete 'd:PersistentIdC
+					    #'d:delete-psi :revision revision))
+	    ((string= type "ItemIdentity")
+	     (delete-identifier-from-json delete 'd:ItemIdentifierC
+					    #'d:delete-item-identifier
+					    :revision revision))
+	    ((string= type "SubjectLocator")
+	     (delete-identifier-from-json delete 'd:SubjectLocatorC
+					    #'d:delete-locator :revision revision))
+	    ((string= type "Name")
+	     (delete-name-from-json
+	      delete (find-parent parent :revision revision) :revision revision))
+	    ((string= type "Variant")
+	     (let ((parent-top (find-parent parent-of-parent :revision revision)))
+	       (delete-variant-from-json
+		delete (find-parent parent :parent-of-parent parent-top
+				    :revision revision) :revision revision)))
+	    ((string= type "Occurrence")
+	     (delete-occurrence-from-json
+	      delete (find-parent parent :revision revision) :revision revision))
+	    ((string= type "Association")
+	     (delete-association-from-json delete :revision revision))
+	    ((string= type "Role")
+	     (delete-role-from-json delete (find-parent parent :revision revision)))
+	    (t
+	     (error "Type \"~a\" is not defined" type))))))
+(defun delete-role-from-json (json-decoded-list parent-assoc
+			      &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Deletes the passed role object and returns t otherwise this
+   function returns nil."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (let ((j-role (make-role-plist json-decoded-list)))
+    (when parent-assoc
+      (let ((role-to-delete
+	     (loop for role in (d:roles parent-assoc :revision revision)
+		when (and
+		      (eql
+		       (d:instance-of role :revision revision)
+		       (getf j-role :type))
+		      (eql
+		       (d:player role :revision revision)
+		       (getf j-role :topicRef)))
+		return role)))
+	(when role-to-delete
+	  (d:delete-role parent-assoc role-to-delete :revision revision)
+	  t)))))
+(defun delete-association-from-json (json-decoded-list &key
+				     (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Deletes the passed association object and returns t otherwise this
+   function returns nil."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (let ((assoc (find-association json-decoded-list :revision revision)))
+    (when assoc
+      (d:mark-as-deleted assoc :revision revision :source-locator nil)
+      t)))
+(defun make-role-plist (json-decoded-list &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Returns a plist that represents a list of association roles
+   of the passed json-decoded-list."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (let ((type nil)
+	(player nil))
+    (loop for j-entry in json-decoded-list
+       do (let ((st (car j-entry))
+		(nd (cdr j-entry)))
+	    (cond ((eql st :topic-Ref)
+		   (setf player
+			 (json-importer::psis-to-topic nd :revision revision)))
+		  ((eql st :type)
+		   (setf type
+			 (json-importer::psis-to-topic nd :revision revision))))))
+    (list :type type :topicRef player)))
+(defun find-association (json-decoded-list &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Returns an association object."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (let ((j-roles nil)
+	(type nil)
+	(scopes nil))
+    (loop for j-entry in json-decoded-list
+       do (let ((st (car j-entry))
+		(nd (cdr j-entry)))
+	    (cond ((eql st :roles)
+		   (setf j-roles
+			 (map 'list #'(lambda(j-role)
+					(make-role-plist j-role :revision revision))
+			      nd)))
+		  ((eql st :type)
+		   (setf type (json-importer::psis-to-topic nd :revision revision)))
+		  ((eql st :scopes)
+		   (setf scopes (json-importer::json-to-scope nd revision))))))
+    (loop for assoc in (d:get-all-associations revision)
+       when (and
+	     (not
+	      (set-exclusive-or
+	       (d:roles assoc :revision revision)
+	       j-roles
+	       :test #'(lambda(a-role j-role)
+			 (and (eql (d:instance-of a-role :revision revision)
+				   (getf j-role :type))
+			      (eql (d:player a-role :revision revision)
+				   (getf j-role :topicRef))))))
+	     (eql type (d:instance-of assoc :revision revision))
+	     (not (set-exclusive-or scopes (d:themes assoc :revision revision))))
+       return assoc)))
+(defun find-parent (parent &key (parent-of-parent nil)
+		    (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Returns the construct (Topic|Name|Association) corresponding to the
+   passed parameters."
+  (declare (list parent) (integer revision)
+	   (type (or TopicC null) parent-of-parent))
+  (let ((value nil)
+	(scopes nil) 
+	(type nil)
+	(j-roles nil))
+    (loop for j-entry in parent
+       do (let ((st (car j-entry))
+		(nd (cdr j-entry)))
+	    (cond ((eql st :value)
+		   (setf value nd))
+		  ((eql st :scopes)
+		   (setf scopes (json-importer::json-to-scope nd revision)))
+		  ((eql st :type)
+		   (setf type (json-importer::psis-to-topic nd :revision revision)))
+		  ((eql st :roles)
+		   (setf j-roles nd)))))
+    (cond (parent-of-parent
+	   (loop for name in (d:names parent-of-parent :revision revision)
+	      when (and (string= value (d:charvalue name))
+			(eql type (d:instance-of name :revision revision))
+			(not (set-exclusive-or scopes
+					       (d:themes name :revision revision))))
+	      return name))
+	  (j-roles ;must be an association
+	   (find-association parent :revision revision))
+	  (t ;must be a topic
+	   (find-topic-from-json-identifiers
+	    parent :revision revision)))))
+(defun delete-variant-from-json (json-decoded-list parent-name
+				 &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Deletes the passed variant from the given name and returns t if the
+   operation succeeded."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision)
+	   (type (or NameC null)))
+  (when parent-name
+    (let ((varvalue nil)
+	  (vardatatype constants::*xml-uri*)
+	  (scopes nil))
+      (loop for j-entry in json-decoded-list
+	 do (let ((st (car j-entry))
+		  (nd (cdr j-entry)))
+	      (cond ((eql st :resource-ref)
+		     (setf varvalue nd))
+		    ((eql st :resource-data)
+		     (loop for j-dt in nd
+			do (let ((dt-st (car j-dt))
+				 (dt-nd (cdr j-dt)))
+			     (cond ((eql dt-st :datatype)
+				    (setf vardatatype dt-nd))
+				   ((eql dt-st :value)
+				    (setf varvalue dt-nd))))))
+		    ((eql st :scopes)
+		     (setf scopes (json-importer::json-to-scope nd revision))))))
+      (let ((var-to-delete
+	     (loop for var in (d:variants parent-name :revision revision)
+		when (and (string= varvalue (d:charvalue var))
+			  (string= vardatatype (d:datatype var))
+			  (not (set-exclusive-or
+				scopes (d:themes var :revision revision))))
+		return var)))	(when var-to-delete
+	  (delete-variant parent-name var-to-delete :revision revision)
+	  t)))))
+(defun delete-occurrence-from-json (json-decoded-list parent-top
+				    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Deletes the passed occurrence from the given topic and returns t if the
+   operation succeeded."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (when parent-top
+    (let ((occvalue nil)
+	  (occdatatype constants::*xml-uri*)
+	  (scopes nil)
+	  (type nil))
+      (loop for j-entry in json-decoded-list
+	 do (let ((st (car j-entry))
+		  (nd (cdr j-entry)))
+	      (cond ((eql st :resource-ref)
+		     (setf occvalue nd))
+		    ((eql st :resource-data)
+		     (loop for j-dt in nd
+			do (let ((dt-st (car j-dt))
+				 (dt-nd (cdr j-dt)))
+			     (cond ((eql dt-st :datatype)
+				    (setf occdatatype dt-nd))
+				   ((eql dt-st :value)
+				    (setf occvalue dt-nd))))))
+		    ((eql st :scopes)
+		     (setf scopes (json-importer::json-to-scope nd revision)))
+		    ((eql st :type)
+		     (setf type (json-importer::psis-to-topic
+				 nd :revision revision))))))
+      (let ((occ-to-delete
+	     (loop for occ in (d:occurrences parent-top :revision revision)
+		when (and (string= occvalue (d:charvalue occ))
+			  (string= occdatatype (d:datatype occ))
+			  (eql type (d:instance-of occ :revision revision))
+			  (not (set-exclusive-or
+				scopes (d:themes occ :revision revision))))
+		return occ)))
+	(when occ-to-delete
+	  (delete-occurrence parent-top occ-to-delete :revision revision)
+	  t)))))
+(defun delete-name-from-json (json-decoded-list parent-top
+			      &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (when parent-top
+    (let ((namevalue nil)
+	  (scopes nil)
+	  (type nil))
+      (loop for j-entry in json-decoded-list
+	 do (let ((st (car j-entry))
+		  (nd (cdr j-entry)))
+	      (cond ((eql st :value)
+		     (setf namevalue nd))
+		    ((eql st :scopes)
+		     (setf scopes (json-importer::json-to-scope nd revision)))
+		    ((eql st :type)
+		     (setf type (json-importer::psis-to-topic
+				 nd :revision revision))))))
+      (let ((name-to-delete
+	     (loop for name in (names parent-top :revision revision)
+		when (and (string= namevalue (d:charvalue name))
+			  (eql type (d:instance-of name :revision revision))
+			  (not (set-exclusive-or
+				scopes (d:themes name :revision revision))))
+		return name)))
+	(when name-to-delete
+	  (delete-name parent-top name-to-delete :revision revision)
+	  t)))))
+(defun delete-identifier-from-json (uri class delete-function
+				    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Deleted the passed identifier of the construct it is associated with.
+   Returns t if there was deleted an item otherweise it returns nil."
+  (declare (string uri) (integer revision) (symbol class))
+  (let ((id (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+	      class 'd:uri uri)))
+    (if (and id (typep id class))
+	(progn
+	  (apply delete-function
+		 (list (d:identified-construct id :revision revision)
+		       id :revision revision))
+	  t)
+	nil)))
+(defun delete-topic-from-json (json-decoded-list &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Searches for a topic corresponding to the given identifiers.
+   Returns t if there was deleted an item otherweise it returns nil."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (let ((top-to-delete (find-topic-from-json-identifiers
+			json-decoded-list :revision revision)))
+    (when top-to-delete
+      (mark-as-deleted top-to-delete :source-locator nil :revision revision)
+      t)))
+(defun get-ids-from-json (json-decoded-list)
+  "Returns all id uri formatted as plist generated from the json-list."
+  (let ((iis nil)
+	(psis nil)
+	(sls nil))
+    (loop for json-entry in json-decoded-list
+       do (let ((st (car json-entry))
+		(nd (cdr json-entry)))
+	    (cond ((eql st :item-identities)
+		   (setf iis nd))
+		  ((eql st :subject-locators)
+		   (setf sls nd))
+		  ((eql st :subject-identifiers)
+		   (setf psis nd)))))
+    (list :subjectIdentifiers psis
+	  :itemIdentities iis
+	  :subjectLocators sls)))
+(defun find-topic-from-json-identifiers (json-decoded-list
+					 &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  "Returns a topic corresponding to the passed identifiers."
+  (declare (list json-decoded-list) (integer revision))
+  (let ((ids (get-ids-from-json json-decoded-list)))
+    (let ((identifier
+	   (if (getf ids :itemIdentities)
+	       (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+		'd:ItemIdentifierC 'd:uri (first (getf ids :itemIdentities)))
+	       (if (getf ids :subjectIdentifiers)
+		   (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+		    'd:PersistentIdC 'd:uri (first (getf ids :subjectIdentifiers)))
+		   (when (getf ids :subjectLocators)
+		     (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+		      'd:SubjectLocatorC 'd:uri
+		      (first (getf ids :subjectLocators))))))))
+    (when identifier
+      (d:identified-construct identifier :revision revision)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/json/json_tmcl_validation.lisp
--- trunk/src/json/json_tmcl_validation.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/json/json_tmcl_validation.lisp	Wed Oct 13 18:27:38 2010
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (defpackage :json-tmcl
-  (:use :cl :datamodel :constants :json-tmcl-constants)
+  (:use :cl :datamodel :constants :json-tmcl-constants :json-importer)
   (:export :get-constraints-of-fragment

Modified: trunk/src/rest_interface/set-up-json-interface.lisp
--- trunk/src/rest_interface/set-up-json-interface.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/rest_interface/set-up-json-interface.lisp	Wed Oct 13 18:27:38 2010
@@ -9,23 +9,46 @@
 (in-package :rest-interface)
-(defparameter *json-get-prefix* "/json/get/(.+)$") ;the prefix to get a fragment by the psi -> localhost:8000/json/get/<fragment-psi>
-(defparameter *get-rdf-prefix* "/json/get/rdf/(.+)$") ;the prefix to get a fragment by the psi -> localhost:8000/json/rdf/get/<fragment-psi>
-(defparameter *json-commit-url* "/json/commit/?$") ;the url to commit a json fragment by "put" or "post"
-(defparameter *json-get-all-psis* "/json/psis/?$") ;the url to get all topic psis of isidorus -> localhost:8000/json/psis
-(defparameter *json-get-summary-url* "/json/summary/?$") ;the url to get a summary of all topic stored in isidorus; you have to set the GET-parameter "start" for the start index of all topics within elephant and the GET-paramter "end" for the last index of the topic sequence -> http://localhost:8000/json/summary/?start=12&end=13
-(defparameter *json-get-all-type-psis* "/json/tmcl/types/?$") ;returns a list of all psis that can be a type
-(defparameter *json-get-all-instance-psis* "/json/tmcl/instances/?$") ;returns a list of all psis that belongs to a valid topic-instance
-(defparameter *json-get-topic-stub-prefix* "/json/topicstubs/(.+)$") ;the json prefix for getting some topic stub information of a topic
-(defparameter *json-get-type-tmcl-url* "/json/tmcl/type/?$") ;the json url for getting some tmcl information of a topic treated as a type
-(defparameter *json-get-instance-tmcl-url* "/json/tmcl/instance/?$") ;the json url for getting some tmcl information of a topic treated as an instance
-(defparameter *json-get-overview* "/json/tmcl/overview/?$") ; returns a json-object representing a tree view
-(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-url* "/isidorus") ;the url to the user interface;
-(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-css-prefix* "/css") ;the url to the css files of the user interface
-(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-css-directory-path* "ajax/css") ;the directory contains the css files
-(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-file-path* "ajax/isidorus.html") ;the file path to the HTML file implements the user interface
-(defparameter *ajax-javascript-directory-path* "ajax/javascripts") ;the directory which contains all necessary javascript files
-(defparameter *ajax-javascript-url-prefix* "/javascripts") ; the url prefix of all javascript files
+;the prefix to get a fragment by the psi -> localhost:8000/json/get/<fragment-psi>
+(defparameter *json-get-prefix* "/json/get/(.+)$")
+;the prefix to get a fragment by the psi -> localhost:8000/json/rdf/get/<fragment-psi>
+(defparameter *get-rdf-prefix* "/json/get/rdf/(.+)$")
+;the url to commit a json fragment by "put" or "post"
+(defparameter *json-commit-url* "/json/commit/?$")
+;the url to get all topic psis of isidorus -> localhost:8000/json/psis
+(defparameter *json-get-all-psis* "/json/psis/?$")
+;the url to get a summary of all topic stored in isidorus; you have to set the
+;GET-parameter "start" for the start index of all topics within elephant and the
+;GET-paramter "end" for the last index of the topic sequence
+; -> http://localhost:8000/json/summary/?start=12&end=13
+(defparameter *json-get-summary-url* "/json/summary/?$")
+;returns a list of all psis that can be a type
+(defparameter *json-get-all-type-psis* "/json/tmcl/types/?$")
+;returns a list of all psis that belongs to a valid topic-instance
+(defparameter *json-get-all-instance-psis* "/json/tmcl/instances/?$")
+;the json prefix for getting some topic stub information of a topic
+(defparameter *json-get-topic-stub-prefix* "/json/topicstubs/(.+)$")
+;the json url for getting some tmcl information of a topic treated as a type
+(defparameter *json-get-type-tmcl-url* "/json/tmcl/type/?$")
+;the json url for getting some tmcl information of a topic treated as an instance
+(defparameter *json-get-instance-tmcl-url* "/json/tmcl/instance/?$")
+;returns a json-object representing a tree view
+(defparameter *json-get-overview* "/json/tmcl/overview/?$")
+;the url to the user interface
+(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-url* "/isidorus")
+;the url to the css files of the user interface
+(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-css-prefix* "/css")
+;the directory contains the css files
+(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-css-directory-path* "ajax/css")
+;the file path to the HTML file implements the user interface
+(defparameter *ajax-user-interface-file-path* "ajax/isidorus.html")
+;the directory which contains all necessary javascript files
+(defparameter *ajax-javascript-directory-path* "ajax/javascripts")
+;the url prefix of all javascript files
+(defparameter *ajax-javascript-url-prefix* "/javascripts")
+;the url suffix that calls the mark-as-deleted handler
+(defparameter *mark-as-deleted-url* "/mark-as-deleted")
 (defun set-up-json-interface (&key (json-get-prefix *json-get-prefix*)
 			      (get-rdf-prefix *get-rdf-prefix*)
@@ -43,7 +66,8 @@
 			      (ajax-user-interface-css-prefix *ajax-user-interface-css-prefix*)
 			      (ajax-user-interface-css-directory-path *ajax-user-interface-css-directory-path*)
 			      (ajax-javascripts-directory-path *ajax-javascript-directory-path*)
-			      (ajax-javascripts-url-prefix *ajax-javascript-url-prefix*))
+			      (ajax-javascripts-url-prefix *ajax-javascript-url-prefix*)
+			      (mark-as-deleted-url *mark-as-deleted-url*))
   "registers the json im/exporter to the passed base-url in hunchentoot's dispatch-table
    and also registers a file-hanlder to the html-user-interface"
@@ -111,6 +135,9 @@
    (create-regex-dispatcher json-get-summary-url #'return-topic-summaries)
+   hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
+  (push
+   (create-regex-dispatcher mark-as-deleted-url #'mark-as-deleted-handler)
 ;; =============================================================================
@@ -356,6 +383,30 @@
 	    (format nil "Condition: \"~a\"" err))))))
+(defun mark-as-deleted-handler (&optional param)
+  "Marks the corresponding elem as deleted."
+  (declare (ignorable param)) ;param is currently not used
+  (let ((http-method (hunchentoot:request-method*)))
+    (if (eq http-method :DELETE)
+	(let ((external-format (flexi-streams:make-external-format :UTF-8 :eol-style :LF)))
+	  (let ((json-data (hunchentoot:raw-post-data :external-format external-format :force-text t)))
+	    (handler-case
+		(with-writer-lock
+		  (let ((result (json-delete-interface:mark-as-deleted-from-json
+				 json-data :revision (d:get-revision))))
+		    (if result
+			(format nil "") ;operation succeeded
+			(progn
+			  (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-not-found+)
+			  (format nil "object not found")))))
+	      (condition (err)
+		(progn
+		  (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-internal-server-error+)
+		  (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text")
+		  (format nil "Condition: \"~a\"" err))))))
+	(setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-bad-request+))))
 ;; =============================================================================
 ;; --- some helper functions ---------------------------------------------------
 ;; =============================================================================

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/json_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/json_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/json_test.lisp	Wed Oct 13 18:27:38 2010
@@ -13,9 +13,11 @@
+   :json-tmcl
+   :json-delete-interface
   (:export :test-to-json-string-topics
@@ -37,7 +39,14 @@
-	   :test-get-all-topic-psis))
+	   :test-get-all-topic-psis
+	   :test-delete-from-json-identifiers
+	   :test-delete-from-json-topic
+	   :test-delete-from-json-name
+	   :test-delete-from-json-occurrence
+	   :test-delete-from-json-variant
+	   :test-delete-from-json-association
+	   :test-delete-from-json-role))
 (in-package :json-test)
@@ -1495,6 +1504,647 @@
 		 (is-true (format t "found bad topic-psis: ~a" topic-psis)))))))))
+(test test-delete-from-json-identifiers
+  "Tests the function delete-from-json with several identifiers."
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+    (let ((json-psi-1 "{\"type\":\"PSI\",\"delete\":\"psi-1-1\"}")
+	  (json-psi-3 "{\"type\":\"PSI\",\"delete\":\"psi-1-3\"}")
+	  (json-sl-1 "{\"type\":\"SubjectLocator\",\"delete\":\"sl-1-1\"}")
+	  (json-sl-3 "{\"type\":\"SubjectLocator\",\"delete\":\"sl-1-3\"}")
+	  (json-ii-1 "{\"type\":\"ItemIdentity\",\"delete\":\"ii-1-1\"}")
+	  (json-ii-3 "{\"type\":\"ItemIdentity\",\"delete\":\"ii-1-3\"}")
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200))
+      (let ((top (make-construct
+		  'TopicC
+		  :start-revision rev-1
+		  :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+					      :uri "psi-1-1")
+			      (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+					      :uri "psi-1-2"))
+		  :locators (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+						  :uri "sl-1-1")
+				  (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+						  :uri "sl-1-2"))
+		  :item-identifiers (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+							  :uri "ii-1-2"))
+		  :names (list (make-construct
+				'NameC
+				:charvalue "name"
+				:start-revision rev-1
+				:item-identifiers (list (make-construct
+							 'ItemIdentifierC
+							 :uri "ii-1-1")))))))
+	(with-revision rev-2
+	  (is (eql top (find-item-by-revision top rev-1)))
+	  (is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json json-psi-3))
+	  (is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json json-sl-3))
+	  (is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json json-ii-3))
+	  (is (= (length (psis top)) 2))
+	  (is (= (length (locators top)) 2))
+	  (is (= (length (item-identifiers top)) 1))
+	  (is (= (length (names top)) 1))
+	  (is (= (length (item-identifiers (first (names top)))) 1))
+	  (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json json-psi-1))
+	  (is (= (length (psis top)) 1))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis top))) "psi-1-2"))
+	  (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json json-sl-1))
+	  (is (= (length (locators top)) 1))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (locators top))) "sl-1-2"))
+	  (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json json-ii-1))
+	  (is (= (length (item-identifiers top)) 1))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers top))) "ii-1-2"))
+	  (is (= (length (item-identifiers (first (names top)))) 0)))
+	(with-revision rev-1
+	  (is (= (length (psis top)) 2))
+	  (is (= (length (locators top)) 2))
+	  (is (= (length (item-identifiers top)) 1))
+	  (is (= (length (names top)) 1))
+	  (is (= (length (item-identifiers (first (names top)))) 1)))))))
+(test test-delete-from-json-topic
+  "Tests the function delete-from-json with several identifiers."
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+    (let ((j-top-1 "{\"type\":\"Topic\",\"delete\":{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"ii-1-1\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":null,\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null}}")
+	  (j-top-2 "{\"type\":\"Topic\",\"delete\":{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"psi-1-1\"],\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null}}")
+	  (j-top-3 "{\"type\":\"Topic\",\"delete\":{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":[\"sl-1-1\"],\"subjectIdentifiers\":null,\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null}}")
+	  (j-top-4 "{\"type\":\"Topic\",\"delete\":{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"ii-1-2\"],\"subjectLocators\":[\"sl-1-2\"],\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"psi-1-2\"],\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null}}")
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200)
+	  (rev-3 300))
+      (let ((top-1 (make-construct
+		    'TopicC
+		    :start-revision rev-1
+		    :item-identifiers (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+							    :uri "ii-1-1"))))
+	    (top-2 (make-construct
+		    'TopicC
+		    :start-revision rev-2
+		    :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+						:uri "psi-1-1"))))
+	    (top-3 (make-construct
+		    'TopicC
+		    :start-revision rev-1
+		    :locators (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+						    :uri "sl-1-1"))))
+	    (top-4 (make-construct
+		    'TopicC
+		    :start-revision rev-1
+		    :item-identifiers (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+							    :uri "ii-1-3"))
+		    :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+						:uri "psi-1-3"))
+		    :locators (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+						    :uri "sl-1-3")))))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-2)
+				    (list top-1 top-2 top-3 top-4)))
+	(is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-top-4 :revision rev-2))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-2)
+				    (list top-1 top-2 top-3 top-4)))
+	(is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-top-1 :revision rev-2))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-2)
+				    (list top-2 top-3 top-4)))
+	(is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-top-2 :revision rev-3))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-3)
+				    (list top-3 top-4)))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-2)
+				    (list top-2 top-3 top-4)))
+	(is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-top-3 :revision rev-2))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-3)
+				    (list top-4)))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-2)
+	(list top-2 top-4)))
+	(is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-topics rev-3)
+	(list top-4)))))))
+(test test-delete-from-json-name
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+    (let ((j-parent-1 "{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"ii-1-1\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":null,\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null},")
+	  (j-parent-2 "{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"psi-1-1\"],\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null},")
+	  (j-type "{\"type\":\"Name\",\"parent\":")
+	  (j-name-1 "\"delete\":{\"type\":[\"nType-1\"],\"scopes\":null,\"value\":\"name-1\"}}")
+	  (j-name-2 "\"delete\":{\"type\":null,\"scopes\":[[\"nScope-1\"],[\"nScope-2\"]],\"value\":\"name-2\"}}")
+	  (j-name-3 "\"delete\":{\"type\":null,\"scopes\":null,\"value\":\"name-3\"}}")
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200))
+      (let ((nType-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "nType-1"))))
+	    (nScope-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "nScope-1"))))
+	    (nScope-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "nScope-2")))))
+	(let ((j-req-1 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-1 j-name-1))
+	      (j-req-2 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-1 j-name-2))
+	      (j-req-3 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-1 j-name-3))
+	      (j-req-4 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-2 j-name-1))
+	      (j-req-5 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-2 j-name-2))
+	      (top-1 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :item-identifiers (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+							      :uri "ii-1-1"))
+		      :names (list (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :instance-of nType-1
+						   :charvalue "name-1")
+				   (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :themes (list nScope-1 nScope-2)
+						   :charvalue "name-2")
+				   (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :charvalue "name-3"))))
+	      (top-2 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+						  :uri "psi-1-1"))
+		      :names (list (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :instance-of nType-1
+						   :charvalue "name-1")
+				   (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :charvalue "name-3"))))
+	      (top-3 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :locators (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+						      :uri "sl-1-1"))
+		      :names (list (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :instance-of nType-1
+						   :charvalue "name-1")
+				   (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :themes (list nScope-1 nScope-2)
+						   :charvalue "name-2")
+				   (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :charvalue "name-3")))))
+	  (with-revision rev-2
+	    (is (= (length (get-all-topics)) 6))
+	    (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'NameC)) 8))
+	    (is (= (length (names top-1)) 3))
+	    (is (= (length (names top-2)) 2))
+	    (is (= (length (names top-3)) 3))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-1))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue (names top-1))
+				       (list "name-2" "name-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-2))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue (names top-1))
+				       (list "name-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-3))
+	    (is-false (names top-1))
+	    (is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-3))
+	    (is-false (names top-1))
+	    (is (= (length (names top-2)) 2))
+	    (is (= (length (names top-3)) 3))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-4))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue (names top-2))
+				       (list "name-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-5))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue (names top-2))
+				       (list "name-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is (= (length (names top-3)) 3))))))))
+(test test-delete-from-json-occurrence
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+    (let ((j-parent-1 "{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"ii-1-1\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":null,\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null},")
+	  (j-parent-2 "{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"psi-1-1\"],\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null},")
+	  (j-type "{\"type\":\"Occurrence\",\"parent\":")
+	  (j-occ-1 "\"delete\":{\"type\":[\"oType-1\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":\"value-1\"}}")
+	  (j-occ-2 "\"delete\":{\"type\":[\"oType-2\"],\"scopes\":[[\"oScope-1\"],[\"oScope-2\"]],\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"datatype-1\",\"value\":\"value-2\"}}}")
+	  (j-occ-3 "\"delete\":{\"type\":[\"oType-1\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"datatype-2\",\"value\":\"value-3\"}}}")
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200))
+      (let ((oType-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "oType-1"))))
+	    (oType-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "oType-2"))))
+	    (oScope-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "oScope-1"))))
+	    (oScope-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "oScope-2")))))
+	(let ((j-req-1 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-1 j-occ-1))
+	      (j-req-2 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-1 j-occ-2))
+	      (j-req-3 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-1 j-occ-3))
+	      (j-req-4 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-2 j-occ-1))
+	      (j-req-5 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-2 j-occ-2))
+	      (top-1 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :item-identifiers (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+							      :uri "ii-1-1"))
+		      :occurrences
+		      (list (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :instance-of oType-1
+					    :charvalue "value-1"
+					    :datatype constants::*xml-uri*)
+			    (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :instance-of oType-2
+					    :themes (list oScope-1 oScope-2)
+					    :charvalue "value-2"
+					    :datatype "datatype-1")
+			    (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :instance-of oType-1
+					    :charvalue "value-3"
+					    :datatype "datatype-2"))))
+	      (top-2 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+						  :uri "psi-1-1"))
+		      :occurrences
+		      (list (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :instance-of oType-1
+					    :charvalue "value-1"
+					    :datatype constants::*xml-uri*)
+			    (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :charvalue "value-3"
+					    :datatype "datatype-2"))))
+	      (top-3 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :locators (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+						      :uri "sl-1-1"))
+		      :occurrences
+		      (list (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :instance-of oType-1
+					    :charvalue "value-1"
+					    :datatype constants::*xml-uri*)
+			    (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :themes (list oScope-1 oScope-2)
+					    :charvalue "value-2"
+					    :datatype "datatype-1")
+			    (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					    :start-revision rev-1
+					    :charvalue "value-3"
+					    :datatype "datatype-2")))))
+	  (with-revision rev-2
+	    (is (= (length (get-all-topics)) 7))
+	    (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC)) 8))
+	    (is (= (length (occurrences top-1)) 3))
+	    (is (= (length (occurrences top-2)) 2))
+	    (is (= (length (occurrences top-3)) 3))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-1))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue
+					     (occurrences top-1))
+					(list "value-2" "value-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-2))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue
+					     (occurrences top-1))
+					(list "value-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-3))
+	    (is-false (occurrences top-1))
+	    (is (= (length (occurrences top-2)) 2))
+	    (is (= (length (occurrences top-3)) 3))
+	    (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-4))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue
+					     (occurrences top-2))
+					(list "value-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-5))
+	    (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue
+					     (occurrences top-2))
+					(list "value-3") :test #'string=))
+	    (is (= (length (occurrences top-3)) 3))))))))
+(test test-delete-from-json-variant
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+    (let ((j-parent-of-parent-1 "\"parentOfParent\":{\"id\":\"any-id\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"ii-1-1\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":null,\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrence\":null},")
+	  (j-type "{\"type\":\"Variant\",")
+	  (j-parent-1 "\"parent\":{\"type\":[\"nType-1\"],\"scopes\":null,\"value\":\"name-1\"},")
+	  (j-parent-2 "\"parent\":{\"type\":null,\"scopes\":[[\"vScope-1\"],[\"vScope-2\"]],\"value\":\"name-2\"},")
+	  (j-var-1 "\"delete\":{\"scopes\":[[\"vScope-1\"]],\"resourceRef\":\"value-1\"}}")
+	  (j-var-2 "\"delete\":{\"scopes\":[[\"vScope-1\"],[\"vScope-2\"]],\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"datatype-1\",\"value\":\"value-2\"}}}")
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200))
+      (let ((nType-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "nType-1"))))
+	    (vScope-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "vScope-1"))))
+	    (vScope-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "vScope-2")))))
+	(let ((j-req-1 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-of-parent-1
+				    j-parent-1 j-var-1))
+	      (j-req-2 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-of-parent-1
+				    j-parent-1 j-var-2))
+	      (j-req-3 (concatenate 'string j-type j-parent-of-parent-1
+				    j-parent-2 j-var-1))
+	      (top-1 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :item-identifiers (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+							      :uri "ii-1-1"))
+		      :names (list (make-construct
+				    'NameC
+				    :start-revision rev-1
+				    :instance-of nType-1
+				    :charvalue "name-1"
+				    :variants (list (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :themes (list vScope-1)
+						     :datatype constants::*xml-uri*
+						     :charvalue "value-1")
+						    (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :themes (list vScope-1 vScope-2)
+						     :datatype "datatype-1"
+						     :charvalue "value-2")
+						    (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :datatype "datatpye-1"
+						     :charvalue "value-2")))
+				   (make-construct 'NameC
+						   :start-revision rev-1
+						   :themes (list vScope-1 vScope-2)
+						   :charvalue "name-2"
+						   :variants (list (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :themes (list vScope-1)
+						     :datatype constants::*xml-uri*
+						     :charvalue "value-1")
+						    (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :themes (list vScope-1 vScope-2)
+						     :datatype "datatype-1"
+						     :charvalue "value-2")
+						    (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :datatype "datatpye-1"
+						     :charvalue "value-2"))))))
+	      (top-2 (make-construct
+		      'TopicC
+		      :start-revision rev-1
+		      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+						  :uri "psi-1-1"))
+		      :names (list (make-construct
+				    'NameC
+				    :start-revision rev-1
+				    :instance-of nType-1
+				    :charvalue "name-1"
+				    :variants (list (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :themes (list vScope-1)
+						     :datatype constants::*xml-uri*
+						     :charavalue "value-1")
+						    (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :themes (list vScope-1 vScope-2)
+						     :datatype "datatype-1"
+						     :charvalue "value-2")
+						    (make-construct
+						     'VariantC
+						     :start-revision rev-1
+						     :datatype "datatpye-1"
+						     :charvalue "value-2")))))))
+	  (with-revision rev-2
+	    (is (= (length (get-all-topics)) 5))
+	    (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC)) 9))
+	    (let ((name-1 (find "name-1" (names top-1) :key #'charvalue
+				:test #'string=))
+		  (name-2 (find "name-2" (names top-1) :key #'charvalue
+				:test #'string=))
+		  (name-3 (first (names top-2))))
+	      (is-true name-1)
+	      (is-true name-2)
+	      (is-true name-3)
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-1)) 3))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-2)) 3))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-3)) 3))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-1))
+	      (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue (variants name-1))
+					  (list "value-2" "value-2") :test #'string=))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-1)) 2))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-2)) 3))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-3)) 3))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-2))
+	      (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue (variants name-1))
+					  (list "value-2" ) :test #'string=))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-1)) 1))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-2)) 3))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-3)) 3))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-3))
+	      (is-false (set-exclusive-or (map 'list #'d:charvalue (variants name-2))
+					  (list "value-2" ) :test #'string=))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-1)) 1))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-2)) 2))
+	      (is (= (length (variants name-3)) 3)))))))))
+(test test-delete-from-json-association
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+    (let ((j-type "{\"type\":\"Association\",")
+	  (j-role-1 "{\"type\":[\"rType-1\"],\"topicRef\":[\"player-1\"]}")
+	  (j-role-2 "{\"type\":[\"rType-2\"],\"topicRef\":[\"player-1\"]}")
+	  (j-role-3 "{\"type\":[\"rType-1\"],\"topicRef\":[\"player-2\"]}")
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200))
+      (let ((j-req-1 (concatenate 'string j-type "\"delete\":{\"type\":[\"aType-1\"],\"scopes\":[[\"aScope-1\"]],\"roles\":[" j-role-1 "," j-role-2 "]}}"))
+	    (j-req-2 (concatenate 'string j-type "\"delete\":{\"type\":[\"aType-2\"],\"scopes\":[[\"aScope-1\"],[\"aScope-2\"]],\"roles\":[" j-role-1 "," j-role-2 "]}}"))
+	    (j-req-3 (concatenate 'string j-type "\"delete\":{\"type\":[\"aType-1\"],\"scopes\":null,\"roles\":[" j-role-1 "," j-role-2 "," j-role-3 "]}}"))
+	    (aType-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "aType-1"))))
+	    (aType-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "aType-2"))))
+	    (aScope-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "aScope-1"))))
+	    (aScope-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "aScope-2"))))
+	    (player-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "player-1"))))
+	    (player-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "player-2"))))
+	    (rType-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "rType-1"))))
+	    (rType-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "rType-2")))))
+	(let ((role-1 (list :start-revision rev-1
+			    :player player-1
+			    :instance-of rType-1))
+	      (role-2 (list :start-revision rev-1
+			    :player player-1
+			    :instance-of rType-2))
+	      (role-3 (list :start-revision rev-1
+			    :player player-2
+			    :instance-of rType-1)))
+	  (let ((assoc-1 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+					 :start-revision rev-1
+					 :instance-of aType-1
+					 :themes (list aScope-1)
+					 :roles (list role-1 role-2)))
+		(assoc-2 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+					 :start-revision rev-1
+					 :instance-of aType-2
+					 :themes (list aScope-1 aScope-2)
+					 :roles (list role-1 role-2)))
+		(assoc-3 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+					 :start-revision rev-1
+					 :instance-of aType-1
+					 :roles (list role-1 role-2 role-3))))
+	    (with-revision rev-2
+	      (is (= (length (get-all-associations)) 3))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-1))
+	      (is-true (marked-as-deleted-p assoc-1))
+	      (is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-associations)
+					  (list assoc-2 assoc-3)))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-2))
+	      (is-false (set-exclusive-or (get-all-associations)
+					  (list assoc-3)))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-3))
+	      (is-false (get-all-associations)))))))))
+(test test-delete-from-json-role
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+    (let ((j-type "{\"type\":\"Role\",")
+	  (j-role-1 "{\"type\":[\"rType-1\"],\"topicRef\":[\"player-1\"]}")
+	  (j-role-2 "{\"type\":[\"rType-2\"],\"topicRef\":[\"player-1\"]}")
+	  (j-role-3 "{\"type\":[\"rType-1\"],\"topicRef\":[\"player-2\"]}")
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200))
+      (let ((j-req-1 (concatenate 'string j-type "\"parent\":{\"type\":[\"aType-1\"],\"scopes\":[[\"aScope-1\"]],\"roles\":[" j-role-1 "," j-role-2 "," j-role-3"]},\"delete\":" j-role-1 "}"))
+	    (j-req-2 (concatenate 'string j-type "\"parent\":{\"type\":[\"aType-2\"],\"scopes\":[[\"aScope-1\"],[\"aScope-2\"]],\"roles\":[" j-role-1 "," j-role-2 "," j-role-3 "]},\"delete\":" j-role-1 "}"))
+	    (j-req-3 (concatenate 'string j-type "\"parent\":{\"type\":[\"aType-1\"],\"scopes\":null,\"roles\":[" j-role-1 "," j-role-2 "," j-role-3 "]},\"delete\":" j-role-2 "}"))
+	    (aType-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "aType-1"))))
+	    (aType-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "aType-2"))))
+	    (aScope-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "aScope-1"))))
+	    (aScope-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "aScope-2"))))
+	    (player-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "player-1"))))
+	    (player-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				      :start-revision rev-1
+				      :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "player-2"))))
+	    (rType-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "rType-1"))))
+	    (rType-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :start-revision rev-1
+				     :psis (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+								 :uri "rType-2")))))
+	(let ((role-1 (list :start-revision rev-1
+			    :player player-1
+			    :instance-of rType-1))
+	      (role-2 (list :start-revision rev-1
+			    :player player-1
+			    :instance-of rType-2))
+	      (role-3 (list :start-revision rev-1
+			    :player player-2
+			    :instance-of rType-1)))
+	  (let ((assoc-1 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+					 :start-revision rev-1
+					 :instance-of aType-1
+					 :themes (list aScope-1)
+					 :roles (list role-1 role-2 role-3)))
+		(assoc-2 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+					 :start-revision rev-1
+					 :instance-of aType-2
+					 :themes (list aScope-1 aScope-2)
+					 :roles (list role-1 role-2 role-3))))
+	    (with-revision rev-2
+	      (is (= (length (get-all-associations)) 2))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-1)) 3))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-2)) 3))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-1))
+	      (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+			 (roles assoc-1)
+			 (list role-2 role-3)
+			 :test #'(lambda(a-role j-role)
+				   (and (eql (instance-of a-role)
+					     (getf j-role :instance-of))
+					(eql (player a-role)
+					     (getf j-role :player))))))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-1)) 2))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-2)) 3))
+	      (is-true (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-2))
+	      (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+			 (roles assoc-2)
+			 (list role-2 role-3)
+			 :test #'(lambda(a-role j-role)
+				   (and (eql (instance-of a-role)
+					     (getf j-role :instance-of))
+					(eql (player a-role)
+					     (getf j-role :player))))))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-1)) 2))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-2)) 2))
+	      (is-false (mark-as-deleted-from-json j-req-3))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-1)) 2))
+	      (is (= (length (roles assoc-2)) 2)))))))))
 (defun run-json-tests()
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-fragment-values-from-json-list-general)
@@ -1516,4 +2166,11 @@
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-to-json-string-associations)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-to-json-string-fragments)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-to-json-string-topics)
-  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-all-topic-psis))
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-all-topic-psis)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-delete-from-json-identifiers)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-delete-from-json-topic)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-delete-from-json-name)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-delete-from-json-occurrence)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-delete-from-json-variant)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-delete-from-json-association)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-delete-from-json-role))
\ No newline at end of file

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