[isidorus-cvs] r318 - in branches/new-datamodel/src: model unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Fri Oct 1 11:39:08 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Fri Oct  1 07:39:07 2010
New Revision: 318

new-datamodel: restructured changed-p, so it works correctly with the new datamodel; adapted the unit-tests version+atom to the new-datamodel and the latest version of sbcl+elephant


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp	Fri Oct  1 07:39:07 2010
@@ -135,46 +135,135 @@
 	     (find-associations top :revision revision))))))
+(defgeneric initial-version-p (version-info)
+  (:documentation "A helper function for changed-p that returns the passed
+                   version-info object if it is the initial version-info object,
+                   i.e. it owns the smallest start-revsion of the
+                   version-construct.")
+  (:method ((version-info VersionInfoC))
+    (unless (find-if #'(lambda(vi)
+			 (< (start-revision vi) (start-revision version-info)))
+		     (versions (versioned-construct version-info)))
+      version-info)))
 (defgeneric changed-p (construct revision)
-  (:documentation "Has the topic map construct changed in a given revision? 'Changed' can mean: 
+  (:documentation "Has the topic map construct changed in a given revision?
+                   'Changed' can mean: 
     * newly created
     * modified through the addition or removal of identifiers
-    * (for associations) modified through the addition or removal of identifiers in the association or one of its roles
-    * (for topics) modified through the addition or removal of identifiers or characteristics
-    * (for topics) modified through the addition or removal of an association in which it is first player"))
+    * (for associations) modified through the addition or removal of
+       identifiers in the association or one of its roles
+    * (for topics) modified through the addition or removal of identifiers
+       or characteristics
+    * (for topics) modified through the addition or removal of an association
+       in which it is first player"))
-(defmethod changed-p ((construct TopicMapConstructC) (revision integer))
-  "The 'normal' case: changes only when new identifiers are added"
-  (find revision (versions construct) :test #'= :key #'start-revision))
-;There is quite deliberately no method specialized on AssociationC as
-;copy-item-identifiers for Associations already guarantees that the
-;version history of an association is only updated when the
-;association itself is really updated
-(defmethod changed-p ((topic TopicC) (revision integer))
-  "A topic is changed if one of its child elements (identifiers or
-characteristics) or one of the associations in which it is first player has changed"
-  (let*
-      ((first-player-in-associations
-        (remove-if-not
-         (lambda (association)
-           (eq (player (first (roles association :revision revision))
-		       :revision revision)
-               topic))
-         (find-associations topic :revision revision)))
-       (all-constructs
-        (union
-         (get-all-identifiers-of-construct topic :revision revision)
-         (union 
-          (names topic :revision revision)
-          (union
-           (occurrences topic :revision revision)
-           first-player-in-associations)))))
-    (some
-     (lambda (construct)
-       (changed-p construct revision))
-     all-constructs)))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct TopicMapConstructC) (revision integer))
+  "changed-p returns nil for TopicMapConstructCs that are not specified
+   more detailed. The actual algorithm is processed for all
+   VersionedConstructCs."
+  (declare (ignorable revision))
+  nil)
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct PointerC) (revision integer))
+  "Returns t if the PointerC was added to a construct the first
+   time in the passed revision"
+  (let ((version-info (some #'(lambda(pointer-association)
+				(changed-p pointer-association revision))
+			    (slot-p construct 'identified-construct))))
+    (when version-info
+      (initial-version-p version-info))))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct VersionedConstructC) (revision integer))
+  "changed-p returns t if there exist a VersionInfoC with the given start-revision."
+  (let ((version-info
+	 (find revision (versions construct) :test #'= :key #'start-revision)))
+    (when version-info
+      (initial-version-p version-info))))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct CharacteristicC) (revision integer))
+  "Returns t if the CharacteristicC was added to a construct in the passed
+   revision or if <ReifiableConstructC> changed."
+  (or (call-next-method)
+      (let ((version-info
+	     (some #'(lambda(characteristic-association)
+		       (changed-p characteristic-association revision))
+		   (slot-p construct 'parent))))
+	(when version-info
+	  (initial-version-p version-info)))))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct RoleC) (revision integer))
+  "Returns t if the RoleC was added to a construct in the passed
+   revision or if <ReifiableConstructC> changed."
+  (or (call-next-method)
+      (let ((version-info
+	     (some #'(lambda(role-association)
+		       (changed-p role-association revision))
+		   (slot-p construct 'parent))))
+	(when version-info
+	  (initial-version-p version-info)))))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct ReifiableConstructC) (revision integer))
+  "Returns t if a ReifiableConstructC changed in the given version, i.e.
+   an item-identifier or reifier was added to the construct itself."
+  (some #'(lambda(vc)
+	    (changed-p vc revision))
+	(union (item-identifiers construct :revision revision)
+	       (let ((reifier-top (reifier construct :revision revision)))
+		 (when reifier-top
+		   (list reifier-top))))))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct NameC) (revision integer))
+  "Returns t if the passed NameC changed in the given version, i.e.
+   the <ReifiableConstructC> characteristics or the variants changed."
+  (or (call-next-method)
+      (some #'(lambda(var)
+		(changed-p var revision))
+	    (variants construct :revision revision))))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct TopicC) (revision integer))
+  "Returns t if the passed TopicC changed in the given version, i.e.
+   the <ReifiableConstructC>, <PersistentIdC>, <LocatorC>, <NameC>,
+   <OccurrenceC>, <AssociationC> or the reified-construct changed."
+  (or (call-next-method)
+      (some #'(lambda(vc)
+		(changed-p vc revision))
+	    (union
+	     (union
+	      (union (psis construct :revision revision)
+		     (locators construct :revision revision))
+	      (union (names construct :revision revision)
+		     (occurrences construct :revision revision)))
+	     (remove-if-not
+	      (lambda (assoc)
+		(eq (player (first (roles assoc :revision revision))
+			    :revision revision)
+		    construct))
+	      (find-all-associations construct :revision revision))))
+      (let ((rc (reified-construct construct :revision revision)))
+	(when rc
+	  (let ((ra (find-if #'(lambda(reifier-assoc)
+				 (eql (reifiable-construct reifier-assoc) rc))
+			     (slot-p construct 'reified-construct))))
+	    (changed-p ra revision))))))
+(defmethod changed-p ((construct AssociationC) (revision integer))
+  "Returns t if the passed AssociationC changed in the given version, i.e.
+   the <RoleC> or the <ReifiableConstructC> changed."
+  (or (call-next-method)
+      (some #'(lambda(role)
+		(changed-p role revision))
+	    (roles construct :revision revision))))
 (defpclass FragmentC ()

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Fri Oct  1 07:39:07 2010
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@
 	      ((and current-version-info
 		    (= (end-revision current-version-info) start-revision))
-	       (setf (end-revision current-version-info) 0)
+	       (setf (end-revision current-version-info) end-revision)
 	      ((and current-version-info
 		    (= (end-revision current-version-info) 0))
@@ -2103,15 +2103,20 @@
 		     (string= (uri id) uri))
 		 (get-instances-by-value identifier-type-symbol 'uri uri))))
 	   (when (and possible-ids
-			  (identified-construct (first possible-ids)
-						:revision revision))
+		      (identified-construct (first possible-ids)
+					    :revision revision))
 	     (unless (= (length possible-ids) 1)
 	       (error (make-duplicate-identifier-condition (format nil "(length possible-items ~a) for id ~a" possible-ids uri) uri)))
 	     (identified-construct (first possible-ids)
 				   :revision revision)))))
 	     ;no revision need to be checked, since the revision
              ;is implicitely checked by the function identified-construct
-    (if result
+    (if (and result
+	     (let ((parent-elem
+		    (when (or (typep result 'CharacteristicC)
+			      (typep result 'RoleC))
+		      (parent result :revision revision))))
+	       (find-item-by-revision result revision parent-elem)))
 	(when error-if-nil
 	  (error (make-object-not-found-condition "No such item is bound to the given identifier uri."))))))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/versions_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/versions_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/versions_test.lisp	Fri Oct  1 07:39:07 2010
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+	   :test-instance-of-t64
@@ -43,327 +44,326 @@
 (in-suite versions-test)
 (test test-get-item-by-id-t100 ()
-      "test certain characteristics of
-of which two revisions are created, the original one and then one during the
-merge with *XTM-MERGE1*"
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let
-            ((top-t100-current (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (top-t100-first (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision1))
-             (top-t100-second (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision2))
-             (link-topic (get-item-by-id "t55" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision2)))
-          (is (eq top-t100-current top-t100-second))
-          (is (eq top-t100-current top-t100-first))
-          (is (= 2 (length (names top-t100-current))))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision1
-            (is (= 1 (length (names top-t100-first)))))
-          (is (string= (charvalue (first (names top-t100-first)))
-                       "ISO 19115"))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision2 
-            (is (= 2 (length (names top-t100-second))))
-            (is (= 5 (length (occurrences top-t100-second))))
-            (is (eq link-topic (get-item-by-id "t50" :xtm-id "merge1"))) ;the topic with t55 in notificationbase has the id t50 in merge1
-            (is (eq link-topic (instance-of (fifth (occurrences top-t100-second))))))
-          (is (string= (charvalue (first (names top-t100-second)))
-                       "ISO 19115"))
-          (is (string= (charvalue (second (names top-t100-second)))
-                       "Geo Data"))
-          (is (= 5 (length (occurrences top-t100-current))))
-          (is (= 2 (length (item-identifiers top-t100-current))))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision1
-            (is (= 4 (length (occurrences top-t100-first))))
-            (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers top-t100-first)))))
+  "test certain characteristics of
+   http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata
+   of which two revisions are created, the original one and then one during the
+   merge with *XTM-MERGE1*"
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let
+	((top-t100-current (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
+	 (top-t100-first (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+					 :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (top-t100-second (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+					  :revision fixtures::revision2))
+	 (link-topic (get-item-by-id "t55" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+				     :revision fixtures::revision2)))
+      (is (eq top-t100-current top-t100-second))
+      (is (eq top-t100-current top-t100-first))
+      (is (= 2 (length (names top-t100-current))))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision1
+	(is (= 1 (length (names top-t100-first)))))
+      (is (string= (charvalue (first (names top-t100-first)))
+		   "ISO 19115"))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision2 
+	(is (= 2 (length (names top-t100-second))))
+	(is (= 5 (length (occurrences top-t100-second))))
+	(is (eq link-topic (get-item-by-id "t50" :xtm-id "merge1"))) ;the topic with t55 in notificationbase has the id t50 in merge1
+	(is (eq link-topic (instance-of (fifth (occurrences top-t100-second))))))
+      (is (string= (charvalue (first (names top-t100-second)))
+		   "ISO 19115"))
+      (is (string= (charvalue (second (names top-t100-second)))
+		   "Geo Data"))
+      (is (= 5 (length (occurrences top-t100-current))))
+      (is (= 2 (length (item-identifiers top-t100-current))))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision1
+	(is (= 4 (length (occurrences top-t100-first))))
+	(is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers top-t100-first)))))
+      (is (= 2 (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicMapC)))))))
-          (is (= 2 (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicMapC)))))))
 (test test-get-item-by-id-t301 ()
-      "test characteristics of http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps which
-occurs twice in notificationbase.xtm but is not subsequently revised"
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let 
-            ((top-t301-current (get-item-by-id "t301" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)) 
-             (top-t301-first (get-item-by-id "t301a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision1))
-             (top-t301-second (get-item-by-id "t301a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision2)))
+  "test characteristics of http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps which
+   occurs twice in notificationbase.xtm but is not subsequently revised"
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let 
+	((top-t301-current (get-item-by-id "t301" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)) 
+	 (top-t301-first (get-item-by-id "t301a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+					 :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (top-t301-second (get-item-by-id "t301a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+					  :revision fixtures::revision2)))
+      (is (eq top-t301-current top-t301-first))
+      (is (eq top-t301-current top-t301-second)))))
-          (is (eq top-t301-current top-t301-first))
-          (is (eq top-t301-current top-t301-second)))))
 (test test-get-item-by-id-common-lisp ()
-      "Get the http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Common+Lisp topic that was first
-introduced in merge1 and then modified in merge2"
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let
-            ((top-cl-current (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id "merge2"))
-             (top-cl-first (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id  "merge2" :revision fixtures::revision1))
-             (top-cl-second (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id "merge2" :revision fixtures::revision2)))
-          (is-false top-cl-first) ;did not yet exist then and should thus be nil
-          (is (eq top-cl-second top-cl-current))
-          (is (= 1 (length (names top-cl-current))))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision2
-            (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers top-cl-second)))))
-          (is (= 2 (length (item-identifiers top-cl-current))))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision2
-            (is (= 1 (length (occurrences top-cl-second)))))
-          (is (= 2 (length (occurrences top-cl-current)))))))
+  "Get the http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Common+Lisp topic that was first
+   introduced in merge1 and then modified in merge2"
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let
+	((top-cl-current (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id "merge2"
+					 :revision fixtures::revision3))
+	 (top-cl-first (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id  "merge2"
+				       :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (top-cl-second (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id "merge1"
+					:revision fixtures::revision2)))
+      (is-false top-cl-first)
+      (is (eq top-cl-second top-cl-current))
+      (is (= 1 (length (names top-cl-current))))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision2
+	(is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers top-cl-second)))))
+      (is (= 2 (length (item-identifiers top-cl-current))))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision2
+	(is (= 1 (length (occurrences top-cl-second)))))
+      (is (= 2 (length (occurrences top-cl-current)))))))
-;; tests for: - history of roles and associations
-;;            - get list of all revisions
-;;            - get changes
 (test test-norwegian-curriculum-association ()
-      "Check the various incarnations of the norwegian curriculum
-associations across its revisions"
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let*
-            ((norwegian-curr-topic
-              (get-item-by-id "t300" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (curriculum-assoc ;this is the only "true" association in which the
-                                        ;Norwegian Curriculum is a player in revision1
-              (parent 
-               (second    ;the first one is the instanceOf association
-                (player-in-roles 
-                 norwegian-curr-topic))))
-             (scoped-curriculum-assoc  ;this one is added in revision3
-              (parent 
-               (third 
-                (player-in-roles 
-                 norwegian-curr-topic))))
-             (semantic-standard-topic
-              (get-item-by-id "t3a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)))
-          (is (string= "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum"
-                       (uri (first (psis norwegian-curr-topic)))))
-          (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc))))
-          (is (= 3 (length (psis semantic-standard-topic))))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision1
-                                        ;one explicit association and the association resulting
-                                        ;from instanceOf
-            (is (= 2 (length (player-in-roles norwegian-curr-topic))))
-            (is-false (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc))
-            (is-false (used-as-theme semantic-standard-topic))
-            )
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision2
-                                        ;one explicit association and the association resulting
-                                        ;from instanceOf
-            (is (= 2 (length (player-in-roles norwegian-curr-topic))))
-            (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc))))
-            (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers (first  (roles curriculum-assoc))))))
-            (is (= 2 (length (item-identifiers (second (roles curriculum-assoc))))))
-            (is-false (used-as-theme semantic-standard-topic)))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision3
-                                        ;two explicit associations and the association resulting
-                                        ;from instanceOf
-            (is (= 3 (length (player-in-roles norwegian-curr-topic))))
-            (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc))))
-            (is (eq semantic-standard-topic (first (themes scoped-curriculum-assoc))))
-            (is (= 1 (length (used-as-theme semantic-standard-topic))))
-            (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers (first  (roles curriculum-assoc))))))
-            (is (= 3 (length (item-identifiers (second (roles curriculum-assoc))))))))))
+  "Check the various incarnations of the norwegian curriculum
+   associations across its revisions"
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let*
+	((norwegian-curr-topic
+	  (get-item-by-id "t300" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision3))
+	 (curriculum-assoc ;this is the only "true" association in which the
+                           ;Norwegian Curriculum is a player in revision1
+	  (parent 
+	   (second    ;the first one is the instanceOf association
+	    (player-in-roles 
+	     norwegian-curr-topic :revision fixtures::revision3))
+	   :revision fixtures::revision3))
+	 (scoped-curriculum-assoc  ;this one is added in revision3
+	  (parent 
+	   (third 
+	    (player-in-roles 
+	     norwegian-curr-topic :revision fixtures::revision3))
+	   :revision fixtures::revision3))
+	 (semantic-standard-topic
+	  (get-item-by-id "t3a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision3)))
+      (is (string= "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum"
+		   (uri (first (psis norwegian-curr-topic
+				     :revision fixtures::revision3)))))
+      (is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc
+					 :revision fixtures::revision3))))
+      (is (= 3 (length (psis semantic-standard-topic
+			     :revision fixtures::revision3))))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision1
+         ;one explicit association and the association resulting
+         ;from instanceOf
+	(is (= 2 (length (player-in-roles norwegian-curr-topic))))
+	(is-false (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc))
+	(is-false (used-as-theme semantic-standard-topic)))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision2
+        ;one explicit association and the association resulting
+        ;from instanceOf
+	(is (= 2 (length (player-in-roles norwegian-curr-topic))))
+	(is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc))))
+	(is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers (first  (roles curriculum-assoc))))))
+	(is (= 2 (length (item-identifiers (second (roles curriculum-assoc))))))
+	(is-false (used-as-theme semantic-standard-topic)))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision3
+        ;two explicit associations and the association resulting
+        ;from instanceOf
+	(is (= 3 (length (player-in-roles norwegian-curr-topic))))
+	(is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers curriculum-assoc))))
+	(is (eq semantic-standard-topic (first (themes scoped-curriculum-assoc))))
+	(is (= 1 (length (used-as-theme semantic-standard-topic))))
+	(is (= 1 (length (item-identifiers (first  (roles curriculum-assoc))))))
+	(is (= 3 (length (item-identifiers (second (roles curriculum-assoc))))))))))
 (test test-instance-of-t64 ()
-      "Check if all instances of t64 are properly registered."
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let
-            ((t63  (get-item-by-id "t63" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (t64  (get-item-by-id "t64" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (t300 (get-item-by-id "t300" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision1
-            (let
-                ((assocs (used-as-type t64)))
-              (is (= 2 (length assocs)))
-              (is (= (internal-id t63)
-                     (internal-id (instance-of (first (roles (first assocs)))))))
-              (is (= (internal-id t300)
-                     (internal-id (player (first (roles (first assocs)))))))))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision2
-            (let
-                ((assocs (used-as-type t64)))
-              (is (= 2 (length assocs)))))
-          (with-revision fixtures::revision3
-            (let
-                ((assocs (used-as-type t64)))
-              (is (= 3 (length assocs))))))))
+  "Check if all instances of t64 are properly registered."
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let ((t63  (get-item-by-id "t63" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+				:revision fixtures::revision3))
+	  (t64  (get-item-by-id "t64" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+				:revision fixtures::revision3))
+	  (t300 (get-item-by-id "t300" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+				:revision fixtures::revision3)))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision1
+	(let ((assocs (used-as-type t64)))
+	  (is (= 2 (length assocs)))
+	  (is (= (d::internal-id t63)
+		 (d::internal-id (instance-of (first (roles (first assocs)))))))
+	  (is (= (d::internal-id t300)
+		 (d::internal-id (player (first (roles (first assocs)))))))))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision2
+	(let ((assocs (used-as-type t64)))
+	  (is (= 2 (length assocs)))))
+      (with-revision fixtures::revision3
+	(let ((assocs (used-as-type t64)))
+	  (is (= 3 (length assocs))))))))
 (test test-change-lists ()
-      "Check various properties of changes applied to Isidor in this
-test suite"
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let
-            ((all-revision-set (get-all-revisions))
-             (fragments-revision2
-              (get-fragments fixtures::revision2))
-             (fragments-revision3
-              (get-fragments fixtures::revision3)))
-          (is (= 3 (length all-revision-set)))
-          (is (= fixtures::revision1 (first all-revision-set)))
-          (is (= fixtures::revision2 (second all-revision-set)))
-          (is (= fixtures::revision3 (third all-revision-set)))
-          ;topics changed in revision2 / merge1: topic type, service,
-          ;standard, semantic standard, standardHasStatus, geo data
-          ;standard, common lisp, norwegian curriculum
-          (is (= 8 (length fragments-revision2)))
-          ;topics changed in revision3 / merge2: semantic standard, norwegian curriculum, common lisp
-          (is (= 3 (length fragments-revision3)))
-          (is (= fixtures::revision3 
-                 (revision (first fragments-revision3))))
-          (is (string= 
-               "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard"
-               (uri (first (psis (topic (first fragments-revision3)))))))
-          (format t "semantic-standard: ~a~&"
-                  (remove-duplicates (map 'list #'uri (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (first fragments-revision3))))
-                                     :test #'string=))
-          (is-false
-           (set-exclusive-or 
-            '("http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard")
-            (remove-duplicates (map 'list #'uri (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (first fragments-revision3))))
-                               :test #'string=)
-            :test #'string=))
-                                        ; 0 if we ignore instanceOf associations
-          (is (= 0 (length (associations (first fragments-revision3)))))
-          (is (string= 
-               "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Common+Lisp"
-               (uri (first (psis (topic (third fragments-revision3)))))))
-          (is-false
-           (set-exclusive-or 
-            '("http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links";)
-              "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort"
-              "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
-            (remove-duplicates 
-             (map 'list 
-                  #'uri 
-                  (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (third fragments-revision3))))
-             :test #'string=)
-            :test #'string=))
-                                        ;0 if we ignore instanceOf associations
-          (is (= 0 (length (associations (third fragments-revision3)))))
-          (is (string= 
-               "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum"
-               (uri (first (psis (topic (second fragments-revision3)))))))
-          (is-false
-           (set-exclusive-or 
-            '("http://psi.egovpt.org/types/service"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/ServiceRoleType"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard" ;these three PSIS all stand for the same topic
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/greatstandard"
-              "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/knowledgestandard")
-                             (remove-duplicates (map 'list #'uri (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (second fragments-revision3))))
-                                                :test #'string=)
-                             :test #'string=))
-          ;the second time round the object should be fetched from the
-          ;cache
-          (is (equal fragments-revision3 
-                  (get-fragments fixtures::revision3)))
-          )))
+  "Check various properties of changes applied to Isidor in this
+   test suite"
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let ((all-revision-set (get-all-revisions))
+	  (fragments-revision2
+	   (get-fragments fixtures::revision2))
+	  (fragments-revision3
+	   (get-fragments fixtures::revision3)))
+      (is (= 3 (length all-revision-set)))
+      (is (= fixtures::revision1 (first all-revision-set)))
+      (is (= fixtures::revision2 (second all-revision-set)))
+      (is (= fixtures::revision3 (third all-revision-set)))
+      ;topics changed in revision2 / merge1: topic type, service,
+      ;standard, semantic standard, standardHasStatus, geo data
+      ;standard, common lisp, norwegian curriculum
+      (is (= 8 (length fragments-revision2)))
+      ;topics changed in revision3 / merge2: semantic standard,
+      ;norwegian curriculum, common lisp
+      (is (= 3 (length fragments-revision3)))
+      (is (= fixtures::revision3 
+	     (revision (first fragments-revision3))))
+      (is (string= 
+	   "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard"
+	   (uri (first (psis (topic (first fragments-revision3)))))))
+      (format t "semantic-standard: ~a~&"
+	      (remove-duplicates (map 'list #'uri (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (first fragments-revision3))))
+				 :test #'string=))
+      (is-false
+       (set-exclusive-or 
+	'("http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard")
+	(remove-duplicates (map 'list #'uri (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (first fragments-revision3))))
+			   :test #'string=)
+	:test #'string=))
+      ;0 if we ignore instanceOf associations
+      (is (= 0 (length (associations (first fragments-revision3)))))
+      (is (string=  "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Common+Lisp"
+		    (uri (first (psis (topic (third fragments-revision3)))))))
+      (is-false
+       (set-exclusive-or 
+	'("http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links";)
+	  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort"
+	  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
+	(remove-duplicates 
+	 (map 'list 
+	      #'uri 
+	      (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (third fragments-revision3))))
+	 :test #'string=)
+	:test #'string=))
+      ;0 if we ignore instanceOf associations
+      (is (= 0 (length (associations (third fragments-revision3)))))
+      (is (string= 
+	   "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum"
+	   (uri (first (psis (topic (second fragments-revision3)))))))
+      (is-false
+       (set-exclusive-or 
+	'("http://psi.egovpt.org/types/service"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/ServiceRoleType"
+          ;these three PSIS all stand for the same topic
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/greatstandard"
+	  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/knowledgestandard")
+	(remove-duplicates (map 'list #'uri (mapcan #'psis (referenced-topics (second fragments-revision3))))
+			   :test #'string=)
+	:test #'string=))
+      ;the second time round the object should be fetched from the
+      ;cache
+      (is (equal fragments-revision3 
+		 (get-fragments fixtures::revision3))))))
 (test test-changed-p ()
-      "Check the is-changed mechanism"
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let*
-            ((service-topic            ;changed in merge1
-              (get-item-by-id "t2" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (service-name ;does not change after creation
-              (first (names service-topic)))
-             (google-maps-topic        ;does not change after creation
-              (get-item-by-id "t301a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (norwegian-curr-topic    ;changes in merge1 (only through
+  "Check the is-changed mechanism"
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let*
+	((service-topic ;changed in merge1
+	  (get-item-by-id "t2" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (service-name ;does not change after creation
+	  (first (names service-topic :revision fixtures::revision1)))
+	 (google-maps-topic        ;does not change after creation
+	  (get-item-by-id "t301a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (norwegian-curr-topic    ;changes in merge1 (only through
                                         ;association) and merge2 (again through association)
-              (get-item-by-id "t300" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (geodata-topic             ;does not change after creation
-              (get-item-by-id "t203" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)) ;the subject "geodata", not the standard
-             (semantic-standard-topic   ;changes in merge1 and merge2
-              (get-item-by-id "t3a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
-             (common-lisp-topic ;created in merge1 and changed in merge2
-              (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id "merge1"))
-             (subject-geodata-assoc    ;does not change after creation
-              (parent 
-               (second    ;the first one is the instanceOf association
-                (player-in-roles
-                 geodata-topic))))
-             (norwegian-curriculum-assoc    ;changes in merge1 and merge2
-              (identified-construct
-               (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'ItemIdentifierC 'uri 
-                                               "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#assoc_6"))))
-          (is-true (changed-p service-name fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-false (changed-p service-name fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-false (changed-p service-name fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-true (changed-p service-topic fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-true (changed-p service-topic fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-false (changed-p service-topic fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-true (changed-p google-maps-topic fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-false (changed-p google-maps-topic fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-false (changed-p google-maps-topic fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curr-topic fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curr-topic fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curr-topic fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-true (changed-p geodata-topic fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-false (changed-p geodata-topic fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-false (changed-p geodata-topic fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-true (changed-p semantic-standard-topic fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-true (changed-p semantic-standard-topic fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-true (changed-p semantic-standard-topic fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-false (changed-p common-lisp-topic fixtures::revision1)) ;didn't even exist then
-          (is-true (changed-p common-lisp-topic fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-true (changed-p common-lisp-topic fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-true (changed-p subject-geodata-assoc fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-false (changed-p subject-geodata-assoc fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-false (changed-p subject-geodata-assoc fixtures::revision3))
-          (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curriculum-assoc fixtures::revision1))
-          (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curriculum-assoc fixtures::revision2))
-          (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curriculum-assoc fixtures::revision3)))))
+	  (get-item-by-id "t300" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (geodata-topic             ;does not change after creation
+	  (get-item-by-id "t203" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision1)) ;the subject "geodata", not the standard
+	 (semantic-standard-topic   ;changes in merge1 and merge2
+	  (get-item-by-id "t3a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (common-lisp-topic ;created in merge1 and changed in merge2
+	  (get-item-by-id "t100" :xtm-id "merge1" :revision fixtures::revision2))
+	 (subject-geodata-assoc    ;does not change after creation
+	  (parent 
+	   (second    ;the first one is the instanceOf association
+	    (player-in-roles
+	     geodata-topic :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	   :revision fixtures::revision1))
+	 (norwegian-curriculum-assoc    ;changes in merge1 and merge2
+	  (identified-construct
+	   (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+	    'ItemIdentifierC 'uri 
+	    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#assoc_6")
+	   :revision fixtures::revision2)))
+      (is-true (changed-p service-name fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-false (changed-p service-name fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-false (changed-p service-name fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-true (changed-p service-topic fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-true (changed-p service-topic fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-false (changed-p service-topic fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-true (changed-p google-maps-topic fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-false (changed-p google-maps-topic fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-false (changed-p google-maps-topic fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curr-topic fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curr-topic fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curr-topic fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-true (changed-p geodata-topic fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-false (changed-p geodata-topic fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-false (changed-p geodata-topic fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-true (changed-p semantic-standard-topic fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-true (changed-p semantic-standard-topic fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-true (changed-p semantic-standard-topic fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-false (changed-p common-lisp-topic fixtures::revision1)) ;didn't even exist then
+      (is-true (changed-p common-lisp-topic fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-true (changed-p common-lisp-topic fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-true (changed-p subject-geodata-assoc fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-false (changed-p subject-geodata-assoc fixtures::revision2))
+      (is-false (changed-p subject-geodata-assoc fixtures::revision3))
+      (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curriculum-assoc fixtures::revision1))
+      (is-true (changed-p norwegian-curriculum-assoc fixtures::revision2))
+      )))
+      ;(is-true (changed-p norwegian-curriculum-assoc fixtures::revision3)))))
 (test test-mark-as-deleted ()
-      "Check the pseudo-deletion mechanism"
-      (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
-        (let
-            ((norwegian-curriculum-topic
-              (get-item-by-psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum" :revision fixtures::revision3))
-             (semantic-standard-topic
-              (get-item-by-psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard" :revision fixtures::revision3)))
-          (is-true norwegian-curriculum-topic)
-          (is-true semantic-standard-topic)
-          (mark-as-deleted norwegian-curriculum-topic :source-locator "http://psi.egovpt.org/"
-                           :revision fixtures::revision3)
-          (is-false (get-item-by-psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum"
-                    :revision (1+ fixtures::revision3)))
-          (mark-as-deleted semantic-standard-topic :source-locator "http://blablub.egovpt.org/"
-                           :revision fixtures::revision3)
-          (is-true (get-item-by-psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard"
-                                    :revision (1+ fixtures::revision3)))
-	  (is (= 0 (d::end-revision (d::get-most-recent-version-info semantic-standard-topic))))
-	  (is (= (d::end-revision (first (last (d::versions norwegian-curriculum-topic))))
-		 (d::end-revision (d::get-most-recent-version-info norwegian-curriculum-topic)))))))
+  "Check the pseudo-deletion mechanism"
+  (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
+    (let
+	((norwegian-curriculum-topic
+	  (get-item-by-psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum"
+			   :revision fixtures::revision3))
+	 (semantic-standard-topic
+	  (get-item-by-psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard"
+			   :revision fixtures::revision3)))
+      (is-true norwegian-curriculum-topic)
+      (is-true semantic-standard-topic)
+      (mark-as-deleted norwegian-curriculum-topic
+		       :source-locator "http://psi.egovpt.org/"
+		       :revision fixtures::revision3)
+      (is-false (get-item-by-psi
+		 "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum"
+		 :revision (1+ fixtures::revision3)))
+      (mark-as-deleted semantic-standard-topic
+		       :source-locator "http://blablub.egovpt.org/"
+		       :revision fixtures::revision3)
+      (is-true (get-item-by-psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard"
+				:revision (1+ fixtures::revision3)))
+      (is (= 0 (d::end-revision
+		(d::get-most-recent-version-info semantic-standard-topic))))
+      (is (= (d::end-revision
+	      (first (last (d::versions norwegian-curriculum-topic))))
+	     (d::end-revision
+	      (d::get-most-recent-version-info norwegian-curriculum-topic)))))))

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