[isidorus-cvs] r344 - in trunk/src: . TM-SPARQL base-tools unit_tests xml/rdf xml/xtm

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Sun Nov 21 18:16:32 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
New Revision: 344

TM-SAPRQL: added the parsing of tripples in the SELECT-WHERE statement


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (defpackage :TM-SPARQL
-  (:use :cl :datamodel :base-tools :exceptions)
+  (:use :cl :datamodel :base-tools :exceptions :constants)
   (:export :SPARQL-Query))
@@ -16,8 +16,20 @@
 (defvar *empty-label* "_empty_label_symbol")
+(defclass Variable-Container ()
+  ((variables :initarg :variables
+	      :accessor variables ;this value is only for internal purposes
+				  ;purposes and mustn't be reset
+	      :type List
+	      :initform nil
+	      :documentation "A list of the form ((:variable var-name
+                             :value value-object)), that contains tuples
+                             for each variable and its result."))
+   (:documentation "This class is used to store all variable in a WHERE{}
+                    statement"))
-(defclass SPARQL-Query ()
+(defclass SPARQL-Query (Variable-Container)
   ((original-query :initarg :query
 		   :accessor original-query  ;this value is only for internal
 					     ;purposes and mustn't be reset
@@ -40,22 +52,15 @@
 	       :type String
 	       :initform nil
 	       :documentation "Contains the last set base-value.")
-   (variables :initarg :variables
-	      :accessor variables ;this value is only for internal purposes
-				  ;purposes and mustn't be reset
-	      :type List
-	      :initform nil
-	      :documentation "A list of the form ((:variable var-name
-                             :value value-object)), that contains tuples
-                             for each variable and its result.")
    (select-statements :initarg :select-statements
 		      :accessor select-statements ;this value is only for
 					          ;internal purposes purposes
  					          ;and mustn't be reset
-		      :type List
+		      :type List 
 		      :initform nil
 		      :documentation "A list of the form ((:statement 'statement'
-                                      :value value-object))")))
+                                      :value value-object))"))
+  (:documentation "This class represents the entire request."))
 (defgeneric add-prefix (construct prefix-label prefix-value)
@@ -73,12 +78,26 @@
 		(prefixes construct))))))
+(defgeneric get-prefix (construct string-with-prefix)
+  (:documentation "Returns the URL corresponding to the found prefix-label
+                   followed by : and the variable. Otherwise the return
+                   value is nil.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-query) (string-with-prefix String))
+    (loop for entry in (prefixes construct)
+       when (string-starts-with string-with-prefix
+				(concatenate 'string (getf entry :label) ":"))
+       return (concatenate
+	       'string (getf entry :value) ":"
+	       (string-after string-with-prefix
+			     (concatenate 'string (getf entry :label) ":"))))))
 (defgeneric add-variable (construct variable-name variable-value)
   (:documentation "Adds a new variable-name with its value to the aexisting list.
                    If a variable-already exists the existing entry will be
                    overwritten. An entry is of the form
                    (:variable string :value any-type).")
-  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (variable-name String) variable-value)
+  (:method ((construct Variable-Container) (variable-name String) variable-value)
     (let ((existing-tuple
 	   (find-if #'(lambda(x)
 			(string= (getf x :variable) variable-name))

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -23,10 +23,23 @@
     (make-condition 'sparql-parser-error :message message)))
+(defun cut-comment (query-string)
+  "Returns the given string back. If the query starts with a # or
+   space # the characters until the nextline are removed."
+  (declare (String query-string))
+  (let ((trimmed-str (trim-whitespace-left query-string)))
+    (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "#")
+        (let ((next-query (string-after trimmed-str (string #\newline))))
+	  (if next-query
+	      next-query
+	      ""))
+	trimmed-str)))
 (defgeneric parser-start(construct query-string)
   (:documentation "The entry point of the SPARQL-parser.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String))
-    (let ((trimmed-query-string (trim-whitespace-left query-string)))
+    (let ((trimmed-query-string (cut-comment query-string)))
       (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-query-string "SELECT")
 	      construct (string-after trimmed-query-string "SELECT")))
@@ -50,7 +63,7 @@
   (:documentation "The entry-point of the parsing of the select - where
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String))
-    (let* ((trimmed-str (trim-whitespace-left query-string))
+    (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
 	   (next-query (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "WHERE")
 			   (parse-variables construct trimmed-str))))
@@ -66,19 +79,363 @@
 (defgeneric parse-where (construct query-string)
   (:documentation "The entry-point for the parsing of the WHERE statement.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String))
-    )) 
+    (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)))
+      (unless (string-starts-with trimmed-str "{")
+	(error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str
+					     (original-query construct) "{")))
+      (parse-group construct (subseq trimmed-str 1) nil))))
+(defgeneric parse-group (construct query-string values)
+  (:documentation "The entry-point for the parsing of a {} statement.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) (values List))
+    (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)))
+      (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "BASE")
+	     (parse-base construct (string-after trimmed-str "BASE")
+			 #'parse-where))
+	    ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "{")
+	     (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+		     trimmed-str (original-query construct)
+		     "FILTER, BASE, or tripple. Grouping is currently no implemented.")))
+	    ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "FILTER")
+	     nil) ;TODO: implement => save the filters and call
+	          ;it after invoking parse-tripples
+	    ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "OPTIONAL")
+	     (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+		     trimmed-str (original-query construct)
+		     "FILTER, BASE, or tripple. Grouping is currently no implemented.")))
+	    ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "UNION")
+	     (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+		     trimmed-str (original-query construct)
+		     "FILTER, BASE, or tripple. Grouping is currently no implemented.")))
+	    ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "}") ;ending of this group
+	     (subseq trimmed-str 1))
+	    (t
+	     (parse-tripple construct trimmed-str values))))))
+(defun parse-tripple-elem (query-string query-object &key (literal-allowed nil))
+  "A helper function to parse a subject or predicate of an RDF tripple.
+   Returns an entry of the form (:value (:value string :type <'VAR|'IRI|'LITERAL>)
+   :next-query string)."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object)
+	   (Boolean literal-allowed))
+  (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)))
+    (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "<")
+	   (parse-base-suffix-pair trimmed-str query-object))
+	  ((or (string-starts-with trimmed-str "?")
+	       (string-starts-with trimmed-str "$"))
+	   (let ((result (parse-variable-name trimmed-str query-object)))
+	     (list :next-query (getf result :next-query)
+		   :value (list :value (getf result :value)
+				:type 'VAR))))
+	  (t
+	   (if (or (string-starts-with-digit trimmed-str)
+		   (string-starts-with trimmed-str "\"")
+		   (string-starts-with trimmed-str "true")
+		   (string-starts-with trimmed-str "false")
+		   (string-starts-with trimmed-str "'"))
+	       (progn
+		 (unless literal-allowed
+		   (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+			   trimmed-str (original-query query-object)
+			   "an IRI of the form prefix:suffix or <iri> but found a literal.")))
+		 (parse-literal-elem trimmed-str query-object))
+	       (parse-prefix-suffix-pair trimmed-str query-object))))))
+(defun parse-literal-elem (query-string query-object)
+  "A helper-function that returns a literal vaue of the form
+   (:value (:value object :literal-type string :literal-lang
+   string :type <'LITERAL>) :next-query string)."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
+  (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	 (value-type-lang-query
+	  (cond ((or (string-starts-with trimmed-str "\"")
+		     (string-starts-with trimmed-str "'"))
+		 (parse-literal-string-value trimmed-str query-object))
+		((string-starts-with trimmed-str "true")
+		 (list :value t :type *xml-boolean*
+		       :next-query (subseq trimmed-str (length "true"))))
+		((string-starts-with trimmed-str "false")
+		 (list :value nil :type *xml-boolean*
+		       :next-query (subseq trimmed-str (length "false"))))
+		((string-starts-with-digit trimmed-str)
+		 (parse-literal-number-value trimmed-str query-object)))))
+    (list :next-query (getf value-type-lang-query :next-query)
+	  :value (list :value (getf value-type-lang-query :value)
+		       :literal-type (getf value-type-lang-query :value)
+		       :type 'LITERAL))))
+(defun parse-literal-string-value (query-string query-object)
+  "A helper function that parses a string that is a literal.
+   The return value is of the form
+   (list :value object :type string :lang string :next-query string)."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
+  (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	 (result-1 (separate-literal-value trimmed-str query-object))
+	 (after-literal-value (getf result-1 :next-query))
+	 (l-value (getf result-1 :literal))
+	 (result-2 (separate-literal-lang-or-type
+		    after-literal-value query-object))
+	 (l-type (getf result-2 :type))
+	 (l-lang (if (getf result-2 :lang)
+		     (getf result-2 :lang)
+		     *xml-string*))
+	 (next-query (getf result-2 :next-query)))
+    (list :next-query next-query :lang l-lang :type l-lang
+	  :value (cast-literal l-value l-type query-object))))
+(defun cast-literal (literal-value literal-type)
+  "A helper function that casts the passed string value of the literal
+   corresponding to the passed literal-type."
+  (declare (String literal-value literal-type))
+  (cond ((string= literal-type *xml-string*)
+	 literal-value)
+	((string= literal-type *xml-boolean*)
+	 (when (or (string/= literal-value "false")
+		   (string/= literal-value "true"))
+	   (error (make-condition
+		   'sparql-parser-error
+		   :message (format nil "Could not cast from ~a to ~a"
+				    literal-value literal-type))))
+	 (if (string= literal-value "false")
+	     nil
+	     t))
+	((string= literal-type *xml-integer*)
+	 (handler-case (parse-integer literal-value)
+	   (condition ()
+	     (error (make-condition
+		   'sparql-parser-error
+		   :message (format nil "Could not cast from ~a to ~a"
+				    literal-value literal-type))))))
+	((or (string= literal-type *xml-decimal*) ;;both types are
+	     (string= literal-type *xml-double*)) ;;handled the same way
+	 (let ((value (read-from-string literal-value)))
+	   (unless (numberp value)
+	     (error (make-condition
+		   'sparql-parser-error
+		   :message (format nil "Could not cast from ~a to ~a"
+				    literal-value literal-type))))
+	   value))))
+(defun separate-literal-lang-or-type (query-string query-object)
+  "A helper function that returns (:next-query string :lang string
+   :type string). Only one of :lang and :type can be set, the other
+   element is set to nil. The query string must be the string direct
+   after the closing literal bounding."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
+  (let ((delimiters (list " ." ". " ";" "}" " " (string #\tab)
+			  (string #\newline))))
+    (cond ((string-starts-with query-string "@")
+	   (let ((end-pos (search-first (append delimiters (list "."))
+					(subseq query-string 1))))
+	     (unless end-pos
+	       (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+		       query-string (original-query query-object)
+		       "'.', ';', '}', ' ', '\t', or '\n'")))
+	     (list :next-query (subseq (subseq query-string 1) end-pos)
+		   :lang (subseq (subseq query-string 1) 0 end-pos)
+		   :type nil)))
+	  ((string-starts-with query-string "^^")
+	   (let ((end-pos (search-first delimiters (subseq query-string 2))))
+	     (unless end-pos
+	       (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+		       query-string (original-query query-object)
+		       "'. ', ,' .', ';', '}', ' ', '\t', or '\n'")))
+	     (let* ((type-str (subseq (subseq query-string 2) 0 end-pos))
+		    (next-query (subseq (subseq query-string 2) end-pos))
+		    (final-type (if (get-prefix query-object type-str)
+				    (get-prefix query-object type-str)
+				    type-str)))
+	       (list :next-query next-query :type final-type :lang nil))))
+	  (t
+	   (list :next-query query-string :type nil :lang nil)))))
+(defun separate-literal-value (query-string query-object)
+  "A helper function that returns (:next-query string :literal string).
+   The literal string contains the pure literal value."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
+  (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	 (delimiter (cond ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "\"")
+			   "\"")
+			  ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "'''")
+			   "'''")
+			  ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "'")
+			   "'")
+			  (t
+			   (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+				   trimmed-str (original-query query-object)
+				   "a literal starting with ', ''', or \"")))))
+      	 (literal-end (find-literal-end (subseq trimmed-str (length delimiter))
+					delimiter 0)))
+    (list :next-query (subseq trimmed-str (+ literal-end (length delimiter)))
+	  :literal (subseq trimmed-str (length delimiter) literal-end))))
+(defun find-literal-end (query-string delimiter &optional (overall-pos 0))
+  "Returns the end of the literal corresponding to the passed delimiter
+   string. The query-string must start after the opening literal delimiter.
+   The return value is an int that represents the start index of closing
+   delimiter. delimiter must be either \", ', or '''.
+   If the returns value is nil, there is no closing delimiter."
+  (declare (String query-string delimiter)
+	   (Integer overall-pos))
+  (let ((current-pos (search delimiter query-string)))
+    (if current-pos
+	(if (string-ends-with (subseq query-string 0 current-pos) "\\")
+	    (find-literal-end (subseq query-string (+ current-pos
+						      (length delimiter)))
+			      delimiter (+ overall-pos current-pos 1))
+	    (+ overall-pos current-pos 1))
+	nil)))
+(defun parse-literal-number-value (query-string query-object)
+  "A helper function that parses any number that is a literal.
+   The return value is of the form
+   (list :value nil :type string :pos int)."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
+  (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	 (triple-delimiters
+	  (list ". " ". " ";" " " (string #\tab)
+		(string #\newline) "}"))
+	 (end-pos (search-first triple-delimiters
+				trimmed-str)))
+    (unless end-pos
+      (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+	      trimmed-str (original-query query-object)
+	      "'. ', ' .', ';' ' ', '\\t', '\\n' or '}'")))
+    (let* ((literal-number
+	    (read-from-string (subseq trimmed-str 0 end-pos)))
+	   (number-type
+	    (if (search "." (subseq trimmed-str 0 end-pos))
+		*xml-double* ;could also be an xml:decimal, since the doucble has
+		             ;a bigger range it shouldn't matter
+		*xml-integer*)))
+      (unless (numberp literal-number)
+	(error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+		trimmed-str (original-query query-object)
+		"a valid number of the form '1', '1.3', 1.0e6'")))
+      (list :value literal-number :type number-type
+	    :next-query (subseq trimmed-str end-pos)))))
+(defun parse-base-suffix-pair (query-string query-object)
+  "A helper function that returns a list of the form
+   (list :next-query string :value (:value uri :type 'IRI))."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
+  (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	 (result (parse-closed-value trimmed-str query-object))
+	 (result-uri
+	  (if (or (absolute-uri-p (getf result :value))
+		  (not (base-value query-object)))
+	      (getf result :value)
+	      (concatenate-uri (base-value query-object)
+			       (getf result :value)))))
+    (list :next-query (getf result :next-query)
+	  :value (list :value result-uri :type 'IRI))))
+(defun parse-prefix-suffix-pair(query-string query-object)
+  "A helper function that returns a list of the form
+   (list :next-query string :value (:value uri :type 'IRI))."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
+  (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	(delimiters (list "." ";" "}" "<" " " (string #\newline)
+			  (string #\tab) "#"))
+	 (end-pos (search-first delimiters trimmed-str))
+	 (elem-str (when end-pos
+		     (subseq trimmed-str 0 end-pos)))
+	 (prefix (when elem-str
+		   (string-until elem-str ":")))
+	 (suffix (when prefix
+		   (string-after elem-str ":"))))
+    (unless (and end-pos prefix suffix)
+      (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+	      trimmed-str (original-query query-object)
+	      "An IRI of the form prefix:suffix")))
+    (list :next-query (string-after
+		       trimmed-str
+		       (concatenate 'string prefix ":" suffix))
+	  :value (list :value (concatenate 'string prefix ":" suffix)
+		       :type 'IRI))))
+(defgeneric parse-tripple (construct query-string values)
+  (:documentation "Parses a tripple within a trippel group and returns a
+                   a list of the form (:next-query :subject (:type <'VAR|'IRI>
+                   :value string) :predicate (:type <'VAR|'IRI> :value string)
+                   :object (:type <'VAR|'IRI|'LITERAL> :value string)).")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) (values List))
+    (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	   (subject
+	    (let ((result (parse-tripple-elem trimmed-str construct)))
+	      (setf trimmed-str (getf result :next-query))
+	      (getf result :value)))
+	   (predicate
+	    (let ((result (parse-tripple-elem trimmed-str construct)))
+	      (setf trimmed-str (getf result :next-query))
+	      (getf result :value)))
+	   (object
+	    (let ((result (parse-tripple-elem trimmed-str construct
+					      :literal-allowed t)))
+	      (setf trimmed-str (getf result :next-query))
+	      (getf result :value))))
+      (or subject object predicate);;TODO: implement
+    ;; 0) ; => use last subject
+    ;; 1) search for <url> => if full-url use it otherwise set bse
+    ;; 2) search for label:suffix
+    ;; 3) varname => ?|$
+    ;; 4) literal => only the object
+    ;; => BASE is also allowed
+    ;; => ;-shortcut
+    ;; <full-url>
+    ;; <base-suffix>
+    ;; label:pref-suffix
+    ;; ?var
+    ;; $var
+    ;; "literal"
+    ;; 'literal'
+    ;; "literal"@language
+    ;; "literal"^^type
+    ;; '''"literal"'''
+    ;; 1, which is the same as "1"^^xsd:integer
+    ;; 1.3, which is the same as "1.3"^^xsd:decimal
+    ;; 1.300, which is the same as "1.300"^^xsd:decimal
+    ;; 1.0e6, which is the same as "1.0e6"^^xsd:double
+    ;; true, which is the same as "true"^^xsd:boolean
+    ;; false, which is the same as "false"^^xsd:boolean
+      )))
 (defgeneric parse-variables (construct query-string)
   (:documentation "Parses the variables of the SELECT statement
                    and adds them to the passed construct.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String))
-    (let ((trimmed-str (trim-whitespace-left query-string)))
+    (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string)))
       (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "WHERE")
-	  (let ((result (parse-variable-name trimmed-str construct)))
-	    (add-variable construct (getf result :value) nil)
-	    (parse-variables construct (getf result :next-query)))))))
+	  (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "*")
+	      (progn (add-variable construct "*" nil)
+		     (parse-variables construct (string-after trimmed-str "*")))
+	      (let ((result (parse-variable-name trimmed-str construct)))
+		(add-variable construct (getf result :value) nil)
+		(parse-variables construct (getf result :next-query))))))))
 (defun parse-variable-name (query-string query-object)
@@ -88,19 +445,19 @@
    (:next-query string :value string)."
   (declare (String query-string)
 	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
-  (let ((trimmed-str (trim-whitespace-left query-string))
-	(delimiters (list " " "?" "$" (string #\newline) (string #\tab))))
+  (let ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
+	(delimiters (list " " "?" "$" "." (string #\newline) (string #\tab))))
     (unless (or (string-starts-with trimmed-str "?")
 		(string-starts-with trimmed-str "$"))
-      (make-sparql-parser-condition
-       trimmed-str (original-query query-object) "? or $"))
+      (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+	      trimmed-str (original-query query-object) "? or $")))
     (let* ((var-name-end (search-first delimiters (subseq trimmed-str 1)))
 	    (if var-name-end
 		(subseq trimmed-str 0 (+ 1 var-name-end))
 		(error (make-sparql-parser-condition
 			trimmed-str (original-query query-object)
-			"space, newline, tab, ?, $ or WHERE"))))
+			"space, newline, tab, ?, ., $ or WHERE"))))
 	   (next-query (string-after trimmed-str var-name))
 	    (if (<= (length var-name) 1)
@@ -117,7 +474,7 @@
                    may appear in different states the next-fun defines the next
                    call function that calls the next transitions and states.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String) (next-fun Function))
-    (let* ((trimmed-str (trim-whitespace-left query-string))
+    (let* ((trimmed-str (cut-comment query-string))
 	   (result (parse-closed-value trimmed-str construct)))
       (setf (base-value construct) (getf result :value))
       (funcall next-fun construct (getf result :next-query)))))
@@ -126,7 +483,7 @@
 (defgeneric parse-prefixes (construct query-string)
   (:documentation "Sets the correponding prefix-tuples in the passed object.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (query-string String))
-    (let ((trimmed-string (trim-whitespace-left query-string)))
+    (let ((trimmed-string (cut-comment query-string)))
       (if (string-starts-with trimmed-string ":")
 	  (let ((results
 		 (parse-closed-value (subseq trimmed-string 1) construct)))
@@ -150,7 +507,7 @@
    form (:next-query string :value string) is returned."
   (declare (String query-string open close)
 	   (SPARQL-Query query-object))
-  (let ((trimmed-string (trim-whitespace-left query-string)))
+  (let ((trimmed-string (cut-comment query-string)))
     (if (string-starts-with trimmed-string open)
 	(let* ((pref-url (string-until (string-after trimmed-string open) close))
 	       (next-query-str (string-after trimmed-string close)))
@@ -162,43 +519,4 @@
 		:value pref-url))
 	(error (make-sparql-parser-condition
 		trimmed-string (original-query query-object)
-		close)))))
-;((PREFIX bounding: <uri-prefix>)|(PREFIX : <uri-prefix>)*
-;(BASE <base-uri>)*)*
-;SELECT ?varName+
-;(({?subjectOrVarName predicateOrVarName objectOrVarName}?)*
-;({?FILTER (filterExpression)}?)*
-;(BASE <base-uri>)*)*
-;BASE <uri>
-;-> uri/book
-;?var = $var
-;Predicate object-lists
-;?x foaf:name ?name ;
-;foaf:mbox ?mbox .
-;This is the same as writing the triple patterns:
-;?x foaf:name ?name .
-;?x foaf:mbox ?mbox .
-;rdf:type = a
-;Empty Graph Pattern
-;The group pattern:
-;{ }
-;matches any graph (including the empty graph) with one solution that does not bind any variables. For example:
-;WHERE {}
-;matches with one solution in which variable x is not bound."
\ No newline at end of file
+		close)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@
+	   :string-ends-with
-	   :search-first))
+	   :search-first
+	   :concatenate-uri
+	   :absolute-uri-p
+	   :string-starts-with-digit))
 (in-package :base-tools)
@@ -81,12 +85,46 @@
   (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) value))
-(defun string-starts-with (str prefix)
+(defun string-starts-with (str prefix &key (ignore-case nil))
   "Checks if string str starts with a given prefix."
-  (declare (string str prefix))
-  (string= str prefix :start1 0 :end1
-           (min (length prefix)
-                (length str))))
+  (declare (String str prefix)
+	   (Boolean ignore-case))
+  (let ((str-i (if ignore-case
+		   (string-downcase str :start 0 :end (min (length str)
+							   (length prefix)))
+		   str))
+	(prefix-i (if ignore-case
+		      (string-downcase prefix)
+		      prefix)))
+    (string= str-i prefix-i :start1 0 :end1
+	     (min (length prefix-i)
+		  (length str-i)))))
+(defun string-ends-with (str suffix &key (ignore-case nil))
+  "Checks if string str ends with a given suffix."
+  (declare (String str suffix)
+	   (Boolean ignore-case))
+  (let ((str-i (if ignore-case
+		   (string-downcase str :start (max (- (length str)
+						       (length suffix))
+						    0)
+				    :end (length str))
+		   str))
+	(suffix-i (if ignore-case
+		      (string-downcase suffix)
+		      suffix)))
+    (string= str-i suffix-i :start1 (max (- (length str)
+					    (length suffix))
+					 0))))
+(defun string-starts-with-digit (str)
+  "Checks whether the passed string starts with a digit."
+  (declare (String str))
+  (loop for item in (list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
+     when (string-starts-with str (write-to-string item))
+     return t))
 (defun string-starts-with-char (begin str)
@@ -123,4 +161,53 @@
     (let ((sorted-positions (sort positions #'<)))
       (when sorted-positions
-	(first sorted-positions)))))
\ No newline at end of file
+	(first sorted-positions)))))
+(defun concatenate-uri (absolute-ns value)
+  "Returns a string conctenated of the absolut namespace an the given value
+   separated by either '#' or '/'."
+  (declare (string absolute-ns value))
+  (unless (and (> (length absolute-ns) 0)
+	       (> (length value) 0))
+    (error "From concatenate-uri(): absolute-ns and value must be of length > 0"))
+  (unless (absolute-uri-p absolute-ns)
+    (error "From concatenate-uri(): absolute-ns has to be an absolute URI: ~a" absolute-ns))
+  (let ((last-char
+	 (elt absolute-ns (- (length absolute-ns) 1)))
+	(first-char
+	 (elt value 0)))
+    (let ((separator
+	   (cond
+	     ((or (eql first-char #\#)
+		  (eql first-char #\/))
+	      "")
+	     ((or (eql last-char #\#)
+		  (eql last-char #\/))
+	      "")
+	     (t
+	      "/"))))
+      (let ((prep-ns
+	     (if (and (eql last-char first-char)
+		      (or (eql last-char #\#)
+			  (eql last-char #\/)))
+		 (subseq absolute-ns 0 (- (length absolute-ns) 1))
+		 (if (and (eql last-char #\#)
+			  (find #\/ value))
+		     (progn
+		       (when (not (eql first-char #\/))
+			 (setf separator "/"))
+		       (subseq absolute-ns 0 (- (length absolute-ns) 1)))
+		     absolute-ns))))
+	(concatenate 'string prep-ns separator value)))))
+(defun absolute-uri-p (uri)
+  "Returns t if the passed uri is an absolute one. This
+   is indicated by a ':' with no leadgin '/'."
+  (when uri
+    (let ((position-of-colon
+	   (position #\: uri)))
+      (declare (string uri))
+      (and position-of-colon (> position-of-colon 0)
+	   (not (find #\/ (subseq uri 0 position-of-colon)))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/constants.lisp
--- trunk/src/constants.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/constants.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
+	   :*xml-boolean*
+	   :*xml-decimal*
+	   :*xml-double*
+	   :*xml-integer*
@@ -100,6 +104,14 @@
 (defparameter *xml-string* "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string")
+(defparameter *xml-boolean* "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean")
+(defparameter *xml-integer* "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer")
+(defparameter *xml-decimal* "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal")
+(defparameter *xml-double* "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double")
 (defparameter *xml-uri* "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI")
 (defparameter *rdf2tm-ns* "http://isidorus/rdf2tm_mapping/")

Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
 	       (:module "atom"
 			:components ((:file "atom")
-;;                                      (:file "configuration"
-;;                                              :depends-on ("atom"))
+				     ;; (:file "configuration"
+				     ;;  :depends-on ("atom"))
                                      (:file "collection"
                                             :depends-on ("atom"))
 				     (:file "snapshots"
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 				     (:file "exporter_xtm2.0_test"
 				            :depends-on ("fixtures"))
 				     (:file "exporter_xtm1.0_test"
-				      :depends-on ("fixtures" "exporter_xtm2.0_test"))
+					    :depends-on ("fixtures" "exporter_xtm2.0_test"))
                                      (:file "atom_test"
 					    :depends-on ("fixtures"))
 				     (:file "json_test"

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -111,10 +111,13 @@
 $var3 ?var3 WHERE{}")
 	 (query-2 "SELECT ?var1$var2 $var3 ?var3 WHERE{}")
 	 (query-3 "SELECT ?var1$var2 $var3 ?var3WHERE{}")
+	 (query-4 "SELECT * WHERE{}")
 	 (query-object-1 (make-instance 'SPARQL-Query :query query-1))
-	 (query-object-2 (make-instance 'SPARQL-Query :query query-2)))
+	 (query-object-2 (make-instance 'SPARQL-Query :query query-2))
+	 (query-object-3 (make-instance 'SPARQL-QUERY :query query-4)))
     (is-true query-object-1)
     (is-true query-object-2)
+    (is-true query-object-3)
     (signals sparql-parser-error (make-instance 'SPARQL-Query :query query-3))
     (is (= (length (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)) 3))
     (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
@@ -141,7 +144,11 @@
     (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
 			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "var3")
 			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)))))
+		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)))
+    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
+			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "*")
+			       (null (getf elem :value))))
+		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-3)))))
 (defun run-sparql-tests ()

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -9,88 +9,8 @@
 (defpackage :rdf-importer
   (:use :cl :cxml :elephant :datamodel :isidorus-threading :datamodel
-	:base-tools)
-  (:import-from :constants
-		*rdf-ns*
-		*rdfs-ns*
-		*xml-ns*
-		*xmlns-ns*
-		*xml-string*
-		*rdf2tm-ns*
-		*xtm2.0-ns*
-		*type-instance-psi*
-		*type-psi*
-		*instance-psi*
-		*rdf-statement*
-		*rdf-object*
-		*rdf-subject*
-		*rdf-predicate*
-		*rdf2tm-object*
-		*rdf2tm-subject*
-		*supertype-psi*
-		*subtype-psi*
-		*supertype-subtype-psi*
-		*rdf-nil*
-		*rdf-first*
-		*rdf-rest*
-		*rdf2tm-scope-prefix*
-		*tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*
-		*tm2rdf-name-type-uri*
-		*tm2rdf-name-property*
-		*tm2rdf-variant-type-uri*
-		*tm2rdf-variant-property*
-		*tm2rdf-occurrence-type-uri*
-		*tm2rdf-occurrence-property*
-		*tm2rdf-role-type-uri*
-		*tm2rdf-role-property*
-		*tm2rdf-association-type-uri*
-		*tm2rdf-association-property*
-		*tm2rdf-subjectIdentifier-property*
-		*tm2rdf-itemIdentity-property*
-		*tm2rdf-subjectLocator-property*
-		*tm2rdf-ns*
-		*tm2rdf-value-property*
-		*tm2rdf-scope-property*
-		*tm2rdf-nametype-property*
-		*tm2rdf-occurrencetype-property*
-		*tm2rdf-roletype-property*
-		*tm2rdf-player-property*
-		*tm2rdf-associationtype-property*
-		*rdf2tm-blank-node-prefix*
-		*tm2rdf-reifier-property*)
-  (:import-from :xml-constants
-		*rdf_core_psis.xtm*
-		*core_psis.xtm*)
-  (:import-from :xml-tools
-                get-attribute
-                xpath-fn-string
-                xpath-child-elems-by-qname
-                xpath-single-child-elem-by-qname
-                xpath-select-location-path
-                xpath-select-single-location-path
-		get-ns-attribute
-		clear-child-nodes
-		has-qname
-		absolute-uri-p
-		get-node-name
-		child-nodes-or-text
-		get-xml-lang
-		get-xml-base
-		absolutize-value
-		absolutize-id
-		concatenate-uri
-		node-to-string)
-  (:import-from :xml-importer
-		get-uuid
-		get-store-spec
-		with-tm
-		from-topic-elem-to-stub)
-  (:import-from :isidorus-threading
-		with-reader-lock
-		with-writer-lock)
-  (:import-from :exceptions
-                missing-reference-error
-                duplicate-identifier-error)
+	:base-tools :constants :xml-constants :xml-tools
+	:xml-importer :isidorus-threading :exceptions)
   (:export :setup-rdf-module 

Modified: trunk/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
+	   :get-uuid
 (in-package :xml-importer)

Modified: trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	Sun Nov 21 13:16:32 2010
@@ -21,56 +21,16 @@
-	   :absolute-uri-p
-	   :concatenate-uri
 (in-package :xml-tools)
-(defun concatenate-uri (absolute-ns value)
-  "Returns a string conctenated of the absolut namespace an the given value
-   separated by either '#' or '/'."
-  (declare (string absolute-ns value))
-  (unless (and (> (length absolute-ns) 0)
-	       (> (length value) 0))
-    (error "From concatenate-uri(): absolute-ns and value must be of length > 0"))
-  (unless (absolute-uri-p absolute-ns)
-    (error "From concatenate-uri(): absolute-ns has to be an absolute URI: ~a" absolute-ns))
-  (let ((last-char
-	 (elt absolute-ns (- (length absolute-ns) 1)))
-	(first-char
-	 (elt value 0)))
-    (let ((separator
-	   (cond
-	     ((or (eql first-char #\#)
-		  (eql first-char #\/))
-	      "")
-	     ((or (eql last-char #\#)
-		  (eql last-char #\/))
-	      "")
-	     (t
-	      "/"))))
-      (let ((prep-ns
-	     (if (and (eql last-char first-char)
-		      (or (eql last-char #\#)
-			  (eql last-char #\/)))
-		 (subseq absolute-ns 0 (- (length absolute-ns) 1))
-		 (if (and (eql last-char #\#)
-			  (find #\/ value))
-		     (progn
-		       (when (not (eql first-char #\/))
-			 (setf separator "/"))
-		       (subseq absolute-ns 0 (- (length absolute-ns) 1)))
-		     absolute-ns))))
-	(concatenate 'string prep-ns separator value)))))
 (defun absolutize-id (id xml-base tm-id)
   "Returns the passed id as an absolute uri computed
    with the given base and tm-id."
@@ -206,17 +166,6 @@
 	      nil))))) ;there were no text nodes available
-(defun absolute-uri-p (uri)
-  "Returns t if the passed uri is an absolute one. This
-   is indicated by a ':' with no leadgin '/'."
-  (when uri
-    (let ((position-of-colon
-	   (position #\: uri)))
-      (declare (string uri))
-      (and position-of-colon (> position-of-colon 0)
-	   (not (find #\/ (subseq uri 0 position-of-colon)))))))
 (defun get-node-name (elem)
   "Returns the node's name without a prefix."
   (if (find #\: (dom:node-name elem))

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