[isidorus-cvs] r252 - in branches/new-datamodel/src: model unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Mar 24 16:37:21 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Mar 24 12:37:21 2010
New Revision: 252

new-datamodel: added unit-tests for "make-construct" --> "AssociationC"; fixed a bug in "make-association" and "equivalent-construct" --> "AssociationC"; changed the general concept of creating associations


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Wed Mar 24 12:37:21 2010
@@ -1987,17 +1987,33 @@
 				 &key (start-revision *TM-REVISION*)
 				 (roles nil) (instance-of nil) (themes nil))
   "Associations are equal if their themes, instance-of and roles
-   properties are equal."
+   properties are equal.
+   To avoid ceation of duplicate roles the parameter roles is a list of plists
+   of the form: ((:player <TopicC> :instance-of <TopicC>
+   :item-identifiers <(ItemIdentifierC)> :reifier <TopicC>))."
   (declare (integer start-revision) (list roles themes)
 	   (type (or null TopicC) instance-of))
   ;; item-identifiers and reifers are not checked because the equality have to
   ;; be variafied without them
-  (and
-   (not (set-exclusive-or roles (roles construct :revision start-revision)))
-   (equivalent-typable-construct construct instance-of
-				 :start-revision start-revision)
-   (equivalent-scopable-construct construct themes
-				  :start-revision start-revision)))
+  (let ((checked-roles
+	 (loop for assoc-role in (roles construct :revision start-revision)
+	    when (loop for plist in roles
+		    when (equivalent-construct
+			  assoc-role :player (getf plist :player)
+			  :start-revision (or (getf plist :start-revision)
+					      start-revision)
+			  :instance-of (getf plist :instance-of))
+		    return t)
+	    collect assoc-role)))
+    (and
+     (not (set-exclusive-or (roles construct :revision start-revision)
+			    checked-roles))
+     (= (length (roles construct :revision start-revision))
+	(length roles))
+     (equivalent-typable-construct construct instance-of
+				   :start-revision start-revision)
+     (equivalent-scopable-construct construct themes
+				    :start-revision start-revision))))
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct AssociationC))
@@ -2730,6 +2746,9 @@
 			 :start-revision start-revision))
     (when (typep construct 'VersionedConstructC)
       (add-to-version-history construct :start-revision start-revision))
+    (when (or (typep construct 'TopicC) (typep construct 'AssociationC))
+      (dolist (tm (getf args :in-topicmaps))
+	(add-to-tm tm construct)))
     (if (typep construct 'ReifiableConstructC)
 	(complete-reifiable construct (getf args :item-identifiers)
 			    (getf args :reifier) :start-revision start-revision)
@@ -2742,8 +2761,8 @@
    This function exists only for being used by make-construct!"
   (let ((instance-of (getf args :instance-of))
 	(start-revision (getf args :start-revision))
-	(themes (get args :themes))
-	(roles (get args :roles)))
+	(themes (getf args :themes))
+	(roles (getf args :roles)))
     (when (and (or roles instance-of themes)
 	       (not start-revision))
       (error "From make-association(): start-revision must be set"))
@@ -2760,10 +2779,14 @@
 			(elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)))))
 	     (if existing-association
-		 existing-association
+		 (first existing-association)
 		 (make-instance 'AssociationC)))))
-      (dolist (role roles)
-	(add-role association role :revision start-revision))
+      (dolist (role-plist roles)
+	(add-role association
+		  (apply #'make-construct 'RoleC
+			 (append role-plist (list :parent association)))
+		  :revision (getf role-plist :start-revision)))
+      (format t "~%~%~%")
@@ -2786,12 +2809,13 @@
 		     (map 'list #'(lambda(existing-role)
 				    (when (equivalent-construct
+					   :start-revision start-revision
 					   :player player
 					   :instance-of instance-of)
-			  (slot-p parent 'roles))))))
+			  (map 'list #'role (slot-p parent 'roles)))))))
 	     (if existing-role
-		 existing-role
+		 (first existing-role)
 		 (make-instance 'RoleC)))))
       (when player
 	(add-player role player :revision start-revision))
@@ -2914,7 +2938,7 @@
 			  (get-all-characteristics parent class-symbol))))))
 	     (if existing-characteristic
-		 existing-characteristic
+		 (first existing-characteristic)
 		 (make-instance class-symbol :charvalue charvalue
 				:datatype datatype)))))
       (when (typep characteristic 'NameC)

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp	Wed Mar 24 12:37:21 2010
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
-	   :test-make-TopicMapC))
+	   :test-make-TopicMapC
+	   :test-make-AssociationC))
 ;;TODO: test make-construct
@@ -619,6 +620,7 @@
 	    (version-1 100)
 	    (version-2 200)
 	    (version-3 300))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* version-1)
 	(is-false (reifier reified-rc))
 	(is-false (reified-construct reifier-top))
 	(add-reifier reified-rc reifier-top :revision version-1)
@@ -1125,7 +1127,7 @@
 	  (name-2 (make-instance 'NameC))
 	  (revision-1 100)
 	  (revision-2 200))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* 100)
+      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
       (add-item-identifier occ-1 ii-1 :revision revision-1)
       (add-item-identifier occ-1 ii-2 :revision revision-2)
       (delete-item-identifier occ-1 ii-1 :revision revision-2)
@@ -1173,7 +1175,7 @@
 	  (topic-4 (make-instance 'TopicC))
 	  (revision-1 100)
 	  (revision-2 200))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* 100)
+      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
       (add-psi topic-1 psi-1 :revision revision-1)
       (add-psi topic-1 psi-2 :revision revision-2)
       (delete-psi topic-1 psi-1 :revision revision-2)
@@ -1218,7 +1220,7 @@
 	  (topic-4 (make-instance 'TopicC))
 	  (revision-1 100)
 	  (revision-2 200))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* 100)
+      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
       (add-locator topic-1 sl-1 :revision revision-1)
       (add-locator topic-1 sl-2 :revision revision-2)
       (delete-locator topic-1 sl-1 :revision revision-2)
@@ -1675,34 +1677,66 @@
 (test test-equivalent-AssociationC ()
   "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on AssociationC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
-    (let ((assoc-1 (make-instance 'd:AssociationC))
-	  (role-1 (make-instance 'd:RoleC))
-	  (role-2 (make-instance 'd:RoleC))
-	  (role-3 (make-instance 'd:RoleC))
-	  (type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (type-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (scope-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (scope-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (scope-3 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+    (let ((player-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (player-2 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (player-3 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (r-type-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (r-type-2 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (r-type-3 (make-instance 'TopicC))
 	  (revision-1 100))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
-      (d:add-role assoc-1 role-1)
-      (d:add-role assoc-1 role-2)
-      (d:add-type assoc-1 type-1)
-      (d:add-theme assoc-1 scope-1)
-      (d:add-theme assoc-1 scope-2)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct
-		assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2) :instance-of type-1
-		:themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2 role-3) :instance-of type-1
-		 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2) :instance-of type-2
-		 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2) :instance-of type-1
-		 :themes (list scope-1 scope-3 scope-2))))))
+      (let ((assoc-1 (make-instance 'd:AssociationC))
+	    (role-1 (make-construct 'd:RoleC
+				    :start-revision revision-1
+				    :player player-1
+				    :instance-of r-type-1))
+	    (role-2 (make-construct 'd:RoleC
+				    :start-revision revision-1
+				    :player player-2
+				    :instance-of r-type-2))
+	    (type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+	    (type-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+	    (scope-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+	    (scope-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+	    (scope-3 (make-instance 'd:TopicC)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
+	(d:add-role assoc-1 role-1)
+	(d:add-role assoc-1 role-2)
+	(d:add-type assoc-1 type-1)
+	(d:add-theme assoc-1 scope-1)
+	(d:add-theme assoc-1 scope-2)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct
+		  assoc-1 :roles (list
+				  (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1
+					:start-revision revision-1)
+				  (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2
+					:start-revision revision-1))
+		  :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+		  :start-revision revision-1))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   assoc-1 :roles (list
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2)
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-3 :player player-3))
+		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   assoc-1 :roles (list
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1))
+		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   assoc-1 :roles (list
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-3 :player player-3))
+		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   assoc-1 :roles (list
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2))
+		   :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   assoc-1 :roles (list
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
+				   (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2))
+		   :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-3)))))))
 (test test-equivalent-TopicC ()
@@ -1888,11 +1922,10 @@
 (test test-make-Unknown ()
   "Tests the function make-construct corresponding to an unknown class."
   (defclass Unknown ()
-    ((value :initarg :value
-	    :accessor value)))
+    ((value :initarg :value)))
   (let ((construct (make-construct 'Unknown :value "value")))
     (is-true construct)
-    (is (string= (value construct) "value"))))
+    (is (string= (slot-value construct 'value) "value"))))
 (test test-make-VersionedConstructC ()
@@ -1903,6 +1936,7 @@
 	  (rev-0 0)
 	  (rev-1 100)
 	  (rev-2 200))
+      (setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
       (let ((vc (make-construct 'VersionedConstructC
 				:start-revision rev-2))
 	    (psi-assoc (make-construct 'd::PersistentIdAssociationC
@@ -1912,6 +1946,7 @@
 	(signals error (make-construct 'd::PersistentIdAssociationC
 				       :start-revision rev-1
 				       :identifier psi-1))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'VersionedConstructC))
 	(is (= (length (d::versions vc)) 1))
 	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(vi)
@@ -1942,6 +1977,9 @@
 				       :uri "uri"))
 	(signals error (make-construct 'TopicIdentificationC
 				       :xtm-id "xtm-id"))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	(signals error (make-construct 'TopicIdentificationC :uri "uri"
+				       :identified-construct top-1))
 	(is (string= (uri tid-1) "tid-1"))
 	(is (string= (xtm-id tid-1) "xtm-id-1"))
 	(is-false (d::slot-p tid-1 'd::identified-construct))
@@ -1975,7 +2013,10 @@
 				   :uri "psi-2"
 				   :identified-construct top-1
 				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'PersistentIdC))
+	(signals error (make-construct 'PersistentIdC :uri "uri"
+				       :identified-construct top-1))
 	(is (string= (uri psi-1) "psi-1"))
 	(is-false (d::slot-p psi-1 'd::identified-construct))
 	(is (string= (uri psi-2) "psi-2"))
@@ -2007,7 +2048,10 @@
 				  :uri "sl-2"
 				  :identified-construct top-1
 				  :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC))
+	(signals error (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC :uri "uri"
+				       :identified-construct top-1))
 	(is (string= (uri sl-1) "sl-1"))
 	(is-false (d::slot-p sl-1 'd::identified-construct))
 	(is (string= (uri sl-2) "sl-2"))
@@ -2039,7 +2083,10 @@
 				  :uri "ii-2"
 				  :identified-construct top-1
 				  :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC))
+	(signals error (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "uri"
+				       :identified-construct top-1))
 	(is (string= (uri ii-1) "ii-1"))
 	(is-false (d::slot-p ii-1 'd::identified-construct))
 	(is (string= (uri ii-2) "ii-2"))
@@ -2085,6 +2132,7 @@
 				   :charvalue "charvalue-2"
 				   :parent top-1
 				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
 				       :item-identifiers (list ii-1)))
 	(signals error (make-construct 'OccurrenceC :reifier reifier-1))
@@ -2141,6 +2189,7 @@
 				   :charvalue "charvalue-2"
 				   :parent top-1
 				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'NameC
 				       :item-identifiers (list ii-1)))
 	(signals error (make-construct 'NameC :reifier reifier-1))
@@ -2195,6 +2244,7 @@
 				   :charvalue "charvalue-2"
 				   :parent name-1
 				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'VariantC
 				       :item-identifiers (list ii-1)))
 	(signals error (make-construct 'VariantC :reifier reifier-1))
@@ -2243,6 +2293,7 @@
 	    (role-3 (make-construct 'RoleC
 				   :parent assoc-1
 				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'RoleC
 				       :item-identifiers (list ii-1)))
 	(signals error (make-construct 'RoleC :reifier reifier-1))
@@ -2266,7 +2317,6 @@
 	(is (eql role-3 (find-item-by-revision role-3 rev-1 assoc-1)))))))
 (test test-make-TopicMapC ()
   "Tests the function make-construct corresponding to TopicMapC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
@@ -2291,6 +2341,7 @@
 	    (tm-2 (make-construct 'TopicMapC
 				  :start-revision rev-1
 				  :item-identifiers (list ii-3))))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
 	(signals error (make-construct 'TopicMapC))
 	(is (eql (reifier tm-1) reifier-1))
 	(is (= (length (item-identifiers tm-1)) 2))
@@ -2323,6 +2374,117 @@
 	  (is (eql (find-item-by-revision tm-3 rev-1) tm-3)))))))
+(test test-make-AssociationC ()
+  "Tests the function make-construct corresponding to TopicMapC."
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
+    (let ((rev-1 100)
+	  (player-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (player-2 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (type-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (r-type-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (r-type-2 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (theme-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (theme-2 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (reifier-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (r-reifier-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (ii-1 (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-1"))
+	  (ii-2 (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-2"))
+	  (r-ii-1 (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "r-ii-1"))
+	  (r-ii-2 (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "r-ii-2"))
+	  (r-ii-3 (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "r-ii-3")))
+      (let ((role-1 (list :item-identifiers (list r-ii-1) :player player-1
+			  :instance-of r-type-1 :reifier r-reifier-1
+			  :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (role-2 (list :item-identifiers (list r-ii-2 r-ii-3)
+			  :player player-2 :instance-of r-type-2
+			  :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (role-2-2 (list :player player-2 :instance-of r-type-2
+			    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (tm-1 (make-construct 'TopicMapC :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (tm-2 (make-construct 'TopicMapC :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(let ((assoc-1 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				       :start-revision rev-1
+				       :instance-of type-1
+				       :themes (list theme-1 theme-2)
+				       :item-identifiers (list ii-1 ii-2)
+				       :reifier reifier-1
+				       :in-topicmaps (list tm-1 tm-2)
+				       :roles (list role-1 role-2 role-2-2)))
+	      (assoc-2 (make-construct 'AssociationC :start-revision rev-1)))
+	  (setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	  (signals error (make-construct 'AssociationC))
+	  (signals error (make-construct 'AssociationC
+					 :start-revision rev-1
+					 :roles (list
+						 (list :player player-1
+						       :instance-of r-type-1))))
+	  (is (eql (instance-of assoc-1) type-1))
+	  (is-true (themes assoc-1))
+	  (is (= (length (union (list theme-1 theme-2) (themes assoc-1))) 2))
+	  (is-true (item-identifiers assoc-1))
+	  (is (= (length (union (list ii-1 ii-2) (item-identifiers assoc-1))) 2))
+	  (is (eql (reifier assoc-1) reifier-1))
+	  (is-true (in-topicmaps assoc-1))
+	  (is (= (length (union (list tm-1 tm-2) (in-topicmaps assoc-1))) 2))
+	  (is (= (length (roles assoc-1)) 2))
+	  (is (= (length
+		  (remove-if
+		   #'null
+		   (map 
+		    'list 
+		    #'(lambda(role)
+			(when (or (and (eql (player role :revision rev-1)
+					    player-1)
+				       (eql (instance-of role :revision rev-1)
+					    r-type-1)
+				       (= (length (item-identifiers
+						   role :revision rev-1)) 1)
+				       (string=
+					(uri (first (item-identifiers role)))
+					"r-ii-1"))
+				  (and (eql (player role :revision rev-1)
+					    player-2)
+				       (eql (instance-of role :revision rev-1)
+					    r-type-2)
+				       (= (length (item-identifiers role)) 2)
+				       (let ((uri-1
+					      (uri (first 
+						    (item-identifiers
+						     role :revision rev-1))))
+					     (uri-2
+					      (uri (second
+						    (item-identifiers
+						     role :revision rev-1)))))
+					 (and (or (string= uri-1 "r-ii-2")
+						  (string= uri-2 "r-ii-2"))
+					      (or (string= uri-1 "r-ii-3")
+						  (string= uri-2 "r-ii-3"))))))
+			  role))
+		    (roles assoc-1 :revision rev-1))))
+		 2))
+	  (is (eql (find-item-by-revision assoc-1 rev-1) assoc-1))
+	  (is-false (item-identifiers assoc-2))
+	  (is-false (reifier assoc-2))
+	  (is-false (instance-of assoc-2))
+	  (is-false (themes assoc-2))
+	  (is-false (roles assoc-2))
+	  (is-false (in-topicmaps assoc-2))
+	  (let ((assoc-3 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+					 :start-revision rev-1
+					 :roles (list role-1 role-2)
+					 :instance-of type-1
+					 :themes (list theme-1 theme-2))))
+	    (is (eql (instance-of assoc-3) type-1))
+	    (is-true (themes assoc-3))
+	    (is (= (length (union (list theme-1 theme-2) (themes assoc-3))) 2))
+	    (is-true (item-identifiers assoc-3))
+	    (is (= (length (union (list ii-1 ii-2) (item-identifiers assoc-3))) 2))
+	    (is (eql (reifier assoc-3) reifier-1))
+	    (is-true (in-topicmaps assoc-3))
+	    (is (= (length (union (list tm-1 tm-2) (in-topicmaps assoc-3))) 2))
+	    (is (= (length (roles assoc-3)) 2))))))))
 (defun run-datamodel-tests()
@@ -2378,4 +2540,5 @@
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-make-VariantC)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-make-RoleC)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-make-TopicMapC)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-make-AssociationC)
\ No newline at end of file

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