[isidorus-cvs] r225 - branches/new-datamodel/src/model

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 14 15:50:41 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Sun Mar 14 11:50:40 2010
New Revision: 225

new-datamodel: added "equivalent-costruct" to PointerC, TopicIdentificationC, CharactersiticC, OccurrenceC, NameC, VariantC, RoleC, AssociationC, TopicC


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Sun Mar 14 11:50:40 2010
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
   (:nicknames :d)
   (:import-from :exceptions
+  (:import-from :constants
+		*xml-string*)
   (:export ;;classes
@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@
+	   :charvalue
@@ -97,7 +100,6 @@
 (in-package :datamodel)
-;;TODO: implement delete-construct
 ;;TODO: finalize add-reifier
 ;;TODO: replace add-to-version-history in VersionedAssociationC with a pseudo
 ;;      initarg in make-construct
@@ -186,9 +188,9 @@
              :initarg :datatype
              :initform constants:*xml-string*
 	     :type string
+	     :index t
              :documentation "The XML Schema datatype of the occurrencevalue
                              (optional, always IRI for resourceRef)."))
-  (:index t)
   (:documentation "An abstract base class for characteristics that own
                    an xml-datatype."))
@@ -581,6 +583,17 @@
 	(error () nil))))
+(defun make-construct (class-symbol &key start-revision &allow-other-keys)
+  "Creates a new topic map construct if necessary or
+   retrieves an equivalent one if available and updates the revision
+   history accordingly. Returns the object in question. Methods use
+   specific keyword arguments for their purpose."
+  (or class-symbol start-revision)
+  ;TODO: implement
+  )
 (defun delete-1-n-association(instance slot-symbol)
   (when (slot-p instance slot-symbol)
@@ -635,6 +648,39 @@
     (condition () nil)))
+;;; generic definitions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defgeneric equivalent-construct (construct &key start-revision &allow-other-keys)
+  (:documentation "Returns t if the passed construct is equivalent to the passed
+                   key arguments (TMDM equality rules.")) 
+(defgeneric get-most-recent-version-info (construct)
+  (:documentation "Returns the latest VersionInfoC object of the passed
+                   versioned construct.
+                   The latest construct is either the one with
+                   end-revision=0 or with the highest end-revision value."))
+(defgeneric owned-p (construct)
+  (:documentation "Returns t if the passed construct is referenced by a parent
+                   TM construct."))
+(defgeneric in-topicmaps (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns all TopicMapS-obejcts where the constrict is
+                   contained in."))
+(defgeneric add-to-tm (construct construct-to-add)
+  (:documentation "Adds a TM construct (TopicC or AssociationC) to the TM."))
+(defgeneric delete-from-tm (construct construct-to-delete)
+  (:documentation "Deletes a TM construct (TopicC or AssociationC) from
+                   the TM."))
 ;;; generic functions/accessors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 ;;; VersionInfocC
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((version-info VersionInfoC))
@@ -647,13 +693,6 @@
     (delete-construct version-info)))
-(defgeneric get-most-recent-version-info (construct)
-  (:documentation "Returns the latest VersionInfoC object of the passed
-                   versioned construct.
-                   The latest construct is either the one with
-                   end-revision=0 or with the highest end-revision value."))
 (defmethod get-most-recent-version-info ((construct VersionedConstructC))
   (let ((result (find 0 (versions construct) :key #'end-revision)))
     (if result
@@ -690,38 +729,36 @@
 (defgeneric add-to-version-history (construct &key start-revision end-revision)
-  (:documentation "Adds version history to a versioned construct"))
-(defmethod add-to-version-history ((construct VersionedConstructC)
-				   &key (start-revision (error "From add-to-version-history(): start revision must be present"))
-				   (end-revision 0))
-  (let ((eql-version-info
-	 (find-if #'(lambda(vi)
-		      (and (= (start-revision vi) start-revision)
-			   (= (end-revision vi) end-revision)))
-		  (versions construct))))
-    (if eql-version-info
-	eql-version-info
-	(let ((current-version-info
-	       (get-most-recent-version-info construct)))
-	  (cond
-	    ((and current-version-info
-		  (= (end-revision current-version-info) start-revision))
-	     (setf (end-revision current-version-info) 0)
-	     current-version-info)
-	    ((and current-version-info
-		  (= (end-revision current-version-info) 0))
-	     (setf (end-revision current-version-info) start-revision)
-	     (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
-			    :start-revision start-revision
-			    :end-revision end-revision
-			    :versioned-construct construct))
-	    (t
-	     (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
-			    :start-revision start-revision
-			    :end-revision end-revision
-			    :versioned-construct construct)))))))
+  (:documentation "Adds version history to a versioned construct")
+  (:method ((construct VersionedConstructC)
+	    &key (start-revision (error "From add-to-version-history(): start revision must be present"))
+	    (end-revision 0))
+    (let ((eql-version-info
+	   (find-if #'(lambda(vi)
+			(and (= (start-revision vi) start-revision)
+			     (= (end-revision vi) end-revision)))
+		    (versions construct))))
+      (if eql-version-info
+	  eql-version-info
+	  (let ((current-version-info
+		 (get-most-recent-version-info construct)))
+	    (cond
+	      ((and current-version-info
+		    (= (end-revision current-version-info) start-revision))
+	       (setf (end-revision current-version-info) 0)
+	       current-version-info)
+	      ((and current-version-info
+		    (= (end-revision current-version-info) 0))
+	       (setf (end-revision current-version-info) start-revision)
+	       (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
+			      :start-revision start-revision
+			      :end-revision end-revision
+			      :versioned-construct construct))
+	      (t
+	       (make-instance 'VersionInfoC 
+			      :start-revision start-revision
+			      :end-revision end-revision
+			      :versioned-construct construct))))))))
 (defgeneric marked-as-deleted-p (construct)
@@ -736,32 +773,28 @@
 (defgeneric mark-as-deleted (construct &key source-locator revision)
   (:documentation "Mark a construct as deleted if it comes from the source
-                   indicated by source-locator"))
+                   indicated by source-locator")
+  (:method ((construct VersionedConstructC) &key source-locator revision)
+    (declare (ignorable source-locator))
+    (let
+	((last-version ;the last active version
+	  (find 0 (versions construct) :key #'end-revision)))
+      (when last-version
+	(setf (end-revision last-version) revision)))))
-(defmethod mark-as-deleted ((construct VersionedConstructC)
-			    &key source-locator revision)
-  "Mark a topic as deleted if it comes from the source indicated by
-   source-locator"
-  (declare (ignorable source-locator))
-  (let
-      ((last-version ;the last active version
-        (find 0 (versions construct) :key #'end-revision)))
-    (when last-version
-      (setf (end-revision last-version) revision))))
+;;; PointerC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct PointerC)
+				 &key start-revision (uri ""))
+  (declare (string uri) (ignorable start-revision))
+  (string= (uri construct) uri))
-;;; PointerC
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct PointerC))
   (dolist (p-assoc (slot-p construct 'identified-construct))
     (delete-construct p-assoc)))
-(defgeneric owned-p (construct)
-  (:documentation "Returns t if the passed construct is referenced by a parent
-                   TM construct."))
 (defmethod owned-p ((construct PointerC))
   (when (slot-p construct 'identified-construct)
@@ -779,6 +812,17 @@
 	(first assocs)))))
+;;; TopicIdentificationC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct TopicIdentificationC)
+				 &key start-revision (uri "") (xtm-id ""))
+  (declare (string uri xtm-id))
+  (let ((equivalent-pointer (call-next-method
+			     construct :start-revision start-revision
+			     :uri uri)))
+    (and equivalent-pointer
+	 (string= (xtm-id construct) xtm-id))))
 ;;; PointerAssociationC
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct PointerAssociationC))
   (delete-1-n-association construct 'identifier))
@@ -855,6 +899,19 @@
 ;;; TopicC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct TopicC)
+				 &key (start-revision 0) (psis nil)
+				 (locators nil) (item-identifiers nil))
+  (declare (integer start-revision) (list psis locators item-identifiers))
+  (when
+      (intersection
+       (union (union (psis construct :revision start-revision)
+		     (locators construct :revision start-revision))
+	      (item-identifiers construct :revision start-revision))
+       (union (union psis locators) item-identifiers))
+    t))
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct TopicC))
   (let ((psi-assocs-to-delete (slot-p construct 'psis))
 	(sl-assocs-to-delete (slot-p construct 'locators))
@@ -1193,10 +1250,6 @@
 	(reifiable-construct (first assocs))))))
-(defgeneric in-topicmaps (construct &key revision)
-  (:documentation "Returns all TopicMapS-obejcts where the constrict is
-                   contained in."))
 (defmethod in-topicmaps ((topic TopicC) &key (revision 0))
   (filter-slot-value-by-revision topic 'in-topicmaps :start-revision revision))
@@ -1298,67 +1351,24 @@
 			  :error-if-nil error-if-nil))
-;;; NameC
-(defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct NameC))
-  (let ((variant-assocs-to-delete (slot-p construct 'variants)))
-    (let ((all-variants (map 'list #'characteristic variant-assocs-to-delete)))
-      (dolist (variant-assoc-to-delete variant-assocs-to-delete)
-	(delete-construct variant-assoc-to-delete))
-      (dolist (candidate-to-delete all-variants)
-	(unless (owned-p candidate-to-delete)
-	  (delete-construct candidate-to-delete))))))
-(defgeneric variants (construct &key revision)
-  (:documentation "Returns all variants that correspond with the given revision
-                   and that are associated with the passed construct.")
-  (:method ((construct NameC) &key (revision 0))
-    (let ((valid-associations
-	   (filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'variants
-					  :start-revision revision)))
-      (map 'list #'characteristic valid-associations))))
-(defgeneric add-variant (construct variant &key revision)
-  (:documentation "Adds the given theme-topic to the passed
-                   scopable-construct.")
-  (:method ((construct NameC) (variant VariantC)
-	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
-    (when (and (parent variant :revision revision)
-	       (not (eql (parent variant :revision revision) construct)))
-      (error "From add-variant(): ~a can't be owned by ~a since it is already owned by the name ~a"
-	     variant construct (parent variant)))
-    (let ((all-variants 
-	   (map 'list #'characteristic (slot-p construct 'variants))))
-      (if (find variant all-variants)
-	  (let ((variant-assoc
-		 (loop for variant-assoc in (slot-p construct 'variants)
-		    when (eql (characteristic variant-assoc) variant)
-		    return variant-assoc)))
-	    (add-to-version-history variant-assoc :start-revision revision))
-	  (let ((assoc
-		 (make-instance 'VariantAssociationC
-				:characteristic variant
-				:parent-construct construct)))
-	    (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
-    construct))
-(defgeneric delete-variant (construct variant &key revision)
-  (:documentation "Deletes the passed variant by marking it's association as
-                   deleted in the passed revision.")
-  (:method ((construct NameC) (variant VariantC)
-	    &key (revision (error "From delete-variant(): revision must be set")))
-    (let ((assoc-to-delete (loop for variant-assoc in (slot-p construct
-							      'variants)
-			      when (eql (characteristic variant-assoc) variant)
-			      return variant-assoc)))
-      (when assoc-to-delete
-	(mark-as-deleted assoc-to-delete :revision revision))
-      construct)))
+;;; CharacteristicC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct CharacteristicC)
+				 &key (start-revision 0) (reifier nil)
+				 (item-identifiers nil) (charvalue "")
+				 (instance-of nil) (themes nil))
+  "Equality rule: Characteristics are equal if charvalue, themes and the parent-
+   constructs are equal."
+  (declare (string charvalue) (list themes item-identifiers)
+	   (integer start-revision)
+	   (type (or null TopicC) instance-of reifier))
+  (or (and (string= (charvalue construct) charvalue)
+	   (not (set-exclusive-or (themes construct :revision start-revision)
+				  themes))
+	   (eql instance-of (instance-of construct :revision start-revision)))
+      (equivalent-reifiable-construct construct reifier item-identifiers
+				      :start-revision start-revision)))
-;;; CharacteristicC
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct CharacteristicC))
   (dolist (characteristic-assoc-to-delete (slot-p construct 'parent))
     (delete-construct characteristic-assoc-to-delete)))
@@ -1432,7 +1442,113 @@
+;;; OccurrenceC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct OccurrenceC)
+				 &key (start-revision 0) (charvalue "")
+				 (themes nil) (instance-of nil)
+				 (datatype *xml-string*))
+  (declare (type (or null TopicC) instance-of) (string datatype)
+	   (ignorable start-revision charvalue themes instance-of))
+  (let ((equivalent-characteristic (call-next-method)))
+    (and equivalent-characteristic 
+	 (string= (datatype construct) datatype))))
+;;; VariantC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct VariantC)
+				 &key (start-revision 0) (charvalue "")
+				 (themes nil) (datatype *xml-string*))
+  (declare (string datatype) (ignorable start-revision charvalue themes))
+  (let ((equivalent-characteristic (call-next-method)))
+    (and equivalent-characteristic 
+	 (string= (datatype construct) datatype))))
+;;; NameC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct NameC)
+				 &key (start-revision 0) (charvalue "")
+				 (themes nil) (instance-of nil))
+  (declare (type (or null TopicC) instance-of)
+	   (ignorable start-revision charvalue instance-of themes))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct NameC))
+  (let ((variant-assocs-to-delete (slot-p construct 'variants)))
+    (let ((all-variants (map 'list #'characteristic variant-assocs-to-delete)))
+      (dolist (variant-assoc-to-delete variant-assocs-to-delete)
+	(delete-construct variant-assoc-to-delete))
+      (dolist (candidate-to-delete all-variants)
+	(unless (owned-p candidate-to-delete)
+	  (delete-construct candidate-to-delete))))))
+(defgeneric variants (construct &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns all variants that correspond with the given revision
+                   and that are associated with the passed construct.")
+  (:method ((construct NameC) &key (revision 0))
+    (let ((valid-associations
+	   (filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'variants
+					  :start-revision revision)))
+      (map 'list #'characteristic valid-associations))))
+(defgeneric add-variant (construct variant &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Adds the given theme-topic to the passed
+                   scopable-construct.")
+  (:method ((construct NameC) (variant VariantC)
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    (when (and (parent variant :revision revision)
+	       (not (eql (parent variant :revision revision) construct)))
+      (error "From add-variant(): ~a can't be owned by ~a since it is already owned by the name ~a"
+	     variant construct (parent variant)))
+    (let ((all-variants 
+	   (map 'list #'characteristic (slot-p construct 'variants))))
+      (if (find variant all-variants)
+	  (let ((variant-assoc
+		 (loop for variant-assoc in (slot-p construct 'variants)
+		    when (eql (characteristic variant-assoc) variant)
+		    return variant-assoc)))
+	    (add-to-version-history variant-assoc :start-revision revision))
+	  (let ((assoc
+		 (make-instance 'VariantAssociationC
+				:characteristic variant
+				:parent-construct construct)))
+	    (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
+    construct))
+(defgeneric delete-variant (construct variant &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Deletes the passed variant by marking it's association as
+                   deleted in the passed revision.")
+  (:method ((construct NameC) (variant VariantC)
+	    &key (revision (error "From delete-variant(): revision must be set")))
+    (let ((assoc-to-delete (loop for variant-assoc in (slot-p construct
+							      'variants)
+			      when (eql (characteristic variant-assoc) variant)
+			      return variant-assoc)))
+      (when assoc-to-delete
+	(mark-as-deleted assoc-to-delete :revision revision))
+      construct)))
 ;;; AssociationC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct AssociationC)
+				 &key (start-revision 0) (reifier nil)
+				 (item-identifiers nil) (roles nil)
+				 (instance-of nil) (themes nil))
+  (declare (integer start-revision) (list roles themes item-identifiers)
+	   (type (or null TopicC) instance-of reifier))
+  (or
+   (and
+    (not (set-exclusive-or roles (roles construct :revision start-revision)))
+    (eql instance-of (instance-of construct :revision start-revision))
+    (not (set-exclusive-or themes
+			   (themes construct :revision start-revision))))
+   (equivalent-reifiable-construct construct reifier item-identifiers
+				   :start-revision start-revision)))
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct AssociationC))
   (let ((roles-assocs-to-delete (slot-p construct 'roles)))
     (let ((all-roles (map 'list #'role roles-assocs-to-delete)))
@@ -1498,6 +1614,19 @@
 ;;; RoleC
+(defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct RoleC)
+				&key (start-revision 0) (reifier nil)
+				 (item-identifiers nil) (player nil)
+				 (instance-of nil))
+  (declare (integer start-revision)
+	   (type (or null TopicC) player instance-of reifier)
+	   (list item-identifiers))
+  (or (and (eql instance-of (instance-of construct :revision start-revision))
+	   (eql player (player construct :revision start-revision)))
+      (equivalent-reifiable-construct construct reifier item-identifiers
+				      :start-revision start-revision)))
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct RoleC))
   (dolist (role-assoc-to-delete (slot-p construct 'parent))
     (delete-construct role-assoc-to-delete))
@@ -1620,6 +1749,18 @@
 ;;; ReifiableConstructC
+(defgeneric equivalent-reifiable-construct (construct reifier item-identifiers
+						      &key start-revision)
+  (:documentation "Returns t if the passed constructs are TMDM equal.")
+  (:method ((construct ReifiableConstructC) reifier item-identifiers
+	    &key (start-revision 0))
+    (declare (integer start-revision) (list item-identifiers)
+	     (type (or null TopicC) reifier))
+    (or (eql reifier (reifier construct :revision start-revision))
+	(intersection (item-identifiers construct :revision start-revision)
+		      item-identifiers))))
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct ReifiableConstructC))
   (let ((ii-assocs-to-delete (slot-p construct 'item-identifiers))
 	(reifier-assocs-to-delete (slot-p construct 'reifier)))
@@ -1889,10 +2030,6 @@
 				   :start-revision revision)))
-(defgeneric add-to-tm (construct construct-to-add)
-  (:documentation "Adds a TM construct (TopicC or AssociationC) to the TM."))
 (defmethod add-to-tm ((construct TopicMapC) (construct-to-add TopicC))
   (add-association construct 'topics construct-to-add))
@@ -1901,11 +2038,6 @@
   (add-association construct 'associations construct-to-add))
-(defgeneric delete-from-tm (construct construct-to-delete)
-  (:documentation "Deletes a TM construct (TopicC or AssociationC) from
-                   the TM."))
 (defmethod delete-from-tm ((construct TopicMapC) (construct-to-delete TopicC))
   (remove-association construct 'topics construct-to-delete))
@@ -1923,15 +2055,22 @@
 ;;; start hacks ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 (defgeneric merge-constructs(construct-1 construct-2 &key revision)
   (:method ((construct-1 TopicMapConstructC) (construct-2 TopicMapconstructC)
 	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (or revision)
     (if construct-1 construct-1 construct-2)))
-(defgeneric make-construct (class-symbol &key start-revision &allow-other-keys)
-  (:method ((class-symbol symbol) &key (start-revision *TM-REVISION*))
-    (or class-symbol start-revision)))
 ;;; end hacks ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
\ No newline at end of file

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