[isidorus-cvs] r306 - in branches/new-datamodel/src: json model unit_tests xml/xtm

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Sun Jun 27 11:30:33 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
New Revision: 306

new-datamodel: fixed bugs in get-latest-topic-by-psi, find-all-associations-for-topic, find-associations-for-topic, changed-p, with-tm; adapted the json-unit-tests to the new datamodel


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/json/json_exporter.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/json/json_exporter.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/json/json_exporter.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
    'string "\"type\":"
    (if (instance-of parent-elem :revision revision)
-	(map 'list #'uri (psis (instance-of parent-elem :revision revision))))
+	(map 'list #'uri (psis (instance-of parent-elem :revision revision)
+			       :revision revision)))
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@
   (let ((id
 	  'string "\"id\":"
-	  (json:encode-json-to-string (topic-id instance :revision revision))))
+	  (json:encode-json-to-string (topic-id instance revision))))
 	  'string "\"itemIdentities\":"
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@
 	  'string "\"names\":"
-	  (if (names instance)
+	  (if (names instance :revision revision)
 	      (let ((j-names "["))
 		(loop for item in (names instance :revision revision)
 		   do (setf j-names
@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@
 	  'string "\"occurrences\":"
-	  (if (occurrences instance)
+	  (if (occurrences instance :revision revision)
 	      (let ((j-occurrences "["))
 		(loop for item in (occurrences instance :revision revision)
 		   do (setf j-occurrences
@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@
     (let ((id
 	    'string "\"id\":"
-	    (json:encode-json-to-string (topic-id topic :revision revision))))
+	    (json:encode-json-to-string (topic-id topic revision))))
 	    'string "\"itemIdentities\":"
@@ -423,7 +424,7 @@
   (declare (TopicC topic)
 	   (type (or integer null) revision))
   (let ((id
-	 (concatenate 'string "\"id\":\"" (topic-id topic :revision revision) "\""))
+	 (concatenate 'string "\"id\":\"" (topic-id topic revision) "\""))
 	  'string "\"itemIdentities\":"

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/json/json_importer.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/json/json_importer.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/json/json_importer.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -31,13 +31,16 @@
       (let ((topic-values (getf fragment-values :topic))
 	    (topicStubs-values (getf fragment-values :topicStubs))
 	    (associations-values (getf fragment-values :associations))
-	    (rev (get-revision))) ; creates a new revision, equal for all elements of the passed fragment
+	    (rev (get-revision)) ; creates a new revision, equal for all elements of the passed fragment
+	    (tm-ids (getf fragment-values :tm-ids)))
+	(unless tm-ids
+	  (error "From json-to-elem(): tm-ids must be set"))
 	(let ((psi-of-topic
 	       (let ((psi-uris (getf topic-values :subjectIdentifiers)))
 		 (when psi-uris
 		   (first psi-uris)))))
 	  (elephant:ensure-transaction (:txn-nosync nil) 
-	    (xml-importer:with-tm (rev xtm-id (first (getf fragment-values :tm-ids)))
+	    (xml-importer:with-tm (rev xtm-id (first tm-ids))
 	      (loop for topicStub-values in
 		   (append topicStubs-values (list topic-values))
 		 do (json-to-stub topicStub-values rev :tm xml-importer::tm
@@ -72,12 +75,12 @@
       (declare (TopicMapC tm))
       (setf roles (xml-importer::set-standard-role-types roles start-revision))
       (add-to-tm tm 
-		       (make-construct 'AssociationC
-				       :start-revision start-revision
-				       :item-identifiers item-identifiers
-				       :instance-of instance-of
-				       :themes themes
-				       :roles roles)))))
+		 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				 :start-revision start-revision
+				 :item-identifiers item-identifiers
+				 :instance-of instance-of
+				 :themes themes
+				 :roles roles)))))
 (defun json-to-role (json-decoded-list start-revision)
@@ -157,9 +160,11 @@
 			    (make-identifier 'SubjectLocatorC uri start-revision))
 		  (getf json-decoded-list :subjectLocators)))
-	     (make-construct 'TopicIdentificationC
-			     :uri (getf json-decoded-list :id)
-			     :xtm-id xtm-id)))
+	     (when (getf json-decoded-list :id)
+	       (list
+		(make-construct 'TopicIdentificationC
+				:uri (getf json-decoded-list :id)
+				:xtm-id xtm-id)))))
 	;; all topic stubs has to be added top a topicmap object in this method
 	;; becuase the only one topic that is handled in "json-merge-topic"
 	;; is the main topic of the fragment

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/changes.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -28,35 +28,35 @@
       ((tm (get-item-by-item-identifier tm-id :revision 0))
        (tops-and-assocs (when tm (union (topics tm) (associations tm))))
        (revision-set nil))
-    ;(format t "tops-and-assocs: ~a~&" (mapcan #'versions tops-and-assocs))
     (dolist (vi (mapcan #'versions tops-and-assocs))
-      ;(format t "(start-revision vi): ~a~&" (start-revision vi))
       (pushnew (start-revision vi) revision-set))
     (sort revision-set #'<)))
-(defun find-all-associations-for-topic (top &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
-  "Finds all associations for a topic."
-  (remove-duplicates 
-   (map 'list #'(lambda(role)
-		  (parent role :revision revision))
-	(player-in-roles top :revision revision))))
-(defun find-associations-for-topic (top &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
-  "Finds all associations of this topic except type-instance-associations."
-  (let
-      ((type-instance-topic
-        (d:identified-construct
-         (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'PersistentIdC
-                                         'uri
-					 constants:*type-instance-psi*))))
-    (remove-if
-     #'(lambda(assoc)
-	 (when (eql (instance-of assoc :revision revision)
-		    type-instance-topic)
-	   t))
-     (find-all-associations-for-topic top :revision revision))))
+(defgeneric find-all-associations (instance &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Finds all associations for a topic.")
+  (:method ((instance TopicC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    (declare (type (or integer null) revision))
+    (remove-duplicates 
+     (map 'list #'(lambda(role)
+		    (parent role :revision revision))
+	  (player-in-roles instance :revision revision)))))
+(defgeneric find-associations (instance &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Finds all associations of this topic except
+                   type-instance-associations.")
+  (:method ((instance TopicC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    (declare (type (or integer null) revision))
+    (let ((type-instance-topic
+	   (d:identified-construct
+	    (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+	     'PersistentIdC 'uri *type-instance-psi*))))
+      (remove-if
+       #'(lambda(assoc)
+	   (eql (instance-of assoc :revision revision)
+		type-instance-topic))
+       (find-all-associations instance :revision revision)))))
 (defgeneric find-referenced-topics (construct &key revision)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 	     (occurrences top :revision revision))
      (mapcan #'(lambda(assoc)
 		 (find-referenced-topics assoc :revision revision))
-	     (find-associations-for-topic top :revision revision))))))
+	     (find-associations top :revision revision))))))
 (defgeneric changed-p (construct revision)
@@ -154,16 +154,17 @@
          (lambda (association)
-           (eq (player (first (roles association)))
+           (eq (player (first (roles association :revision revision))
+		       :revision revision)
-         (find-associations-for-topic topic)))
+         (find-associations topic :revision revision)))
-         (get-all-identifiers-of-construct topic)
+         (get-all-identifiers-of-construct topic :revision revision)
-          (names topic)
+          (names topic :revision revision)
-           (occurrences topic)
+           (occurrences topic :revision revision)
      (lambda (construct)
@@ -216,15 +217,20 @@
-         (map 'list 
-              (lambda (top)
-                (when (changed-p top revision)
-                  (make-instance 'FragmentC
-                                 :revision revision
-                                 :associations (find-associations-for-topic top :revision revision) ;TODO: this quite probably introduces code duplication with query: Check!
-                                 :referenced-topics (find-referenced-topics top :revision revision)
-                                 :topic top)))
-              (get-all-topics revision))))))
+         (map
+	  'list 
+	  (lambda (top)
+	    (when (changed-p top revision)
+	      (make-instance 'FragmentC
+			     :revision revision
+			     :associations (find-associations
+					    top :revision revision)
+					;TODO: this quite probably introduces
+					;code duplication with query: Check!
+			     :referenced-topics (find-referenced-topics
+						 top :revision revision)
+			     :topic top)))
+	  (get-all-topics revision))))))
 (defun get-fragment (unique-id)
   "get a fragment by its unique id"
@@ -256,12 +262,18 @@
   ;topics already have the source locator in (at least) one PSI, so we
   ;do not need to add an extra item identifier to them. However, we
   ;need to do that for all their characteristics + associations
-  (mapc (lambda (name) (add-source-locator name :revision revision :source-locator source-locator))
+  (mapc (lambda (name)
+	  (add-source-locator name :revision revision
+			      :source-locator source-locator))
 	(names top :revision revision))
-  (mapc (lambda (occ) (add-source-locator occ :revision revision :source-locator source-locator))
+  (mapc (lambda (occ)
+	  (add-source-locator occ :revision revision
+			      :source-locator source-locator))
         (occurrences top :revision revision))
-  (mapc (lambda (ass) (add-source-locator ass :revision revision :source-locator source-locator))
-        (find-associations-for-topic top :revision revision)))
+  (mapc (lambda (ass)
+	  (add-source-locator ass :revision revision
+			      :source-locator source-locator))
+        (find-associations top :revision revision)))
 (defun create-latest-fragment-of-topic (topic-psi)
@@ -284,8 +296,10 @@
 	      (make-instance 'FragmentC
 			     :revision start-revision
-			     :associations (find-associations-for-topic topic)
-			     :referenced-topics (find-referenced-topics topic)
+			     :associations (find-associations
+					    topic :revision start-revision)
+			     :referenced-topics (find-referenced-topics
+						 topic :revision start-revision)
 			     :topic topic)))))))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -685,9 +685,9 @@
     (let ((latest-va
 	    psi-inst 'identified-construct)))
-      (when latest-va
+      (when (and latest-va (versions latest-va))
-	 psi-inst :revision (start-revision latest-va))))))
+	 psi-inst :revision (start-revision (first (versions latest-va))))))))
 (defun get-db-instances-by-class (class-symbol &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@
           (occurrences top :revision 0))
     (mapc (lambda (ass) (mark-as-deleted ass :revision revision
 					 :source-locator source-locator))
-	  (find-all-associations-for-topic top :revision 0))
+	  (find-all-associations top :revision 0))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm1.0_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm1.0_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm1.0_test.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -1118,27 +1118,28 @@
 (test test-fragments-xtm1.0-versions
   (with-fixture merge-test-db ()
     (handler-case (delete-file *out-xtm1.0-file*)(error () )) ;deletes file - if exist
-    (let ((new-t100 (loop for item in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'PersistentIdC)
-		       when (string= (uri item) new-t100-psi)
-		       return (identified-construct item))))
+    (let ((new-t100
+	   (loop for item in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:PersistentIdC)
+	      when (string= (uri item) new-t100-psi)
+	      return (identified-construct item))))
       (d:get-fragments fixtures::revision3)
-      (let ((fragment (loop for item in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'FragmentC)
+      (let ((fragment (loop for item in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:FragmentC)
 			 when (eq (topic item) new-t100)
 			 return item)))
 	(with-open-file (stream *out-xtm1.0-file* :direction :output)
 	  (write-string (export-xtm-fragment fragment :xtm-format '1.0) stream))))
-    (let ((document (dom:document-element (cxml:parse-file *out-xtm1.0-file* (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))
+    (let ((document
+	   (dom:document-element
+	    (cxml:parse-file *out-xtm1.0-file* (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))
       (check-document-structure document 6 0 :ns-uri *xtm1.0-ns*)
       (loop for topic across (xpath-child-elems-by-qname document *xtm1.0-ns* "topic")
 	 do (loop for subjectIndicatorRef across (xpath-child-elems-by-qname
 						   topic *xtm1.0-ns* "subjectIdentity")
 						  *xtm1.0-ns* "subjectIndicatorRef")
-	       do (let ((href (dom:get-attribute-ns subjectIndicatorRef *xtm1.0-xlink* "href")))
+	       do (let ((href (dom:get-attribute-ns subjectIndicatorRef
+						    *xtm1.0-xlink* "href")))
 		      ((string= href core-sort-psi)
 		       (check-topic-id topic))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm2.0_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm2.0_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/exporter_xtm2.0_test.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
     (error () )) ;do nothing
   (handler-case (delete-file *out-xtm1.0-file*)
     (error () )) ;do nothing
-  (setup-repository *sample_objects_2_0.xtm* "data_base" :xtm-id "test-tm"))
+  (setup-repository *sample_objects_2_0.xtm* "data_base" :xtm-id "test-tm"
+		    :tm-id "http://isidorus.org/test-tm"))
   ;(elephant:open-store (get-store-spec "data_base")))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/importer_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/importer_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/importer_test.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 (test test-error-detection
   "Test for the detection of common errors such as dangling
-references, duplicate PSIs or item identifiers"
+   references, duplicate PSIs or item identifiers"
   (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
   (with-fixture bare-test-db()
     (signals missing-reference-error
@@ -521,7 +521,8 @@
       ((dir "data_base"))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
-       *notificationbase.xtm* dir :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
+       *notificationbase.xtm* dir :xtm-id *TEST-TM*
+       :tm-id "http://isidorus.org/test-tm")
       (setf *TM-REVISION* 0)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (let ((variants (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC)))
@@ -600,7 +601,8 @@
   (let ((dir "data_base"))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
-       *sample_objects.xtm* dir :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :xtm-format '1.0)
+       *sample_objects.xtm* dir :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :xtm-format '1.0
+       :tm-id "http://isidorus.org/test-tm")
       ;(elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC)) 5))
       (let ((t-2526 (get-item-by-id "t-2526")))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/json_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/json_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/json_test.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -59,97 +59,112 @@
 (test test-to-json-string-topics
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
-                                  :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
+       :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (let ((t50a (get-item-by-id "t50a")))
-	(let ((t50a-string (to-json-string t50a))
+      (let ((t50a (get-item-by-id "t50a" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision rev-0)))
+	(let ((t50a-string (to-json-string t50a :revision 0))
 	       (concatenate 'string "{\"id\":\"" (topic-id t50a) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t50a\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/long-name\"],\"instanceOfs\":[[\"http:\\/\\/www.networkedplanet.com\\/psi\\/npcl\\/meta-types\\/occurrence-type\"]],\"names\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":null,\"scopes\":null,\"value\":\"long version of a name\",\"variants\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#sort\"]],\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"Long-Version\"}}]}],\"occurrences\":null}" )))
 	  (is (string= t50a-string json-string)))
-	(let ((t8 (get-item-by-id "t8")))
-	  (let ((t8-string (to-json-string t8))
+	(let ((t8 (get-item-by-id "t8" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)))
+	  (let ((t8-string (to-json-string t8 :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
 		 (concatenate 'string "{\"id\":\"" (topic-id t8) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t8\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/www.networkedplanet.com\\/psi\\/npcl\\/meta-types\\/association-role-type\"],\"instanceOfs\":[[\"http:\\/\\/www.networkedplanet.com\\/psi\\/npcl\\/meta-types\\/topic-type\"]],\"names\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":null,\"scopes\":null,\"value\":\"Association Role Type\",\"variants\":null}],\"occurrences\":null}")))
 	    (is (string= t8-string json-string))))
-	(let ((t-topic (get-item-by-id "topic" :xtm-id "core.xtm")))
-	  (let ((t-topic-string (to-json-string t-topic))
+	(let ((t-topic (get-item-by-id "topic" :xtm-id "core.xtm" :revision rev-0)))
+	  (let ((t-topic-string (to-json-string t-topic :xtm-id "core.xtm"
+						:revision rev-0))
 		 (concatenate 'string "{\"id\":\"" (topic-id t-topic) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#topic\"],\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null}")))
 	    (is (string= t-topic-string json-string))))
-	(let ((t301 (get-item-by-id "t301")))
-	  (let ((t301-string (to-json-string t301))
+	(let ((t301 (get-item-by-id "t301" :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision rev-0)))
+	  (let ((t301-string (to-json-string t301 :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision rev-0))
 		 (concatenate 'string "{\"id\":\"" (topic-id t301) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/service\\/Google+Maps\",\"http:\\/\\/maps.google.com\"],\"instanceOfs\":[[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/service\"]],\"names\":[{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/topic\\/t301a_n1\"],\"type\":null,\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/long-name\"]],\"value\":\"Google Maps\",\"variants\":null},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":null,\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/long-name\"]],\"value\":\"Google Maps Application\",\"variants\":null}],\"occurrences\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/description\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"a popular geodata service that is widely used for mashups with geodataProbably not really conformant to ISO 19115, but who cares in this context.\"}},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/links\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":\"http:\\/\\/maps.google.com\",\"resourceData\":null},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/links\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":\"http:\\/\\/maps.google.de\",\"resourceData\":null}]}")))
 	    (is (string= t301-string json-string))))
-	(let ((t100 (get-item-by-id "t100")))
-	  (let ((t100-string (to-json-string t100))
+	(let ((t100 (get-item-by-id "t100" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)))
+	  (let ((t100-string (to-json-string t100 :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
 		 (concatenate 'string "{\"id\":\"" (topic-id t100) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/standard\\/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata\"],\"instanceOfs\":[[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/semanticstandard\"]],\"names\":[{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1\"],\"type\":null,\"scopes\":null,\"value\":\"ISO 19115\",\"variants\":[{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v1\"],\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#display\"]],\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"Geographic Information - Metadata\"}},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v2\"],\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#sort\"]],\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"ISO-19115\"}}]}],\"occurrences\":[{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o1\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardHasStatus\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":\"http:\\/\\/www.budabe.de\\/\",\"resourceData\":null},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o2\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/description\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"The ISO 19115 standard ...\"}},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o3\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardValidFromDate\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#date\",\"value\":\"2003-01-01\"}},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o4\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/links\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":\"http:\\/\\/www.editeur.org\\/standards\\/ISO19115.pdf\",\"resourceData\":null}]}")))
 	    (is (string= t100-string json-string))))))))
 (test test-to-json-string-associations
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
                                   :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (let ((t57 (get-item-by-id "t57"))
-	    (t59 (get-item-by-id "t59"))
-	    (t202 (get-item-by-id "t202"))
-	    (t58 (get-item-by-id "t58"))
-	    (t203 (get-item-by-id "t203"))
-	    (t64 (get-item-by-id "t64"))
-	    (t62 (get-item-by-id "t62")))
+      (let ((t57 (get-item-by-id "t57" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
+	    (t59 (get-item-by-id "t59" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
+	    (t202 (get-item-by-id "t202" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
+	    (t58 (get-item-by-id "t58" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
+	    (t203 (get-item-by-id "t203" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
+	    (t64 (get-item-by-id "t64" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
+	    (t62 (get-item-by-id "t62" :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)))
 	(let ((association-1 
-	       (loop for association in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)
-		  when (and (eq t57 (instance-of association))
-			    (eq t59 (instance-of (first (roles association))))
-			    (eq t202 (player (first (roles association))))
-			    (eq t58 (instance-of (second (roles association))))
-			    (eq t203 (player (second (roles association)))))
+	       (loop for association in
+		    (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)
+		  when (and (eq t57 (instance-of association :revision rev-0))
+			    (eq t59 (instance-of
+				     (first (roles association  :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0))
+			    (eq t202 (player
+				      (first (roles association  :revision rev-0))
+				      :revision rev-0))
+			    (eq t58 (instance-of
+				     (second (roles association  :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0))
+			    (eq t203 (player
+				      (second (roles association :revision rev-0))
+				      :revision rev-0)))
 		  return association))
-		(elephant:get-instance-by-value 'ItemIdentifierC 'uri
-						"http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#assoc_7"))))
-	  (let ((association-1-string (to-json-string association-1))
+		(elephant:get-instance-by-value
+		 'ItemIdentifierC 'uri
+		 "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#assoc_7")
+		:revision rev-0)))
+      (let ((association-1-string
+		 (to-json-string association-1 :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
 		 (concatenate 'string "{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/isNarrowerSubject\"],\"scopes\":null,\"roles\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/broaderSubject\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/subject\\/Data\"]},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/narrowerSubject\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/subject\\/GeoData\"]}]}")))
 	    (is (string= association-1-string json-string)))
-	  (let ((association-7-string (to-json-string association-7))
+	  (let ((association-7-string
+		 (to-json-string association-7 :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
 		 (concatenate 'string "{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#assoc_7\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/serviceUsesStandard\"],\"scopes\":null,\"roles\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/ServiceRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/service\\/Google+Maps\",\"http:\\/\\/maps.google.com\"]},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/StandardRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/standard\\/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata\"]}]}")))
 	    (is (string= association-7-string json-string)))
-	  (elephant:remove-association association-7 'roles (first (roles association-7)))
-	  (elephant:remove-association association-7 'roles (first (roles association-7)))
-	  (elephant:remove-association association-7 'instance-of t64)
-	  (elephant:add-association association-7 'themes t64)
-	  (elephant:add-association association-7 'themes t62)
-	  (let ((association-7-string (to-json-string association-7))
+	  (let ((rev-1 (get-revision)))
+	    (delete-role association-7 (first (roles association-7 :revision 0))
+			 :revision rev-1)
+	    (delete-role association-7 (first (roles association-7 :revision 0))
+			 :revision rev-1)
+	    (delete-type association-7 (instance-of association-7 :revision 0)
+			 :revision rev-1)
+	    (add-theme association-7 t62 :revision rev-1)
+	    (add-theme association-7 t64 :revision rev-1))
+	  (let ((association-7-string
+		 (to-json-string association-7 :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))
 		 (concatenate 'string "{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#assoc_7\"],\"type\":null,\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/StandardRoleType\"],[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/serviceUsesStandard\"]],\"roles\":null}")))
 	    (is (string= association-7-string json-string))))))))
 (test test-to-json-string-fragments
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir  :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
                                    :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (let ((frag-t100
@@ -159,31 +174,36 @@
 	       (concatenate 'string "{\"topic\":{\"id\":\"" (d:topic-id (d:topic frag-t100)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/standard\\/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata\"],\"instanceOfs\":[[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/semanticstandard\"]],\"names\":[{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1\"],\"type\":null,\"scopes\":null,\"value\":\"ISO 19115\",\"variants\":[{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v1\"],\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#display\"]],\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"Geographic Information - Metadata\"}},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v2\"],\"scopes\":[[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#sort\"]],\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"ISO-19115\"}}]}],\"occurrences\":[{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o1\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardHasStatus\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":\"http:\\/\\/www.budabe.de\\/\",\"resourceData\":null},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o2\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/description\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"The ISO 19115 standard ...\"}},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o3\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardValidFromDate\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":null,\"resourceData\":{\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#date\",\"value\":\"2003-01-01\"}},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t100_o4\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/links\"],\"scopes\":null,\"resourceRef\":\"http:\\/\\/www.editeur.org\\/standards\\/ISO19115.pdf\",\"resourceData\":null}]},\"topicStubs\":[{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 0)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t3a\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/semanticstandard\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 1)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#display\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 2)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#sort\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 3)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t51\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardHasStatus\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 4)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t53\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/description\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 5)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t54\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardValidFromDate\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 6)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t55\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/links\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 7)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/subject\\/GeoData\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 8)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t60\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardIsAboutSubject\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 9)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t61\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/SubjectRoleType\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 10)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/subject\\/Semantic+Description\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 11)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t64\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/serviceUsesStandard\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 12)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t63\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/ServiceRoleType\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 13)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/service\\/Google+Maps\",\"http:\\/\\/maps.google.com\"]},{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (elt (referenced-topics frag-t100) 14)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#t62\"],\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/StandardRoleType\"]}],\"associations\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardIsAboutSubject\"],\"scopes\":null,\"roles\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/StandardRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/standard\\/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata\"]},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/SubjectRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/subject\\/GeoData\"]}]},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/standardIsAboutSubject\"],\"scopes\":null,\"roles\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/StandardRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/standard\\/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata\"]},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/SubjectRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/subject\\/Semantic+Description\"]}]},{\"itemIdentities\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/itemIdentifiers#assoc_7\"],\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/serviceUsesStandard\"],\"scopes\":null,\"roles\":[{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/ServiceRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/service\\/Google+Maps\",\"http:\\/\\/maps.google.com\"]},{\"itemIdentities\":null,\"type\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/types\\/StandardRoleType\"],\"topicRef\":[\"http:\\/\\/psi.egovpt.org\\/standard\\/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata\"]}]}],\"tmIds\":[\"http:\\/\\/www.isidor.us\\/unittests\\/testtm\"]}"))
 	       (concatenate 'string "{\"topic\":{\"id\":\"" (topic-id (topic frag-topic)) "\",\"itemIdentities\":null,\"subjectLocators\":null,\"subjectIdentifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm#topic\"],\"instanceOfs\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null},\"topicStubs\":null,\"associations\":null,\"tmIds\":[\"http:\\/\\/www.topicmaps.org\\/xtm\\/1.0\\/core.xtm\"]}")))
-	  (is (string= frag-t100-string (to-json-string frag-t100)))
-	  (is (string= frag-topic-string (to-json-string frag-topic))))))))
+	  (is (string=
+	       frag-t100-string
+	       (to-json-string frag-t100 :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision rev-0)))
+	  (is (string=
+	       frag-topic-string
+	       (to-json-string frag-topic :xtm-id *TEST-TM* :revision rev-0))))))))
 (test test-get-fragment-values-from-json-list-general
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
        :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (let ((json-fragment
 	     (let ((fragment-obj
 		    (create-latest-fragment-of-topic "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")))
-	       (to-json-string fragment-obj))))
+	       (to-json-string fragment-obj :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))))
 	(let ((fragment-list
 		(json:decode-json-from-string json-fragment))))
 	  (let ((topic (getf fragment-list :topic)))
 	    (is (string= (getf topic :ID)
-			  (d:identified-construct (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'd:PersistentIdC 'd:uri
-										  "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")))))
+			  (d:identified-construct
+			   (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+			    'd:PersistentIdC 'd:uri
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")
+			   :revision rev-0))))
 	    (is-false (getf topic :itemIdentities))
 	    (is-false (getf topic :subjectLocators))
 	    (is (= (length (getf topic :subjectIdentifiers)) 1))
@@ -196,18 +216,16 @@
 (test test-get-fragment-values-from-json-list-names
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
                                   :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (let ((json-fragment
 	     (let ((fragment-obj
 		    (create-latest-fragment-of-topic "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")))
-	       (to-json-string fragment-obj))))
+	       (to-json-string fragment-obj :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))))
 	(let ((fragment-list
 		(json:decode-json-from-string json-fragment))))
@@ -263,18 +281,16 @@
 (test test-get-fragment-values-from-json-list-occurrences
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
                                   :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (let ((json-fragment
 	     (let ((fragment-obj
 		    (create-latest-fragment-of-topic "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")))
-	       (to-json-string fragment-obj))))
+	       (to-json-string fragment-obj :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))))
 	(let ((fragment-list
 		(json:decode-json-from-string json-fragment))))
@@ -326,18 +342,16 @@
 (test test-get-fragment-values-from-json-list-topicStubs
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
                                   :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (let ((json-fragment
 	     (let ((fragment-obj
 		    (create-latest-fragment-of-topic "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")))
-	       (to-json-string fragment-obj))))
+	       (to-json-string fragment-obj :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))))
 	(let ((fragment-list
 		(json:decode-json-from-string json-fragment))))
@@ -359,33 +373,41 @@
 			(is-false subjectLocators)
 			(is (string= (d:topic-id topic) id))
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
 			   (is-false itemIdentities))
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardHasStatus")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardHasStatus")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardValidFromDate")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardValidFromDate")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardIsAboutSubject")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardIsAboutSubject")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
@@ -393,23 +415,29 @@
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Semantic+Description")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Semantic+Description")
 			   (is-false itemIdentities))
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/ServiceRoleType")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/ServiceRoleType")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum")
 			   (is-false itemIdentities))
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
-			  ((string= subjectIdentifier "http://psi.egovpt.org/status/InternationalStandard")
+			  ((string= subjectIdentifier
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/status/InternationalStandard")
 			   (is (= (length itemIdentities) 1))
 			   (is (string= (first itemIdentities)
@@ -419,18 +447,16 @@
 (test test-get-fragment-values-from-json-list-associations
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
        *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
                                   :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
       (let ((json-fragment
 	     (let ((fragment-obj
 		    (create-latest-fragment-of-topic "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")))
-	       (to-json-string fragment-obj))))
+	       (to-json-string fragment-obj :revision rev-0 :xtm-id *TEST-TM*))))
 	(let ((fragment-list
 		(json:decode-json-from-string json-fragment))))
@@ -491,12 +517,10 @@
 (test test-json-importer-general-1
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base"))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 13))
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)) 0))
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)) 1))
@@ -522,12 +546,10 @@
 (test test-json-importer-general-2
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base"))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t64*)
       (let ((test-tm
 	       (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
@@ -580,16 +602,14 @@
 (test test-json-importer-general-3
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base"))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t64*)
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-3*)
-      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 28)) ;13 new topics
-      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)) 5)) ;4 new associations
+      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicC)) 28)) ;13 new topics
+      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:AssociationC)) 5)) ;4 new associations
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)) 2))
       (let ((core-tm
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
@@ -609,162 +629,195 @@
 (test test-json-importer-topics-1
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t64*)
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-3*)
       (let ((topics (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)))
 	(loop for topic in topics
-	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic)))))
+	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))))
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard") ;t3a
-		   (is-false (names topic))
-		   (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		   (is-false (locators topic))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
+		   (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
-		  ((string= psi "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/association-type") ;t7
-		   (is-false (names topic))
-		   (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		   (is-false (locators topic))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
+		  ((string= psi 
+			    "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/association-type") ;t7
+		   (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardHasStatus") ;t51
-		   (is-false (names topic))
-		   (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		   (is-false (locators topic))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
+		   (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description") ;t53
-		   (is-false (names topic))
-		   (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		   (is-false (locators topic))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
+		   (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardValidFromDate") ;t54
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t54"))))))))))
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string= 
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t54"))))))))))
 (test test-json-importer-topics-2
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t64*)
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-3*)
       (let ((topics (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)))
 	(loop for topic in topics
-	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic)))))
+	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))))
 		(cond ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links") ;t55
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				  "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55")))
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55")))
 		      ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardIsAboutSubject") ;t60
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t60")))
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t60")))
 		      ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/SubjectRoleType") ;t61
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t61")))
-		      ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType") ;t62
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t62")))
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t61")))
+		      ((string= psi
+				"http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType") ;t62
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t62")))
 		      ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/ServiceRoleType") ;t63
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t63")))
-		      ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard") ;t64
-		       (is (= (length (names topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (charvalue (first (names topic)))
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t63")))
+		      ((string= psi
+				"http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard") ;t64
+		       (is (= (length (names topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string= (charvalue (first (names topic :revision rev-0)))
 				    "service uses standard"))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t64"))))))))))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t64"))))))))))
 (test test-json-importer-topics-3
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t64*)
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-3*)
       (let ((topics (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)))
 	(loop for topic in topics
-	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic)))))
+	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))))
 		(cond ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata") ;t100
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100"))
-		       (is (= (length (names topic)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (charvalue (first (names topic)))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100"))
+		       (is (= (length (names topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string= (charvalue (first (names topic :revision rev-0)))
 				    "ISO 19115"))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers (first (names topic))))))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (names topic)))))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers
+				       (first (names topic :revision rev-0))
+				       :revision rev-0))))
+		       (is (string= (uri (first
+					  (item-identifiers
+					   (first (names topic :revision rev-0))
+					   :revision rev-0)))
-		       (is (= (length (variants (first (names topic)))) 2))
-		       (let ((variant-1 (first (variants (first (names topic)))))
-			     (variant-2 (second (variants (first (names topic))))))
-			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers variant-1)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers variant-1)))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v1"))
-			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers variant-2)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers variant-2)))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v2"))
-			 (is (= (length (themes variant-1)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (psis (first (themes variant-1)))))
-				      "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"))
-			 (is (= (length (themes variant-2)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (psis (first (themes variant-2)))))
-				      "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort"))
+		       (is (= (length (variants
+				       (first (names topic :revision rev-0))
+				       :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		       (let ((variant-1 (first
+					 (variants
+					  (first (names topic :revision rev-0))
+					  :revision rev-0)))
+			     (variant-2 (second
+					 (variants 
+					  (first (names topic :revision rev-0))
+					  :revision rev-0))))
+			 (is (= (length
+				 (item-identifiers variant-1 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers variant-1
+							    :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v1"))
+			 (is (= (length
+				 (item-identifiers variant-2 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string= 
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers
+					   variant-2 :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1_v2"))
+			 (is (= (length (themes variant-1 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (psis (first (themes variant-1
+							       :revision rev-0)))))
+			      "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"))
+			 (is (= (length (themes variant-2 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first
+				    (psis (first (themes variant-2
+							 :revision rev-0))
+					  :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort"))
 			 (is (string= (charvalue variant-1)
 				      "Geographic Information - Metadata"))
 			 (is (string= (datatype variant-1)
@@ -773,31 +826,39 @@
 			 (is (string= (datatype variant-2)
-		       (is (= (length (occurrences topic)) 4))
-		       (let ((occ-1 (first (occurrences topic)))
-			     (occ-2 (second (occurrences topic)))
-			     (occ-3 (third (occurrences topic)))
-			     (occ-4 (fourth (occurrences topic))))
-			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-1)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-1)))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o1"))
-			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-2)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-2)))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o2"))
-			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-3)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-3)))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o3"))
-			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-4)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-4)))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o4"))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-1))))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardHasStatus"))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-2))))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description"))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-3))))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardValidFromDate"))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-4))))
-				      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"))
+		       (is (= (length (occurrences topic :revision rev-0)) 4))
+		       (let ((occ-1 (first (occurrences topic :revision rev-0)))
+			     (occ-2 (second (occurrences topic :revision rev-0)))
+			     (occ-3 (third (occurrences topic :revision rev-0)))
+			     (occ-4 (fourth (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))))
+			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-1 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-1 :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o1"))
+			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-2 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-2 :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o2"))
+			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-3 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-3 :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o3"))
+			 (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-4 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-4 :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o4"))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-1 :revision rev-0))))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardHasStatus"))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-2 :revision rev-0))))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description"))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-3 :revision rev-0))))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardValidFromDate"))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-4 :revision rev-0))))
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"))
 			 (is (string= (datatype occ-1)
 			 (is (string= (charvalue occ-1)
@@ -817,86 +878,94 @@
 (test test-json-importer-topics-4
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t64*)
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-3*)
       (let ((topics (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)))
 	(loop for topic in topics
-	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic)))))
-		(cond ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Semantic+Description") ;t201
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is-false (item-identifiers topic)))
+	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))))
+		(cond ((string=
+			psi
+			"http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Semantic+Description") ;t201
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is-false (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
 		      ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/GeoData") ;t203
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		       (is-false (item-identifiers topic)))
-		      ((or (string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps") ;t301a
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is-false (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+		      ((or (string= psi
+				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps") ;t301a
 			   (string= psi "http://maps.google.com"))
-		       (is-false (names topic))
-		       (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		       (is-false (locators topic))
-		       (is (= (length (psis topic)) 2))
-		       (is (or (string= (uri (first (psis topic)))
+		       (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		       (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		       (is (or (string= (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))
-			       (string= (uri (first (psis topic)))
+			       (string= (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))
-		       (is (or (string= (uri (second (psis topic)))
+		       (is (or (string= (uri (second (psis topic :revision rev-0)))
-			       (string= (uri (second (psis topic)))
+			       (string= (uri (second (psis topic :revision rev-0)))
-		       (is-false (item-identifiers topic))))))))))
+		       (is-false (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0))))))))))
 (test test-json-importer-associations
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isiodurs closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t64*)
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-3*)
       (let ((assoc-7
-	      (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'ItemidentifierC 'uri
-					      "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#assoc_7"))))
-	(is (= (length (item-identifiers assoc-7))))
-	(is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers assoc-7)))
+	      (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+	       'ItemidentifierC 'uri
+	       "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#assoc_7")
+	      :revision rev-0)))
+	(is (= (length (item-identifiers assoc-7 :revision rev-0))))
+	(is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers assoc-7 :revision rev-0)))
-	(is (= (length (roles assoc-7)) 2))
-	(is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of assoc-7))))
+	(is (= (length (roles assoc-7 :revision rev-0)) 2))
+	(is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of assoc-7 :revision rev-0)
+				       :revision rev-0)))
-	(let ((role-1 (first (roles assoc-7)))
-	      (role-2 (second (roles assoc-7))))
-	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of role-1))))
+	(let ((role-1 (first (roles assoc-7 :revision rev-0)))
+	      (role-2 (second (roles assoc-7 :revision rev-0))))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of role-1 :revision rev-0)
+					 :revision rev-0)))
-	  (is (or (string= (uri (first (psis (player role-1))))
+	  (is (or (string= (uri (first (psis (player role-1 :revision rev-0)
+					     :revision rev-0)))
-		  (string= (uri (first (psis (player role-1))))
+		  (string= (uri (first (psis (player role-1 :revision rev-0)
+					     :revision rev-0)))
-	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of role-2))))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of role-2 :revision rev-0)
+					 :revision rev-0)))
-	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (player role-2))))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (player role-2 :revision rev-0)
+					 :revision rev-0)))
 (test test-json-importer-merge-1
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isidorus closes the store
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 13))
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)) 0))
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)) 1))
@@ -906,12 +975,12 @@
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)) 2))
       (let ((core-tm
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
 		return tm))	      
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
 		return tm)))
 	(is-true (and core-tm test-tm)))
@@ -921,141 +990,194 @@
       (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)) 2))
       (let ((core-tm
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
 		return tm))	      
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
 		return tm)))
 	(is-true (and core-tm test-tm)))
       (let ((topics (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)))
 	(loop for topic in topics
-	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic)))))
+	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))))
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard") ;t3
-		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-				"http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
-		   (is-false (names topic))
-		   (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		   (is-false (locators topic))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 2))
-		   (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3")
-			   (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3")))
-		   (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3")
-			   (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3"))))
+		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string=
+			(uri (first (item-identifiers
+				     (first (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
+			"http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
+		   (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		   (is (or (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3")
+			   (string=
+			    (uri (second (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3")))
+		   (is (or (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3")
+			   (string=
+			    (uri (second (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t3"))))
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name") ;t50a
-		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (in-topicmaps topic)))))
+		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string=
+			(uri (first (item-identifiers
+				     (first (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
-		   (is-false (names topic))
-		   (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		   (is-false (locators topic))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
+		   (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links") ;t50
-		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-				"http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
-		   (is-false (names topic))
-		   (is-false (occurrences topic))
-		   (is-false (locators topic))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 2))
-		   (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55")
-			   (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55")))
-		   (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55_1")
-			   (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55_1")))))))))))
+		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string=
+			(uri (first (item-identifiers
+				     (first (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
+			"http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
+		   (is-false (names topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is-false (locators topic :revision rev-0))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		   (is (or (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55")
+			   (string=
+			    (uri (second (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55")))
+		   (is (or (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55_1")
+			   (string=
+			    (uri (second (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://psi.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t55_1")))))))))))
 (test test-json-importer-merge-2
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isidorus closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-1*)
       (let ((core-tm
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
-		return tm))	      
+		return tm))
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
 		return tm)))
 	(is-true (and core-tm test-tm)))
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-2*)
       (let ((topics (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)))
 	(loop for topic in topics
-	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic)))))
+	   do (let ((psi (uri (first (psis topic :revision rev-0)))))
-		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard") t) ;was already checked
-		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name") t) ;was already checked
-		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links") t) ;was already checked
+		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard")
+		   t) ;was already checked
+		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
+		   t) ;was already checked
+		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links")
+		   t) ;was already checked
 		  ((string= psi "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Common+Lisp") ;t100
-		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic)) 1))
-		   (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-				"http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
-		   (is (= (length (psis topic)) 1))
-		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic)) 2))
-		   (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100")
-			   (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100")))
-		   (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_new")
-			   (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers topic)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_new")))
-		   (is (= (length (names topic))))
-		   (let ((name (first (names topic))))
-		     (is (= (length (item-identifiers name)) 2))
-		     (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers name)))
-				      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1")
-			     (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers name)))
-				      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1")))
-		     (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers name)))
-				      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1a")
-			     (string= (uri (second (item-identifiers name)))
-				      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1a")))
+		   (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (string=
+			(uri (first (item-identifiers
+				     (first (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
+			"http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
+		   (is (= (length (psis topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		   (is (= (length (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		   (is (or (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100")
+			   (string=
+			    (uri (second (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100")))
+		   (is (or (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_new")
+			   (string=
+			    (uri (second (item-identifiers topic :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_new")))
+		   (is (= (length (names topic :revision rev-0))))
+		   (let ((name (first (names topic :revision rev-0))))
+		     (is (= (length (item-identifiers name :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		     (is (or (string=
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers name :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1")
+			     (string=
+			      (uri (second (item-identifiers name :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1")))
+		     (is (or (string=
+			      (uri (first (item-identifiers name :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1a")
+			     (string=
+			      (uri (second (item-identifiers name :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n1a")))
 		     (is (string= (charvalue name)
 				  "Common Lisp"))
-		     (is (= (length (variants name)) 2))
-		     (let ((variant-1 (first (variants name)))
-			   (variant-2 (second (variants name))))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers variant-1)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers variant-1)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n_v1"))
-		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers variant-2)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers variant-2)))
-				    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n_v2"))
-		       (is (= (length (themes variant-1)) 2))
-		       (is (or (string= (uri (first (psis (first (themes variant-1)))))
-					"http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
-			       (string= (uri (first (psis (second (themes variant-1)))))
-					"http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")))
-		       (is (or (string= (uri (first (psis (first (themes variant-1)))))
-					"http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
-			       (string= (uri (first (psis (second (themes variant-1)))))
-					"http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")))
-		       (is (= (length (themes variant-2)) 1))
-		       (is (string= (uri (first (psis (first (themes variant-2)))))
-				    "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"))
+		     (is (= (length (variants name :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		     (let ((variant-1 (first (variants name :revision rev-0)))
+			   (variant-2 (second (variants name :revision rev-0))))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers variant-1 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers variant-1 :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n_v1"))
+		       (is (= (length (item-identifiers variant-2 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri (first (item-identifiers variant-2 :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_n_v2"))
+		       (is (= (length (themes variant-1 :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		       (is (or (string=
+				(uri
+				 (first
+				  (psis
+				   (first (themes variant-1 :revision rev-0))
+				   :revision rev-0)))
+				"http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
+			       (string=
+				(uri
+				 (first
+				  (psis (second (themes variant-1 :revision rev-0))
+					:revision rev-0)))
+				"http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")))
+		       (is (or (string=
+				(uri
+				 (first
+				  (psis (first (themes variant-1 :revision rev-0))
+					:revision rev-0)))
+				"http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
+			       (string=
+				(uri
+				 (first
+				  (psis (second (themes variant-1 :revision rev-0))
+					:revision rev-0)))
+				"http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")))
+		       (is (= (length (themes variant-2 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		       (is (string=
+			    (uri
+			     (first
+			      (psis (first (themes variant-2 :revision rev-0))
+				    :revision rev-0)))
+			    "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"))
 		       (is (string= (datatype variant-1)
 		       (is (string= (charvalue variant-1)
@@ -1064,19 +1186,25 @@
 		       (is (string= (charvalue variant-2)
-		   (is (= (length (occurrences topic)) 2))
-		   (let ((occ-1 (first (occurrences topic)))
-			 (occ-2 (second (occurrences topic))))
-		     (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-1)) 1))
-		     (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-1)))
-				  "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o1"))
-		     (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-2)) 1))
-		     (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-2)))
-				  "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o2"))
-		     (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-1))))
-				  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"))
-		     (is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-2))))
-				  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"))
+		   (is (= (length (occurrences topic :revision rev-0)) 2))
+		   (let ((occ-1 (first (occurrences topic :revision rev-0)))
+			 (occ-2 (second (occurrences topic :revision rev-0))))
+		     (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-1 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		     (is (string=
+			  (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-1 :revision rev-0)))
+			  "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o1"))
+		     (is (= (length (item-identifiers occ-2 :revision rev-0)) 1))
+		     (is (string=
+			  (uri (first (item-identifiers occ-2 :revision rev-0)))
+			  "http://www.egovpt.org/itemIdentifiers#t100_o2"))
+		     (is (string=
+			  (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-1 :revision rev-0)
+					    :revision rev-0)))
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"))
+		     (is (string=
+			  (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ-2 :revision rev-0)
+					    :revision rev-0)))
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links"))
 		     (is (string= (datatype occ-1)
 		     (is (string= (charvalue occ-1)
@@ -1086,178 +1214,276 @@
 		     (is (string= (charvalue occ-2)
-		   (if (or (string= psi "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
-			   (string= psi "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"))
+		   (if (or (string=
+			    psi
+			    "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
+			   (string=
+			    psi
+			    "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display"))
-			 (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic)) 2))
-			 (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-					  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm")
-				 (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (second (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-					  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm")))
-			 (is (or (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-					  "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm")
-				 (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (second (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-					  "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))))
+			 (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0)) 2))
+			 (is (or (string=
+				  (uri
+				   (first
+				    (item-identifiers
+				     (first (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
+				  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm")
+				 (string=
+				  (uri
+				   (first
+				    (item-identifiers
+				     (second (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
+				  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm")))
+			 (is (or (string=
+				  (uri
+				   (first
+				    (item-identifiers
+				     (first (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
+				  "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm")
+				 (string=
+				  (uri
+				   (first
+				    (item-identifiers
+				     (second (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				     :revision rev-0)))
+				  "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))))
-			 (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic)) 1))
-			 (is (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers (first (in-topicmaps topic)))))
-				      "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm"))))))))))))
+			 (is (= (length (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0)) 1))
+			 (is (string=
+			      (uri
+			       (first
+				(item-identifiers
+				 (first (in-topicmaps topic :revision rev-0))
+				 :revision rev-0)))
+			      "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm"))))))))))))
 (test test-json-importer-merge-3
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
       (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir)) ; init-isidorus closes the store
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-1*)
       (let ((core-tm
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
 		return tm))	      
 	     (loop for tm in (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicMapC)
-		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm)))
+		when (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers tm :revision rev-0)))
 		return tm)))
 	(is-true (and core-tm test-tm)))
       (json-importer:json-to-elem *t100-2*)
       (let ((instanceOf-assoc
 	     (first (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC))))
-	(is (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of instanceOf-assoc))))
-		     constants::*type-instance-psi*))
-	(is-false (d:themes instanceOf-assoc))
-	(is (string= (d:uri (first (d:item-identifiers (first (d:in-topicmaps instanceOf-assoc)))))
-		     "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
-	(is-false (d:item-identifiers instanceOf-assoc))
+	(is (string=
+	     (uri (first (psis (instance-of instanceOf-assoc :revision rev-0)
+			       :revision rev-0)))
+	     constants::*type-instance-psi*))
+	(is-false (d:themes instanceOf-assoc :revision rev-0))
+	(is (string=
+	     (d:uri
+	      (first
+	       (d:item-identifiers
+		(first (d:in-topicmaps instanceOf-assoc :revision rev-0))
+		:revision rev-0)))
+	     "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"))
+	(is-false (d:item-identifiers instanceOf-assoc :revision rev-0))
 	(let ((super-type-role
-	       (loop for role in (roles instanceOf-assoc)
-		  when (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of role))))
-				constants:*type-psi*)
+	       (loop for role in (roles instanceOf-assoc :revision rev-0)
+		  when (string=
+			(uri (first (psis (instance-of role :revision rev-0)
+					  :revision rev-0)))
+			constants:*type-psi*)
 		  return role))
-	       (loop for role in (roles instanceOf-assoc)
-		  when (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of role))))
+	       (loop for role in (roles instanceOf-assoc :revision rev-0)
+		  when (string= (uri (first (psis (instance-of role :revision rev-0)
+						  :revision rev-0)))
 		  return role)))
 	  (is-true (and super-type-role sub-type-role))
-	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (player super-type-role))))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (player super-type-role :revision rev-0)
+					 :revision rev-0)))
-	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (player sub-type-role))))
+	  (is (string= (uri (first (psis (player sub-type-role :revision rev-0)
+					 :revision rev-0)))
 (test test-get-all-topic-psis
-  (let
-      ((dir "data_base"))
+  (let ((dir "data_base")
+	(rev-0 0))
     (with-fixture initialize-destination-db (dir)
-       *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm" :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
-      (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec dir))
-      (let ((json-psis (json:decode-json-from-string (get-all-topic-psis))))
-	(is (= (length json-psis) (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicC))))
+       *notificationbase.xtm* dir :tm-id "http://www.isidor.us/unittests/testtm"
+       :xtm-id *TEST-TM*)
+      (let ((json-psis
+	     (json:decode-json-from-string (get-all-topic-psis :revision rev-0))))
+	(is (= (length json-psis)
+	       (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicC))))
 	(loop for topic-psis in json-psis
 	   do (cond
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#topic")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#topic")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#association")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#association")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#occurrence")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#occurrence")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#class-instance")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#class-instance")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#class")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#class")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#supertype-subtype")
+		((string=
+		  (first topic-psis)
+		  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#supertype-subtype")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#supertype")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#supertype")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#subtype")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#subtype")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#display")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.topicmaps.org/iso13250/model/type-instance")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.topicmaps.org/iso13250/model/type-instance")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.topicmaps.org/iso13250/model/type")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.topicmaps.org/iso13250/model/type")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.topicmaps.org/iso13250/model/instance")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.topicmaps.org/iso13250/model/instance")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/topic-type")
+		((string=
+		  (first topic-psis)
+		  "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/topic-type")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/service")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/service")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standard")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/semanticstandard")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/technicalstandard")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/technicalstandard")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/subject")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/subject")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/occurrence-type")
+		((string=
+		  (first topic-psis)
+		  "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/occurrence-type")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/association-type")
+		((string=
+		  (first topic-psis)
+		  "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/association-type")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/association-role-type")
+		((string= 
+		  (first topic-psis)
+		  "http://www.networkedplanet.com/psi/npcl/meta-types/association-role-type")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/topicInTaxonomy")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/topicInTaxonomy")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/long-name")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardHasStatus")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardHasStatus")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/status/InternationalStandard")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/status/InternationalStandard")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/description")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardValidFromDate")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardValidFromDate")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/links")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/topicIsAboutSubject")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/topicIsAboutSubject")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/isNarrowerSubject")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/isNarrowerSubject")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/narrowerSubject")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/narrowerSubject")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/broaderSubject")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/broaderSubject")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardIsAboutSubject")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/standardIsAboutSubject")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/SubjectRoleType")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/SubjectRoleType")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/StandardRoleType")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/ServiceRoleType")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/ServiceRoleType")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/types/serviceUsesStandard")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata")
+		((string=
+		  (first topic-psis)
+		  "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/ISO+19115%3A+Geographic+Information+-+Metadata")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/standard/Topic+Maps+2002")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Web+Services")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Web+Services")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Semantic+Description")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Semantic+Description")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Data")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Data")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/GeoData")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/GeoData")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Legal+Data")
+		((string= (first topic-psis)
+			  "http://psi.egovpt.org/subject/Legal+Data")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum")
+		((string=
+		  (first topic-psis)
+		  "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Norwegian+National+Curriculum")
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 1)))
-		((or (string= (first topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps")
-		     (string= (first topic-psis) "http://maps.google.com"))
+		((or (string= (first topic-psis)
+			      "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps")
+		     (string= (first topic-psis)
+			      "http://maps.google.com"))
 		 (is (= (length topic-psis) 2))
-		 (is (or (string= (second topic-psis) "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps")
-			 (string= (second topic-psis) "http://maps.google.com"))))
+		 (is (or (string= (second topic-psis)
+				  "http://psi.egovpt.org/service/Google+Maps")
+			 (string= (second topic-psis)
+				  "http://maps.google.com"))))
 		 (is-true (format t "found bad topic-psis: ~a" topic-psis)))))))))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -104,24 +104,22 @@
        when (string= xtm-id (xtm-id item))
        return (uri item))))
 (defmacro with-tm ((revision xtm-id tm-id) &body body)
   "creates a topic map object called tm and puts it into the local scope"
-  `(let
-      ((ii (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC 
-                          :uri ,tm-id
-                          :start-revision ,revision)))
-     ;(add-to-version-history ii :start-revision ,revision)
-     (let
-         ((tm 
-           (make-construct 'TopicMapC 
-                           :start-revision ,revision
-                           :xtm-id ,xtm-id
-                           :item-identifiers (list ii))))
+  `(let ((ii (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC 
+			     :uri ,tm-id
+			     :start-revision ,revision)))
+     (let ((tm 
+	    (make-construct 'TopicMapC 
+			    :start-revision ,revision
+			    :xtm-id ,xtm-id
+			    :item-identifiers (list ii))))
        (declare (ItemIdentifierC ii))
        (declare (TopicMapC tm))
        , at body)))
 (defun init-isidorus (&optional (revision (get-revision)))
   "Initiatlize the database with the stubs of the core topics + PSIs
 defined in the XTM 1.0 spec. This includes a topic that represents the

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/importer_xtm2.0.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/importer_xtm2.0.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/importer_xtm2.0.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@
   (declare (integer start-revision))
   (declare (TopicMapC tm))
   (elephant:ensure-transaction (:txn-nosync t) 
-    (let 
-        ((item-identifiers 
+    (let
+        ((item-identifiers
           (make-identifiers 'ItemIdentifierC assoc-elem "itemIdentity" start-revision))

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/setup.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/setup.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/xml/xtm/setup.lisp	Sun Jun 27 07:30:32 2010
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
    importer for the XTM version. Does *not* close the store afterwards"
   (declare ((or pathname string) xtm-path))
   (declare ((or pathname string) repository-path))
-  (let
-      ((xtm-dom (dom:document-element (cxml:parse-file
-				       (truename xtm-path) (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))
+  (let ((xtm-dom (dom:document-element
+		  (cxml:parse-file
+		   (truename xtm-path) (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))))
     (unless elephant:*store-controller*
        (get-store-spec repository-path)))
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (defun setup-repository (xtm-path repository-path 
-                         tm-id
+                         (tm-id (error "you must provide a stable identifier (PSI-style) for this TM"))
                          (xtm-id (get-uuid))
                          (xtm-format '2.0))
   "Initializes a repository and imports a XTM file into it"

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