[isidorus-cvs] r207 - in branches/new-datamodel/src: model unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Feb 25 19:20:52 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Feb 25 14:20:51 2010
New Revision: 207

new-datamodel: added some unit-tests for add-reifier, reifier and delete-reifier; fixed alos msome problems in these functions; changed some key-parameters --> (reivision 0) was changed to (revision *TM-REVISION*) in all adder-functions, e.g. add-psi


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Thu Feb 25 14:20:51 2010
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 (in-package :datamodel)
+;;TODO: finalize add-reifier
 ;;TODO: replace add-to-version-history in VersionedAssociationC with a pseudo
 ;;      initarg in make-construct
 ;;TODO: implement a macro "with-merge-construct" that merges constructs
@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@
 		     :inherit t
 		     :documentation "A relation to all item-identifiers of
                                      this construct.")
-   (reifier :associate (ReifierAssociationC reified-construct)
+   (reifier :associate (ReifierAssociationC reifiable-construct)
 	    :inherit t
 	    :documentation "A relation to a reifier-topic."))
   (:documentation "Reifiable constructs as per TMDM."))
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@
 		  :documentation "Contains all association objects that relate a
                                   topic that is a theme with its scoppable
-   (reified-construct :associate (ReifiedAssociationC reifier-topic)
+   (reified-construct :associate (ReifierAssociationC reifier-topic)
 		      :documentation "Contains all association objects that
                                       relate a topic that is a reifier with
                                       its reified object.")
@@ -411,7 +412,7 @@
 			:initform (error "From ReifierAssociation(): reifiable-construct must be set")
 			:associate ReifiableConstructC
 			:documentation "The actual construct which is reified
-                                      by a topic.")
+                                        by a topic.")
    (reifier-topic :initarg :reifier-topic
 		  :accessor reifier-topic
 		  :initform (error "From ReifierAssociationC(): reifier-topic must be set")
@@ -786,7 +787,7 @@
                    If the passed identifer already identifies another object
                    the identified-constructs are merged.")
   (:method ((construct TopicC) (topic-identifier TopicIdentificationC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((all-ids
 	   (map 'list #'identifier (slot-p construct 'topic-identifiers)))
@@ -840,7 +841,7 @@
                    If the passed identifer already identifies another object
                    the identified-constructs are merged.")
   (:method ((construct TopicC) (psi PersistentIdC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((all-ids
 	   (map 'list #'identifier (slot-p construct 'psis)))
@@ -893,7 +894,7 @@
                    If the passed identifer already identifies another object
                    the identified-constructs are merged.")
   (:method ((construct TopicC) (locator SubjectLocatorC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((all-ids
 	   (map 'list #'identifier (slot-p construct 'locators)))
@@ -946,7 +947,7 @@
                    If the passed name already owns another object
                    an error is thrown.")
   (:method ((construct TopicC) (name NameC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (when (not (eql (parent name) construct))
       (error "From add-name(): ~a can't be owned by ~a since it is already owned by the topic ~a"
 	     name construct (parent name)))
@@ -959,11 +960,12 @@
 			       when (eql (parent-construct name-assoc) name)
 			       return name-assoc)))
 	    (add-to-version-history name-assoc :start-revision revision))
-	  (make-instance 'NameAssociationC
-			 :start-revision revision
-			 :parent-construct construct
-			 :characteristic name))
-      construct)))
+	  (let ((assoc
+		 (make-instance 'NameAssociationC
+				:parent-construct construct
+				:characteristic name)))
+	    (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
+    construct))
 (defgeneric delete-name (construct name &key revision)
@@ -995,7 +997,7 @@
                    If the passed occurrence already owns another object
                    an error is thrown.")
   (:method ((construct TopicC) (occurrence OccurrenceC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (when (not (eql (parent occurrence) construct))
       (error "From add-occurrence(): ~a can't be owned by ~a since it is already owned by the topic ~a"
 	     occurrence construct (parent occurrence)))
@@ -1008,11 +1010,12 @@
 			      when (eql (parent-construct occ-assoc) occurrence)
 			      return occ-assoc)))
 	    (add-to-version-history occ-assoc :start-revision revision))
-	  (make-instance 'OccurrenceAssociationC
-			 :start-revision revision
-			 :parent-construct construct
-			 :characteristic occurrence))
-      construct)))
+	  (let ((assoc
+		 (make-instance 'OccurrenceAssociationC
+				:parent-construct construct
+				:characteristic occurrence)))
+	    (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
+    construct))
 (defgeneric delete-occurrence (construct occurrence &key revision)
@@ -1061,7 +1064,8 @@
   (:method ((construct TopicC) &key (revision 0))
     (let ((assocs (filter-slot-value-by-revision
 		   construct 'reified-construct :start-revision revision)))
-      (map 'list #'reifiable-construct assocs))))
+      (when assocs
+	(reifiable-construct (first assocs))))))
 (defgeneric in-topicmaps (construct &key revision)
@@ -1184,7 +1188,7 @@
   (:documentation "Adds the given theme-topic to the passed
   (:method ((construct NameC) (variant VariantC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (when (not (eql (parent variant) construct))
       (error "From add-variant(): ~a can't be owned by ~a since it is already owned by the name ~a"
 	     variant construct (parent variant)))
@@ -1198,10 +1202,11 @@
 		    when (eql (characteristic variant-assoc) variant)
 		    return variant-assoc)))
 	    (add-to-version-history variant-assoc :start-revision revision))
-	  (make-instance 'VariantAssociationC
-			 :start-revision revision
-			 :characteristic variant
-			 :parent-construct construct)))
+	  (let ((assoc
+		 (make-instance 'VariantAssociationC
+				:characteristic variant
+				:parent-construct construct)))
+	    (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
@@ -1250,7 +1255,7 @@
 (defmethod add-parent ((construct CharacteristicC) (parent-construct TopicC)
-		       &key (revision 0))
+		       &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
   (let ((already-set-topic
 	   (map 'list #'parent-construct
 		(filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'parent
@@ -1264,12 +1269,13 @@
 		       return parent-assoc)))
 	       (add-to-version-history parent-assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	    ((not already-set-topic)
-	     (make-instance (if (typep construct 'OccurrenceC)
-				'OccurrenceAssociationC
-				'NameAssociationC)
-			    :start-revision revision
-			    :parent-construct parent-construct
-			    :characteristic construct))
+	     (let ((assoc
+		    (make-instance (if (typep construct 'OccurrenceC)
+				       'OccurrenceAssociationC
+				       'NameAssociationC)
+				   :parent-construct parent-construct
+				   :characteristic construct)))
+	       (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	     (error "From add-parent(): ~a can't be owned by ~a since it is already owned by the topic ~a"
 		    construct parent-construct already-set-topic)))
@@ -1277,7 +1283,7 @@
 (defmethod add-parent ((construct CharacteristicC) (parent-construct NameC)
-		       &key (revision 0))
+		       &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
   (let ((already-set-name
 	   (map 'list #'characteristic
 		(filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'parent
@@ -1290,10 +1296,11 @@
 		       return parent-assoc)))
 	       (add-to-version-history parent-assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	    ((not already-set-name)
-	     (make-instance 'VariantAssociationC
-			    :start-revision revision
-			    :parent-construct parent-construct
-			    :characteristic construct))
+	     (let ((assoc
+		    (make-instance 'VariantAssociationC
+				   :parent-construct parent-construct
+				   :characteristic construct)))
+	       (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	     (error "From add-parent(): ~a can't be owned by ~a since it is already owned by the topic ~a"
 		    construct parent-construct already-set-name)))
@@ -1448,7 +1455,7 @@
 (defgeneric add-role (construct role &key revision)
   (:documentation "Adds the given role to the passed association-construct.")
   (:method ((construct AssociationC) (role RoleC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((all-roles
 	   (map 'list #'role
 		(remove-if #'marked-as-deleted-p (slot-p construct 'roles)))))
@@ -1458,10 +1465,11 @@
 		    when (eql (role role-assoc) role)
 		    return role-assoc)))
 	    (add-to-version-history role-assoc  :start-revision revision))
-	  (make-instance 'RoleAssociationC
-			 :start-revision revision
-			 :role role
-			 :association construct)))
+	  (let ((assoc
+		 (make-instance 'RoleAssociationC
+				:role role
+				:association construct)))
+	    (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
@@ -1501,7 +1509,7 @@
 (defmethod add-parent ((construct RoleC) (parent-construct AssociationC)
-			    &key (revision 0))
+			    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
   (let ((already-set-parent
 	   (map 'list #'parent
 		(filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'parent
@@ -1515,10 +1523,10 @@
 		       return parent-assoc)))
 	       (add-to-version-history parent-assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	    ((not already-set-parent)
-	     (make-instance 'RoleAssociationC
-			    :start-revision revision
-			    :role construct
-			    :parent-construct parent-construct))
+	     (let ((assoc (make-instance 'RoleAssociationC
+					 :role construct
+					 :parent-construct parent-construct)))
+	       (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	     (error "From add-parent(): ~a can't be a parent of ~a since it is already owned by the association ~a"
 		    parent-construct construct already-set-parent)))
@@ -1550,7 +1558,7 @@
 (defgeneric add-player (construct player-topic &key revision)
   (:documentation "Adds a topic as a player to a role in the given revision.")
   (:method ((construct RoleC) (player-topic TopicC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((already-set-player
 	   (map 'list #'player-topic
 		(filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'player
@@ -1563,10 +1571,10 @@
 		       return player-assoc)))
 	       (add-to-version-history player-assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	    ((not already-set-player)
-	     (make-instance 'PlayerAssociationC
-			    :start-revision revision
-			    :parent-construct construct
-			    :player-topic player-topic))
+	     (let ((assoc (make-instance 'PlayerAssociationC
+					 :parent-construct construct
+					 :player-topic player-topic)))
+	       (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	     (error "From add-player(): ~a can't be a player of ~a since it has already the player ~a"
 		    player-topic construct already-set-player)))
@@ -1602,9 +1610,9 @@
                    with the passed construct and the passed version.")
   (:method ((construct ReifiableConstructC) &key (revision 0))
     (let ((assocs (filter-slot-value-by-revision
-		   construct 'item-identifiers :start-revision revision)))
+		   construct 'reifier :start-revision revision)))
       (when assocs ;assocs must be nil or a list with exactly one item
-	(reifier (first assocs))))))
+	(reifier-topic (first assocs))))))
 (defmethod delete-construct :before ((construct ReifiableConstructC))
@@ -1624,7 +1632,7 @@
                    If the passed identifer already identifies another object
                    the identified-constructs are merged.")
   (:method ((construct ReifiableConstructC) (item-identifier ItemIdentifierC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((all-ids
 	   (map 'list #'identifier (slot-p construct 'item-identifiers)))
@@ -1669,13 +1677,16 @@
                    If the reifier-topic reifies already another construct
                    the reified-constructs are merged.")
   (:method ((construct ReifiableConstructC) (reifier-topic TopicC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((merged-reifier-topic
-	   (when (reifier construct)
-	     (merge-constructs (reifier construct) reifier-topic))))
+	   (if (reifier construct)
+	       (merge-constructs (reifier construct) reifier-topic)
+	       reifier-topic)))
       (let ((all-constructs
-	     (remove-if #'marked-as-deleted-p
-			(slot-p reifier-topic 'reified-construct)))) 
+	     (let ((inner-construct (reified-construct merged-reifier-topic
+						       :revision revision)))
+	       (when inner-construct
+		 (list inner-construct)))))
 	(cond ((find construct all-constructs)
 	       (let ((reifier-assoc
 		      (loop for reifier-assoc in
@@ -1688,11 +1699,12 @@
 	       (merge-constructs (first all-constructs) construct))
-	       (make-instance 'ReifierAssociationC
-			      :start-revision revision
-			      :reifiable-construct construct
-			      :reifier-topic merged-reifier-topic)
-	       construct))))))
+	       (let ((assoc
+		      (make-instance 'ReifierAssociationC
+				     :reifiable-construct construct
+				     :reifier-topic merged-reifier-topic)))
+		 (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
+	construct))))
 (defgeneric delete-reifier (construct reifier &key revision)
@@ -1729,7 +1741,7 @@
   (:documentation "Adds the given theme-topic to the passed
   (:method ((construct ScopableC) (theme-topic TopicC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((all-themes
 	   (map 'list #'theme-topic
 		(remove-if #'marked-as-deleted-p (slot-p construct 'themes)))))
@@ -1739,10 +1751,11 @@
 		    when (eql (theme-topic theme-assoc) theme-topic)
 		    return theme-assoc)))
 	    (add-to-version-history theme-assoc  :start-revision revision))
-	  (make-instance 'ScopeAssociationC
-			 :start-revision revision
-			 :theme-topic theme-topic
-			 :scopable-construct construct)))
+	  (let ((assoc
+		 (make-instance 'ScopeAssociationCn
+				:theme-topic theme-topic
+				:scopable-construct construct)))
+	    (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))
@@ -1782,7 +1795,7 @@
                    typed construct if there is no other type-topic
                    set at the same revision.")
   (:method ((construct TypableC) (type-topic TopicC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (let ((already-set-type
 	   (map 'list #'type-topic
 		(filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'instance-of
@@ -1795,10 +1808,11 @@
 		       return type-assoc)))
 	       (add-to-version-history type-assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	    ((not already-set-type)
-	     (make-instance 'TypeAssociationC
-			    :start-revision revision
-			    :type-topic type-topic
-			    :typable-construct construct))
+	     (let ((assoc
+		    (make-instance 'TypeAssociationC
+				   :type-topic type-topic
+				   :typable-construct construct)))
+	       (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision)))
 	     (error "From add-type(): ~a can't be typed by ~a since it is already typed by the topic ~a"
 		    construct type-topic already-set-type)))
@@ -1831,10 +1845,11 @@
 ;;; start hacks ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defgeneric merge-constructs(construc-1 construct-2 &key revision)
+(defgeneric merge-constructs(construct-1 construct-2 &key revision)
   (:method ((construct-1 TopicMapConstructC) (construct-2 TopicMapconstructC)
-	    &key (revision 0))
-    (or construct-1 construct-2 revision)))
+	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+    (or revision)
+    (if construct-1 construct-1 construct-2)))
 (defgeneric make-construct (class-symbol &key start-revision &allow-other-keys)

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp	Thu Feb 25 14:20:51 2010
@@ -26,13 +26,18 @@
-	   :test-get-item-by-psi))
+	   :test-get-item-by-psi
+	   :test-ReifiableConstructC))
-;;TODO: test merges-constructs when merging was caused by an item-dentifier
-;;TODO: test merges-constructs when merging was caused by an psi
-;;TODO: test merges-constructs when merging was caused by an subject-locator
-;;TODO: test merges-constructs when merging was caused by a topic-id
+;;TODO: test delete-construct
+;;TODO: test merge-constructs when merging was caused by an item-dentifier
+;;TODO: test merge-constructs when merging was caused by an psi
+;;TODO: test merge-constructs when merging was caused by an subject-locator
+;;TODO: test merge-constructs when merging was caused by a topic-id
+;;TODO: test merge-constructs when merging was caused by reifiers
+;;      (occurrences, names, variants, associations, roles)
+;;TODO: test ReifiableConstructC --> reifier has to be merged
@@ -367,7 +372,7 @@
 (test test-get-item-by-item-identifier ()
-    "Tests the function test-get-item-by-id."
+    "Tests the function test-get-item-by-item-identifier."
     (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
       (let ((ii-1 (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC
 				 :uri "ii-1"))
@@ -409,7 +414,7 @@
 (test test-get-item-by-locator ()
-    "Tests the function test-get-item-by-id."
+    "Tests the function test-get-item-by-locator."
     (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
       (let ((sl-1 (make-instance 'SubjectLocatorC
 				 :uri "sl-1"))
@@ -451,7 +456,7 @@
 (test test-get-item-by-psi ()
-    "Tests the function test-get-item-by-id."
+    "Tests the function test-get-item-by-psi."
     (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
       (let ((psi-1 (make-instance 'PersistentIdC
 				  :uri "psi-1"))
@@ -492,6 +497,22 @@
 	(is (eql top-3 (get-item-by-locator "psi-1"))))))
+(test test-ReifiableConstructC ()
+    "Tests variuas functions of the ReifialeConstructC."
+    (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
+      (let ((reifier-top (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	    (reified-rc (make-instance 'd::ReifiableConstructC)))
+	(is-false (reifier reified-rc))
+	(is-false (reified-construct reifier-top))
+	(add-reifier reified-rc reifier-top :revision 100)
+	(is (eql reifier-top (reifier reified-rc)))
+	(is (eql reified-rc (reified-construct reifier-top)))
+	(is (eql reifier-top (reifier reified-rc :revision 200)))
+	(is (eql reified-rc (reified-construct reifier-top :revision 200)))
+	(is-false (reifier reified-rc :revision 50))
+	(is-false (reified-construct reifier-top :revision 50)))))
 (defun run-datamodel-tests()
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-VersionInfoC)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-VersionedConstructC)
@@ -503,4 +524,5 @@
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-item-by-item-identifier)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-item-by-locator)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-item-by-psi)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-ReifiableConstructC)
\ No newline at end of file

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