[isidorus-cvs] r200 - branches/new-datamodel/src/model

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 22 19:05:08 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Mon Feb 22 14:05:06 2010
New Revision: 200

new-datamode: fixed a problem with elephant-associaitons in the PointerAssociationC-classes


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Mon Feb 22 14:05:06 2010
@@ -144,29 +144,56 @@
-;;; pointers ...
-(defpclass SubjectLocatorC(IdentifierC)
+;;; base classes ...
+(defpclass TopicMapConstructC()
-  (:index t)
-  (:documentation "A subject-locator that contains an uri-value and an
-                   association to SubjectLocatorAssociationC's which are in
-                   turn associated with TopicC's."))
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all classes that describes
+                   Topic Maps data."))
-(defpclass PersistentIdC(IdentifierC)
-  ()
-  (:index t)
-  (:documentation "A subject-identifier that contains an uri-value and an
-                   association to PersistentIdAssociationC's which are in
-                   turn associated with TopicC's."))
+(defpclass ScopableC()
+  ((themes :associate (ScopeAssociationC scopable-construct)
+	   :inherit t
+	   :documentation "Contains all association-objects that contain the
+                           actual scope-topics."))
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all constructs that are scoped."))
-(defpclass ItemIdentifierC(IdentifierC)
-  ()
+(defpclass TypableC()
+  ((instance-of :associate (TypeAssociationC type-topic)
+		:inherit t
+		:documentation "Contains all association-objects that contain
+                                the actual type-topic."))
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all typed constructcs."))
+(defpclass DatatypableC()
+  ((datatype :accessor datatype
+             :initarg :datatype
+             :initform constants:*xml-string*
+	     :type string
+             :documentation "The XML Schema datatype of the occurrencevalue
+                             (optional, always IRI for resourceRef)."))
   (:index t)
-  (:documentation "An item-identifier that contains an uri-value and an
-                   association to ItemIdAssociationC's which are in turn
-                   associated with RiefiableConstructC's."))
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for characteristics that own
+                   an xml-datatype."))
+;;; pointers ...
+(defpclass PointerC(TopicMapConstructC)
+  ((uri :initarg :uri
+	:accessor uri
+	:inherit t
+	:type string
+	:initform (error "From PointerC(): uri must be set for a pointer")
+	:index t
+	:documentation "The actual value of a pointer, i.e. uri or ID.")
+   (identified-construct :associate (PointerAssociationC identifier)
+			 :inherit t
+			 :documentation "Associates a association-object that
+                                         additionally stores some
+                                         version-infos."))
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all pointers."))
 (defpclass IdentifierC(PointerC)
@@ -187,23 +214,42 @@
                    representing one of them."))
-(defpclass PointerC(TopicMapConstructC)
-  ((uri :initarg :uri
-	:accessor uri
-	;:inherit t
-	:type string
-	:initform (error "From PointerC(): uri must be set for a pointer")
-	:index t
-	:documentation "The actual value of a pointer, i.e. uri or ID.")
-   (identified-construct :associate (PointerAssociationC identifier)
-			 :inherit t
-			 :documentation "Associates a association-object that
-                                         additionally stores some
-                                         version-infos."))
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all pointers."))
+(defpclass SubjectLocatorC(IdentifierC)
+  ()
+  (:index t)
+  (:documentation "A subject-locator that contains an uri-value and an
+                   association to SubjectLocatorAssociationC's which are in
+                   turn associated with TopicC's."))
+(defpclass PersistentIdC(IdentifierC)
+  ()
+  (:index t)
+  (:documentation "A subject-identifier that contains an uri-value and an
+                   association to PersistentIdAssociationC's which are in
+                   turn associated with TopicC's."))
+(defpclass ItemIdentifierC(IdentifierC)
+  ()
+  (:index t)
+  (:documentation "An item-identifier that contains an uri-value and an
+                   association to ItemIdAssociationC's which are in turn
+                   associated with RiefiableConstructC's."))
 ;;; reifiables ...
+(defpclass ReifiableConstructC(TopicMapConstructC)
+  ((item-identifiers :associate (ItemIdAssociationC parent-construct)
+		     :inherit t
+		     :documentation "A relation to all item-identifiers of
+                                     this construct.")
+   (reifier :associate (ReifierAssociationC reified-construct)
+	    :inherit t
+	    :documentation "A relation to a reifier-topic."))
+  (:documentation "Reifiable constructs as per TMDM."))
 (defpclass AssociationC(ReifiableConstructC ScopableC TypableC)
   ((roles :associate (RoleAssociationC association)
 	  :documentation "Contains all association-objects of all roles this
@@ -223,17 +269,6 @@
 	   :documentation "Associates this object with a player-association.")))
-(defpclass ReifiableConstructC(TopicMapConstructC)
-  ((item-identifiers :associate (ItemIdAssociationC parent-construct)
-		     :inherit t
-		     :documentation "A relation to all item-identifiers of
-                                     this construct.")
-   (reifier :associate (ReifierAssociationC reified-construct)
-	    :inherit t
-	    :documentation "A relation to a reifier-topic."))
-  (:documentation "Reifiable constructs as per TMDM."))
 (elephant:defpclass TopicMapC (ReifiableConstructC)
   ((topics :accessor topics
 	   :associate (TopicC in-topicmaps)
@@ -284,6 +319,22 @@
 ;;; characteristics ...
+(defpclass CharacteristicC(ReifiableConstructC ScopableC TypableC)
+  ((parent :associate (CharacteriticAssociationC characteristic)
+	   :inherit t
+	   :documentation "Assocates the characterist obejct with the
+                           parent-association.")
+   (charvalue :initarg :charvalue
+	      :accessor charvalue
+	      :type string
+	      :inherit t
+	      :initform ""
+	      :index t
+	      :documentation "Contains the actual data of this object."))
+  (:documentation "Scoped characteristic of a topic (meant to be used
+                   as an abstract class)."))
 (defpclass OccurrenceC(CharacteristicC DatatypableC)
   (:documentation "Represents a TM occurrence."))
@@ -300,23 +351,12 @@
   (:documentation "Represents a TM variant."))
-(defpclass CharacteristicC(ReifiableConstructC ScopableC TypableC)
-  ((parent :associate (CharacteriticAssociationC characteristic)
-	   :inherit t
-	   :documentation "Assocates the characterist obejct with the
-                           parent-association.")
-   (charvalue :initarg :charvalue
-	      :accessor charvalue
-	      :type string
-	      ;:inherit t
-	      :initform ""
-	      :index t
-	      :documentation "Contains the actual data of this object."))
-  (:documentation "Scoped characteristic of a topic (meant to be used
-                   as an abstract class)."))
+;;; versioned associations ...
+(defpclass VersionedAssociationC(VersionedConstructC)
+  ()
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all versioned associations."))
-;;; versioned associations ...
 (defpclass TypeAssociationC(VersionedAssociationC)
   ((type-topic :initarg :type-topic
 	       :accessor type-topic
@@ -372,13 +412,19 @@
                    with a topic."))
-(defpclass VersionedAssociationC(VersionedConstructC)
-  ()
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all versioned associations."))
+;;; pointer associations ...
+(defpclass PointerAssociationC (VersionedAssociationC)
+  ((identifier :initarg :identifier
+	       :accessor identifier
+	       :inherit t
+	       :initform (error "From PointerAssociationC(): identifier must be set")
+	       :associate PointerC
+	       :documentation "The actual data that is associated with
+                               the pointer-association's parent."))
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all versioned
+                   pointer-associations."))
-;;; pointer associations ...
 (defpclass SubjectLocatorAssociationC(PointerAssociationC)
   ((parent-construct :initarg :parent-construct
 		     :accessor parent-construct
@@ -423,19 +469,19 @@
                    and reifiable-constructs."))
-(defpclass PointerAssociationC (VersionedAssociationC)
-  ((identifier :initarg :identifier
-	       :accessor identifier
-	       ;:inherit t
-	       :initform (error "From PointerAssociationC(): identifier must be set")
-	       :associate PointerC
-	       :documentation "The actual data that is associated with
-                               the pointer-association's parent."))
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all versioned
-                   pointer-associations."))
+;;; characteristic associations ...
+(defpclass CharacteristicAssociationC(VersionedAssociationC)
+  ((characteristic :initarg :characteristic
+		   :accessor characteristic
+		   :inherit t
+		   :initform (error "From CharacteristicCAssociation(): characteristic must be set")
+		   :associate CharactersiticC
+		   :documentation "Associates this object with the actual
+                                   characteristic object."))
+  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all association-objects that
+                   associates characteristics with topics."))
-;;; characteristic associations ...
 (defpclass VariantAssociationC(CharateristicAssociationC)
   ((parent-construct :initarg :parent-construct
 		     :accessor parent-construct
@@ -466,18 +512,6 @@
                    Additionally version-infos are stored."))
-(defpclass CharacteristicAssociationC(VersionedAssociationC)
-  ((characteristic :initarg :characteristic
-		   :accessor characteristic
-		   ;:inherit t
-		   :initform (error "From CharacteristicCAssociation(): characteristic must be set")
-		   :associate CharactersiticC
-		   :documentation "Associates this object with the actual
-                                   characteristic object."))
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all association-objects that
-                   associates characteristics with topics."))
 ;;; roles/association associations ...
 (defpclass PlayerAssociationC(VersionedAssociationC)
   ((player-topic :initarg :player-topic
@@ -511,48 +545,19 @@
                    version-infos between these realtions."))
-;;; base classes ...
-(defpclass TopicMapConstructC()
-  ()
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all classes that describes
-                   Topic Maps data."))
-(defpclass ScopableC()
-  ((themes :associate (ScopeAssociationC scopable-construct)
-	   :inherit t
-	   :documentation "Contains all association-objects that contain the
-                           actual scope-topics."))
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all constructs that are scoped."))
-(defpclass TypableC()
-  ((instance-of :associate (TypeAssociationC type-topic)
-		:inherit t
-		:documentation "Contains all association-objects that contain
-                                the actual type-topic."))
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for all typed constructcs."))
-(defpclass DatatypableC()
-  ((datatype :accessor datatype
-             :initarg :datatype
-             :initform constants:*xml-string*
-	     :type string
-             :documentation "The XML Schema datatype of the occurrencevalue
-                             (optional, always IRI for resourceRef)."))
-  (:index t)
-  (:documentation "An abstract base class for characteristics that own
-                   an xml-datatype."))
 ;;; some helpers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 (defun slot-p (instance slot-symbol)
   "Returns t if the slot depending on slot-symbol is bound and not nil."
-  (when (slot-boundp instance slot-symbol)
-    (let ((value (slot-value instance slot-symbol)))
-      (when value
-	value))))
+  (if (slot-boundp instance slot-symbol)
+      (let ((value (slot-value instance slot-symbol)))
+	(when value
+	  value))
+      ;elephant-relations are handled separately, since slot-boundp does not
+      ;here
+      (handler-case (let ((value (slot-value instance slot-symbol)))
+		      (when value
+			value))
+	(error () nil))))
 (defun delete-1-n-association(instance slot-symbol)
@@ -1517,10 +1522,11 @@
 						     :revision revision)
-	     (make-instance 'ItemIdAssociationC 
-			    :start-revision revision
-			    :parent-construct construct
-			    :identifier item-identifier)))
+	     (let ((assoc
+		    (make-instance 'ItemIdAssociationC
+				   :parent-construct construct
+				   :identifier item-identifier)))
+	       (add-to-version-history assoc :start-revision revision))))

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