[isidorus-cvs] r376 - in trunk/src: . TM-SPARQL base-tools

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 19 21:00:03 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Sun Dec 19 16:00:02 2010
New Revision: 376

TM-SPARQL: implemented all wrapper functions for filters in a separate package


Added: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/filter_wrappers.lisp	Sun Dec 19 16:00:02 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+;;+  Isidorus
+;;+  (c) 2008-2010 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Georgieff
+;;+  Isidorus is freely distributable under the LLGPL license.
+;;+  You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LLGPL-LICENSE.txt and
+;;+  trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt.
+(defpackage :filter-functions
+  (:use :base-tools :constants :tm-sparql))
+(defun filter-functions::not(x)
+  (not x))
+(defun filter-functions::one+(x)
+  (1+ x))
+(defun filter-functions::one-(x)
+  (1- x))
+(defun filter-functions::+(x y)
+  (+ x y))
+(defun filter-functions::-(x y)
+  (- x y))
+(defun filter-functions::*(x y)
+  (* x y))
+(defun filter-functions::/(x y)
+  (/ x y))
+(defun filter-functions::or(x y)
+  (or x y))
+(defun filter-functions::and(x y)
+  (and x y))
+(defun filter-functions::=(x y)
+  (cond ((and (stringp x) (stringp y))
+	 (string= x y))
+	((and (numberp x)( numberp y))
+	 (= x y))
+	(t
+	 (eql x y))))
+(defun filter-functions::!=(x y)
+  (filter-functions::not
+   (filter-functions::= x y)))
+(defun filter-functions::<(x y)
+  (cond ((and (numberp x) (numberp y))
+	 (< x y))
+	((and (stringp x) (stringp y))
+	 (string< x y))
+	((and (typep x 'Boolean) (typep y 'Boolean))
+	 (and (not x) y))
+	(t
+	 nil)))
+(defun filter-functions::>(x y)
+  (filter-functions::not
+   (filter-functions::< x y)))
+(defun filter-functions::<=(x y)
+  (filter-functions::or
+   (filter-functions::< x y)
+   (filter-functions::= x y)))
+(defun filter-functions::>=(x y)
+  (filter-functions::or
+   (filter-functions::> x y)
+   (filter-functions::= x y)))
+(defun filter-functions::regex(str pattern &optional flags)
+  (declare (Ignorable flags))
+  (let* ((case-insensitive (when (find #\i flags) t))
+	 (multi-line (when (find #\m flags) t))
+	 (single-line (when (find #\s flags) t))
+      	 (local-pattern
+	  (if (find #\x flags)
+	      (base-tools:string-replace
+	       (base-tools:string-replace
+		(base-tools:string-replace
+		 (base-tools:string-replace pattern (string #\newline) "")
+		 (string #\tab) "") (string #\cr) "") " " "")
+	      pattern))
+	 (scanner
+	  (ppcre:create-scanner local-pattern
+				:case-insensitive-mode case-insensitive
+				:multi-line-mode multi-line
+				:single-line-mode single-line)))
+    (ppcre:scan scanner str)))
+(defun filter-functions::bound(x)
+  (boundp x))
+(defun filter-functions::isLITERAL(x)
+  (or (numberp x)
+      (not (and (base-tools:string-starts-with x "<")
+		(base-tools:string-ends-with x ">")
+		(base-tools:absolute-uri-p x)))))
+(defun filter-functions::datatype(x)
+  (let ((type-suffix
+	 (when (and (stringp x)
+		    (or (base-tools:string-starts-with x "'")
+			(base-tools:string-starts-with x "\"")))
+	   (let* ((result (base-tools:get-literal x))
+		  (literal-datatype
+		   (when (base-tools:string-starts-with
+			  (getf result :next-string) "^^")
+		     (subseq (getf result :next-string) 2))))
+	     literal-datatype))))
+    (cond (type-suffix type-suffix)
+	  ((integerp x) constants::*xml-integer*)
+	  ((floatp x) constants::*xml-decimal*)
+	  ((numberp x) constants::*xml-double*)
+	  ((stringp x) constants::*xml-string*)
+	  (t (type-of x)))))
+(defun filter-functions::str(x)
+  ;TODO: implement
+  )
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	Sun Dec 19 16:00:02 2010
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
 					;purposes and mustn't be reset
 	      :type List
 	      :initform nil
-	      :documentation "A list of the form that contains the variable
-                              names as string.")
+	      :documentation "A list of that contains the variable
+                              names as strings.")
    (prefixes :initarg :prefixes
 	     :accessor prefixes ;this value is only for internal purposes
 			        ;purposes and mustn't be reset
@@ -154,15 +154,31 @@
 		 :type List
 		 :initform nil
 		 :documentation "Contains a SPARQL-Group that represents
-                                 the entire inner select-where statement."))
+                                 the entire inner select-where statement.")
+   (filters :initarg filters
+	    :accessor filters ;this value is only for internal purposes
+			      ;purposes and mustn't be reset
+	    :type List ;a list of strings
+	    :initform nil
+	    :documentation "Contains strings, each string represents a filter
+                            that was transformed to lisp code and can be evoked
+                            on each triple in the list select-group."))
   (:documentation "This class represents the entire request."))
 (defgeneric *-p (construct)
   (:documentation "Returns t if the user selected all variables with *.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query))
-    (and (= (length (variables construct)) 1)
-	 (string= (first (variables construct)) "*"))))
+    (loop for var in (variables construct)
+       when (string= var "*")
+       return t)))
+(defgeneric add-filter (construct filter)
+  (:documentation "Pushes the filter string to the corresponding list in
+                   the construct.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (filter String))
+    (push filter (filters construct))))
 (defmethod variables ((construct SPARQL-Triple))
@@ -236,6 +252,38 @@
       (push variable-name (variables construct)))))
+(defgeneric invoke-filter (construct filter-string)
+  (:documentation "Invokes the passed filter on the construct that
+                   represents a sparql result.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) (filter-string String))
+    (dotimes (row-idx (length (subject-result construct)))
+      (let* ((subj-var
+	      (when (variable-p (subject construct))
+		(concatenate 'string "(" (value (subject construct))
+			     " " (elt (subject-result construct) row-idx) ")")))
+	     (pred-var 
+	      (when (variable-p (predicate construct))
+		(concatenate 'string "(" (value (predicate construct))
+			     " " (elt (predicate-result construct) row-idx) ")")))
+	     (obj-var 
+	      (when (variable-p (object construct))
+		(concatenate 'string "(" (value (object construct))
+			     " " (elt (object-result construct) row-idx) ")")))
+	     (var-let
+	      (if (or subj-var pred-var obj-var)
+		  (concatenate 'string "(let (" subj-var pred-var obj-var ")")
+		  "(let ()"))
+	     (expression (concatenate 'string var-let filter-string ")")))
+	))
+    ;TODO: implement
+    ;; *implement a method "invoke-filter(SPARQL-Triple filter-string)" so
+    ;;   that the variables are automatically contained in a let afterwards
+    ;;   the eval function can be called this method should also have a let
+    ;;   with (true t) and (false nil)
+    ))
 (defgeneric set-results (construct &key revision)
   (:documentation "Calculates the result of a triple and set all the values in
                    the passed object.")
@@ -766,18 +814,16 @@
 (defgeneric result (construct)
   (:documentation "Returns the result of the entire query.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query))
-    (let ((result-lists (make-result-lists construct)))
-      (reduce-results construct result-lists)
-      (let* ((response-variables
-	      (reverse (if (*-p construct)
-			   (all-variables construct)
-			   (variables construct))))
-	     (cleaned-results (make-result-lists construct)))
-	(map 'list #'(lambda(response-variable)
-		       (list :variable response-variable
-			     :result (variable-intersection response-variable
-							    cleaned-results)))
-	     response-variables)))))
+    (let* ((response-variables
+	    (reverse (if (*-p construct)
+			 (all-variables construct)
+			 (variables construct))))
+	   (cleaned-results (make-result-lists construct)))
+      (map 'list #'(lambda(response-variable)
+		     (list :variable response-variable
+			   :result (variable-intersection response-variable
+							  cleaned-results)))
+	   response-variables))))
 (defgeneric make-result-lists (construct)
@@ -939,4 +985,10 @@
   (parser-start construct (original-query construct))
   (dolist (triple (select-group construct))
     (set-results triple :revision (revision construct)))
+  ;; filters all entries that are not important for the result
+  ;; => an intersection is invoked
+  (reduce-results construct (make-result-lists construct))
+  (dolist (triple (select-group construct))
+    (dolist (filter (filters construct))
+      (invoke-filter triple filter)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	Sun Dec 19 16:00:02 2010
@@ -117,18 +117,17 @@
 	    (set-compare-operators construct filter-string-arithmetic-ops))
 	    (set-functions construct filter-string-compare-ops)))
-      (list :next-query next-query
-	    :filter-string (scan-filter-for-deprecated-calls
-			    construct filter-string-functions original-filter-string)))))
+      (add-filter construct
+		  (scan-filter-for-deprecated-calls
+		   construct filter-string-functions original-filter-string))
+      (parse-group construct next-query))))
   ;;TODO: implement
   ;; *implement wrapper functions, also for the operators
-  ;;   it would be nice of the self defined operator functions would be in a
+  ;;   it would be nice when the self defined operator functions would be in a
   ;;   separate packet, e.g. filter-functions, so =, ... would couse no
   ;;   collisions
-  ;; *create and store this filter object => store the created string and implement
-  ;;   a method "invoke-filter(SPARQL-Triple filter-string)" so that the variables
-  ;;   are automatically contained in a letafterwards the eval function can be called
-  ;;   this method should also have a let with (true t) and (false nil)
+  ;; *add ^^datatype to the object-literal-results
+  ;; *implement to-literal => CharacteristicC => \"...\"^^datatype => use for tm-sparql
 (defgeneric scan-filter-for-deprecated-calls (construct filter-string
@@ -677,10 +676,8 @@
 		       (push-string current-char result-string))))
 		((or (string= current-char "'")
 		     (string= current-char "\""))
-		 (let* ((sub-str (subseq filter-string idx))
-			(quotation (get-literal-quotation sub-str))
-			(literal
-			 (get-literal (subseq filter-string idx) :quotation quotation)))
+		 (let ((literal
+			(get-literal (subseq filter-string idx))))
 		   (if literal
 			 (setf idx (- (1- (length filter-string))
@@ -710,7 +707,7 @@
 	     (list :next-query (string-after cleaned-str result)
 		   :scope result)))
 	  ((string-starts-with cleaned-str "\"")
-	   (let ((result (get-literal cleaned-str)))
+	   (let ((result (get-literal cleaned-str :quotation "\"")))
 	     (list :next-query (getf result :next-string)
 		   :scope (getf result :literal))))
 	  ((string-starts-with-digit cleaned-str)
@@ -807,10 +804,7 @@
 	(let ((current-char (subseq str idx (1+ idx))))
 	  (cond ((or (string= "'" current-char)
 		     (string= "\"" current-char))
-		 (let* ((sub-str (subseq str idx))
-			(quotation (get-literal-quotation sub-str))
-			(literal
-			 (get-literal (subseq str idx) :quotation quotation)))
+		 (let ((literal (get-literal (subseq str idx))))
 		   (if literal
 			 (setf idx (- (1- (length str))
@@ -861,7 +855,8 @@
 		 (push-string current-char filter-string))
 		((or (string= "'" current-char)
 		     (string= "\"" current-char))
-		 (let ((result (get-literal (subseq query-string idx))))
+		 (let ((result
+			(get-literal (subseq query-string idx) :quotation "\"")))
 		   (unless result
 		     (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
 			     (subseq query-string idx)

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp	Sun Dec 19 16:00:02 2010
@@ -95,7 +95,9 @@
 	(error (make-sparql-parser-condition trimmed-str
 					     (original-query construct) "{")))
       (let ((query-tail (parse-group construct (subseq trimmed-str 1))))
-	;TODO: process query-tail
+	(when (> (length (trim-whitespace query-tail)) 0)
+	  (make-sparql-parser-condition
+	   query-tail (original-query construct) "end of query, solution sequences and modifiers are not supported"))
@@ -125,7 +127,6 @@
 		     trimmed-str (original-query construct)
 		     "FILTER, BASE, or triple. Grouping is currently no implemented.")))
 	    ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "}") ;ending of this group
-	     ;TODO: invoke filters with all results on construct in initialize :after
 	     (subseq trimmed-str 1))
 	     (parse-triple construct trimmed-str :last-subject last-subject))))))
@@ -249,9 +250,7 @@
 				    literal-value literal-type))))
 	(t ; return the value as a string
-	 (if (stringp literal-value)
-	     literal-value
-	     (write-to-string literal-value)))))
+	 literal-value)))
 (defgeneric separate-literal-lang-or-type (construct query-string)

Modified: trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	Sun Dec 19 16:00:02 2010
@@ -294,49 +294,37 @@
-(defun get-literal (query-string &key (quotation "\""))
+(defun get-literal (query-string &key (quotation nil))
   "Returns a list of the form (:next-string <string> :literal <string>
    where next-query is the query after the found literal and literal
    is the literal string."
   (declare (String query-string)
-	   (String quotation))
-  (cond ((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"\"\"")
-	     (string-starts-with query-string "'''"))
-	 (let ((literal-end
-		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 3) (subseq query-string 0 3))))
-	   (when literal-end
-	     (list :next-string (subseq query-string (+ 3 literal-end))
-		   :literal (concatenate 'string quotation
-					 (subseq query-string 3 literal-end)
-					 quotation)))))
-	((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"")
-	     (string-starts-with query-string "'"))
-	 (let ((literal-end
-		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 1)
-				  (subseq query-string 0 1))))
-	   (when literal-end
-	     (let ((literal
-		    (escape-string (subseq query-string 1 literal-end) "\"")))
-	       (list :next-string (subseq query-string (+ 1 literal-end))
-		     :literal (concatenate 'string quotation literal
-					   quotation))))))))
-;(defun search-first-ignore-literals (search-strings main-string)
-;  (declare (String main-string)
-;	   (List search-strings))
-;  (let ((first-pos (search-first search-strings main-string)))
-;    (when first-pos
-;      (if (not (in-literal-string-p main-string first-pos))
-;	  first-pos
-;	  (let* ((literal-start (search-first (list "\"" "'") main-string))
-;		 (sub-str (subseq main-string literal-start))
-;		 (literal-result (get-literal sub-str))
-;		 (next-str (getf literal-result :next-string)))
-;	    (let ((next-pos
-;		   (search-first-ignore-literals search-strings next-str)))
-;	      (when next-pos
-;		(+ (- (length main-string) (length next-str)) next-pos))))))))
+	   (type (or Null String) quotation))
+  (let ((local-quotation quotation))
+    (cond ((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"\"\"")
+	       (string-starts-with query-string "'''"))
+	   (unless local-quotation
+	     (setf local-quotation (subseq query-string 0 3)))
+	   (let ((literal-end
+		  (find-literal-end (subseq query-string 3) (subseq query-string 0 3))))
+	     (when literal-end
+	       (list :next-string (subseq query-string (+ 3 literal-end))
+		     :literal (concatenate 'string quotation
+					   (subseq query-string 3 literal-end)
+					   quotation)))))
+	  ((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"")
+	       (string-starts-with query-string "'"))
+	   (unless local-quotation
+	     (setf local-quotation (subseq query-string 0 1)))
+	   (let ((literal-end
+		  (find-literal-end (subseq query-string 1)
+				    (subseq query-string 0 1))))
+	     (when literal-end
+	       (let ((literal
+		      (escape-string (subseq query-string 1 literal-end) "\"")))
+		 (list :next-string (subseq query-string (+ 1 literal-end))
+		       :literal (concatenate 'string local-quotation literal
+					     local-quotation)))))))))
 (defun search-first-ignore-literals (search-strings main-string &key from-end)

Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Sun Dec 19 16:00:02 2010
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-;;-*- mode: lisp -*-
 ;;+  Isidorus
 ;;+  (c) 2008-2010 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Georgieff
@@ -42,8 +41,9 @@
 			:depends-on ("constants" "base-tools"))
 	       (:module "TM-SPARQL"
 			:components ((:file "sparql")
+				     (:file "filter_wrappers")
 				     (:file "sparql_filter"
-					    :depends-on ("sparql"))
+					    :depends-on ("sparql" "filter_wrappers"))
 				     (:file "sparql_parser"
 					    :depends-on ("sparql" "sparql_filter")))
 			:depends-on ("constants" "base-tools" "model"))

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