[isidorus-cvs] r364 - in trunk/src: TM-SPARQL base-tools

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Dec 15 13:15:40 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Dec 15 08:15:40 2010
New Revision: 364

TM-SPARQL: added the evaluation of the unary-operators: \!, +, -


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	Wed Dec 15 08:15:40 2010
@@ -45,13 +45,15 @@
     (let* ((result-set-boundings (set-boundings construct query-string))
 	   (filter-string (getf result-set-boundings :filter-string))
 	   (next-query (getf result-set-boundings :next-query))
+	   (filter-string-unary-ops (set-unary-operators construct filter-string))
   ;;TODO: implement
+  ;; *replace #comment => in set boundings
   ;; **replace () by (progn )
   ;; **replace ', """, ''' by '''
-  ;; *replace !x by (not x)
-  ;; *replace +x by (1+ x)
-  ;; *replace -x by (1- x)
+  ;; **replace !x by (not x)
+  ;; **replace +x by (1+ x)
+  ;; **replace -x by (1- x)
   ;; *replace x operator y by (filter-operator x y)
   ;;   *=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, /, ||, &&
   ;; *replace function(x), function(x, y), function(x, y, z)
@@ -59,6 +61,171 @@
   ;; *create and store this filter object
+(defgeneric set-unary-operators (construct filter-string)
+  (:documentation "Transforms the unary operators !, +, - to (not ),
+                   (1+ ) and (1- ). The return value is a modified filter
+                   string.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (filter-string String))
+    (let ((result-string ""))
+      (dotimes (idx (length filter-string))
+	(let ((current-char (subseq filter-string idx (1+ idx))))
+	  (cond ((string= current-char "!")
+		 (if (and (< idx (1- (length filter-string)))
+			  (string= (subseq filter-string (1+ idx) (+ 2 idx)) "="))
+		     (push-string current-char result-string)
+		     (let ((result (unary-operator-scope filter-string idx)))
+		       (push-string "(not " result-string)
+		       (push-string (set-unary-operators construct (getf result :scope))
+				    result-string)
+		       (push-string ")" result-string)
+		       (setf idx (- (1- (length filter-string))
+				    (length (getf result :next-query)))))))
+		((or (string= current-char "-")
+		     (string= current-char "+"))
+		 (let ((string-before
+			(trim-whitespace-right (subseq filter-string 0 idx))))
+		   (if (or (string= string-before "")
+			   (string-ends-with string-before "(progn")
+			   (string-ends-with-one-of string-before
+						    *supported-operators*))
+		       (let ((result (unary-operator-scope filter-string idx)))
+			 (push-string (concatenate 'string "(1" current-char " ")
+				      result-string)
+			 (push-string (set-unary-operators construct
+							   (getf result :scope))
+				      result-string)
+			 (push-string ")" result-string)
+			 (setf idx (- (1- (length filter-string))
+				      (length (getf result :next-query)))))
+		       (push-string current-char result-string))))
+		(t
+		 (push-string current-char result-string)))))
+      result-string)))
+(defun unary-operator-scope (filter-string idx)
+  "Returns a list of the form (:next-query <string> :scope <string>).
+   scope contains the statement that is in the scope of one of the following
+   operators !, +, -."
+  (declare (String filter-string)
+	   (Integer idx))
+  (let* ((string-after (subseq filter-string (1+ idx)))
+	 (cleaned-str (cut-comment string-after)))
+    (cond ((string-starts-with cleaned-str "(")
+	   (let ((result (bracket-scope cleaned-str)))
+	     (list :next-query (string-after cleaned-str result)
+		   :scope result)))
+	  ((or (string-starts-with "?" cleaned-str)
+	       (string-starts-with "$" cleaned-str))
+	   (let ((result (get-filter-variable cleaned-str)))
+	     (list :next-query (string-after cleaned-str result)
+		   :scope result)))
+	  ((string-starts-with "'''" cleaned-str)
+	   (let ((result (get-literal cleaned-str)))
+	     (list :next-query (getf result :next-query)
+		   :scope (getf result :literal))))
+	  ((string-starts-with-digit cleaned-str)
+	   (separate-leading-digits cleaned-str))
+	  ((string-starts-with "true" cleaned-str)
+	   (list :next-query (string-after cleaned-str "true")
+		 :scope "true"))
+	  ((string-starts-with "false" cleaned-str)
+	   (list :next-query (string-after cleaned-str "false")
+		 :scope "false"))
+	  ((let ((pos (search-first *supported-functions* cleaned-str)))
+	     (when pos
+	       (= pos 0)))
+	   (let ((result (function-scope cleaned-str)))
+	     (list :next-query (string-after cleaned-str result)
+		   :scope result)))
+	  (t
+	   (error
+	    (make-condition
+	     'sparql-parser-error
+	     :message
+	     (format
+	      nil "Invalid filter: \"~a\". An unary operator must be followed by ~a"
+	      filter-string
+	      "a number, boolean, string, function or a variable")))))))
+(defun function-scope (str)
+  "If str starts with a supported function it there is given the entire substr
+   that is the scope of the function, i.e. the function name and all its
+   variable including the closing )."
+  (declare (String str))
+  (let* ((cleaned-str (cut-comment str))
+	 (after-fun
+	  (remove-null (map 'list #'(lambda(fun)
+				      (when (string-starts-with cleaned-str fun)
+					(string-after str fun)))
+			    *supported-functions*)))
+	 (fun-suffix (when after-fun
+		       (cut-comment (first after-fun)))))
+    (when fun-suffix
+      (let* ((args (bracket-scope fun-suffix))
+	     (fun-name (string-until cleaned-str args)))
+	(concatenate 'string fun-name args)))))
+(defun get-filter-variable (str)
+  "Returns the substring of str if str starts with ? or $ until the variable ends,
+   otherwise the return value is nil."
+  (declare (String str))
+  (when (or (string-starts-with str "?")
+	    (string-starts-with str "$"))
+    (let ((found-end (search-first (append (white-space) *supported-operators*
+					   *supported-brackets* (list "?" "$"))
+				   (subseq str 1))))
+      (if found-end
+	  (subseq str 0 (1+ found-end))
+	  str))))
+(defun bracket-scope (str &key (open-bracket "(") (close-bracket ")"))
+  "If str starts with open-bracket there will be returned the substring until
+   the matching close-bracket is found. Otherwise the return value is nil."
+  (declare (String str open-bracket close-bracket))
+  (when (string-starts-with str open-bracket)
+    (let ((open-brackets 0)
+	  (result ""))
+      (dotimes (idx (length str))
+	(let ((current-char (subseq str idx (1+ idx))))
+	  (cond ((or (string= "'" current-char)
+		     (string= "\"" current-char))
+		 (let* ((sub-str (subseq str idx))
+			(quotation
+			 (cond ((string-starts-with sub-str "'''")
+				"'''")
+			       ((string-starts-with sub-str "\"\"\"")
+				"\"\"\"")
+			       ((string-starts-with sub-str "'")
+				"'")
+			       ((string-starts-with sub-str "\"")
+				"\"")))
+			(literal
+			 (get-literal (subseq str idx) :quotation quotation)))
+		   (if literal
+		       (progn
+			 (setf idx (- (1- (length str))
+				      (length (getf literal :next-query))))
+			 (push-string (getf literal :literal) str))
+		       (progn
+			 (setf result nil)
+			 (setf idx (length str))))))
+		((string= current-char close-bracket)
+		 (decf open-brackets)
+		 (push-string current-char result)
+		 (when (= open-brackets 0)
+		   (setf idx (length str))))
+		((string= current-char open-bracket)
+		 (incf open-brackets)
+		 (push-string current-char result))
+		(t
+		 (push-string current-char result)))))
+      result)))
 (defgeneric set-boundings (construct query-string)
   (:documentation "Returns a list of the form (:next-query <string>
                    :filter-string <string>). next-query is a string containing
@@ -80,19 +247,20 @@
 		((string= ")" current-char)
 		 (setf open-brackets (1- open-brackets))
 		 (when (< open-brackets 0)
-		   (make-sparql-parser-condition
-		    (subseq query-string idx)
-		    (original-query construct)
-		    "an opening bracket \"(\" is missing for the current closing one"))
+		   (error
+		    (make-sparql-parser-condition
+		     (subseq query-string idx)
+		     (original-query construct)
+		     "an opening bracket \"(\" is missing for the current closing one")))
 		 (push-string current-char filter-string))
 		((or (string= "'" current-char)
 		     (string= "\"" current-char))
 		 (let ((result (get-literal (subseq query-string idx))))
 		   (unless result
-		     (make-sparql-parser-condition
-		      (subseq query-string idx)
-		      (original-query construct)
-		      "a closing character for the given literal"))
+		     (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+			     (subseq query-string idx)
+			     (original-query construct)
+			     "a closing character for the given literal")))
 		   (setf idx (- (1- (length query-string))
 				(length (getf result :next-query))))
 		   (push-string (getf result :literal) filter-string)))
@@ -109,10 +277,10 @@
 		 (setf idx (1- (length query-string))))
 		((string= current-char "}")
 		 (when (/= open-brackets 0)
-		   (make-sparql-parser-condition
-		    (subseq query-string idx)
-		    (original-query construct)
-		    "a valid filter, but the filter is not complete"))
+		   (error (make-sparql-parser-condition
+			   (subseq query-string idx)
+			   (original-query construct)
+			   "a valid filter, but the filter is not complete")))
 		 (setf result
 		       (list :next-query (subseq query-string idx)
 			     :filter-string filter-string)))
@@ -177,29 +345,30 @@
-(defun get-literal (query-string)
+(defun get-literal (query-string &key (quotation "'''"))
   "Returns a list of the form (:next-query <string> :literal <string>
    where next-query is the query after the found literal and literal
    is the literal string."
-  (declare (String query-string))
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (String quotation))
   (cond ((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"\"\"")
 	     (string-starts-with query-string "'''"))
 	 (let ((literal-end
 		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 3) (subseq query-string 0 3))))
 	   (when literal-end
 	     (list :next-query (subseq query-string (+ 3 literal-end))
-		   :literal (concatenate 'string "'''"
+		   :literal (concatenate 'string quotation
 					 (subseq query-string 3 literal-end)
-					 "'''")))))
+					 quotation)))))
 	((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"")
 	     (string-starts-with query-string "'"))
 	 (let ((literal-end
 		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 1)(subseq query-string 0 1))))
 	   (when literal-end
 	     (list :next-query (subseq query-string (+ 1 literal-end))
-		   :literal (concatenate 'string "'''"
+		   :literal (concatenate 'string quotation
 					 (subseq query-string 1 literal-end)
-					 "'''")))))))
+					 quotation)))))))
 (defun find-literal-end (query-string delimiter &optional (overall-pos 0))

Modified: trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	Wed Dec 15 08:15:40 2010
@@ -19,17 +19,33 @@
+	   :string-ends-with-one-of
-	   :string-starts-with-digit))
+	   :string-starts-with-digit
+	   :string-after-number
+	   :separate-leading-digits
+	   :white-space))
 (in-package :base-tools)
+(defparameter *white-space*
+  (list #\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\cr)
+  "Contains all characters that are treated as white space.")
+(defun white-space()
+  "Returns a lit os string that represents a white space."
+  (map 'list #'(lambda(char)
+		 (string char))
+       *white-space*))
 (defmacro push-string (obj place)
   "Imitates the push macro but instead of pushing object in a list,
    there will be appended the given string to the main string object."
@@ -70,19 +86,19 @@
 (defun trim-whitespace-left (value)
   "Uses string-left-trim with a predefined character-list."
   (declare (String value))
-  (string-left-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\cr) value))
+  (string-left-trim *white-space* value))
 (defun trim-whitespace-right (value)
   "Uses string-right-trim with a predefined character-list."
   (declare (String value))
-  (string-right-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\cr) value))
+  (string-right-trim *white-space* value))
 (defun trim-whitespace (value)
   "Uses string-trim with a predefined character-list."
   (declare (String value))
-  (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\cr) value))
+  (string-trim *white-space* value))
 (defun string-starts-with (str prefix &key (ignore-case nil))
@@ -119,6 +135,16 @@
+(defun string-ends-with-one-of (str suffixes &key (ignore-case nil))
+  "Returns t if str ends with one of the string contained in suffixes."
+  (declare (String str)
+	   (List suffixes)
+	   (Boolean ignore-case))
+  (loop for suffix in suffixes
+     when (string-ends-with str suffix :ignore-case ignore-case)
+     return t))
 (defun string-starts-with-digit (str)
   "Checks whether the passed string starts with a digit."
   (declare (String str))
@@ -126,6 +152,26 @@
      when (string-starts-with str (write-to-string item))
      return t))
+(defun string-after-number (str)
+  "If str starts with a digit, there is returned the first
+   substring after a character that is a non-digit.
+   If str does not start with a digit str is returned."
+  (declare (String str))
+  (if (and (string-starts-with-digit str)
+	   (> (length str) 0))
+      (string-after-number (subseq str 1))
+      str))
+(defun separate-leading-digits (str &optional digits)
+  "If str starts with a number the number is returned."
+  (declare (String str)
+	   (type (or Null String) digits))
+  (if (string-starts-with-digit str)
+      (separate-leading-digits
+       (subseq str 1) (concatenate 'string digits (subseq str 0 1)))
+      digits))
 (defun string-starts-with-char (begin str)
   (equal (char str 0) begin))

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