[isidorus-cvs] r359 - in trunk/src: TM-SPARQL unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Sat Dec 4 17:07:46 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Sat Dec  4 12:07:46 2010
New Revision: 359

TM-SPARQL: added unit-tests for the "result"=>SPARQL-Query method => fixed some bugs


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql.lisp	Sat Dec  4 12:07:46 2010
@@ -132,9 +132,8 @@
 					;purposes and mustn't be reset
 	      :type List
 	      :initform nil
-	      :documentation "A list of the form ((:variable var-name
-                             :value value-object)), that contains tuples
-                             for each selected variable and its result.")
+	      :documentation "A list of the form that contains the variable
+                              names as string.")
    (prefixes :initarg :prefixes
 	     :accessor prefixes ;this value is only for internal purposes
 			        ;purposes and mustn't be reset
@@ -159,18 +158,23 @@
   (:documentation "This class represents the entire request."))
-(defmethod variables ((construct SPARQL-Triple-Elem))
+(defgeneric *-p (construct)
+  (:documentation "Returns t if the user selected all variables with *.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query))
+    (and (= (length (variables construct)) 1)
+	 (string= (first (variables construct)) "*"))))
+(defmethod variables ((construct SPARQL-Triple))
   "Returns all variable names that are contained in the passed element."
-    (loop for triple in (select-group construct)
-       collect (remove-null
-		(list (when (variable-p (subject construct))
-			(value (subject construct)))
-		      (when (variable-p (predicate construct))
-			(value (predicate construct)))
-		      (when (variable-p (object construct))
-		       (value (object construct)))))))
+    (list (when (variable-p (subject construct))
+	    (value (subject construct)))
+	  (when (variable-p (predicate construct))
+	    (value (predicate construct)))
+	  (when (variable-p (object construct))
+	    (value (object construct)))))
    :test #'string=))
@@ -222,20 +226,14 @@
 			     (concatenate 'string (getf entry :label) ":"))))))
-(defgeneric add-variable (construct variable-name variable-value)
+(defgeneric add-variable (construct variable-name)
   (:documentation "Adds a new variable-name with its value to the aexisting list.
                    If a variable-already exists the existing entry will be
                    overwritten. An entry is of the form
                    (:variable string :value any-type).")
-  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (variable-name String) variable-value)
-    (let ((existing-tuple
-	   (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-			(string= (getf x :variable) variable-name))
-		    (variables construct))))
-      (if existing-tuple
-	  (setf (getf existing-tuple :value) variable-value)
-	  (push (list :variable variable-name :value variable-value)
-		(variables construct))))))
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (variable-name String))
+    (unless (find variable-name (variables construct) :test #'string=)
+      (push variable-name (variables construct)))))
 (defgeneric set-results (construct &key revision)
@@ -755,17 +753,20 @@
 (defgeneric result (construct)
   (:documentation "Returns the result of the entire query.")
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query))
     (let ((result-lists (make-result-lists construct)))
       (reduce-results construct result-lists)
-      (let* ((response-variables (variables construct))
+      (let* ((response-variables
+	      (if (*-p construct)
+		  (all-variables construct)
+		  (variables construct)))
 	     (cleaned-results (make-result-lists construct)))
 	(map 'list #'(lambda(response-variable)
-		       (variable-intersection response-variable
-					      cleaned-results))
+		       (list :variable response-variable
+			     :result (variable-intersection response-variable
+							    cleaned-results)))
@@ -775,28 +776,39 @@
   (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query))
      (loop for triple in (select-group construct)
-	collect (remove-null
-		 (list
-		  (when (variable-p (subject construct))
-		    (list :variable (value (subject construct))
-			  :result (subject-result construct)))
-		  (when (variable-p (predicate construct))
-		    (list :variable (value (predicate construct))
-			  :result (predicate-result construct)))
-		  (when (variable-p (object construct))
-		    (list :variable (value (object construct))
-			  :result (object-result construct)))))))))
+	append (remove-null
+		(list
+		 (when (variable-p (subject triple))
+		   (list :variable (value (subject triple))
+			 :result (subject-result triple)))
+		 (when (variable-p (predicate triple))
+		   (list :variable (value (predicate triple))
+			  :result (predicate-result triple)))
+		 (when (variable-p (object triple))
+		   (list :variable (value (object triple))
+			 :result (object-result triple)))))))))
 (defgeneric all-variables (result-lists)
   (:documentation "Returns a list of all variables that are contained in
-                   the passed result-lists.")
-  (:method ((result-lists List))
-    (remove-duplicates
-     (map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
-		    (getf entry :variable))
-	  result-lists)
-     :test #'string=)))
+                   the passed result-lists."))
+(defmethod all-variables ((result-lists List))
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
+		  (getf entry :variable))
+	result-lists)
+   :test #'string=))
+(defmethod all-variables ((construct SPARQL-Query))
+  "Returns all variables that are contained in the select groupt memebers."
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (remove-null
+    (loop for triple in (select-group construct)
+       append (variables triple)))
+   :test #'string=))
 (defgeneric variable-intersection (variable-name result-lists)
@@ -814,7 +826,7 @@
       (recursive-intersection list-1 list-2 more-lists))))
-(defun recursive-intersection (list-1 list-2 &rest more-lists)
+(defun recursive-intersection (list-1 list-2 more-lists)
   "Returns an intersection of al the passed lists."
   (declare (List list-1 list-2))
   (let ((current-result
@@ -823,10 +835,10 @@
 				 (if (and (stringp val-1) (stringp val-2))
 				     (string= val-1 val-2)
 				     (eql val-1 val-2))))))
-    (if (= (length more-lists) 0)
+    (if (not more-lists)
-	(apply #'recursive-intersection current-result
-	       (first more-lists) (rest more-lists)))))
+	(recursive-intersection current-result (first more-lists)
+				(rest more-lists)))))
 (defgeneric reduce-results(construct result-lists)
@@ -841,7 +853,7 @@
 (defgeneric reduce-triple(construct result-lists)
   (:documentation "Reduces the results of a triple by using only the
                    intersection values.")
-  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple-Elem) (result-lists List))
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) (result-lists List))
     (let* ((triple-variables (variables construct))
 	    (map 'list #'(lambda(var)
@@ -859,7 +871,7 @@
   (:documentation "Checks all results of the passed variable of the given
                    construct and deletes every result with the corresponding
                    row that is not contained in the dont-touch-values.")
-  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple-Elem) (variable-name String)
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Triple) (variable-name String)
 	    (dont-touch-values List))
     (let ((var-elem
 	   (cond ((and (variable-p (subject construct))
@@ -871,29 +883,30 @@
 		 ((and (variable-p (object construct))
 		       (string= (value (object construct)) variable-name))
 		  (object-result construct)))))
-      (if (not var-elem)
-	  construct
-	  (let* ((rows-to-hold
-		  (remove-null
-		   (map 'list #'(lambda(val)
-				  (if (stringp val)
-				      (position val var-elem :test #'string=)
-				      (position val var-elem)))
-			var-elem)))
-		 (new-result-list
-		  (dolist (row-idx rows-to-hold)
-		    (list :subject (elt (subject-result construct) row-idx)
-			  :predicate (elt (predicate-result construct) row-idx)
-			  :object (elt (object-result construct) row-idx)))))
-	    (setf (subject-result construct)
-		  (map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
-				 (getf entry :subject)) new-result-list))
-	    (setf (predicate-result construct)
-		  (map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
-				 (getf entry :predicate)) new-result-list))
-	    (setf (object-result construct)
-		  (map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
-				 (getf entry :object)) new-result-list)))))))
+      (when var-elem
+	(let* ((rows-to-hold
+		(remove-null
+		 (map 'list #'(lambda(val)
+				(if (stringp val)
+				    (position val var-elem :test #'string=)
+				    (position val var-elem)))
+		      dont-touch-values)))
+	       (new-result-list
+		(map 'list
+		     #'(lambda(row-idx)
+			 (list :subject (elt (subject-result construct) row-idx)
+			       :predicate (elt (predicate-result construct) row-idx)
+			       :object (elt (object-result construct) row-idx)))
+		     rows-to-hold)))
+	  (setf (subject-result construct)
+		(map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
+			       (getf entry :subject)) new-result-list))
+	  (setf (predicate-result construct)
+		(map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
+			       (getf entry :predicate)) new-result-list))
+	  (setf (object-result construct)
+		(map 'list #'(lambda(entry)
+			       (getf entry :object)) new-result-list)))))))
 (defgeneric results-for-variable (variable-name result-lists)

Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_parser.lisp	Sat Dec  4 12:07:46 2010
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 	   (list :next-query (cut-comment (subseq trimmed-str 1))
 		 :value (make-instance 'SPARQL-Triple-Elem
 				       :elem-type 'IRI
-				       :value *rdf-type*)))
+				       :value *type-psi*)))
 	  ((string-starts-with trimmed-str "<")
 	   (parse-base-suffix-pair trimmed-str query-object))
 	  ((or (string-starts-with trimmed-str "?")
@@ -484,10 +484,10 @@
       (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "WHERE")
 	  (if (string-starts-with trimmed-str "*")
-	      (progn (add-variable construct "*" nil)
+	      (progn (add-variable construct "*")
 		     (parse-variables construct (string-after trimmed-str "*")))
 	      (let ((result (parse-variable-name trimmed-str construct)))
-		(add-variable construct (getf result :value) nil)
+		(add-variable construct (getf result :value))
 		(parse-variables construct (getf result :next-query))))))))

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	Sat Dec  4 12:07:46 2010
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
-	   :test-set-result-5))
+	   :test-set-result-5
+	   :test-result))
 (in-package :sparql-test)
@@ -134,35 +135,22 @@
     (is-true query-object-3)
     (signals sparql-parser-error (make-instance 'SPARQL-Query :query query-3))
     (is (= (length (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)) 3))
-    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
-			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "var1")
-			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)))
-    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
-			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "var2")
-			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)))
-    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
-			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "var3")
-			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)))
+    (is-true (find "var1" (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)
+		   :test #'string=))
+    (is-true (find "var2" (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)
+		   :test #'string=))
+    (is-true (find "var3" (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-1)
+		   :test #'string=))
     (is (= (length (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)) 3))
-    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
-			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "var1")
-			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)))
-    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
-			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "var2")
-			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)))
-    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
-			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "var3")
-			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)))
-    (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(elem)
-			  (and (string= (getf elem :variable) "*")
-			       (null (getf elem :value))))
-		      (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-3)))))
+    (is-true (find "var1" (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)
+		   :test #'string=))
+    (is-true (find "var2" (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)
+		   :test #'string=))
+    (is-true (find "var3" (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-2)
+		   :test #'string=))
+    (is-true (find "*" (TM-SPARQL::variables query-object-3)
+		   :test #'string=))
+    (is-true (tm-sparql::*-p query-object-3))))
 (test test-parse-literals
@@ -940,5 +928,117 @@
 			     (second (tm-sparql::select-group q-obj-3))))))))))
+(test test-result
+  (with-fixture with-tm-filled-db ("data_base" *poems.xtm*)
+    (with-revision 0
+      (let* ((query-1 "PREFIX author:<http://some.where/psis/author/>
+                     PREFIX poem:<http://some.where/psis/poem/>
+                     PREFIX basePSIs:<http://some.where/base-psis/>
+                     SELECT ?poems ?poets WHERE {
+                         ?poets a basePSIs:author .
+                         ?poets basePSIs:written ?poems.
+                         ?poems basePSIs:title 'Der Erlkönig' .
+                         ?poems a basePSIs:poem}")
+	     (q-obj-1 (make-instance 'TM-SPARQL:SPARQL-Query :query query-1))
+	     (query-2 "PREFIX author:<http://some.where/psis/author/>
+                     PREFIX poem:<http://some.where/psis/poem/>
+                     PREFIX basePSIs:<http://some.where/base-psis/>
+                     SELECT * WHERE {
+                         ?poems a basePSIs:poem.
+                         <goethe> <last-name> 'von Goethe' .
+                         ?poems basePSIs:title ?titles}")
+	     (q-obj-2 (make-instance 'TM-SPARQL:SPARQL-Query :query query-2)))
+	(is-true q-obj-1)
+	(is-true q-obj-2)
+	(is (= (length (tm-sparql::select-group q-obj-1)) 4))
+	(is (= (length (tm-sparql::select-group q-obj-2)) 3))
+	(is (= (length (result q-obj-1)) 2))
+	(if (string= (getf (first (result q-obj-1)) :variable) "poets")
+	    (progn
+	      (is (= (length (getf (first (result q-obj-1)) :result)) 1))
+	      (is (or (string= (first (getf (first (result q-obj-1)) :result))
+			       "http://some.where/psis/author/goethe")
+		      (string= (first (getf (first (result q-obj-1)) :result))
+			       "http://some.where/psis/persons/goethe")))
+	      (is (= (length (getf (second (result q-obj-1)) :result)) 1))
+	      (is (string= (first (getf (second (result q-obj-1)) :result))
+			   "http://some.where/psis/poem/erlkoenig"))
+	      (is (string= (getf (second (result q-obj-1)) :variable) "poems")))
+	    (progn
+	      (is (= (length (getf (second (result q-obj-1)) :result)) 1))
+	      (is (or (string= (first (getf (second (result q-obj-1)) :result))
+			       "http://some.where/psis/author/goethe")
+		      (string= (first (getf (second (result q-obj-1)) :result))
+			       "http://some.where/psis/persons/goethe")))
+	      (is (= (length (getf (first (result q-obj-1)) :result)) 1))
+	      (is (string= (first (getf (first (result q-obj-1)) :result))
+			   "http://some.where/psis/poem/erlkoenig"))
+	      (is (string= (getf (first (result q-obj-1)) :variable) "poems"))))
+	(is (= (length (result q-obj-2)) 2))
+	(if (string= (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :variable) "titles")
+	    (progn
+	      (is (= (length (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result)) 4))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Mondnacht"
+		     (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Der Erlkönig"
+		     (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Der Zauberlehrling"
+		     (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Resignation - Eine Phantasie"
+		     (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (string= (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :variable) "poems")
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "http://some.where/psis/poem/mondnacht"
+		     (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "http://some.where/psis/poem/resignation"
+		     (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "http://some.where/psis/poem/erlkoenig"
+		     (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (or
+		(find "http://some.where/psis/poem/zauberlehrling"
+		      (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=)
+		(find "http://some.where/psis/poem/der_zauberlehrling"
+		      (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))))
+	    (progn
+	      (is (= (length (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result)) 4))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Mondnacht"
+		     (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Der Erlkönig"
+		     (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Der Zauberlehrling"
+		     (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "Resignation - Eine Phantasie"
+		     (getf (second (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (string= (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :variable) "poems")
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "http://some.where/psis/poem/mondnacht"
+		     (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "http://some.where/psis/poem/resignation"
+		     (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (find "http://some.where/psis/poem/erlkoenig"
+		     (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=))
+	      (is-true
+	       (or
+		(find "http://some.where/psis/poem/zauberlehrling"
+		      (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=)
+		(find "http://some.where/psis/poem/der_zauberlehrling"
+		      (getf (first (result q-obj-2)) :result) :test #'string=)))))))))
 (defun run-sparql-tests ()
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'sparql-test:sparql-tests))

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