[isidorus-cvs] r255 - in branches/new-datamodel/src: model unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Apr 1 09:40:23 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Apr  1 05:40:23 2010
New Revision: 255

new-datamodel: added the generic "find-oldest-construct" which is needed for "merge-constructs"; added unit-tests for "find-oldest-constructs" and "equivalent-constructs"; fixed a bug in "eqiuvalent-constructs" --> AssociaitonC; fixed a bug in "make-topic" which caused problems when adding topic-identifiers.


Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Thu Apr  1 05:40:23 2010
@@ -617,9 +617,23 @@
 ;;; some helpers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defun find-version-info (versioned-constructs
+			 &key (sort-function #'<) (sort-key 'start-revision))
+  "Returns all version-infos sorted by the function sort-function which is
+   applied on the slot sort-key."
+  (declare (list versioned-constructs))
+  (let ((vis
+	 (sort
+	  (loop for vc in versioned-constructs
+	     append (versions vc))
+	  sort-function :key sort-key)))
+    (when vis
+      (first vis))))
 (defun rec-remf (plist keyword)
   "Calls remf for the past plist with the given keyword until
-    all key-value-pairs corresponding to the passed keyword were removed."
+   all key-value-pairs corresponding to the passed keyword were removed."
   (declare (list plist) (keyword keyword))
   (loop while (getf plist keyword)
      do (remf plist keyword))
@@ -741,6 +755,20 @@
 ;;; generic definitions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defgeneric find-oldest-construct (construct-1 construct-2)
+  (:documentation "Returns the construct which owns the oldes version info.
+                   If a construct is not a versioned construct the oldest
+                   association determines the construct's version info."))
+(defgeneric merge-constructs (construct-1 construct-2 &key revision)
+  (:documentation "Merges two constructs of the same type if they are
+                   mergable. The latest construct will be marked as deleted
+                   The older one gets all characteristics of the marked as
+                   deleted one. All referenced constructs are also updated
+                   with the changeds that are caused by this operation."))
 (defgeneric delete-parent (construct parent-construct &key revision)
   (:documentation "Sets the assoication-object between the passed
                    constructs as marded-as-deleted."))
@@ -824,6 +852,22 @@
 ;;; VersionedConstructC
+(defmethod find-oldest-construct ((construct-1 VersionedConstructC)
+				 (construct-2 VersionedConstructC))
+  (let ((vi-1 (find-version-info (list construct-1)))
+	(vi-2 (find-version-info (list construct-2))))
+    (cond ((not (or vi-1 vi-2))
+	   nil)
+	  ((not vi-1)
+	   construct-2)
+	  ((not vi-2)
+	   construct-1)
+	  ((<= (start-revision vi-1) (start-revision vi-2))
+	   construct-1)
+	  (t
+	   construct-2))))
 (defgeneric VersionedConstructC-p (class-symbol)
   (:documentation "Returns t if the passed class is equal to VersionedConstructC
                    or one of its subtypes.")
@@ -965,6 +1009,21 @@
 ;;; PointerC
+(defmethod find-oldest-construct ((construct-1 PointerC) (construct-2 PointerC))
+  (let ((vi-1 (find-version-info (slot-p construct-1 'identified-construct)))
+	(vi-2 (find-version-info (slot-p construct-2 'identified-construct))))
+    (cond ((not (or vi-1 vi-2))
+	   nil)
+	  ((not vi-1)
+	   construct-2)
+	  ((not vi-2)
+	   construct-1)
+	  ((<= (start-revision vi-1) (start-revision vi-2))
+	   construct-1)
+	  (t
+	   construct-2))))
 (defmethod equivalent-constructs ((construct-1 PointerC) (construct-2 PointerC)
 				  &key (revision nil))
   (declare (ignorable revision))
@@ -1041,7 +1100,8 @@
 ;;; TopicIdentificationC
-(defmethod equivalent-constructs ((construct-1 PointerC) (construct-2 PointerC)
+(defmethod equivalent-constructs ((construct-1 TopicIdentificationC)
+				  (construct-2 TopicIdentificationC)
 				  &key (revision nil))
   (declare (ignorable revision))
   (and (call-next-method)
@@ -1177,15 +1237,14 @@
 (defmethod equivalent-constructs ((construct-1 TopicC) (construct-2 TopicC)
 				  &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
   (declare (integer revision))
-  (when (intersection (union
-		       (union (item-identifiers construct-1 :revision revision)
-			      (locators construct-1 :revision revision))
-		       (psis construct-1 :revision revision))
-		      (union 
-		       (union (item-identifiers construct-2 :revision revision)
-			      (locators construct-2 :revision revision))
-		       (psis construct-2 :revision revision)))
-    t))
+  (let ((ids-1 (union (union (item-identifiers construct-1 :revision revision)
+			     (locators construct-1 :revision revision))
+		      (psis construct-1 :revision revision)))
+	(ids-2 (union (union (item-identifiers construct-2 :revision revision)
+			     (locators construct-2 :revision revision))
+		      (psis construct-2 :revision revision))))
+    (when (intersection ids-1 ids-2)
+      t)))
 (defgeneric TopicC-p (class-symbol)
@@ -1195,7 +1254,7 @@
 (defmethod equivalent-construct ((construct TopicC)
-				 &key (start-revision 0) (psis nil)
+				 &key (start-revision *TM-REVISION*) (psis nil)
 				 (locators nil) (item-identifiers nil)
 				 (topic-identifiers nil))
   "Isidorus handles Topic-equality only by the topic's identifiers
@@ -1759,6 +1818,22 @@
 ;;; CharacteristicC
+(defmethod find-oldest-construct ((construct-1 CharacteristicC)
+				  (construct-2 CharacteristicC))
+  (let ((vi-1 (find-version-info (slot-p construct-1 'parent)))
+	(vi-2 (find-version-info (slot-p construct-2 'parent))))
+    (cond ((not (or vi-1 vi-2))
+	   nil)
+	  ((not vi-1)
+	   construct-2)
+	  ((not vi-2)
+	   construct-1)
+	  ((<= (start-revision vi-1) (start-revision vi-2))
+	   construct-1)
+	  (t
+	   construct-2))))
 (defmethod equivalent-constructs ((construct-1 CharacteristicC)
 				  (construct-2 CharacteristicC)
 				  &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
@@ -2164,13 +2239,28 @@
 ;;; RoleC
+(defmethod find-oldest-construct ((construct-1 RoleC) (construct-2 RoleC))
+  (let ((vi-1 (find-version-info (slot-p construct-1 'parent)))
+	(vi-2 (find-version-info (slot-p construct-2 'parent))))
+    (cond ((not (or vi-1 vi-2))
+	   nil)
+	  ((not vi-1)
+	   construct-2)
+	  ((not vi-2)
+	   construct-1)
+	  ((<= (start-revision vi-1) (start-revision vi-2))
+	   construct-1)
+	  (t
+	   construct-2))))
 (defmethod equivalent-constructs ((construct-1 RoleC) (construct-2 RoleC)
 				  &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
   (declare (integer revision))
   (and (eql (instance-of construct-1 :revision revision)
 	    (instance-of construct-2 :revision revision))
        (eql (player construct-1 :revision revision)
-	    (player construct-1 :revision revision))))
+	    (player construct-2 :revision revision))))
 (defgeneric RoleC-p (class-symbol)
@@ -2455,11 +2545,6 @@
 	   (let ((id-owner (identified-construct item-identifier
 						 :revision revision)))
 	     (when (not (eql id-owner construct))
-	       (unless (typep construct 'TopicC)
-		 (error (make-condition 'duplicate-identifier-error
-					:message "From add-item-identifier(): duplicate ItemIdentifier has been found: ~a"
-					(uri item-identifier)
-					:uri (uri item-identifier))))
       (let ((merged-construct construct))
 	(cond (construct-to-be-merged
@@ -2890,7 +2975,6 @@
 		  (apply #'make-construct 'RoleC
 			 (append role-plist (list :parent association)))
 		  :revision (getf role-plist :start-revision)))
-      (format t "~%~%~%")
@@ -2997,6 +3081,9 @@
 		    (make-instance 'TopicC))))))
       (let ((merged-topic topic))
+	(dolist (tid topic-identifiers)
+	  (setf merged-topic (add-topic-identifier merged-topic tid
+						   :revision start-revision)))
 	(dolist (psi psis)
 	  (setf merged-topic (add-psi merged-topic psi
 				      :revision start-revision)))
@@ -3134,9 +3221,39 @@
 ;;; start hacks ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defgeneric merge-constructs(construct-1 construct-2 &key revision)
-  (:method ((construct-1 TopicMapConstructC) (construct-2 TopicMapconstructC)
-	    &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
-    (or revision)
-    (if construct-1 construct-1 construct-2)))
-;;; end hacks ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
\ No newline at end of file
+(defmethod merge-constructs ((construct-1 TopicMapConstructC) (construct-2 TopicMapconstructC)
+			     &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  (or revision)
+  (if construct-1 construct-1 construct-2))
+;;; end hacks ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defmethod merge-constructs ((construct-1 VariantC) (construct-2 VariantC)
+			     &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+  (declare (integer revision))
+  (if (eql construct-1 construct-2)
+      construct-1
+      (progn
+	(unless
+	    (equivalent-constructs construct-1 construct-2 :revision revision)
+	  (error "From merge-constructs(): the variants: ~a ~a are not mergable"
+		 construct-1 construct-2))
+	;;...
+	)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp
--- branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/new-datamodel/src/unit_tests/datamodel_test.lisp	Thu Apr  1 05:40:23 2010
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
   (:import-from :exceptions
   (:import-from :constants
-		*xml-string*)
+		*xml-string*
+		*xml-uri*)
   (:export :run-datamodel-tests
@@ -72,7 +73,8 @@
-	   :test-make-TopicC))
+	   :test-make-TopicC
+	   :test-find-oldest-construct))
 ;;TODO: test equivalent-constructs
@@ -1527,13 +1529,23 @@
 (test test-equivalent-PointerC ()
-  "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on PointerC
-   and its subclasses."
+  "Tests the functions equivalent-construct and strictly-equivalent-constructs
+   depending on PointerC and its subclasses."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
     (let ((p-1 (make-instance 'd::PointerC :uri "p-1"))
 	  (tid-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicIdentificationC :uri "tid-1"
 				:xtm-id "xtm-1"))
-	  (psi-1 (make-instance 'd:PersistentIdC :uri "psi-1")))
+	  (tid-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicIdentificationC :uri "tid-2"
+				:xtm-id "xtm-1"))
+	  (tid-3 (make-instance 'd:TopicIdentificationC :uri "tid-1"
+				:xtm-id "xtm-2"))
+	  (tid-4 (make-instance 'd:TopicIdentificationC :uri "tid-1"
+				:xtm-id "xtm-1"))
+	  (psi-1 (make-instance 'd:PersistentIdC :uri "psi-1"))
+	  (psi-2 (make-instance 'd:PersistentIdC :uri "psi-2"))
+	  (psi-3 (make-instance 'd:PersistentIdC :uri "psi-1"))
+	  (rev-1 100))
+      (setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
       (is-true (d::equivalent-construct p-1 :uri "p-1"))
       (is-false (d::equivalent-construct p-1 :uri "p-2"))
       (is-true (d::equivalent-construct tid-1 :uri "tid-1" :xtm-id "xtm-1"))
@@ -1541,138 +1553,250 @@
       (is-false (d::equivalent-construct tid-1 :uri "tid-1" :xtm-id "xtm-2"))
       (is-false (d::equivalent-construct tid-1 :uri "tid-2" :xtm-id "xtm-2"))
       (is-true (d::equivalent-construct psi-1 :uri "psi-1"))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct psi-1 :uri "psi-2")))))
+      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct psi-1 :uri "psi-2"))
+      (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs tid-1 tid-1))
+      (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs tid-1 tid-2))
+      (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs tid-1 tid-3))
+      (is-true (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs tid-1 tid-4))
+      (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs psi-1 psi-1))
+      (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs psi-1 psi-2))
+      (is-true (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs psi-1 psi-3)))))
 (test test-equivalent-OccurrenceC ()
   "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on OccurrenceC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
-    (let ((occ-1 (make-instance 'd:OccurrenceC :charvalue "occ-1"))
-	  (type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+    (let ((type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (type-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-3 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (revision-0-5 50)
-	  (version-1 100))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* version-1)
-      (add-type occ-1 type-1)
-      (add-theme occ-1 scope-1)
-      (add-theme occ-1 scope-2)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct
-		occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		:instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		 :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)
-		 :start-revision revision-0-5))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		 :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		 :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1"
-		 :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 occ-1 :charvalue "occ-2" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		 :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1))))))
+	  (rev-0-5 50)
+	  (rev-1 100))
+      (let ((occ-1 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+				   :charvalue "occ-1"
+				   :instance-of type-1
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (occ-2 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+				   :charvalue "occ-1"
+				   :instance-of type-2
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (occ-3 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+				   :charvalue "occ-1"
+				   :instance-of type-1
+				   :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (occ-4 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+				   :charvalue "occ-2"
+				   :instance-of type-1
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (occ-5 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+				   :charvalue "occ-1"
+				   :datatype *xml-uri*
+				   :instance-of type-1
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (occ-6 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+				   :charvalue "occ-1"
+				   :instance-of type-1
+				   :themes (list scope-1)
+				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	(add-theme occ-6 scope-2)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct
+		  occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype *xml-string*
+		  :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype *xml-string*
+		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)
+		   :start-revision rev-0-5))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype *xml-string*
+		   :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1" :datatype *xml-string*
+		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   occ-1 :charvalue "occ-1"
+		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   occ-1 :charvalue "occ-2" :datatype *xml-string*
+		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs occ-1 occ-1))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs occ-1 occ-2))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs occ-1 occ-3))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs occ-1 occ-4))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs occ-1 occ-5))
+	(is-true (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs occ-1 occ-6))))))
 (test test-equivalent-NameC ()
   "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on NameC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
-    (let ((nam-1 (make-instance 'd:NameC :charvalue "nam-1"))
-	  (type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+    (let ((type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (type-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-3 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (revision-0-5 50)
-	  (version-1 100))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* version-1)
-      (add-type nam-1 type-1)
-      (add-theme nam-1 scope-1)
-      (add-theme nam-1 scope-2)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct
-		nam-1 :charvalue "nam-1" :instance-of type-1
-		:themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 nam-1 :charvalue "nam-1" :instance-of type-1
-		 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)
-		 :start-revision revision-0-5))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 nam-1 :charvalue "nam-1" :instance-of type-2
-		 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 nam-1 :charvalue "nam-1" :instance-of type-1
-		 :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 nam-1 :charvalue "nam-2" :instance-of type-1
-		 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1))))))
+	  (variant-1 (make-instance 'd:VariantC))
+	  (variant-2 (make-instance 'd:VariantC))
+	  (rev-0-5 50)
+	  (rev-1 100))
+      (let ((name-1 (make-construct 'NameC
+				    :charvalue "name-1"
+				    :instance-of type-1
+				    :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (name-2 (make-construct 'NameC
+				    :charvalue "name-2"
+				    :instance-of type-1
+				    :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (name-3 (make-construct 'NameC
+				    :charvalue "name-1"
+				    :instance-of type-2
+				    :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (name-4 (make-construct 'NameC
+				    :charvalue "name-1"
+				    :instance-of type-1
+				    :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)
+				    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (name-5 (make-construct 'NameC
+				    :charvalue "name-1"
+				    :instance-of type-1
+				    :themes (list scope-2)
+				    :variants (list variant-1 variant-2)
+				    :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	(add-theme name-5 scope-1)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct
+		  name-1 :charvalue "name-1" :instance-of type-1
+		  :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   name-1 :charvalue "name-1" :instance-of type-1
+		   :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)
+		   :start-revision rev-0-5))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   name-1 :charvalue "name-1" :instance-of type-2
+		   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   name-1 :charvalue "name-1" :instance-of type-1
+		   :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   name-1 :charvalue "name-2" :instance-of type-1
+		   :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs name-1 name-1))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs name-1 name-2))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs name-1 name-3))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs name-1 name-4))
+	(is-true (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs name-1 name-5))))))
 (test test-equivalent-VariantC ()
   "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on VariantC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
-    (let ((var-1 (make-instance 'd:OccurrenceC :charvalue "var-1"))
-	  (scope-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+    (let ((scope-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (scope-3 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (revision-0-5 50)
-	  (version-1 100))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* version-1)
-      (add-theme var-1 scope-1)
-      (add-theme var-1 scope-2)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct
-		var-1 :charvalue "var-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		:themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 var-1 :charvalue "var-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)
-		 :start-revision revision-0-5))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 var-1 :charvalue "var-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		 :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 var-1 :charvalue "var-1"
-		 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		 var-1 :charvalue "var-2" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
-		 :themes (list scope-2 scope-1))))))
+	  (rev-0-5 50)
+	  (rev-1 100))
+      (let ((var-1 (make-construct 'VariantC
+				   :charvalue "var-1"
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (var-2 (make-construct 'VariantC
+				   :charvalue "var-2"
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (var-3 (make-construct 'VariantC
+				   :charvalue "var-1"
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-3)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (var-4 (make-construct 'VariantC
+				   :charvalue "var-1"
+				   :datatype *xml-uri*
+				   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (var-5 (make-construct 'VariantC
+				   :charvalue "var-1"
+				   :themes (list scope-1)
+				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	(add-theme var-5 scope-2)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct
+		  var-1 :charvalue "var-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
+		  :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   var-1 :charvalue "var-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
+		   :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)
+		   :start-revision rev-0-5))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   var-1 :charvalue "var-1" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
+		   :themes (list scope-3 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   var-1 :charvalue "var-1"
+		   :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		   var-1 :charvalue "var-2" :datatype constants:*xml-string*
+		   :themes (list scope-2 scope-1)))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs var-1 var-1))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs var-1 var-2))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs var-1 var-3))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs var-1 var-4))
+	(is-true (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs var-1 var-5))))))
 (test test-equivalent-RoleC ()
   "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on RoleC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
-    (let ((role-1 (make-instance 'd:RoleC))
-	  (type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
+    (let ((type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (type-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (player-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (player-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (revision-1 100)
-	  (revision-2 200))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
-      (add-type role-1 type-1)
-      (add-player role-1 player-1)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-1
-					:instance-of type-1))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-2
-					 :instance-of type-1))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-1
-					 :instance-of type-2))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-2)
-      (delete-player role-1 player-1 :revision revision-2)
-      (add-player role-1 player-2)
-      (delete-type role-1 type-1 :revision revision-2)
-      (add-type role-1 type-2)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-2
-					:instance-of type-2))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-1
-					 :instance-of type-2))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-2
-					 :instance-of type-1)))))
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200))
+      (let ((role-1 (make-construct 'RoleC
+				    :player player-1
+				    :instance-of type-1
+				    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (role-2 (make-construct 'RoleC
+				    :player player-2
+				    :instance-of type-1
+				    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (role-3 (make-construct 'RoleC
+				    :player player-1
+				    :instance-of type-2
+				    :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (role-4 (make-construct 'RoleC
+				    :instance-of type-1
+				    :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	(add-player role-4 player-1)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-1
+					  :instance-of type-1))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-2
+					   :instance-of type-1))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-1
+					   :instance-of type-2))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs role-1 role-1))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs role-1 role-2))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs role-1 role-3))
+	(is-true (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs role-1 role-4))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-2)
+	(delete-player role-1 player-1 :revision rev-2)
+	(add-player role-1 player-2)
+	(delete-type role-1 type-1 :revision rev-2)
+	(add-type role-1 type-2)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-2
+					  :instance-of type-2))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-1
+					   :instance-of type-2))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct role-1 :player player-2
+					   :instance-of type-1))))))
 (test test-equivalent-AssociationC ()
@@ -1684,67 +1808,80 @@
 	  (r-type-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
 	  (r-type-2 (make-instance 'TopicC))
 	  (r-type-3 (make-instance 'TopicC))
-	  (revision-1 100))
-      (let ((assoc-1 (make-instance 'd:AssociationC))
-	    (role-1 (make-construct 'd:RoleC
-				    :start-revision revision-1
-				    :player player-1
-				    :instance-of r-type-1))
-	    (role-2 (make-construct 'd:RoleC
-				    :start-revision revision-1
-				    :player player-2
-				    :instance-of r-type-2))
+	  (rev-1 100))
+      (let ((role-1 (list :player player-1 :instance-of r-type-1
+			  :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (role-2 (list :player player-2 :instance-of r-type-2
+			  :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (role-3 (list :instance-of r-type-3 :player player-3
+			  :start-revision rev-1))
 	    (type-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	    (type-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	    (scope-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	    (scope-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	    (scope-3 (make-instance 'd:TopicC)))
-	(setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
-	(d:add-role assoc-1 role-1)
-	(d:add-role assoc-1 role-2)
-	(d:add-type assoc-1 type-1)
-	(d:add-theme assoc-1 scope-1)
-	(d:add-theme assoc-1 scope-2)
-	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct
-		  assoc-1 :roles (list
-				  (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1
-					:start-revision revision-1)
-				  (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2
-					:start-revision revision-1))
-		  :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
-		  :start-revision revision-1))
-	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		   assoc-1 :roles (list
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2)
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-3 :player player-3))
-		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		   assoc-1 :roles (list
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1))
-		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		   assoc-1 :roles (list
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-3 :player player-3))
-		   :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		   assoc-1 :roles (list
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2))
-		   :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
-	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct
-		   assoc-1 :roles (list
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-1 :player player-1)
-				   (list :instance-of r-type-2 :player player-2))
-		   :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-3)))))))
+	(let ((assoc-1 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				       :roles (list role-1 role-2)
+				       :instance-of type-1
+				       :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				       :start-revision rev-1))
+	      (assoc-2 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				       :roles (list role-1 role-2 role-3)
+				       :instance-of type-1
+				       :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				       :start-revision rev-1))
+	      (assoc-3 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				       :roles (list role-1 role-3)
+				       :instance-of type-1
+				       :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				       :start-revision rev-1))
+	      (assoc-4 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				       :roles (list role-1 role-2)
+				       :instance-of type-2
+				       :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				       :start-revision rev-1))
+	      (assoc-5 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				       :roles (list role-1 role-2)
+				       :instance-of type-1
+				       :themes (list scope-1 scope-3)
+				       :start-revision rev-1))
+	      (assoc-6 (make-construct 'AssociationC
+				       :roles (list role-1)
+				       :instance-of type-1
+				       :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+				       :start-revision rev-1)))
+	  (setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	  (add-role assoc-6 (apply #'make-construct 'RoleC role-2))
+	  (is-true (d::equivalent-construct
+		    assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2)
+		    :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	  (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		     assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2 role-3)
+		     :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	  (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		     assoc-1 :roles (list role-1)
+		     :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	  (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		     assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-3)
+		     :instance-of type-1 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	  (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		     assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2)
+		     :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+	  (is-false (d::equivalent-construct
+		     assoc-1 :roles (list role-1 role-2)
+		     :instance-of type-2 :themes (list scope-1 scope-3)))
+	  (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs assoc-1 assoc-1))
+	  (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs assoc-1 assoc-2))
+	  (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs assoc-1 assoc-3))
+	  (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs assoc-1 assoc-4))
+	  (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs assoc-1 assoc-5))
+	  (is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs assoc-1 assoc-6)))))))
 (test test-equivalent-TopicC ()
   "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on TopicC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
-    (let ((top-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (ii-1 (make-instance 'd:ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-1"))
+    (let ((ii-1 (make-instance 'd:ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-1"))
 	  (ii-2 (make-instance 'd:ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-2"))
 	  (sl-1 (make-instance 'd:SubjectLocatorC :uri "sl-1"))
 	  (sl-2 (make-instance 'd:SubjectLocatorC :uri "sl-2"))
@@ -1754,43 +1891,60 @@
 				:xtm-id "xtm-id-1"))
 	  (tid-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicIdentificationC :uri "tid-2"
 				:xtm-id "xtm-id-2"))
-	  (revision-1 100))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
-      (d:add-item-identifier top-1 ii-1)
-      (d:add-locator top-1 sl-1)
-      (d:add-psi top-1 psi-1)
-      (d:add-topic-identifier top-1 tid-1)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1
-					:item-identifiers (list ii-1 ii-2)))
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :locators (list sl-1 sl-2)
-					:psis (list psi-1 psi-2)
-					:item-identifiers (list ii-1 ii-2)))
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :locators (list sl-1 sl-2)))
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :psis (list psi-1 psi-2)))
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :topic-identifiers (list tid-1)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :topic-identifiers (list tid-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :item-identifiers (list ii-2)
-					 :psis (list psi-2)
-					 :locators (list sl-2))))))
+	  (rev-1 100))
+      (let ((top-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				   :item-identifiers (list ii-1)
+				   :locators (list sl-1)
+				   :psis (list psi-1)
+				   :topic-identifiers (list tid-1)
+				   :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (top-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				   :item-identifiers (list ii-2)
+				   :locators (list sl-2)
+				   :psis (list psi-2)
+				   :topic-identifiers (list tid-2)
+				   :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1
+					  :item-identifiers (list ii-1 ii-2)))
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :locators (list sl-1 sl-2)
+					  :psis (list psi-1 psi-2)
+					  :item-identifiers (list ii-1 ii-2)))
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :locators (list sl-1 sl-2)))
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :psis (list psi-1 psi-2)))
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :topic-identifiers (list tid-1)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :topic-identifiers (list tid-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct top-1 :item-identifiers (list ii-2)
+					   :psis (list psi-2)
+					   :locators (list sl-2)))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs top-1 top-1))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs top-1 top-2))))))
 (test test-equivalent-TopicMapC ()
   "Tests the functions equivalent-construct depending on TopicMapC."
   (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
-    (let ((tm-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicMapC))
-	  (ii-1 (make-instance 'd:ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-1"))
+    (let ((ii-1 (make-instance 'd:ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-1"))
 	  (ii-2 (make-instance 'd:ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-2"))
 	  (reifier-1 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
 	  (reifier-2 (make-instance 'd:TopicC))
-	  (revision-1 100))
-      (setf *TM-REVISION* revision-1)
-      (d:add-item-identifier tm-1 ii-1)
-      (d:add-reifier tm-1 reifier-1)
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct tm-1
-					:item-identifiers (list ii-1 ii-2)))
-      (is-true (d::equivalent-construct tm-1 :reifier reifier-1))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct tm-1 :item-identifiers (list ii-2)))
-      (is-false (d::equivalent-construct tm-1 :reifier reifier-2)))))
+	  (rev-1 100))
+      (let ((tm-1 (make-construct 'TopicMapC
+				  :item-identifiers (list ii-1)
+				  :reifier reifier-1
+				  :start-revision rev-1))
+	    (tm-2 (make-construct 'TopicMapC
+				  :item-identifiers (list ii-2)
+				  :reifier reifier-2
+				  :start-revision rev-1)))
+	(setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct tm-1
+					  :item-identifiers (list ii-1 ii-2)))
+	(is-true (d::equivalent-construct tm-1 :reifier reifier-1))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct tm-1 :item-identifiers (list ii-2)))
+	(is-false (d::equivalent-construct tm-1 :reifier reifier-2))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs tm-1 tm-1))
+	(is-false (d::strictly-equivalent-constructs tm-1 tm-2))))))
 (test test-class-p ()
@@ -2566,6 +2720,58 @@
 	    (is (eql (first (occurrences top-3)) occ-1))))))))
+(test test-find-oldest-construct ()
+  "Tests the generic find-oldest-construct."
+  (with-fixture with-empty-db (*db-dir*)
+    (let ((top-1 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (top-2 (make-instance 'TopicC))
+	  (tm-1 (make-instance 'TopicMapC))
+	  (tm-2 (make-instance 'TopicMapC))
+	  (assoc-1 (make-instance 'AssociationC))
+	  (assoc-2 (make-instance 'AssociationC))
+	  (ii-1 (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-1"))
+	  (ii-2 (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC :uri "ii-2"))
+	  (variant-1 (make-instance 'VariantC))
+	  (variant-2 (make-instance 'VariantC))
+	  (name-1 (make-instance 'NameC))
+	  (name-2 (make-instance 'NameC))
+	  (role-1 (make-instance 'RoleC))
+	  (role-2 (make-instance 'RoleC))
+	  (rev-1 100)
+	  (rev-2 200)
+	  (rev-3 300))
+      (setf *TM-REVISION* rev-1)
+      (is-false (d::find-oldest-construct ii-1 ii-2))
+      (add-item-identifier top-1 ii-1 :revision rev-3)
+      (is (eql ii-1 (d::find-oldest-construct ii-1 ii-2)))
+      (add-item-identifier assoc-1 ii-2 :revision rev-2)
+      (is (eql ii-2 (d::find-oldest-construct ii-1 ii-2)))
+      (add-item-identifier top-2 ii-1 :revision rev-1)
+      (is (eql ii-1 (d::find-oldest-construct ii-1 ii-2)))
+      (is-false (d::find-oldest-construct variant-1 variant-2))
+      (add-variant name-1 variant-1 :revision rev-3)
+      (is (eql variant-1 (d::find-oldest-construct variant-1 variant-2)))
+      (add-variant name-1 variant-2 :revision rev-2)
+      (is (eql variant-2 (d::find-oldest-construct variant-1 variant-2)))
+      (add-variant name-2 variant-1 :revision rev-1)
+      (is (eql variant-1 (d::find-oldest-construct variant-1 variant-2)))
+      (is-false (d::find-oldest-construct role-1 role-2))
+      (add-role assoc-1 role-1 :revision rev-3)
+      (is (eql role-1 (d::find-oldest-construct role-1 role-2)))
+      (add-role assoc-1 role-2 :revision rev-2)
+      (is (eql role-2 (d::find-oldest-construct role-1 role-2)))
+      (add-role assoc-2 role-1 :revision rev-1)
+      (is (eql role-1 (d::find-oldest-construct role-1 role-2)))
+      (is-false (d::find-oldest-construct tm-1 tm-2))
+      (d::add-to-version-history tm-1 :start-revision rev-3)
+      (is (eql tm-1 (d::find-oldest-construct tm-1 tm-2)))
+      (d::add-to-version-history tm-2 :start-revision rev-1)
+      (is (eql tm-2 (d::find-oldest-construct tm-1 tm-2)))
+      (d::add-to-version-history tm-1 :start-revision rev-1)
+      (is (eql tm-1 (d::find-oldest-construct tm-1 tm-2)))
+      (is (eql tm-2 (d::find-oldest-construct tm-2 tm-1))))))
 (defun run-datamodel-tests()
@@ -2623,4 +2829,5 @@
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-make-TopicMapC)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-make-AssociationC)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-make-TopicC)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-find-oldest-construct)
\ No newline at end of file

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