[isidorus-cvs] r131 - in trunk/src: . unit_tests xml/rdf

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Sep 3 14:57:43 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Sep  3 10:57:42 2009
New Revision: 131

rdf-importer: fixed some problems with importing isidorus-types; added importers and unit tests for isidorus:Association and isidorus:Role


Modified: trunk/src/constants.lisp
--- trunk/src/constants.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/constants.lisp	Thu Sep  3 10:57:42 2009
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
-	   :*tm2rdf-associationtype-property*))
+	   :*tm2rdf-associationtype-property*
+	   :*tm2rdf-player-property*))
 (in-package :constants)
@@ -165,3 +166,5 @@
 (defparameter *tm2rdf-roletype-property* (concatenate 'string *tm2rdf-ns* "roletype"))
 (defparameter *tm2rdf-associationtype-property* (concatenate 'string *tm2rdf-ns* "associationtype"))
+(defparameter *tm2rdf-player-property* (concatenate 'string *tm2rdf-ns* "player"))

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	Thu Sep  3 10:57:42 2009
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@
-	   :test-import-isidorus-occurrence))
+	   :test-import-isidorus-occurrence
+	   :test-import-isidorus-association))
 (declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (safety 3) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
@@ -3275,7 +3276,8 @@
 		      "  <sw:arc rdf:nodeID=\"node-id-4\"/>"
 		      " </rdf:Description>"
 		      " <sw:Node rdf:nodeID=\"node-id-4\" "
-		      "          xml:base=\"http://base/\">"
+		      "          xml:base=\"http://base/\""
+		      "          xml:lang=\"de\">"
 		      "  <sw:arc>"
 		      "   <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"node-id-1\" "
 		      "                    xml:base=\"suffix\"/>"
@@ -3300,7 +3302,8 @@
 					(elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text 
 					      root) 4)) 0)) 0)
-			      :xml-base "http://base/suffix")))
+			      :xml-base "http://base/"
+			      :xml-lang "de")))
 	    (node-id-2 (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text root) 1))
 	    (node-id-3 (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text root) 3))
 	    (node-id-4 (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text root) 4)))
@@ -3318,9 +3321,10 @@
 	(is (eql (getf (first (rdf-importer::get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id
 			       "node-id-4" root sw-node)) :elem)
-	(is (string= (getf (first (rdf-importer::get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id
-				   "node-id-4" root sw-node)) :xml-base)
-		     "http://base/"))
+	(is-false (getf (first (rdf-importer::get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id
+				"node-id-4" root sw-node)) :xml-base))
+	(is-false (getf (first (rdf-importer::get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id
+				"node-id-4" root sw-node)) :xml-lang))
 	(is (= (length (intersection
@@ -3578,6 +3582,136 @@
 	  (is (string= (d:datatype occ-3) *xml-string*)))))))
+(test test-import-isidorus-association
+  "Tests all functions that are responsible to import a resource
+   representing isidorus:Association."
+  (let ((revision-1 100)
+	(tm-id "http://test/tm-id")
+	(document-id "doc-id")
+	(db-dir "./data_base")
+	(doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "                 xmlns:sw=\"http://test/arcs/\""
+		      "                 xmlns:isi=\"" *tm2rdf-ns* "\">"
+		      " <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"association-1\">"
+		      "  <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"" *tm2rdf-association-type-uri* "\"/>"
+		      "  <isi:associationtype rdf:resource=\"http://associationtype-1\"/>"
+		      "  <isi:scope>"
+		      "   <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"http://scope-1\">"
+		      "    <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"" *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri* "\"/>"
+		      "    <isi:subjectLocator rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-uri* "\">http://sl-1</isi:subjectLocator>"
+		      "    <isi:subjectLocator rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-uri* "\">http://sl-2</isi:subjectLocator>"
+		      "    <isi:name rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">"
+		      "     <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"" *tm2rdf-name-type-uri* "\"/>"
+		      "     <isi:nametype rdf:resource=\"http://nametype-1\"/>"
+		      "     <isi:value rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-string* "\">value-1</isi:value>"
+		      "     <isi:scope rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">"
+		      "       <sw:arc rdf:parseType=\"Literal\">value-of-arc</sw:arc>"
+		      "     </isi:scope>"
+		      "    </isi:name>"
+		      "   </rdf:Description>"
+		      "  </isi:scope>"
+		      "  <isi:itemIdentity rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-uri* "\">http://itemIdentity-a1</isi:itemIdentity>"
+		      "  <isi:itemIdentity rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-uri* "\">http://itemIdentity-a2</isi:itemIdentity>"
+		      "  <isi:role rdf:nodeID=\"role-1\"/>"
+		      " </rdf:Description>"
+		      " <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"role-1\">"
+		      "  <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"" *tm2rdf-role-type-uri* "\"/>"
+		      "  <isi:player rdf:resource=\"http://player-1\"/>"
+		      "  <isi:itemIdentity rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-uri* "\">http://itemIdentity-3</isi:itemIdentity>"
+		      "  <isi:roletype rdf:nodeID=\"roletype-1\"/>"
+		      " </rdf:Description>"
+		      " <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"association-1\">"
+		      "  <isi:itemIdentity rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-uri* "\">http://itemIdentity-a1</isi:itemIdentity>"
+		      "  <isi:scope rdf:resource=\"http://scope-2\"/>"
+		      "  <isi:role rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">"
+		      "   <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"" *tm2rdf-role-type-uri* "\"/>"
+		      "   <isi:player rdf:nodeID=\"player-2\"/>"
+		      "   <isi:roletype rdf:resource=\"http://roletype-2\"/>"
+		      "  </isi:role>"
+		      "  <isi:role>"
+		      "   <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"role-1\">"
+		      "    <isi:itemIdentity rdf:datatype=\"" *xml-uri* "\">http://itemIdentity-3</isi:itemIdentity>"
+		      "   </rdf:Description>"
+		      "  </isi:role>"
+		      " </rdf:Description>"
+		      "</rdf:RDF>")))
+    (let ((root (elt (dom:child-nodes (cxml:parse doc-1
+						  (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
+		     0)))
+      (is (= (length (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text root)) 3))
+      (rdf-init-db :db-dir db-dir :start-revision revision-1)
+      (rdf-importer::import-dom root revision-1 :tm-id tm-id
+				:document-id document-id)
+      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:AssociationC)) 1))
+      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicC)) 28))
+      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:OccurrenceC)) 1))
+      (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:RoleC)) 2))
+      (setf d::*current-xtm* document-id)
+      (let ((assoc (first (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:AssociationC)))
+	    (assoc-type (d:get-item-by-psi "http://associationtype-1"))
+	    (scope-1 (d:get-item-by-psi "http://scope-1"))
+	    (player-1 (d:get-item-by-psi "http://player-1"))
+	    (player-2 (d:get-item-by-id "player-2"))
+	    (roletype-1 (d:get-item-by-id "roletype-1"))
+	    (roletype-2 (d:get-item-by-psi "http://roletype-2"))
+	    (nametype-1 (d:get-item-by-psi "http://nametype-1"))
+	    (scope-2 (d:get-item-by-psi "http://scope-2")))
+	(let ((role-1 (first (d:used-as-type roletype-1)))
+	      (role-2 (first (d:used-as-type roletype-2))))
+	  (is-true scope-1)
+	  (is (= (length (intersection
+			  (list
+			   (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'd:SubjectLocatorC
+							   'd:uri "http://sl-1")
+			   (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'd:SubjectLocatorC
+							   'd:uri "http://sl-2"))
+			  (d:locators scope-1)))
+		 2))
+	  (is (= (length (d:names scope-1)) 1))
+	  (is (eql (d:instance-of (first (d:names scope-1))) nametype-1))
+	  (is (string= (d:charvalue (first (d:names scope-1))) "value-1"))
+	  (is (= (length (d:themes (first (d:names scope-1)))) 1))
+	  (is-false (d:psis (first (d:themes (first (d:names scope-1))))))
+	  (is-true player-1)
+	  (is-true player-2)
+	  (is-true roletype-1)
+	  (is (string= (d:uri (first (d::topic-identifiers roletype-1)))
+		       "roletype-1"))
+	  (is-true roletype-2)
+	  (is-true assoc-type)
+	  (is-true scope-2)
+	  (is-true role-1)
+	  (is (= (length (intersection 
+			  (list 
+			   (elephant:get-instance-by-value 
+			    'd:ItemIdentifierC 'd:uri  "http://itemIdentity-3"))
+			  (d:item-identifiers role-1)))
+		 1))
+	  (is (eql player-1 (d:player role-1)))
+	  (is-true role-2)
+	  (is-false (d:item-identifiers role-2))
+	  (is (eql player-2 (d:player role-2)))
+	  (is (= (length (intersection (d:roles assoc)
+				       (list role-1 role-2)))
+		 2))
+	  (is (= (length (intersection
+			  (d:themes assoc)
+			  (list scope-1 scope-2)))
+		 2))
+	  (is (= (length 
+		  (intersection
+		   (d:item-identifiers assoc)
+		   (list
+		    (elephant:get-instance-by-value 
+		     'd:ItemIdentifierC 'd:uri "http://itemIdentity-a1")
+		    (elephant:get-instance-by-value 
+		     'd:ItemIdentifierC 'd:uri "http://itemIdentity-a2"))))
+		 2)))))))
 (defun run-rdf-importer-tests()
   "Runs all defined tests."
   (when elephant:*store-controller*
@@ -3606,4 +3740,5 @@
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-isidorus-type-p)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-import-isidorus-name)
-  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-import-isidorus-occurrence))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-import-isidorus-occurrence)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-import-isidorus-association))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	Thu Sep  3 10:57:42 2009
@@ -86,9 +86,19 @@
 	    (loop for child across children
 	       when (non-isidorus-type-p child tm-id :parent-xml-base xml-base)
 	       do (import-node child tm-id start-revision :document-id document-id
-			       :xml-base xml-base :xml-lang xml-lang))))
-	(import-node rdf-dom tm-id start-revision :document-id document-id
-		     :xml-base xml-base :xml-lang xml-lang)))
+			       :xml-base xml-base :xml-lang xml-lang)
+	       when (isidorus-type-p child tm-id 'association
+				     :parent-xml-base xml-base)
+	       do (make-isidorus-association child tm-id start-revision
+					     :parent-xml-base xml-base
+					     :document-id document-id))))
+	(if (isidorus-type-p rdf-dom tm-id 'association
+			     :parent-xml-base xml-base)
+	    (make-isidorus-association rdf-dom tm-id start-revision
+				       :parent-xml-base xml-base
+				       :document-id document-id)
+	    (import-node rdf-dom tm-id start-revision :document-id document-id
+			 :xml-base xml-base :xml-lang xml-lang))))
   (setf *_n-map* nil))
@@ -104,47 +114,166 @@
 	  (ID (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id xml-base "ID"))
 	  (UUID (get-ns-attribute elem "UUID" :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
       (parse-properties-of-node elem (or about nodeID ID UUID))
-      ;TODO: create associations and roles -> and iterate in import-dom
-      ;      over those elements
-    (let ((literals (append (get-literals-of-node elem fn-xml-lang)
-			    (get-literals-of-node-content
-			     elem tm-id xml-base fn-xml-lang)))
-	  (associations (get-associations-of-node-content elem tm-id xml-base))
-	  (types (get-types-of-node elem tm-id :parent-xml-base xml-base))
-	  (super-classes
-	   (get-super-classes-of-node-content elem tm-id xml-base))
-	  (subject-identities (make-isidorus-identifiers
-				elem start-revision :what "subjectIdentifier"))
-	  (item-identifiers (make-isidorus-identifiers elem start-revision))
-	  (subject-locators (make-isidorus-identifiers elem start-revision
-						       :what "subjectLocator")))
-      (with-tm (start-revision document-id tm-id)
-	(let ((this
-	       (make-topic-stub
-		about ID nodeID UUID start-revision xml-importer::tm
-		:document-id document-id
-		:additional-subject-identifiers subject-identities
-		:item-identifiers item-identifiers
-		:subject-locators subject-locators)))
-	  (make-isidorus-names elem this tm-id start-revision
-			       :owner-xml-base fn-xml-base
-			       :document-id document-id)
-	  (make-isidorus-occurrences elem this tm-id start-revision
-				     :owner-xml-base fn-xml-base
-				     :document-id document-id)
-	  (make-literals this literals tm-id start-revision
-			 :document-id document-id)
-	  (make-associations this associations xml-importer::tm
-			     start-revision :document-id document-id)
-	  (make-types this types xml-importer::tm start-revision
-		      :document-id document-id)
-	  (make-super-classes this super-classes xml-importer::tm
-			      start-revision :document-id document-id)
-	  (make-recursion-from-node elem tm-id start-revision
-				    :document-id document-id
-				    :xml-base xml-base
-				    :xml-lang xml-lang)
-	  this))))))
+      (let ((literals (append (get-literals-of-node elem fn-xml-lang)
+			      (get-literals-of-node-content
+			       elem tm-id xml-base fn-xml-lang)))
+	    (associations (get-associations-of-node-content elem tm-id xml-base))
+	    (types (get-types-of-node elem tm-id :parent-xml-base xml-base))
+	    (super-classes
+	     (get-super-classes-of-node-content elem tm-id xml-base))
+	    (subject-identities (make-isidorus-identifiers
+				 (list elem)
+				 start-revision :what "subjectIdentifier"))
+	    (item-identifiers (make-isidorus-identifiers (list elem)
+							 start-revision))
+	    (subject-locators (make-isidorus-identifiers 
+			       (list elem) start-revision :what "subjectLocator")))
+	(with-tm (start-revision document-id tm-id)
+	  (let ((this
+		 (make-topic-stub
+		  about ID nodeID UUID start-revision xml-importer::tm
+		  :document-id document-id
+		  :additional-subject-identifiers subject-identities
+		  :item-identifiers item-identifiers
+		  :subject-locators subject-locators)))
+	    (make-isidorus-names elem this tm-id start-revision
+				 :owner-xml-base fn-xml-base
+				 :document-id document-id)
+	    (make-isidorus-occurrences elem this tm-id start-revision
+				       :owner-xml-base fn-xml-base
+				       :document-id document-id)
+	    (make-literals this literals tm-id start-revision
+			   :document-id document-id)
+	    (make-associations this associations xml-importer::tm
+			       start-revision :document-id document-id)
+	    (make-types this types xml-importer::tm start-revision
+			:document-id document-id)
+	    (make-super-classes this super-classes xml-importer::tm
+				start-revision :document-id document-id)
+	    (make-recursion-from-node elem tm-id start-revision
+				      :document-id document-id
+				      :xml-base xml-base
+				      :xml-lang xml-lang)
+	    this))))))
+(defun make-isidorus-association (elem tm-id start-revision
+				  &key (parent-xml-base nil)
+				  (document-id *document-id*))
+  "Creates an association element of the passed DOM node."
+  (declare (dom:element elem))
+  (declare (string tm-id))
+  (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
+	(err-pref "From make-isidorus-association(): ")
+	(root (elt (dom:child-nodes (dom:owner-document elem)) 0)))
+    (let ((nodes (if nodeID
+		     (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id 
+		      nodeId root *tm2rdf-association-type-uri*)
+		     (list (list :elem elem
+				 :xml-base parent-xml-base)))))
+      (let ((item-identities 
+	     (make-isidorus-identifiers
+	      (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
+			     (getf x :elem))
+		   nodes) start-revision))
+	    (association-type (import-topic-of-property
+			       nodes tm-id start-revision
+			       *tm2rdf-associationtype-property*
+			       :document-id document-id))
+	    (association-scopes (make-scopes nodes tm-id start-revision
+					     :document-id document-id))
+	    (association-roles (make-isidorus-roles
+				nodes tm-id start-revision
+				:document-id document-id)))
+	(unless association-type 
+	  (error "~aassociation type is missing!" err-pref))
+	(unless association-roles
+	  (error "~aassociation roles are missing!" err-pref))
+	(with-tm (start-revision document-id tm-id)
+	   (add-to-topicmap
+	   xml-importer::tm
+	   (make-construct 'AssociationC
+			   :start-revision start-revision
+			   :item-identifiers item-identities
+			   :instance-of association-type
+			   :themes association-scopes
+			   :roles association-roles)))))))
+(defun make-isidorus-roles (association-nodes tm-id start-revision
+			    &key (document-id *document-id*))
+  "Returns a list of property list of the form
+   (:instance-of <TopicC> :player <TopicC> :item-identifiers <(ItemIdentifierC)>)."
+  (declare (string tm-id))
+  (let ((err-pref "From make-isidorus-roles(): ")
+	(all-role-nodes (get-all-role-nodes association-nodes))
+	(root (elt (dom:child-nodes (dom:owner-document 
+				     (getf (first association-nodes)
+					   :elem))) 0)))
+    (when (and (not (stringp all-role-nodes))
+	       (> (length all-role-nodes) 0))
+      (loop for property in all-role-nodes
+	 collect 
+	   (let ((nodeID (nodeId-of-property-or-child (getf property :elem))))
+	     (let ((nodes (if nodeID
+			      (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id 
+			       nodeId root *tm2rdf-role-type-uri*)
+			      (list (list :elem (getf property :elem)
+					  :xml-base (getf property :xml-base)
+					  :xml-lang 
+					  (getf property :xml-lang))))))
+	       (let ((item-identities
+		      (make-isidorus-identifiers
+		       (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
+				      (getf x :elem))
+			    nodes) start-revision))
+		     (role-player (import-topic-of-property
+				   nodes tm-id start-revision
+				   *tm2rdf-player-property*
+				   :document-id document-id))
+		     (role-type (import-topic-of-property
+				 nodes tm-id start-revision
+				 *tm2rdf-roletype-property*
+				 :document-id document-id)))
+		 (unless role-type
+		   (error "~arole type is missing!" err-pref))
+		 (unless role-player
+		   (error "~arole player is missing!" err-pref))
+		 (list :instance-of role-type
+		       :player role-player
+		       :item-identifiers item-identities))))))))
+(defun get-all-role-nodes (association-nodes)
+  "Returns all role nodes of the passed association nodes as a
+   property list of the form (:elem <dom:element> :xml-base <string>
+   :xml-lang <string>."
+  (let ((nodes
+	 (loop for association in association-nodes
+	    append 
+	      (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text (getf association :elem)
+						  :trim t))
+		    (xml-base (getf association :xml-base))
+		    (xml-lang (getf association :xml-lang)))
+		(unless (stringp content)
+		  (loop for property across content
+		     when (let ((node-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+				(node-name (get-node-name property)))
+			    (string= (concatenate-uri node-ns node-name)
+				     *tm2rdf-role-property*))
+		     collect (list :elem property
+				   :xml-base (get-xml-base 
+					      (getf association :elem)
+					      :old-base xml-base)
+				   :xml-lang 
+				   (get-xml-lang (getf association :elem)
+						 :old-lang xml-lang))))))))
+    (remove-duplicates
+     (remove-if #'null nodes)
+     :test #'(lambda(x y)
+	       (string= (nodeId-of-property-or-child (getf x :elem))
+			(nodeID-of-property-or-child (getf y :elem)))))))
 (defun make-isidorus-occurrences (owner-elem owner-topic tm-id start-revision
@@ -175,11 +304,11 @@
 				 property *tm2rdf-occurrence-type-uri*
 				 :xml-base xml-base))))))
 	       (let ((item-identities
-		      (remove-if #'null
-				 (loop for node in nodes
-				    append (make-isidorus-identifiers
-					    (getf node :elem) start-revision))))
-		     (occurrence-type (make-x-type 
+		      (make-isidorus-identifiers
+		       (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
+				      (getf x :elem))
+			    nodes) start-revision))
+		     (occurrence-type (import-topic-of-property
 				       nodes tm-id start-revision
 				       :document-id document-id))
@@ -228,13 +357,14 @@
 				 property *tm2rdf-name-type-uri*
 				 :xml-base xml-base))))))
 	       (let ((item-identities
-		      (remove-if #'null
-				 (loop for node in nodes
-				    append (make-isidorus-identifiers
-					    (getf node :elem) start-revision))))
-		     (name-type (make-x-type nodes tm-id start-revision
-					     *tm2rdf-nametype-property*
-					     :document-id document-id))
+		      (make-isidorus-identifiers
+		       (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
+				      (getf x :elem))
+			    nodes) start-revision))
+		     (name-type (import-topic-of-property
+				 nodes tm-id start-revision
+				 *tm2rdf-nametype-property*
+				 :document-id document-id))
 		     (name-value (getf (make-value nodes tm-id) :value))
 		     (name-scopes (make-scopes nodes tm-id start-revision
 					       :document-id document-id)))
@@ -289,11 +419,10 @@
 					      (getf name-node :xml-base))))))))
 			   (let ((item-identities
-				  (remove-if 
-				   #'null
-				   (loop for node in nodes
-				      append (make-isidorus-identifiers
-					      (getf node :elem) start-revision))))
+				  (make-isidorus-identifiers
+				   (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
+						  (getf x :elem))
+					nodes) start-revision))
 				   (make-scopes nodes tm-id start-revision
@@ -317,36 +446,57 @@
 (defun make-scopes (node-list tm-id start-revision
 		    &key (document-id *document-id*))
   "Creates for every found scope a corresponding topic stub."
-  (let ((properties
+  (let ((scopes
 	  (loop for node in node-list
-	     append (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text (getf node :elem)
-							:trim t)))
-		      (loop for property across content
-			 when (let ((prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
-				    (prop-name (get-node-name property)))
-				(string= (concatenate-uri prop-ns prop-name)
-					 *tm2rdf-scope-property*))
-			 collect (list :elem property
-				       :xml-base (get-xml-base 
-						  property
-						  :old-base 
-						  (getf node :xml-base)))))))))
-    (let ((scope-uris
-	   (remove-if #'null
-		      (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
-				     (get-ref-of-property (getf x :elem) tm-id 
-							  (getf x :xml-base)))
-			   properties))))
-      (with-tm (start-revision document-id tm-id)
-	(map 'list #'(lambda(x)
-		       (let ((topicid (getf x :topicid))
-			     (psi (getf x :psi)))
-			 (make-topic-stub psi nil topicid nil start-revision
-					  xml-importer::tm 
-					  :document-id document-id)))
-	     scope-uris)))))
+	     append
+	       (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text (getf node :elem)
+						   :trim t)))
+		 (loop for property across content
+		    when (let ((prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+			       (prop-name (get-node-name property)))
+			   (string= (concatenate-uri prop-ns prop-name)
+				    *tm2rdf-scope-property*))
+		    collect 
+		      (let ((nodeID  (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
+			    (resource (get-absolute-attribute 
+				       property tm-id (getf node :xml-base)
+				       "resource"))
+			    (children (child-nodes-or-text property
+							   :trim t))
+			    (parseType (let ((pT
+					      (get-ns-attribute property
+								"parseType")))
+					 (string= pT "Resource")))
+			    (type (get-ns-attribute property "type")))
+			(if (or parseType type)
+			    (progn
+			      (parse-property property "")
+			      (import-arc property tm-id start-revision
+					  :document-id document-id
+					  :xml-base (getf node :xml-base)
+					  :xml-lang (getf node :xml-lang)))
+			    (if (or nodeID resource)
+				(with-tm (start-revision document-id tm-id)
+				  (make-topic-stub resource nil nodeID nil 
+						   start-revision  xml-importer::tm
+						   :document-id document-id))
+				(if (and (= (length children) 1)
+					 (not (stringp children)))
+				    (import-node (elt children 0) tm-id
+						 start-revision
+						 :document-id document-id
+						 :xml-base 
+						 (get-xml-base 
+						  (elt children 0)
+						  :old-base (getf node :xml-base))
+						 :xml-lang 
+						 (get-xml-lang
+						  (elt children 0)
+						  :old-lang (getf node :xml-lang)))
+				    (error "From make-scopes(): scope-property must contain one resource!")))))))))))
+    (remove-duplicates scopes)))
 (defun make-value (node-list tm-id)
@@ -401,43 +551,72 @@
-(defun make-x-type (node-list tm-id start-revision uri-of-property
-		       &key (document-id *document-id*))
+(defun import-topic-of-property (node-list tm-id start-revision uri-of-property
+			       &key (document-id *document-id*))
   "Creates a topic stub that is the type of the name represented by the
    passed nodes."
-  (let ((property
-	 (loop for node in node-list
-	    when (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text (getf node :elem) 
-						     :trim t)))
-		   (loop for property across content
-		      when (let ((prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
-				 (prop-name (get-node-name property)))
-			     (string= (concatenate-uri prop-ns prop-name)
-				      uri-of-property))
-		      return property))
-	    return (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text (getf node :elem)
+  (let ((err-pref "From import-topic-of-property(): "))
+    (let ((tops
+	   (loop for node in node-list
+	      when (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text (getf node :elem) 
 						       :trim t)))
 		     (loop for property across content
 			when (let ((prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
 				   (prop-name (get-node-name property)))
 			       (string= (concatenate-uri prop-ns prop-name)
-			return (list
-				:elem property 
-				:xml-base (get-xml-base property
-							:old-base
-							(getf
-							 node 
-							 :xml-base))))))))
-    (when property
-      (let ((type-uri (get-ref-of-property (getf property :elem) tm-id
-					   (getf property :xml-base))))
-	(unless type-uri
-	  (error "From make-x-type(): type-uri is missing!"))
-	(with-tm (start-revision document-id tm-id)
-	  (make-topic-stub (getf type-uri :psi) nil 
-			   (getf type-uri :topicid) nil start-revision
-			   xml-importer::tm :document-id document-id))))))
+			return property))
+	      append 
+		(let ((content (child-nodes-or-text (getf node :elem)
+						    :trim t)))
+		  (loop for property across content
+		     when (let ((prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+				(prop-name (get-node-name property)))
+			    (string= (concatenate-uri prop-ns prop-name)
+				     uri-of-property))
+		     collect 
+		       (let ((nodeID  (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
+			     (resource (get-absolute-attribute 
+					property tm-id (getf node :xml-base)
+					"resource"))
+			     (children (child-nodes-or-text property
+							    :trim t))
+			     (parseType (let ((pT
+					       (get-ns-attribute property
+								 "parseType")))
+					  (string= pT "Resource")))
+			     (type (get-ns-attribute property "type")))
+			 (if (or parseType type)
+			     (progn
+			       (parse-property (getf node :elem) "")
+			       (import-arc property tm-id start-revision
+					   :document-id document-id
+					   :xml-base (getf node :xml-base)
+					   :xml-lang (getf node :xml-lang)))
+			     (if (or nodeID resource)
+				 (with-tm (start-revision document-id tm-id)
+				   (make-topic-stub resource nil nodeID nil 
+						    start-revision  xml-importer::tm
+						    :document-id document-id))
+				 (if (and (= (length children) 1)
+					  (not (stringp children)))
+				     (import-node (elt children 0) tm-id
+						  start-revision
+						  :document-id document-id
+						  :xml-base 
+						  (get-xml-base 
+						   (elt children 0)
+						   :old-base (getf node :xml-base))
+						  :xml-lang 
+						  (get-xml-lang
+						   (elt children 0)
+						   :old-lang (getf node :xml-lang)))
+				     (error "~aproperty must contain one resource!"
+					    err-pref))))))))))
+      (if (> (length (remove-duplicates tops)) 1)
+	  (error "~aproperty must contain one resource node: ~a!"
+		 err-pref (length (remove-duplicates tops)))
+	  (first tops)))))
 (defun import-arc (elem tm-id start-revision
@@ -464,11 +643,11 @@
 		     (parse-properties-of-node elem UUID)
 		     (let ((subject-identifiers 
-			     elem start-revision :what "subjectIdentifier"))
+			     (list elem) start-revision :what "subjectIdentifier"))
-			    (make-isidorus-identifiers elem start-revision))
+			    (make-isidorus-identifiers (list elem) start-revision))
-			    (make-isidorus-identifiers elem start-revision
+			    (make-isidorus-identifiers (list elem) start-revision
 						       :what "subjectLocator")))
 		       (let ((this
@@ -608,21 +787,24 @@
 (defun make-types (owner-top types tm start-revision
 		   &key (document-id *document-id*))
   "Creates instance-of associations corresponding to the passed
-   topic owner-top and the passed types."
+   topic owner-top and the passed types but not isidorus:Topic."
   (declare (d:TopicC owner-top))
-  (map 'list
-       #'(lambda(type)
-	   (let ((type-topic
-		  (make-topic-stub (getf type :psi)
-				   nil
-				   (getf type :topicid)
-				   nil start-revision tm
-				   :document-id document-id))
-		 (ID (getf type :ID)))
-	     (make-instance-of-association owner-top type-topic
-					   ID start-revision tm
-					   :document-id document-id)))
-       types))
+  (remove-if
+   #'null
+   (map 'list
+	#'(lambda(type)
+	    (when (string/= (getf type :psi) *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*)
+	      (let ((type-topic
+		     (make-topic-stub (getf type :psi)
+				      nil
+				      (getf type :topicid)
+				      nil start-revision tm
+				      :document-id document-id))
+		    (ID (getf type :ID)))
+		(make-instance-of-association owner-top type-topic
+					      ID start-revision tm
+					      :document-id document-id))))
+	types)))
 (defun make-super-classes (owner-top super-classes tm start-revision
@@ -1244,10 +1426,9 @@
 					  :xml-lang xml-lang))))))))
-(defun make-isidorus-identifiers (owner-elem start-revision &key (what "itemIdentity"))
+(defun make-isidorus-identifiers (owner-list start-revision &key (what "itemIdentity"))
   "Returns a list oc created identifier objects that can be
    used directly in make-topic-stub."
-  (declare (dom:element owner-elem))
   (declare (string what))
   (when (and (string/= what "itemIdentity")
 	     (string/= what "subjectIdentifier")
@@ -1255,32 +1436,42 @@
     (error "From make-identifiers(): what must be set to: ~a but is ~a"
 	   (list "itemIdentity" "subjectIdentifiers" "subjectLocator")
-  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text owner-elem :trim t))
-	(class-symbol (cond
-			((string= what "itemIdentity")
-			 'ItemIdentifierC)
-			((string= what "subjectIdentifier")
-			 'PersistentIdC)
-			((string= what "subjectLocator")
-			 'SubjectLocatorC))))
-    (unless (stringp content)
-      (let ((identifiers
-	     (loop for property across content
-		when (let ((prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
-			   (prop-name (get-node-name property))
-			   (prop-content (child-nodes-or-text property :trim t)))
-		       (and (string= prop-ns *tm2rdf-ns*)
-			    (string= prop-name what)
-			    (stringp prop-content)
-			    (> (length prop-content) 0)))
-		collect (let ((uri (child-nodes-or-text property :trim t)))
-			  (make-instance class-symbol 
-					 :uri uri
-					 :start-revision start-revision))))
-	    (identifier-attr
-	     (let ((attr (get-ns-attribute owner-elem what :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)))
-	       (when attr
-		 (list (make-instance class-symbol
-				      :uri attr
-				      :start-revision start-revision))))))
-	(remove-if #'null (append identifiers identifier-attr))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (let ((class-symbol 
+	 (cond
+	   ((string= what "itemIdentity")
+	    'ItemIdentifierC)
+	   ((string= what "subjectIdentifier")
+	    'PersistentIdC)
+	   ((string= what "subjectLocator")
+	    'SubjectLocatorC))))
+    (let ((uris
+	   (loop for owner-elem in owner-list
+	      append
+		(let ((content (child-nodes-or-text owner-elem :trim t)))
+		  (unless (stringp content)
+		    (let ((identifier-uris
+			   (loop for property across content
+			      when 
+				(let ((prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+				      (prop-name (get-node-name property))
+				      (prop-content (child-nodes-or-text 
+						     property :trim t)))
+				  (and (string= prop-ns *tm2rdf-ns*)
+				       (string= prop-name what)
+				       (stringp prop-content)
+				       (> (length prop-content) 0)))
+			      collect 
+				(child-nodes-or-text property :trim t)))
+			  (attr-uri
+			   (let ((attr (get-ns-attribute owner-elem what 
+							 :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)))
+			     (when attr
+			       (list attr)))))
+		      (append identifier-uris attr-uri)))))))
+      (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
+		     (make-instance class-symbol
+				    :uri x
+				    :start-revision start-revision))
+	   (remove-duplicates
+	    (remove-if #'null uris)
+	    :test #'string=)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/isidorus_constructs_tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/isidorus_constructs_tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/isidorus_constructs_tools.lisp	Thu Sep  3 10:57:42 2009
@@ -226,12 +226,14 @@
 			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-associationtype-property*)
 			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-occurrencetype-property*)
 			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-roletype-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-subjectLocator-property*))))
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-subjectLocator-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-player-property*))))
 (defun get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id (node-id current-node type-uri
 					&key (parent-xml-base nil)
+				     (parent-xml-lang nil)
 				     (collected-nodes nil))
   "Returns a list of all nodes that own the given nodeID and are of
    type type-uri, rdf:Description or when the rdf:parseType is set to
@@ -246,6 +248,7 @@
 	(content (child-nodes-or-text current-node :trim t))
 	(xml-base (get-xml-base current-node :old-base parent-xml-base))
+	(xml-lang (get-xml-lang current-node :old-lang parent-xml-lang))
 	(nodeID (get-ns-attribute current-node "nodeID"))
 	(node-uri-p (let ((node-uri
 			   (concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri current-node)
@@ -269,7 +272,8 @@
       (if (or datatype parseType (stringp content) (not content))
 	  (if (and (string= nodeID node-id) node-uri-p)
 	      (append (list (list :elem current-node
-				  :xml-base xml-base))
+				  :xml-base parent-xml-base
+				  :xml-lang parent-xml-lang))
 	  (if (and (string= nodeID node-id) node-uri-p)
@@ -277,15 +281,19 @@
 		 append (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id
 			 node-id item type-uri
 			 :collected-nodes (append
-					   (list (list :elem current-node
-						       :xml-base xml-base))
+					   (list (list 
+						  :elem current-node
+						  :xml-base parent-xml-base
+						  :xml-lang parent-xml-lang))
-			 :parent-xml-base xml-base))
+			 :parent-xml-base xml-base
+			 :parent-xml-lang xml-lang))
 	      (loop for item across content
 		 append (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id 
 			 node-id item type-uri 
 			 :collected-nodes collected-nodes
-			 :parent-xml-base xml-base)))))
+			 :parent-xml-base xml-base
+			 :parent-xml-lang xml-lang)))))
      :test #'(lambda(x y)
 	       (eql (getf x :elem) (getf y :elem))))))

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	Thu Sep  3 10:57:42 2009
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
-		*tm2rdf-associationtype-property*)
+		*tm2rdf-associationtype-property*
+		*tm2rdf-player-property*)
   (:import-from :xml-constants

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