[isidorus-cvs] r129 - in trunk/src: . xml/rdf

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Sep 2 12:56:18 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Sep  2 08:56:17 2009
New Revision: 129

rdf-importer: cleaned some code passages of the rdf module.


Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Wed Sep  2 08:56:17 2009
@@ -53,8 +53,10 @@
 				     (:module "rdf"
 					      :components ((:file "rdf_tools")
-							   (:file "importer"
+							   (:file "isidorus_constructs_tools"
 								  :depends-on ("rdf_tools"))
+							   (:file "importer"
+								  :depends-on ("rdf_tools" "isidorus_constructs_tools"))
 							   (:file "exporter"))
 					      :depends-on ("xtm")))
 			:depends-on ("constants"

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	Wed Sep  2 08:56:17 2009
@@ -180,8 +180,6 @@
 		     (name-value (getf (make-value nodes tm-id) :value))
 		     (name-scopes (make-scopes nodes tm-id start-revision
 					       :document-id document-id)))
-		 ;(format t "ii: ~a~%type: ~a~%value: ~a~%scopes: ~a~%~%"
-		;	 item-identities name-type name-value name-scopes)
 		 (let ((this
 			(make-construct 'NameC
 					:start-revision start-revision
@@ -248,25 +246,8 @@
 					     (getf value-and-type :value)
 					     (getf value-and-type :datatype)
-					     :name owner-name))))))))))
+					     :name owner-name))))))))))						  
-(defun self-or-child-node (property-node type-uri &key (xml-base))
-  "Returns either the passed node or the child-node when it is
-   rdf:Description."
-  (declare (dom:element property-node))
-  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text property-node :trim t)))
-    (if (and (= (length content) 1)
-	     (or (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri (elt content 0)) *rdf-ns*)
-		      (string= (get-node-name (elt content 0)) "Description"))
-		 (string= (concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri (elt content 0))
-					   (get-node-name (elt content 0)))
-			  type-uri)))
-	(list :elem (elt content 0)
-	      :xml-base (get-xml-base (elt content 0) :old-base xml-base))
-	(list :elem property-node
-	      :xml-base xml-base))))
 (defun make-scopes (node-list tm-id start-revision
 		    &key (document-id *document-id*))

Added: trunk/src/xml/rdf/isidorus_constructs_tools.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/isidorus_constructs_tools.lisp	Wed Sep  2 08:56:17 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+;;+  Isidorus
+;;+  (c) 2008-2009 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Giessmann
+;;+  Isidorus is freely distributable under the LGPL license.
+;;+  You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt.
+(in-package :rdf-importer)
+(defun get-type-psis (elem tm-id
+		      &key (parent-xml-base nil))
+  "Returns a list of type-uris of the passed node."
+  (let ((types (get-types-of-node elem tm-id
+				  :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)))
+    (remove-if #'null
+	       (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
+			      (getf x :psi))
+		    types))))
+(defun get-all-type-psis-of-id (nodeID tm-id document)
+  "Returns a list of type-uris for resources identified by the given
+   nodeID by analysing the complete XML-DOM."
+  (let ((root (elt (dom:child-nodes document) 0)))
+    (remove-duplicates
+     (remove-if #'null
+		(if (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri root) *rdf-ns*)
+			 (string= (get-node-name root)"RDF"))
+		    (loop for node across (child-nodes-or-text root)
+		       append (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
+			       root tm-id :resource-id nodeID))
+		    (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
+		     root tm-id :resource-id nodeID)))
+     :test #'string=)))
+(defun get-all-type-psis (elem tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil))
+  "Returns a list of type-uris for the element by analysing the complete
+   XML-DOM."
+  (let ((xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base parent-xml-base)))
+    (let ((root (elt (dom:child-nodes (dom:owner-document elem)) 0))
+	  (nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
+	  (about (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id xml-base "about")))
+      (remove-duplicates
+       (remove-if #'null
+		  (if (or nodeID about)
+		      (if (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri root) *rdf-ns*)
+			       (string= (get-node-name root) "RDF"))
+			  (loop for node across (child-nodes-or-text root)
+			     append (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
+				     root tm-id :resource-uri about
+				     :resource-id nodeID))
+			  (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
+			   root tm-id :resource-uri about
+			   :resource-id nodeID))
+		      (get-type-psis elem tm-id :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)))
+       :test #'string=))))
+(defun get-all-type-psis-across-dom (elem tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil)
+				     (resource-uri nil) (resource-id nil)
+				     (types nil))
+  "Returns a list of type PSI strings collected over the complete XML-DOM
+   corresponding to the passed id's or uri."
+  (when (or resource-uri resource-id)
+    (let ((xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base parent-xml-base)))
+      (let ((datatype (when (get-ns-attribute elem "datatype")
+			t))
+	    (parseType (when (get-ns-attribute elem "parseType")
+			 (string= (get-ns-attribute elem "parseType")
+				  "Literal"))))
+	(if (or datatype parseType)
+	    types
+	    (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
+		  (about (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id xml-base "about")))
+	      (let ((fn-types
+		     (append types
+			     (when (or (and about resource-uri
+					    (string= about resource-uri))
+				       (and nodeID resource-id
+					    (string= nodeID resource-id)))
+			       (get-type-psis elem tm-id
+					      :parent-xml-base xml-base))))
+		    (content (child-nodes-or-text elem :trim t)))
+		(if (or (stringp content)
+			(not content))
+		    fn-types
+		    (loop for child-node across content
+		       append (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
+			       child-node tm-id :parent-xml-base xml-base
+			       :resource-uri resource-uri
+			       :resource-id resource-id
+			       :types fn-types))))))))))
+(defun type-p (elem type-uri tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil))
+  "Returns t if the type-uri is a type of elem."
+  (declare (string tm-id type-uri))
+  (declare (dom:element elem))
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "type-p")
+  (find type-uri (get-all-type-psis elem tm-id
+				    :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)
+	:test #'string=))
+(defun type-of-id-p (node-id type-uri tm-id document)
+  "Returns t if type-uri is a type of the passed node-id."
+  (declare (string node-id type-uri tm-id))
+  (declare (dom:document document))
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "type-of-ndoe-id-p")
+  (find type-uri (get-all-type-psis-of-id node-id tm-id document)
+	:test #'string=))
+(defun non-isidorus-type-p (elem tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil)
+			    (ignore-topic nil))
+  "Returns t if the passed element is not of an isidorus' type.
+   The environmental property is not analysed by this function!"
+  (declare (dom:element elem))
+  (declare (string tm-id))
+  (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
+	(document (dom:owner-document elem))
+	(types 
+	 (let ((b-types
+		(list 
+		 *tm2rdf-name-type-uri* *tm2rdf-variant-type-uri*
+		 *tm2rdf-occurrence-type-uri* *tm2rdf-association-type-uri*
+		 *tm2rdf-role-type-uri*))
+	       (a-types (list *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*)))
+	   (if ignore-topic
+	       b-types
+	       (append a-types b-types)))))
+    (if nodeID
+	(not (loop for type in types
+		when (type-of-id-p nodeId type tm-id document)
+		return t))
+	(not (loop for type in types
+		when (type-p elem type tm-id 
+			     :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)
+		return t)))))
+(defun isidorus-type-p (property-elem-or-node-elem tm-id what
+			&key(parent-xml-base nil))
+  "Returns t if the node elem is of the type isidorus:<Type> and is
+   contained in a porperty isidorus:<type>."
+  (declare (dom:element property-elem-or-node-elem))
+  (declare (symbol what))
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "isidorus-type-p")
+  (let ((xml-base (get-xml-base property-elem-or-node-elem
+				:old-base parent-xml-base))
+	(type-and-property (cond
+			     ((eql what 'name)
+			      (list :type *tm2rdf-name-type-uri*
+				    :property *tm2rdf-name-property*))
+			     ((eql what 'variant)
+			      (list :type *tm2rdf-variant-type-uri*
+				    :property *tm2rdf-variant-property*))
+			     ((eql what 'occurrence)
+			      (list :type *tm2rdf-occurrence-type-uri*
+				    :property *tm2rdf-occurrence-property*))
+			     ((eql what 'role)
+			      (list :type *tm2rdf-role-type-uri*
+				    :property *tm2rdf-role-property*))
+			     ((eql what 'topic)
+			      (list :type *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*))
+			     ((eql what 'association)
+			      (list :type 
+				    *tm2rdf-association-type-uri*)))))
+    (when type-and-property
+      (let ((type (getf type-and-property :type))
+	    (property (getf type-and-property :property))
+	    (nodeID (get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "nodeID"))
+	    (document (dom:owner-document property-elem-or-node-elem))
+	    (elem-uri (concatenate-uri
+		       (dom:namespace-uri
+			property-elem-or-node-elem)
+		       (get-node-name property-elem-or-node-elem))))
+	(if (or (string= type *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*)
+		(string= type *tm2rdf-association-type-uri*)
+		(let ((parseType (get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem
+						   "parseType")))
+		  (and parseType
+		       (string= parseType "Resource")))
+		(get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "type")
+		(get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "value"
+				  :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)
+		(get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "itemIdentity"
+				  :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*))
+	    (type-p property-elem-or-node-elem type tm-id
+		    :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)
+	    (when (string= elem-uri property)
+	      (if nodeID
+		  (type-of-id-p nodeId type tm-id document)
+		  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text  property-elem-or-node-elem
+						       :trim t)))
+		    (when (and (= (length content) 1)
+			       (not (stringp content)))
+		      (type-p (elt content 0) type tm-id
+			      :parent-xml-base xml-base))))))))))
+(defun non-isidorus-child-nodes-or-text (elem &key (trim nil))
+  "Returns a list of node elements that are no isidorus properties, e.g.
+   isidorus:name, string-content or nil."
+  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text elem :trim trim)))
+    (if (or (not content)
+	    (stringp content))
+	content
+	(remove-if #'(lambda(x)
+		       (let ((x-uri (if (dom:namespace-uri x)
+					(concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri x)
+							 (get-node-name x))
+					(get-node-name x))))
+			 (or (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-name-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-variant-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-occurrence-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-role-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-subjectIdentifier-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-itemIdentity-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-value-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-scope-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-nametype-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-varianttype-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-associationtype-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-occurrencetype-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-roletype-property*)
+			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-subjectLocator-property*))))
+		   content))))
+(defun get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id (node-id current-node type-uri
+					&key (parent-xml-base nil)
+				     (collected-nodes nil))
+  "Returns a list of all nodes that own the given nodeID and are of
+   type type-uri, rdf:Description or when the rdf:parseType is set to
+   Resource or the isidorus:value attribute is set."
+  (declare (dom:element current-node))
+  (declare (string node-id))
+  (let ((datatype (when (get-ns-attribute current-node "datatype")
+		    t))
+	(parseType (let ((attr (get-ns-attribute current-node "parseType")))
+		     (when (and attr
+				(string= attr "Literal"))
+		       t)))
+	(content (child-nodes-or-text current-node :trim t))
+	(xml-base (get-xml-base current-node :old-base parent-xml-base))
+	(nodeID (get-ns-attribute current-node "nodeID"))
+	(node-uri-p (let ((node-uri
+			   (concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri current-node)
+					    (get-node-name current-node)))
+			  (description (concatenate 'string *rdf-ns* 
+						    "Description")))
+		      (or (string= node-uri (if type-uri type-uri ""))
+			  (string= node-uri description)
+			  (get-ns-attribute current-node "type")
+			  (get-ns-attribute current-node "value" 
+					    :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)
+			  (get-ns-attribute current-node "itemIdentity"
+					    :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)
+			  (let ((parseType (get-ns-attribute current-node 
+							     "parseType")))
+			    (when parseType
+			      (string= parseType "Resource")))))))
+    (remove-duplicates
+     (remove-if 
+      #'null
+      (if (or datatype parseType (stringp content) (not content))
+	  (if (and (string= nodeID node-id) node-uri-p)
+	      (append (list (list :elem current-node
+				  :xml-base xml-base))
+		      collected-nodes)
+	      collected-nodes)
+	  (if (and (string= nodeID node-id) node-uri-p)
+	      (loop for item across content
+		 append (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id
+			 node-id item type-uri
+			 :collected-nodes (append
+					   (list (list :elem current-node
+						       :xml-base xml-base))
+					   collected-nodes)
+			 :parent-xml-base xml-base))
+	      (loop for item across content
+		 append (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id 
+			 node-id item type-uri 
+			 :collected-nodes collected-nodes
+			 :parent-xml-base xml-base)))))
+     :test #'(lambda(x y)
+	       (eql (getf x :elem) (getf y :elem))))))
+(defun filter-isidorus-literals (literals)
+  "Removes all literals that are known isidorus properties which
+   are able to contain literal data."
+  (remove-if #'(lambda(x)
+		 (or (string= (getf x :type)
+			      *tm2rdf-subjectIdentifier-property*)
+		     (string= (getf x :type)
+			      *tm2rdf-itemIdentity-property*)
+		     (string= (getf x :type)
+			      *tm2rdf-subjectLocator-property*)))
+	     literals))
+(defun self-or-child-node (property-node type-uri &key (xml-base))
+  "Returns either the passed node or the child-node when it is
+   rdf:Description."
+  (declare (dom:element property-node))
+  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text property-node :trim t)))
+    (if (and (= (length content) 1)
+	     (or (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri (elt content 0)) *rdf-ns*)
+		      (string= (get-node-name (elt content 0)) "Description"))
+		 (string= (concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri (elt content 0))
+					   (get-node-name (elt content 0)))
+			  type-uri)))
+	(list :elem (elt content 0)
+	      :xml-base (get-xml-base (elt content 0) :old-base xml-base))
+	(list :elem property-node
+	      :xml-base xml-base))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	Wed Sep  2 08:56:17 2009
@@ -545,307 +545,3 @@
 			:psi (get-ns-attribute elem "type")))))))
-(defun get-type-psis (elem tm-id
-		      &key (parent-xml-base nil))
-  "Returns a list of type-uris of the passed node."
-  (let ((types (get-types-of-node elem tm-id
-				  :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)))
-    (remove-if #'null
-	       (map 'list #'(lambda(x)
-			      (getf x :psi))
-		    types))))
-(defun get-all-type-psis-of-id (nodeID tm-id document)
-  "Returns a list of type-uris for resources identified by the given
-   nodeID by analysing the complete XML-DOM."
-  (let ((root (elt (dom:child-nodes document) 0)))
-    (remove-duplicates
-     (remove-if #'null
-		(if (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri root) *rdf-ns*)
-			 (string= (get-node-name root)"RDF"))
-		    (loop for node across (child-nodes-or-text root)
-		       append (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
-			       root tm-id :resource-id nodeID))
-		    (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
-		     root tm-id :resource-id nodeID)))
-     :test #'string=)))
-(defun get-all-type-psis (elem tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil))
-  "Returns a list of type-uris for the element by analysing the complete
-   XML-DOM."
-  (let ((xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base parent-xml-base)))
-    (let ((root (elt (dom:child-nodes (dom:owner-document elem)) 0))
-	  (nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
-	  (about (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id xml-base "about")))
-      (remove-duplicates
-       (remove-if #'null
-		  (if (or nodeID about)
-		      (if (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri root) *rdf-ns*)
-			       (string= (get-node-name root) "RDF"))
-			  (loop for node across (child-nodes-or-text root)
-			     append (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
-				     root tm-id :resource-uri about
-				     :resource-id nodeID))
-			  (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
-			   root tm-id :resource-uri about
-			   :resource-id nodeID))
-		      (get-type-psis elem tm-id :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)))
-       :test #'string=))))
-(defun get-all-type-psis-across-dom (elem tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil)
-				     (resource-uri nil) (resource-id nil)
-				     (types nil))
-  "Returns a list of type PSI strings collected over the complete XML-DOM
-   corresponding to the passed id's or uri."
-  (when (or resource-uri resource-id)
-    (let ((xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base parent-xml-base)))
-      (let ((datatype (when (get-ns-attribute elem "datatype")
-			t))
-	    (parseType (when (get-ns-attribute elem "parseType")
-			 (string= (get-ns-attribute elem "parseType")
-				  "Literal"))))
-	(if (or datatype parseType)
-	    types
-	    (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
-		  (about (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id xml-base "about")))
-	      (let ((fn-types
-		     (append types
-			     (when (or (and about resource-uri
-					    (string= about resource-uri))
-				       (and nodeID resource-id
-					    (string= nodeID resource-id)))
-			       (get-type-psis elem tm-id
-					      :parent-xml-base xml-base))))
-		    (content (child-nodes-or-text elem :trim t)))
-		(if (or (stringp content)
-			(not content))
-		    fn-types
-		    (loop for child-node across content
-		       append (get-all-type-psis-across-dom
-			       child-node tm-id :parent-xml-base xml-base
-			       :resource-uri resource-uri
-			       :resource-id resource-id
-			       :types fn-types))))))))))
-(defun type-p (elem type-uri tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil))
-  "Returns t if the type-uri is a type of elem."
-  (declare (string tm-id type-uri))
-  (declare (dom:element elem))
-  (tm-id-p tm-id "type-p")
-  (find type-uri (get-all-type-psis elem tm-id
-				    :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)
-	:test #'string=))
-(defun type-of-id-p (node-id type-uri tm-id document)
-  "Returns t if type-uri is a type of the passed node-id."
-  (declare (string node-id type-uri tm-id))
-  (declare (dom:document document))
-  (tm-id-p tm-id "type-of-ndoe-id-p")
-  (find type-uri (get-all-type-psis-of-id node-id tm-id document)
-	:test #'string=))
-(defun property-name-of-node-p (elem property-name-uri)
-  "Returns t if the elements tag-name and namespace are equal
-   to the given uri."
-  (declare (dom:element elem))
-  (declare (string property-name-uri))
-  (when property-name-uri
-    (let ((uri (concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri elem)
-				(get-node-name elem))))
-      (string= uri property-name-uri))))
-(defun non-isidorus-type-p (elem tm-id &key (parent-xml-base nil)
-			    (ignore-topic nil))
-  "Returns t if the passed element is not of an isidorus' type.
-   The environmental property is not analysed by this function!"
-  (declare (dom:element elem))
-  (declare (string tm-id))
-  (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
-	(document (dom:owner-document elem))
-	(types 
-	 (let ((b-types
-		(list 
-		 *tm2rdf-name-type-uri* *tm2rdf-variant-type-uri*
-		 *tm2rdf-occurrence-type-uri* *tm2rdf-association-type-uri*
-		 *tm2rdf-role-type-uri*))
-	       (a-types (list *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*)))
-	   (if ignore-topic
-	       b-types
-	       (append a-types b-types)))))
-    (if nodeID
-	(not (loop for type in types
-		when (type-of-id-p nodeId type tm-id document)
-		return t))
-	(not (loop for type in types
-		when (type-p elem type tm-id 
-			     :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)
-		return t)))))
-(defun isidorus-type-p (property-elem-or-node-elem tm-id what
-			&key(parent-xml-base nil))
-  "Returns t if the node elem is of the type isidorus:<Type> and is
-   contained in a porperty isidorus:<type>."
-  (declare (dom:element property-elem-or-node-elem))
-  (declare (symbol what))
-  (tm-id-p tm-id "isidorus-type-p")
-  (let ((xml-base (get-xml-base property-elem-or-node-elem
-				:old-base parent-xml-base))
-	(type-and-property (cond
-			     ((eql what 'name)
-			      (list :type *tm2rdf-name-type-uri*
-				    :property *tm2rdf-name-property*))
-			     ((eql what 'variant)
-			      (list :type *tm2rdf-variant-type-uri*
-				    :property *tm2rdf-variant-property*))
-			     ((eql what 'occurrence)
-			      (list :type *tm2rdf-occurrence-type-uri*
-				    :property *tm2rdf-occurrence-property*))
-			     ((eql what 'role)
-			      (list :type *tm2rdf-role-type-uri*
-				    :property *tm2rdf-role-property*))
-			     ((eql what 'topic)
-			      (list :type *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*))
-			     ((eql what 'association)
-			      (list :type 
-				    *tm2rdf-association-type-uri*)))))
-    (when type-and-property
-      (let ((type (getf type-and-property :type))
-	    (property (getf type-and-property :property))
-	    (nodeID (get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "nodeID"))
-	    (document (dom:owner-document property-elem-or-node-elem))
-	    (elem-uri (concatenate-uri
-		       (dom:namespace-uri
-			property-elem-or-node-elem)
-		       (get-node-name property-elem-or-node-elem))))
-	(if (or (string= type *tm2rdf-topic-type-uri*)
-		(string= type *tm2rdf-association-type-uri*)
-		(let ((parseType (get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem
-						   "parseType")))
-		  (and parseType
-		       (string= parseType "Resource")))
-		(get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "type")
-		(get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "value"
-				  :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)
-		(get-ns-attribute property-elem-or-node-elem "itemIdentity"
-				  :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*))
-	    (type-p property-elem-or-node-elem type tm-id
-		    :parent-xml-base parent-xml-base)
-	    (when (string= elem-uri property)
-	      (if nodeID
-		  (type-of-id-p nodeId type tm-id document)
-		  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text  property-elem-or-node-elem
-						       :trim t)))
-		    (when (and (= (length content) 1)
-			       (not (stringp content)))
-		      (type-p (elt content 0) type tm-id
-			      :parent-xml-base xml-base))))))))))
-(defun non-isidorus-child-nodes-or-text (elem &key (trim nil))
-  "Returns a list of node elements that are no isidorus properties, e.g.
-   isidorus:name, string-content or nil."
-  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text elem :trim trim)))
-    (if (or (not content)
-	    (stringp content))
-	content
-	(remove-if #'(lambda(x)
-		       (let ((x-uri (if (dom:namespace-uri x)
-					(concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri x)
-							 (get-node-name x))
-					(get-node-name x))))
-			 (or (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-name-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-variant-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-occurrence-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-role-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-subjectIdentifier-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-itemIdentity-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-value-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-scope-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-nametype-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-varianttype-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-associationtype-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-occurrencetype-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-roletype-property*)
-			     (string= x-uri *tm2rdf-subjectLocator-property*))))
-		   content))))
-(defun get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id (node-id current-node type-uri
-					&key (parent-xml-base nil)
-				     (collected-nodes nil))
-  "Returns a list of all nodes that own the given nodeID and are of
-   type type-uri, rdf:Description or when the rdf:parseType is set to
-   Resource or the isidorus:value attribute is set."
-  (declare (dom:element current-node))
-  (declare (string node-id))
-  (let ((datatype (when (get-ns-attribute current-node "datatype")
-		    t))
-	(parseType (let ((attr (get-ns-attribute current-node "parseType")))
-		     (when (and attr
-				(string= attr "Literal"))
-		       t)))
-	(content (child-nodes-or-text current-node :trim t))
-	(xml-base (get-xml-base current-node :old-base parent-xml-base))
-	(nodeID (get-ns-attribute current-node "nodeID"))
-	(node-uri-p (let ((node-uri
-			   (concatenate-uri (dom:namespace-uri current-node)
-					    (get-node-name current-node)))
-			  (description (concatenate 'string *rdf-ns* 
-						    "Description")))
-		      (or (string= node-uri (if type-uri type-uri ""))
-			  (string= node-uri description)
-			  (get-ns-attribute current-node "type")
-			  (get-ns-attribute current-node "value" 
-					    :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)
-			  (get-ns-attribute current-node "itemIdentity"
-					    :ns-uri *tm2rdf-ns*)
-			  (let ((parseType (get-ns-attribute current-node 
-							     "parseType")))
-			    (when parseType
-			      (string= parseType "Resource")))))))
-    (remove-duplicates
-     (remove-if 
-      #'null
-      (if (or datatype parseType (stringp content) (not content))
-	  (if (and (string= nodeID node-id) node-uri-p)
-	      (append (list (list :elem current-node
-				  :xml-base xml-base))
-		      collected-nodes)
-	      collected-nodes)
-	  (if (and (string= nodeID node-id) node-uri-p)
-	      (loop for item across content
-		 append (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id
-			 node-id item type-uri
-			 :collected-nodes (append
-					   (list (list :elem current-node
-						       :xml-base xml-base))
-					   collected-nodes)
-			 :parent-xml-base xml-base))
-	      (loop for item across content
-		 append (get-all-isidorus-nodes-by-id 
-			 node-id item type-uri 
-			 :collected-nodes collected-nodes
-			 :parent-xml-base xml-base)))))
-     :test #'(lambda(x y)
-	       (eql (getf x :elem) (getf y :elem))))))
-(defun filter-isidorus-literals (literals)
-  "Removes all literals that are known isidorus properties which
-   are able to contain literal data."
-  (remove-if #'(lambda(x)
-		 (or (string= (getf x :type)
-			      *tm2rdf-subjectIdentifier-property*)
-		     (string= (getf x :type)
-			      *tm2rdf-itemIdentity-property*)
-		     (string= (getf x :type)
-			      *tm2rdf-subjectLocator-property*)))
-	     literals))
\ No newline at end of file

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