[isidorus-cvs] r144 - in trunk/src: . model unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Fri Nov 20 10:41:33 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Fri Nov 20 05:41:32 2009
New Revision: 144

added some unit-tests for the "reification"-functions; fixed some problems; currently there is still a problem with the versioning of constructs that existed more than one revision and were not merged at the initial version.


Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Fri Nov 20 05:41:32 2009
@@ -143,7 +143,9 @@
 				     (:file "rdf_importer_test"
 					    :depends-on ("fixtures"))
 				     (:file "rdf_exporter_test"
-					    :depends-on ("fixtures")))
+					    :depends-on ("fixtures"))
+				     (:file "reification_test"
+					    :depends-on ("fixtures" "unittests-constants")))
 			:depends-on ("atom"

Modified: trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp	Fri Nov 20 05:41:32 2009
@@ -621,80 +621,6 @@
     (setf (slot-value construct 'reifier) topic)
     (setf (reified topic) construct)))
-(defgeneric add-reifier (construct reifier-uri)
-  (:method ((construct ReifiableConstructC) reifier-uri)
-    (let ((err "From add-reifier(): "))
-      (let ((item-identifier
-	     (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'Item-IdentifierC 'uri reifier-uri)))
-	(unless item-identifier
-	  (error "~ano item-identifier could be found with the uri ~a"
-		 err reifier-uri))
-	(let ((reifier-topic (identified-construct item-identifier)))
-	  (unless (typep reifier-topic 'TopicC)
-	    (error "~anitem-identifier ~a must be bound to a topic, but is ~a"
-		   err reifier-uri (type-of reifier-topic)))
-	  (cond
-	    ((and (not (reifier construct))
-		  (not (reified reifier-topic)))
-	     (setf (reifier construct) reifier-topic)
-	     (setf (reified reifier-topic) construct))
-	    ((and (not (reified reifier-topic))
-		  (reifier construct))
-	     (merge-reifier-topics (reifier construct) reifier-topic))
-	    ((and (not (reifier construct))
-		  (reified reifier-topic))
-	     (error "~a~a reifies already another object ~a"
-		    err reifier-uri (reified reifier-topic)))
-	    (t
-	     (when (not (eql (reified reifier-topic) construct))
-	       (error "~a~a reifies already another object ~a"
-		      err reifier-uri (reified reifier-topic)))
-	     (merge-reifier-topics (reifier construct) reifier-topic))))))
-    construct))
-(defgeneric merge-reifier-topics (old-topic new-topic)
-  ;;the reifier topics are not only merged but also bound to the reified-construct
-  (:method ((old-topic TopicC) (new-topic TopicC))
-    (unless (eql old-topic new-topic)
-      ;merges all identifiers
-      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic)
-      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic :what 'locators)
-      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic :what 'psis)
-      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic :what 'topic-identifiers)
-      ;merges all typed-object-associations
-      (dolist (typed-construct (used-as-type new-topic))
-	(remove-association typed-construct 'instance-of new-topic)
-	(add-association typed-construct 'instance-of old-topic))
-      ;merges all scope-object-associations
-      (dolist (scoped-construct (used-as-theme new-topic))
-	(remove-association scoped-construct 'theme new-topic)
-	(add-association scoped-construct 'theme old-topic))
-      (dolist (tm (in-topicmaps new-topic))
-	(add-association tm 'topic old-topic)) ;the new-topic is removed from this tm by deleting it
-      (dolist (a-role (player-in-roles new-topic))
-	(remove-association a-role 'player new-topic)
-	(add-association a-role 'player old-topic))
-      ;merges all names
-      (dolist (name (names new-topic))
-	(remove-association name 'topic new-topic)
-	(add-association name 'topic old-topic))
-      ;merges all occurrences
-      (dolist (occurrence (occurrences new-topic))
-	(remove-association occurrence 'topic new-topic)
-	(add-association occurrence 'topic old-topic))
-      ;merges all version-infos
-      (let ((versions-to-move
-	     (loop for vrs in (versions new-topic)
-		when (not (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				       (and (= (start-revision x) (start-revision vrs))
-					    (= (end-revision x) (end-revision vrs))))
-				   (versions old-topic)))
-		collect vrs)))
-	(dolist (vrs versions-to-move)
-	  (remove-association vrs 'versioned-construct new-topic)
-	  (add-association vrs 'versioned-construct old-topic))))))
 (defgeneric item-identifiers (construct &key revision)
   (:method ((construct ReifiableConstructC) &key (revision *TM-REVISION*))
     (filter-slot-value-by-revision construct 'item-identifiers :start-revision revision)))
@@ -1654,4 +1580,83 @@
 (defmethod in-topicmap ((tm TopicMapC) (ass AssociationC) &key (revision 0))
   (when (find-item-by-revision ass revision)
-    (find (d:internal-id ass) (d:associations tm)  :test #'= :key #'d:internal-id)))
\ No newline at end of file
+    (find (d:internal-id ass) (d:associations tm)  :test #'= :key #'d:internal-id)))
+;; reification
+(defgeneric add-reifier (construct reifier-uri)
+  (:method ((construct ReifiableConstructC) reifier-uri)
+    (let ((err "From add-reifier(): "))
+      (let ((item-identifier
+	     (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'Item-IdentifierC 'uri reifier-uri)))
+	(unless item-identifier
+	  (error "~ano item-identifier could be found with the uri ~a"
+		 err reifier-uri))
+	(let ((reifier-topic (identified-construct item-identifier)))
+	  (unless (typep reifier-topic 'TopicC)
+	    (error "~anitem-identifier ~a must be bound to a topic, but is ~a"
+		   err reifier-uri (type-of reifier-topic)))
+	  (cond
+	    ((and (not (reifier construct))
+		  (not (reified reifier-topic)))
+	     (setf (reifier construct) reifier-topic))
+	    ((and (not (reified reifier-topic))
+		  (reifier construct))
+	     (merge-reifier-topics (reifier construct) reifier-topic))
+	    ((and (not (reifier construct))
+		  (reified reifier-topic))
+	     (error "~a~a reifies already another object ~a"
+		    err reifier-uri (reified reifier-topic)))
+	    (t
+	     (when (not (eql (reified reifier-topic) construct))
+	       (error "~a~a reifies already another object ~a"
+		      err reifier-uri (reified reifier-topic)))
+	     (merge-reifier-topics (reifier construct) reifier-topic))))))
+    construct))
+(defgeneric merge-reifier-topics (old-topic new-topic)
+  ;;the reifier topics are not only merged but also bound to the reified-construct
+  (:method ((old-topic TopicC) (new-topic TopicC))
+    (unless (eql old-topic new-topic)
+      ;merges all identifiers
+      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic)
+      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic :what 'locators)
+      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic :what 'psis)
+      (move-identifiers old-topic new-topic :what 'topic-identifiers)
+      ;merges all typed-object-associations
+      (dolist (typed-construct (used-as-type new-topic))
+	(remove-association typed-construct 'instance-of new-topic)
+	(add-association typed-construct 'instance-of old-topic))
+      ;merges all scope-object-associations
+      (dolist (scoped-construct (used-as-theme new-topic))
+	(remove-association scoped-construct 'themes new-topic)
+	(add-association scoped-construct 'themes old-topic))
+      (dolist (tm (in-topicmaps new-topic))
+	(add-association tm 'topic old-topic)) ;the new-topic is removed from this tm by deleting it
+      (dolist (a-role (player-in-roles new-topic))
+	(remove-association a-role 'player new-topic)
+	(add-association a-role 'player old-topic))
+      ;merges all names
+      (dolist (name (names new-topic))
+	(remove-association name 'topic new-topic)
+	(add-association name 'topic old-topic))
+      ;merges all occurrences
+      (dolist (occurrence (occurrences new-topic))
+	(remove-association occurrence 'topic new-topic)
+	(add-association occurrence 'topic old-topic))
+      ;merges all version-infos
+      (let ((versions-to-move
+	     (loop for vrs in (versions new-topic)
+		when (not (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				       (and (= (start-revision x) (start-revision vrs))
+					    (= (end-revision x) (end-revision vrs))))
+				   (versions old-topic)))
+		collect vrs)))
+	(dolist (vrs versions-to-move)
+	  (remove-association vrs 'versioned-construct new-topic)
+	  (add-association vrs 'versioned-construct old-topic)))
+      (delete-construct new-topic))
+    ;TODO: order/repair all version-infos of the topic itself and add all new
+    ;      versions to the original existing objects of the topic
+    old-topic))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/src/unit_tests/reification_test.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/reification_test.lisp	Fri Nov 20 05:41:32 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+;;+  Isidorus
+;;+  (c) 2008-2009 Marc Kuester, Christoph Ludwig, Lukas Giessmann
+;;+  Isidorus is freely distributable under the LGPL license.
+;;+  You can find a detailed description in trunk/docs/LGPL-LICENSE.txt.
+(defpackage :reification-test
+  (:use 
+   :common-lisp
+   :datamodel
+   :it.bese.FiveAM
+   :unittests-constants
+   :fixtures)
+  (:export
+   :reification-test
+   :run-reification-tests
+   :test-merge-reifier-topics))
+(in-package :reification-test)
+(def-suite reification-test
+     :description "tests various functions of the reification functions")
+(in-suite reification-test)
+(test test-merge-reifier-topics
+  "Tests the function merge-reifier-topics."
+  (let ((db-dir "data_base")
+	(revision-1 100)
+	(revision-2 200))
+    (clean-out-db db-dir)
+    (elephant:open-store (xml-importer:get-store-spec db-dir))
+    (let ((ii-1-1 (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC
+				 :uri "ii-1-1"
+				 :start-revision revision-1))
+	  (ii-1-2 (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC
+				 :uri "ii-1-2"
+				 :start-revision revision-1))
+	  (ii-2-1 (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC
+				 :uri "ii-2-1"
+				 :start-revision revision-2))
+	  (ii-2-2 (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC
+				 :uri "ii-2-2"
+				 :start-revision revision-2))
+	  (psi-1-1 (make-instance 'PersistentIdC
+				  :uri "psi-1-1"
+				  :start-revision revision-1))
+	  (psi-1-2 (make-instance 'PersistentIdC
+				  :uri "psi-1-2"
+				  :start-revision revision-1))
+	  (locator-2-1 (make-instance 'SubjectLocatorC
+				      :uri "locator-2-1"
+				      :start-revision revision-2))
+	  (xtm-id-1 "xtm-id-1")
+	  (xtm-id-2 "xtm-id-2")
+	  (topic-id-1 "topic-id-1")
+	  (topic-id-2 "topic-id-1")) ;should no be merged, since the xtm-id differs
+      (let ((topic-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :item-identifiers (list ii-1-1 ii-1-2)
+				     :locators nil
+				     :psis (list psi-1-1 psi-1-2)
+				     :topicid topic-id-1
+				     :xtm-id xtm-id-1
+				     :start-revision revision-1))
+	    (topic-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :item-identifiers (list ii-2-1 ii-2-2)
+				     :locators (list locator-2-1)
+				     :psis nil
+				     :topicid topic-id-2
+				     :xtm-id xtm-id-2
+				     :start-revision revision-2))
+	    (scope-1 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :psis (list (make-instance 'PersistentIdC
+								:uri "psi-scope-1"
+								:start-revision revision-1))
+				     :topicid "scope-1"
+				     :xtm-id xtm-id-1
+				     :start-revision revision-1))
+	    (scope-2 (make-construct 'TopicC
+				     :psis (list (make-instance 'PersistentIdC
+								:uri "psi-scope-2"
+								:start-revision revision-1))
+				     :topicid "scope-2"
+				     :xtm-id xtm-id-1
+				     :start-revision revision-1))
+	    (name-type (make-construct 'TopicC
+				       :psis (list (make-instance 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "psi-name-type"
+								  :start-revision revision-1))
+				       :topicid "name-type"
+				       :xtm-id xtm-id-1
+				       :start-revision revision-1))
+	    (occurrence-type (make-construct 'TopicC
+				       :psis (list (make-instance 'PersistentIdC
+								  :uri "psi-occurrence-type"
+								  :start-revision revision-1))
+				       :topicid "occurrence-type"
+				       :xtm-id xtm-id-1
+				       :start-revision revision-1)))
+	(let ((name-1-1 (make-construct 'NameC
+					:item-identifiers nil
+					:topic topic-1
+					:themes (list scope-1)
+					:instance-of name-type
+					:charvalue "name-1-1"
+					:start-revision revision-1))
+	      (name-2-1 (make-construct 'NameC
+					:item-identifiers (list (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC
+									       :uri "name-2-1-ii-1"
+									       :start-revision revision-1))
+					:topic topic-2
+					:themes (list scope-2)
+					:instance-of nil
+					:charvalue "name-2-1"
+					:start-revision revision-2))
+	      (occurrence-2-1 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					      :item-identifiers (list (make-instance 'ItemIdentifierC
+										     :uri "occurrence-1-1-ii-1"
+										     :start-revision revision-1))
+					      :topic topic-2
+					      :themes (list scope-1 scope-2)
+					      :instance-of occurrence-type
+					      :charvalue "occurrence-2-1"
+					      :datatype "datatype"
+					      :start-revision revision-2))
+	      (occurrence-2-2 (make-construct 'OccurrenceC
+					      :item-identifiers nil
+					      :topic topic-2
+					      :themes nil
+					      :instance-of occurrence-type
+					      :charvalue "occurrence-2-2"
+					      :datatype "datatype"
+					      :start-revision revision-2))
+	      (test-name (make-construct 'NameC
+					 :item-identifiers nil
+					 :topic scope-2
+					 :themes (list scope-1 topic-2)
+					 :instance-of topic-2
+					 :charvalue "test-name"
+					 :start-revision revision-2)))
+	  (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 6))
+	  (datamodel::merge-reifier-topics topic-1 topic-2)
+	  (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 5))
+	  (is (= (length (union (list ii-1-1 ii-1-2 ii-2-1 ii-2-2)
+				(item-identifiers topic-1)))
+		 (length (list ii-1-1 ii-1-2 ii-2-1 ii-2-2))))
+	  (is (= (length (union (list psi-1-1 psi-1-2)
+				(psis topic-1)))
+		 (length (list psi-1-1 psi-1-2))))
+	  (is (= (length (union (list locator-2-1)
+				(locators topic-1)))
+		 (length (list locator-2-1))))
+	  (is (= (length (union (names topic-1)
+				(list name-1-1 name-2-1)))
+		 (length (list name-1-1 name-2-1))))
+	  (is (= (length (union (occurrences topic-1)
+				(list occurrence-2-1 occurrence-2-2)))
+		 (length (list occurrence-2-1 occurrence-2-2))))
+	  (is (= (length (union (d:used-as-type topic-1)
+				(list test-name)))
+		 (length (list test-name))))
+	  (is (= (length (union (d:used-as-theme topic-1)
+				(list test-name)))
+		 (length (list test-name))))
+	  ;;TODO: roleplayer, topicmap
+	  ;;TODO: check all objects and their version-infos
+	  (elephant:close-store))))))
+(defun run-reification-tests ()
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-merge-reifier-topics)
+  )
\ No newline at end of file

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